(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

wishstar - Today is my CD8. So tmr after HSG, hopefully will not be so painful, then I can start BD on the 10th to 20th CD. Routine job... hahaha...


JJJ, if u relax it's not pain de...but for me...abit pain cos too tight and after the process there will be slight bleeding, so pple here suggest i take a pantliner along

Hi MdmKhoo,

Yes i have all those documents, done in 2008, i guess by now might not be valid and might have to run those tests on me and my HD again.

You also mentioned about Sub rate, what does that mean? A discounted rate even for the private suite patients delivering?

Hi JJJ Mummy,

What is CD?

TTC Terms

TTC: Trying To Conceive

BD: Baby Dance (Make Love)

LMP: 1st Day of Last Menstrual Period

CD: Cycle Days

O: Ovulate

DPO: Days Past Ovulation

2WW: 2 Week Wait (After O, For Menses To Come Or Not)

AF: Aunt Flow (Menses)

TTC Methodology Terms

FA: Folic Acid (Taken Daily To Help BB's Growth)

EWCM: Egg White Cervical Mucus (Appears When Fertile)

OPK: Ovulation Predictor Strips (Used To Test If Ovulated)

HPT: Home Pregnancy Test Kit (Used To Test If Pregnant)

HCG: Pregnant Hormones (Detected In Urine If Pregnant)

BBT: Basal Body Temperature

FF: Fertility Friend Website To Record BBT www.fertilityfriend.com

BFP: Big Fat Positive (On Pregnancy Test Kit)

BFN: Big Fat Negative

BFW: Bai Feng Wan

Preggie Terms

BB: Baby

MTB: Mother To-Be

SAHM: Stay At Home Mummy

FTWM: Full Time Working Mummy

EDD: Estimated Due Date

MS: Morning Sickness

BF: Breastfeed

M/C: Miscarriage

D&C: Dilation & Curettage (To remove unwanted or unhealthy pregnancy)

Other Terms

DH: Darling Hubby

EPO: Evening Primrose Oil

KKH: Kandang Kerbau Women's And Children's Hospital

TCM: Traditional Chinese Medicine

TMC: Thomson Medical Centre

Hi Wish Star,

Thanks so much

Hi Summer Peh,

With this list, i can write like a pro :D No one will know i am new thanks :D

hi all

have been a silent reader here.

The list above is really useful as I am trying hard to understand of most of those acronyms. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Great list.

HI JJJ Mommy...

i just read that u r going for ur HSG... i've done mine a yr back..it's not very pain... just feel like very bad AF cramps... if u have low tolerance for pain like me ah...best to take some painkillers b4 hand.... good luck!!!

BB NN > some valid for two years... u need to bring all to let the doc see if he/she need u re-do u need to re-do some still can use.

Yup sub rate is like cheaper for e.g consultation is like $35.00 and pte is like how many time more then that.

wishstar, cutie >> I just done the HSG and back home already. Lucky for me no pain at all. Mon -Tue, I shd know the result.

Summer Peh >> the list really helpful. Thanks for the effort. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Today is CD16 lioa.. never see egg white.. i guess i never O this mth.. sian till the max...

BB NN> mths ago got ppl teach me as well.. lol

CK> at first i also blur blur.. so i ask ppl.. lol

JJJ_Mummy> keke np^^ btw i'm not the 1 who come out with the list.. lol i just copy n paste^^

Hihi Ladies, am new here..

I am TTC-ing for a bunny baby.. hope you dun mind me joining this thread [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

errmm.. can I ask if any of you have irrgular menses or was one before? I've been bumping around this forum and some girls who says they have long cycle but are around 30-40 days. mine is chaos.. I'm having mine like once in more than 2 mths! Been having this prob for 3 yrs and am anxious now as this is tough for family planning. Lately, been feeling scared, anxious and mood swing becoz of this... Just wondering if I am in the worst case scanario?

Morning ladies...

Babysee> Dun worry, did u consult a gynae or tcm to tiao ur body? Dun feel stress & gd luck to u...

Summerpeh> Maybe u will O late this mth...Dun be sian...Btw, d tcm oni gave pills tat can last for ard 12days?

hi xiu03,

thanks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I went to see a gynae to do some scanning to make sure if everything is okay before I start family planning. Gynae says ok but asked me to lose abt 10kg (OMG...) and see whether it helps to adjust my period. This is tough.. If I can't even lose a single kg for my wedding after all attempts, I think it's crazy to lose 10kg. Also seen TCM once before but was frighted by the accupunture incident.. so didnt continue...

Although I have only TTC for 3 mths, I am thinking to see another gynea for bb planning le. Hope I am not overdoing it..

Can I ask how you ladies did to overcome the situation? Does bai feng wan helps?

Thanks in advance for sharing!

Babysee> Yup, u can consult another gynae for 2nd opinions and maybe do fertility check...I have tried bai feng wan but it did not help much but some gals say it works for them...It depends on individual bah...

babysee, welcome!

i have a friend worst than you...one year only have less than 5 AF and she successfully conceived and giving birth in 2 months' time...she din do anything...only follow gynae's advice to BD everyday! so let's jia you together bah!

summer, dun be sad...i nvr see egg white in my entire life...so you might have ovulated..jus keep BD-ing!! Btw, my mense is here! Horray! New cycle again!

