(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!


hmm.. observe for a few days and see how it goes?


jia you jia you!


hugs.. i understand how you are feeling because I am in the same boat as you.. don't worry! =) be positive and stay it that way okie? jia you together wor.. and yes! You'll need to take FA (folic acid) already.. =)


totally understand how you are feeling.. the worries that we get even right before we conceive.. like we'll be thinking is our womb strong enough to sustain a new pregnancy? or are we in the optimal state of health to be pregnant.. and even after we really conceive, we will start to worry whether or not we can have a bundle of joy to hold in our arms in months to come..

=) I've learnt that the most important thing is try to stop thinking about all these negative thoughts. Just relax and be happy.. Stress doesn't do any good to conception, in fact it will just delay ovulation and makes it even more difficult to track our fertile period (unless we have been monitory our fertility signs..)

disappointment is perfectly normal. we're humans, we don't like things that are not positive! =) but hor, just tell yourself each normal fertile couple has 20% chance of conceiving with each cycle.. it's not really that we can 百发百中 each time.. hahaa.. Some ladies can while others got to try a few cycles before successfully conceived lor.. so why want to stress ourselves leh?

relax! we jia you together okie? hehee.. are you still in your fertile period? =) if you are BD, maybe can tilt your legs up for at least 10 minutes and go to bed straight away.. advice passed down from other forumers..

jia you!

What is a BD?

What u said is true, that's y I decided to join this thread for moral support.. I feel headache but maybe because I'm too stress. I did not tilt before... Haha, this one can really work?

Yeah, we all jia you.

Who else is kinda due this coming week? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Let's hope all of us strike soon.


=) of course saying is easier than to be done but practice makes perfect ya.. hahaa.. =P joining a forum allows us to share the sweat and tears of having our own child.. so jia you!

there used to be a list of abbreviations but it's archived somewhere in this thread liao.. hahaa..

BD = baby dancing = making love =P

not sure if the tilting works but it is supposed to help your DH's (darling husband, i suppose) spermies to swim towards their goal, i.e. the egg! haaa.. with the help of the gravity pull. Try lah, no harm mah.. =P

bbt = Basal Body Temperature

it's the temp that you take in the morning when you wake up. It's really the first thing that you do after opening your eyes lor, that means no going to the toilet or even sitting up.. I put my thermometer under pillow and once the alarm clock sounds off i'll reach our for my thermometer to measure the temp. It's measured using a more sensitive thermometer called the bbt thermometer, which measure to 2 decimal point.

monitoring the bbt allows you to pin point your ovulation date and thus the fertile period.. =) so that you and DH will BD during the fertile period instead of just misfiring mah.. increase your chance of conceiving.

but then again, some say it kind of adds pressure to the couple if they are monitoring the bbt.. and may lead to a loss of interest in making love (ML) with their DH because it is ML for the sake of having a baby...

bottom line: know your fertile period, make love and enjoy the intimate moments with your DH and don't be stressed about wanting to have a baby!!! I hope that helps for myself too.. hahaa.. and a new cycle a new hope! so don't worry too much okie? hugs!


Ha ha, just had 3 servings of ice cream for dessert to kind of 'force' AF to flow faster :p so I feel more of it coming already. Good thing this cycle doesn't come with cramps.


Better late than never?! trying putting your folic acid next to your water source so you won't forget to take it.


actually, folic acid can take even if not planning for baby coz it's important for production of DNA and red blood cells. I find that it helps to 'soothe' my AF days. My flwow tends to be brownish before I started taking folic acid so I guess it works for me bah


Bubble tea! so long never drink that already. Trying to cut down on my sugar intake coz that affect conception too but VERY hard lei. I can't live without sugar lor.

Thanks jester! U did help me w all those abbreviation. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yeah, no stress. Just gonna enjoy the BD process. I love LM becos it makes us all feel sexy. Erh, hope to strike anytime.

Immortalruby, ok I'll start folic acid too. Thanks for the info. Which brand is gd?


I don't know if there's any difference in the types of folic acid in the market coz I never really do any research on that. I just buy from Unity (which is cheapest so far) coz it's 5mg folic acid, same as what gynaes prescribe.

It's up to you which type you want bah.

immortalruby - i think the ones we getting from Unity is fine. I asked gynae before. In fact I went over to Guardian, and saw the same type of folic acid selling much more expensive.. $3.50 for 50 tabs, while Unity sells $2.50 for 100 tabs. Gosh.. why all the price difference.


Yup, I first bought at Guardian then my friend told me Unity cheaper... great difference lor, also don't know why. Gynae sells even more ex lei.

Good morning ladies,

I went to Unity yesterday to check out the folic acid you gals were mentioning. But I ended up buying Blackmore's Conceive Well Gold. 28 capsules and 28 tablets for $48. On hindsight, it's really quite exp for a month's supply.

Hubby said hopefully I just need to eat one month and then I am preggie... @_@

Pommes, U r consuming Blackmore's Conceive Well Gold all this while?? I only started this month. N I noticed I ovulated early. Think I remember xiu posted it shorten the CD for her..

Xiu, where r u?? Is it true??


my gynae and friends all tell me to avoid sugars when trying to conceive, didn't ask why but a search on the internet roughly says that sugars generally interfers with ovulation.


