(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

Serene> Smelt gd news from u...I ate evening primose before but not sure if it do help to regulate the cycle. Contemplating between TCM & Gynae. How long did u consume evening primose oil?

Eelynn & xiu,

Shhhhhhhhhhhh keep it to urself I abt 1mth plus so must keep low nw ......


I ate abt 1 mth of e evening primrose n it really help me !!!!

sorry to intrude.

I have ovulation and pregnancy strips to let go.

Also have 1 box of brand new pre-seed. 9 applicators, expiry in 2012 + Free 2pc pregnancy strips. anyone keen, pls PM me.

Good luck in TTCing!

Serene> No problem, will keep it to myself... Btw, i read that Evening primose will induce labor, so u stop taking during the 2ww or u took throughout ur cycle days?

Serene> Oic...But cos sometimes i dunno when i O and when it's my 2ww, so i tink i dare not try evening primose. But thks for sharing...Perhaps other ladies here can give it a try [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


A v easy way ..... Normally u have those kind of sticky white transparent discharge than u stop eating e evening primrose than BD on e day itself sure strike ....

Hehe u wan know more PM me I teach u wat my friend teach me sure strike !!!!

Hi Xiu & Serene,

Sorry to "intrude" in ur conversation abt Evening Primrose.. U mean we cannot take it during 2ww ah? coz ive always been taking it leh...

Chatty> Yup, evening primose is not advisable to take during the 2WW. Below is the note i gotta from the web...

NOTE: Evening Primrose Oil should only be taken from menstruation (cycle day 1) to ovulation (around CD 14 or when you confirm ovulation has taken place by bbt charting / thermal shift), as EPO may cause uterine contractions.

Do anyone have cramp after ovalution? i have been having cramp this few days i should be around 8DPO.

And will also feel empty stomach b4 meal time...


u ...??

if yes then congrats!!!

talking about epo..yup i have been taking it since i mc that time.

to take from CD1 till O only.

now me taking RJ and FA also.

hubby is taking zinc.

both of us take the RJ, vit b complex, vit c and salmon omega.

hope will strike soon de.

Hi! Serene, I saw yr post yesterday. I’m interested to knw more abt the evening primrose oil, will be happy if you can teach me more also. My email address is : [email protected]

Today is CD2, so hope to try it this mth. I hav been taking evening primrose oil since April 2010 but very sad cos till now still no gd news yet. Maybe I hav over taking it liao cos I taking every day.

hI HI..this post is fast...

hmmm till now menses not here yet...but seems there is quite much white discharge and yesterday has those sticky white de....not sure whats going on....haiz...

xiu03> paiseh very busy this few days never login.. Yup is 9am-4pm, i normaly just walk in but if u going at 4 u can call n ask doctor to w8 for u...

he will tell you to start taking ur BBT every moning and ask how long have u been trying... u can trying tell him ur cycle days.. all this will help alot..

but if ur AF report lioa hor.. faster go see him.. the best is to see him for first 2 days AF report.

AnnissaKoh> gal my want same case. BBT drop next day come.. lol

Serene> i also PM u le...can you share share your tips?

Wishstar...same as me I dont dare to test..cos I keep have the feeling is coming but then go toilet is the white discharge...

oh IC about the CD... my AF came last month on 28th July so today is the 34th day lo...then what does it means ar..

but my menses always late de...so very hard to know also...only this time...a week early or so, there is pinkish brown light discharge then subsequently nothing till now.

oh wishstar...yours is late and is CD41...should go try test lo unless your menses is like mine always late....dont be too stress

me is very scare cos got pinkish brown discharge..I worry how come like that as this is the first time encounter..

my mense also not regular de...always late 1 or 2 wks

last yr, i ever encounter 2 months no mense, i feel bloated n nauseous...but urine test read -ve...so gynae give me medicine to induce my mense

hmm seems that your menses is quite irregular...

thats call spotting?? think heard before...

oh dear really feel like testing but always after testing the mesnes will come knocking...not sure cos is it after knowing is -ve feel relax and then it came...oh dear....

so wishstar..u dont intend to test yet?

dzxz, hmm....duno...hubby said dun test so early...cos scare disappointment...so if 1 mth nvr come...i will go test...

mi also...after testing mense sure come de...so u feel preggy??

wishstar> nvm hope for the best ok^^ i'm sure u got BFP!

DzXz> u also haven test o...

keke i'm on CD 12... so will every 2 day BD.. lol

Summer. Thks. Today me CD2 le, how come it's advisable to see on 1st two days of AF? Tml still can see or nt?

Wishstar: ya my hubby also say the same,dont test so early..oh dear what is BBT? I never take anyting nor test ovulation lei..ke ke ....how to feel preggy? what should I be feeling...gosh I such a blur queen...bloated boobs there is cos also not sure cos of menses ma, then feel hungry yes but I always feel hungry de lei...what else other than this and the new symptom I encounter is the pinkish brown discharge lo..other than that think not much..than recently got fever and sick...took alot medicine..I also worry if I really preggie...took medicine later bad for bb if really preggie...

Summer: I dont dare to test lei...ke ke summer jia you jia you..

Summer> Y it is best to see the TCM on the 1st 2 days of AF? Anyway, me gg to see tml afternoon though it's 3rd day of AF....

Hi all ladies ,

Sorry for so late reply coz lately have MS n too tired didn't check forum till I saw my email a lot of u email so I tot just share over here if u ladies dun mind .....

I start taking evening primrose starting this yr end June or early July ......

E steps :

1) every morning empty stomach take 1 pill

2) take till AF plus 12 days abt 20 days than stop

3) look out for muscus that is something like white n a bit of transparent when u go toilet that e day u should BD (* hiak* hiak)

PS: beside white muscus another changes is sometime u will feel wet below during ur fertilize period u also can BD

For those using iPhone u can use e period tracker to help u

Serene> Thks for sharing...Oh, muz take evening primose on empty stomach...I took it aft breakfast for past two days...Fr tml, shall take on empty stomach...

