(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

Summer: I also seen it in lots a website saying that u need at least 3 hrs of sleep but i realise that if normal u sleep 6 to 7 hrs and suddenly one nite u only have 5hrs of sleep, the reading might have some different. exp: higher or lower. that happens to me and that's why for me, i will put a note there so that i am aware...

I also read that to be accurate, try to catch at least 6 hrs of sleep...

Btw Summer have u see a gyna to do all the test? If yes, can you tell me wat is the procedure like... am pretty nervous as to wat the gyna gg to do to me..lol...


Summer: OIC... ok then i hope u will get a BFP soon...

Anyone been to a gyna to do the check up...PLS give some info..Thanks..


I can't remember the exact happenings at a gynae check as my last visit was months ago. Typically, the gynae will do a pelvic scan (to check your uterus and ovaries) and a pap smear (if you havn't done one in the past 2 yrs). The rest will depend on the QnA between you and your gynae liao.

hi ladies,

jia you and here's babydust for all of you~~~ hubby and i TTC for 11 months and just last month, we had good news. It was unexpected and I couldn't believe it when the HPT turned positive because I was about to throw in the straw. Many friends around me had BFPs within 6 months of TTC and I was very stressed every month tracking ovulation and my periods. Last month, I ran out of OPK sticks and I thought, heck it, maybe there's really something wrong with us, just get through the 1 year period and we'll go see a specialist to find out what's wrong and why we cannot strike.

I never believed it when others tell me that ur BFPs come when you least expect it. Somehow, it came true. Of course, all of us try to maximise our chances every month, and it is a stressful experience. My cycles used to be very regular every month but after TTCing, my cycles became haywire. Can ovulate early, late, cycles can become 40 over days. Really terok.

So last month without OPK sticks, we just tried to at least BD every other day from cycle day 15 to cycle day 25. In retrospect, what was the missing from the last 10 months was the frequency of BD because we were going by the OPKs sticks. Somehow, my gut feel is that it's not 100% accurate either. U may or may not catch the egg.

Here's wishing everyone good luck and many many BFPs to go around~~~ Have s3x as frequently as possible and try and relax and it will happen.

Hi ladies,

Didn't post for a lonnnnngggggg time !!!!

This mth I had missed AF for almost 2wk but didn't dare to test coz scare later negative !!!!

Summer> I think probably didnt sleep well that cause my BBT low. anyway i tot of going to gyane for a check if my AF still doesnt report. If didnt ovaluate for the cycle will it cause menses to delay too?

pinkraindrops: Congrats! Take good care in the meantime. Yah it has been been quite stressful TTCing.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I went for blood test last Tue. Result is back, going to see my gyna this week to find out whether I got ovulate or not. Then we will see how to proceed from there.

Bless us all!

Serene.....delayed by 2 weeks is a good chance if yours is regular.

Piky.....sticky egg white like transparent? did you check OPK? which CD? need a few "tests" to increase the chance of conception.

I remembered I saw somewhere that OPK will stay double lines if you preggy? just wondering if we already ovulated, how to be double lines for so many days? should be double lines 1-2 days right?

Annissa, ya is transparent. Today CD22 my cycle around CD39, i tested with opk this morning can help me see whether this consider positive (photo quite blur)


Hi ladies...

Afternoo... Missed u all so much... Hows everyone?

Andrea Congrates.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello.. long long time never post here le..

i get to see my baby gender just now..

n is a boy.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

piky: I think it is a BFP.

Serene: U shd do an HPT, good luck! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

fiona: Congrats! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

next appt is Sept 24.. that will be the 20 weeks detail scan.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi gals,

Just popping in to rant.. AF just reported .. this mth is 9th TTC .. using preseed + OPK but still no gd news..

so sad...:-(

Keyan, take care, i know how it feels... sigh....

Today is my 27th day of my 28 day cycle. Have a feeling that AF is coming... SIAN...

hi ladies!! i'm back!!

To those whose AF reported... CHEER UP!!! New cycle new hope!!! I've been ttc-ing since god knows when... almost 3 yrs... gave up a few times...but this time round, i'm determine to get myself knocked up!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Let us all cheer each other on okie???

Mrs Carice, I'm fine.. Juz then havent hear BB heartbeat cos I think I ovulated super late and tested quite early.. .. Feeling very sleepy..

Andrea : Glad that you are fine but do take care and not to worry so much. do update us ur status ok ... i hope i able to success by end of the year ...

Hi ladies,

Any ideal to spice up the feeling of BD. Last nite was sucks man we r like having a mission to complete and the feeling was not right he end up have to play DVD Haiz...

cutie - Thanks for your encouragement.

Maybe what they say is true... things will come when u least expected. Sometimes, I really wonder, those temp taking, OPK and BD on alt days methods are supposed to help us to booast our chances instead, they actually tie us and stress us down.

piky - On some days, I also told my hubby is the night again, we are like on a mission loh. At times, I will do half-way until i feel so stressed up and I will cry. My hubby will comfort me. I guess it's all up there in our mind, tell ourselves to enjoy the process of love making loh...

andrea, tis cycle no ovulate even when i took clomid...last 2 cycles is 28days...

so tis cycle CD 31...BBT is high...till 2day it's still high...but no AF yet

something wrong with me?

actually during this cycle... BBT fluctuates around 36.1 - 36.4, on CD29 it's 36.3 but on CD 30 it shot up to 36.7 and has maintained like dat for 3 days le....tot AF shld report le

andrea, i dun tik i'm pregnant, no feel n most importantly, i din ovulate [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] guess i will wait for AF

wishstar, I also nvr tested +ve for ovulation but dun know some how I BFP.. I think I ovulated after CD18. U mean if BBT is high means AF reporting?

hihi, can i check how to calculate ovulation? Is it the first day of the last period? my cycle not regular. Always has been more than 30 days.


1st day of your mense is CD1, if your cycle is 28 days u will most likely to ovulate on CD14 - CD16, when u ovulate, ur CM is transparent like egg white...

I'm not sure abt the CM thingy cos i nvr seen that b4...

Morning ladies, it has been a long time since i pop by here...

Prosper>Ovulation can start from CD14-CD20 or varies, depends on individual... U can monitor if ur ovulate via OPK or measuring Basal Body Temperature. Perhaps, u can monitor past cycle, what is the cycle days and use a ovulation calculator to gauge roughly when u will ovulate...

wishstar> BBT shoot up is good, keep the high temp and maybe you will have good news soon... + maybe u did O but u donno leh... Hope ur AF don report...

Good Morning Gals....

Good morning everyone.

thanks for those responed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but how to calculate cycle?

My cycle ave is 32 days. always not regular.

cycle calcuate from one day from last period?

I want to know my cycle before i determine my ovulation.

thanks Xiu[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

2 years ago when i tried for baby. I tried for 2 months but no gd news so i decided to buy clearblue kit to test for my ovulation. Finally i used once and i tio. So clearblue is good!!

I am planning to try again in couple mths time.

Prosper> Give a try loh. My frend's cycle days ranges fr 29-33. She calculate her fertile period using the calculator and she bd twice in tat mth during the approximate day and she tio...Use clearblue kit to test ur opk since it works for u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Gd luck!


JUst track back my cycle.. terrible. almost 40 days cycle. Earliest is 32. conclude mine is 32-40.

How are you Xiu? any news on your side?