Buy already then take, who knows, it may work for you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Good luck!

morning ladies!!

thanks immortalruby! guess it's better to follow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

andrea - I bought it yesterday. I only started taking this morning.

Hmm... i didn't know the Blackmores' Conceive Well Gold will affect ovulation cycle. I thought it just an assortment of vitamins to prepare the body for conception.

pommes - its ok.. must trust ur hubby.. eat one mth and become preggy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But is the folic acid intake same as in the Blackmore's Conceive Well? Usually we take 5mg for each tab daily.

immortalruby - hmm... interesting.. got the web link to show how sugars interfer with ovulation? Chiam ah, cannot eat sugar... means no ice cream, no sweets.. sob sob... no soft drinks..

pommes - maybe u will like to supplement it with the usual folic acid [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] since not expensive tablets too. Blackmore works more like a prenatal multivit pill [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Don't neglect ur hubby too.. get multivit for him too (",)

morning ladies... it's been a while since i post here.... Don't forget tomorrow's appt for steamboat!!!!! =)

Chloie, I tot you are joining us tomorrow?? But I saw your FB attendance you put not joining leh.... ????


I just did a search with "sugar intake and conception" and read whatever results there was. There isn't a writeup specific to sugar and conception. Anyway, my gynae say I have to cut down on sugar and HB has to cut down on alcohol. Trying to follow is hard lei. Cut down a bit but still, my diet consist of a lot of sugars, especially my drinks and snacks! :p I've got sweet tooth!

andrea: quite busy with work recently... didn't talk much on msn also... heehee.. dun forget tom leh.... =)

Kyra: dun forget our appt tomorrow!!! =)

Good morning ladies.

Andrea/Eelynn : i thought we meet at Control station then go together [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pommes - hey good, ur hubby is proactive ! try the MEGA MAN from GNC.. many people have heard abt it.. but not sure if it makes wonders. So far for mine no wonders yet. Haha.

immortalruby - guess i have to wait my blood test results to be out and see if i have a high sugar level etc or not.. haha.

Eelynn - Wont forget! Double reminder from you liao. Keke! Yday my sis jio-ed me for M Hotel this coming weekend, I told her I'm already going on Tues [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ladies - For those who have taken clomid before, did your gynae include other treatments? I was given med to regulate menses, then 5 day clomid and was told to follow up with 3 fertility jabs. Is that too much? Sounds very "heavy dosage" to me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mrs Carice, Morning.. Oh is it.. hehe. I thought we straight away meet there. what time r we meeting at MRT control station?

kyra: heehee.. will see u tom... =)

andrea: worry not.. we won't let you go there alone.. see u at the MRT.. =)

Hi kyra,

I'm with clomid and Dustpon pills. Not with fertility jabs. Clomid can take for max 6 months. I'm on 6 month clomid alread. Will need to stop next month if didnt strike this month.

hmm Eva / Adeline going ?

by the way my AF haven report and late for two days but hor ... my AF siao siao late five days the most ... so i still got three more days to go to see got chance to BFP anot ... X finger now but i did not give high hope for myself ....

Hi PrestoRabb and wishstar,

The fertility doc that I went to is DR Charles Lim and his clinic is at mt E , level 13th.. i think unit no was 02. He used to practice as a gynae when he was much younger but now he soley concentrate on fertility... And yes I was put on metformin and approx 2 weeks later, I was told to do a scan in his clinic to check the growth of my eggs, if its not progressing well. He will 'enhance' it by introducing injection...

What I like about him is that he wasted no time on treatment...he will want ot get you preggy asap one, without delaying... so i guessed that work for me too... i dont like to delay and kept paying for his treatment.. so far, I have under his consultation to take metformin and injection to strike my first pregnancy.. and for the second pregancy, he merely gave me metformin, ovulation test kit (ask me to test myself and get into action when positive), some vitamins and also injections...:D...

If fact, my relative also managed to conceive under his hand (though wasnt the first round like me, its was under the 3rd round)....so give a tot to him... cos i really think he is good... dont have high expectation of his clinic though it is located at mt e... looks a bit run down.. but who cares... as long as we get wat we wanted ultimately..keke...:D

Hi andrea - Dustpon is to help fertility as well? This is the first time I'm taking clomid (5 day course ending by Wed), injections to start this week (3 times). I'm abit nervous about this course of treatment [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

baby2011 - Are you taking metformin for PCOS/blood sugar? I'm on metformin too. If my level doesnt go down and by luck, we strike, I may need to go on insulin [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I'm worried and frightened but I didnt dare to tell my hb. He's very excited that we are taking positive steps to conceiving. I imagine myself to be very sickly, or will produce a very sickly child.

baby2011 - when u say dr ask u to get into action when opk positive... did he continue to say try every day or alternate day after which?

kylekyra : yup..thats for PCOS... i dislike like that :S... always make me feel lousy after consuming it... so happi that i 'graduated' from eating that...:D

PrestoRabb: Yup... was alternate days... but for the second pregnancy, we oni had it a day after testing positive... thereafter we did have it till few days later...:D

Mrs Carice, cross finger for you too. Spread some babydusts to me tml k..

Kyra, I dun know whether did I spell the name correctly or not.. the pills is to induce mens, if take le, AF did not report means pregnant.