JJJ, that's good for you! everything will be fine de!

Hi ladies, have not been in here for ages!!!!! Have been so busy with work....

Anyway, my period has been late for 2 days, tested on sat, BFN! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I wonder when will my period come. My cycle used to be 27 days on the dot, not sure if it is now haywire cos I stop taking my pills. Any idea???

Hi Chloie> So long never hear fr u! Dun be dishearted! Wat pill u took? Could the delay be due to stress?

xiu03> I was taking Yasmin previously. I'm also not sure why it is not here yet. Maybe I should wait for a few more days before I test again.

grumble grumble a bit here, it's only 145pm and I had already came back from lunch, no mood to work, close colleague on cse today and need to tong until 6pm. Surfing web, FB, hotmail...kekeke... altho i got stuff to do... me jialet liao.

xiu03 - ya loh, terrible every blues... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

faster time pass so that tonite can BD, hahaha... waiting for Fri PH to come sooner...

SummerPeh >> I am into CD 16 as well, i have been testing to see if i O, i cant seem to capture the cycle, u mean there is a chance we dont ovulate?

My cycle is also not regular, can range from anything between 23 - 31 days.

xiu> i when to see my TCM yesterday.. he say from my BBT i got O lol... btw my medic don stop de.. I only every 2 week change diff medi..

babysee> not really bai feng wan will help.. i think u better see a TCM.. and not every TCM accupunture... some only eat medic...

wishstar> gong xi gong xi.. new cycle new HOPE! btw my TCM say i got O.. ask mi not to worry... lol so i guess not everyone will see egg white..

Summer>Oic, did he say when u O and wat temp u o? Me gg to see him tis wkend cos medicine finishing soon...Btw, how long have u see? Gd luck to u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

JJJ, yest lai liao... =)

Summer, dun worry...no egg white also got O de..

BBNN, mine also not regular...u can test till CD18

BB NN> yes yes not every mth we O.. but sometime we might O late.. so u keep testing...

xiu> i see this 3rd mth lioa.. yes he tell mi i O around which CD.. my is about CD 14 start... then from my OPK also see the line at CD14 & 15.. so he should be right...

wishstar> ya lor.. now then i know.. i thought the OPK strip got problem (any how show me 2 line).

gals... try to BD every 2 days.. i hear chance is high! Jia You Jia You!

Summer - last month, me and hubby already BD every alt days liao also no strike leh...

xiu - Im trying for no 3 for quite sometime liao, we both loved bunny and I not getting young, thus Im a bit anxious leh.

JJJ & Summer> Dun be dishearted! Pray hard that baby will soon reach us...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

5pm liao! phew 1 more hr to go... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Summer,wishstar and xiu - let's pray and hope...

JJJ- Yeah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] . 45mins for me...Bye bye mon blue...keke

Hi gals,

I am also new to this thread... Just join in for fun cos going to start TTC soon for my 2nd one. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My first one was concieved after I went to the Gynae for ovulation monitoring at SGH... BD about 2 days before ovulation, so got a girl. ;p

Everyone Jia You!

Hi mummies... I'm also new here. Like snowger, we're planning to start TTCing for #2.

Our boy is now 8 months. Conceived him when I gave up monitoring and just enjoy time with hubby. I think sometimes the stress just too much.

Snowger: I hope to conceive a girl this time. Does the ovulation monitoring help? Doesn't it just detect after ovulation?

hi Summerpeh> ya loh. Maybe I should try both TCM and gynae to UPZ my chances. Seeing a gynae next mon for bb planning. Hope it will not cost me big bomb..

It's cute to know BD = make love.. I wana giggle each time I see this... Wonder who came up with this beautiful secret code [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

By now, I'm overloaded with the information already.. gosh.. didnt know preggie can be so tough...

bye ladies.. enjoy the evening with hubby..

Snowger & BabyJosh Welcome^^ so nice #2 lioa.. i'm still trying for #1 T.T

babysee> i every 2 weeks see TCM cos me less than $70 so a mth about $140...


The ovulation monitoring at SGH included V-scans to see the eggs... apparently the ultrasound technicians can see if that month there are "mature" eggs that will "hatch". The scanning is about 3-4 days after ur mens end (I think).

If there are, they will send you home with the ovulation test kits and teach u how to use them. I checked everyday at 10am. Being a first time user of ovulation test kit, I got excited when I saw 2 lines! Eh apparently both lines must be equally dark before BD to get boy... I BD before tat so higher chance of girl. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The ovulation test kit will test for a surge of LH and ovulation occurs within 24hrs to 48hrs after a surge is detected... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Getting preg is actually not as easy as what the teachers tell us in school... *opps!* Lots of factors...plus our cervical liqs can KILL lots of the sperms before they reach the egg... ;p

summerpeh: Thanks for the welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] We are all here to spur one another on. Jia you k? How long have you bee TTC?

snowger: Thanks for the detailed explanation. Did you strike at 1st try after seeing the 2 lines? What's the cost like? 1st time hear about o monitoring, very excited!! Really really wanna girl.

