(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

Proper> My cycle day is almost like urs 34-40 ever since i consume Blackmore Conceive well supplement. Before consuming, cycle day is ard 31days. Dunno y cycle day lengthen when others whom consume the pills has cycle days shortened. Tink i gotta stop aft finishing... Today CD38, waiting for my AF to report bah...


Prosper> Cos somehow, the supplement make my cycle day lengthen which i feel abit abnormal. I gonna stop & consume folic acid instead...

anyone has the same problem as me? my cycle is 32 days but i tried OPK and always have +ve on CD 14 but base on the calculator i will onli ovalute CD19. Will tis happen?

I've tried the Blackmore supplement for 3-4 months but I've stopped. It didnt affect my cycle though.

Prosper.....the calendar helps, you'll need other "tests" to help to narrow down the actual day, like BBT, CM, OPK, etc.

Hi AnnissaKoh, my calcualter might not be accurate cos when i key in my ave cycle. it seems to be different O date if my ave cycle differ.

Annissa> This is my 5th month of trying the supplement...1st & 2nd mth aft consumption, CD is 25days. 3rd mth - 34days 4th mth 40days. My cycle day become weird & eractic...

Prosper.....that site gives you that month's calendar, you may try the following where you can track all your past cycles to give a better "forcast" for this cycle:

1) http://www.fertilityfriend.com

2) http://www.femilia.com/index.html

If you use iphone, download this free application called FemCal lite to track too.

All the while I've used 1 online site, recently added another 1 and babymed to forcast, also my phone. Only this hardworking from this cycle though, cos I just started the BBT tracking.

I read somewhere, we are likely to ovulate 12-14 days BEFORE our next cycle. I'm 35 days, my forcast O is on CD22.

Xiu.....I only tried for 3-4 cycles then stopped. Your cycles is kind of weird after consumption, did you call their hotline to ask what may have happened?

Xiu....check the packaging for contact details. That was what I did for Clearblue when I've doubts, call the office then get them to refer to the respective dept or person-in-charge.


hope so...but i gt no feel of preggie...so waiting for AF now...

I also tried the blackmores concieve well...i also feel weird...so left 1 tab of pills...gonna finish and stop n continue wif FA...

AnnissaKoh, u are wonderful. List out all the link. thanks for the tips. OK i shall dl Femcal now. I am currently using P tracker lite. also quite useful.

Hi gals, i tried Blackmore supplement for 3 mth b4 also, so problem.. but i stop eating cos i did my D&C then after that i change to TCM...

Oh, my TCM say hor.. from BBT if ur temp is high and ur AF never report meaning if you pull through u will have BB.. if no then AF will just report...

wishstar> Jia you ok..

hahaaha nope.. last time we have the same CD 1 hor. my AF is CD28 but it report on CD 34, then i ask my TCM.. he show me my temp up n down up n down.. so mean not successful... my BB fail...

my BBT also up n down...up and down...so no ovulation...mi also fail le

somemore i'm on clomid ley...haiz...not gg bk to get more clomids le...sian liao...

for the BBT chart looks like i got O.. n from OPK also got leh... but hor donno y... TCM say i need to build up so that i can hold the seed longer then got chance... haiz..

i was thinking if by OCT still cannot.. i just go see my gyane n ask for clomids, like that looks more easy hor..

sorry but may i knw what is meant by bbt up n down? mine osso up n down but the difference is ard 0.14 degress. Is this considered up and down?

0.1 nvm de... the up/down is at least 0.3 or 0.4... they say like not stable.. by right after O it will always stay high.. so if AF going to report it will drop 0.3 or 0.4... if not it will remain high until u give birth... lol

Morning ladies,

my AF havent reported yet... waiting game is on...

somemore im sick, cough and flu... definitely not a nice feeling...and on top of that, still need to act normally and goes to work and come home take care of kids...

Maybe shd just let go and let nature takes it course

I guess the more stress the more i wun tio loh!

JJJ, hope u BFP! today CD what le?

mi also waiting...today CD36 le...this mth i also sick...take anti-biotics n flu tablets... *sigh*

wishstar, i very kaisu, i already use did HPT for the past 2 days, but its always -ve loh. My cycle is 28days, today is the 29thday.

Looks like your chance is higher then mine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] good luck!

Hi Gals

Need some advise... My menses had always been irregular..but last fri (6days before actual) there is some pinkish and over the weekend nothing and only brown spot..little by little..till now totall no menses (actual day should be 25 Aug but mine always not accurate) But seems there is no sore breast or any other preggie symptoms..am I tinking too much?

I dont wanna to test so early yet being scared as previously testing result always turns out to be neg though there was once menses late for 2 weeks...haiz...any advise?

Hi dzxz,

Your situation sounds like mine before I got preggie with #1. My menses was irregular, between 30 to 40 days each cycle and sometimes got ovulation spotting for a few days before menses.

If you dun want to test early, suggest you wait for your longest cycle (in my case is ard 40 days) then test. But you can tahan the suspense ah? For me, sure test already..haha..

Btw, sore boobs not necessarily (but usually is) a sign of preggie. Last time, I always have sore boobs before menses. When suddenly 1 day boobs no more sore, I know that my menses is coming that day! When preggie, my sore boobs just continued into pregnancy...

Hi Anastasia

thks for your reply...ya I always have sore boobs before menses but not this time...

I have never have such spotting before...oh man I cannot tahan but I also dont want to be disappointed and waste money sobsob

Hi dzxz,

Just wait lor. Cos' if test BFP now, probably in the early weeks...so even if you go see gynae also cannot see anything. If you test a little later, firstly can save money on re-test (cos' you dun have to worry BFN due to test too early)..and secondly, if BFP, most likely can see yolk sac by the time you see gynae.

For me, now I test end of each mth. Cos' just stopped breastfeeding, menses not back yet, so no other way of telling whether preggie or not =)

Hi anastasia....Good morning ;)

hmmm thks for the advise...so was thinking when should I go for the test? seems like wait till Sept will be the best ya...oh man the waiting feeling is not so good

Hi dzxz,

Yes, the suspense can be quite unbearable. For me, even though I already decided to test last day of each mth, I also feel like testing before that! When turns out BFN, I will tell myself "See...should have just tested later..."haha...

Have the same experience an well... mine worst, everytime my AF report the day after i took the test..Haiz... Just have to be patient...Now CD24 dont know wat is the result this mth...

My AF reported on last Fri. Scheduled to do HSG this Sat.

Was real sad over weekend, going to work hard this month again... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Morning ladies...

Summer Peh>R u there? Can i check with u on Ban Choon Wah tcm...It's open on fri at 9am-4pm? Me thinking of gg there on Fri afternoon...Muz i call them or i can simply walk-in? Wat to expect on the 1st visit? Thks for answering my questions...

my BBT dropped today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_cry.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_cry.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_cry.gif]

wishstar....I just started the BBT after O for last month, from my last experience, once dropped means next day will come.

I can start clearblue monitor for this new cycle, new hope for me.


** BRAND NEW Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor **

Still in the sealed, unopened condition

but the test strips u need to buy on your own. Can buy at Watsons/Guardian.

Collection at Sengkang or Tampines or Dakota MRT at $180 evening time

But if by registered mail is $183.

* Price REDUCED *

