(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

wow this thread move so fast, by the time i finish reading, i forgot what i want to say:p

amy, I am only 1.5m but i wore long gown too. Can try A-line cutting as it will make us look taller.

Bearge, take easy on yourself *hugz* I will also eye-shoot relatives who kapo & ask abt our family planning. Tk god his relatives are all in M'sia & his parents don't want to look after our kid in future so they dare nt "chase" us.

peapea, if i remember correctly, our cycle is similar this mth. How's ur 2WW? Mine is quite bad as i still can't identify when i O or hv Oed already or nt. Now feeling the usual sore nipples now but still v dry, totally out of norm. I hv felt some pain on my left pelvic this time tot, wondering if it's egg release? I lost my cool 2nights ago too, cos I want to BD but hb too stressed and end up no mood. He say he feel like a machine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I cool down & told him last night.. this cycle just leave it to fate... most importantly we hv each other & the rest will come when it's right. Signz... nvr know it's so draining on both to BD alternate days.


hey! i am also not sure if i have O cuz no clear +ve on OPK but BBT showed shift in temp. now temp has dropped for past two days again but still higher than usual... strange right... been having cramps and sore breast and nipples prior and after O... still having it now..... but, dont really want to think too much abt it... finding other things to distract me... yes, and it is super draining to BD alt days.... u are right, more imptly is relationship with hubby is not strained...... weekdays BD is always difficult...

but, the long weekend is here!

peapea>> We are the same height. =) Yup, will try on long gowns tonite. Hee.. Hope will be nice and wun look too fat. =x

bearGE>> Glad to hear u r better! =) Go with the flow, if AF is to come, then try again next cycle. New cycle new hope! =)

lynn>> Thanx for the tips! But I bet I will have to wear pretty high heels coz hubby taller than me by one head. =(


my hubby also one head taller than me! wah! we really very similar... hahahahah... i only wore like 3 inch heels that day..cuz i felt that comfy was more impt than height... too high right, difficult to walk plus u will feel very tired very soon.... erm, if the shop you are going have can can, do go for it, cuz like what lynn said, the A cut makes us look taller PLUS our upper torso looks slimmer... =)

Btw, juz share wif u gals something very off topic here, abt something I did last nite.

I had been troubled since I gotten my keys to my house last year, by legalised creditors hounding for ex-owners and ex-tenants. Made a police report in Dec 2010 and thot all nonsense will stop, until this week, gotten another letter.

I was so pissed off that I shoot an e-mail to the higher up of SPF, my MP and ICA last nite! =D And, boy, the reponse was pretty fast! Haha.. One of them replied my e-mail and cc everyone one else tat I e-mailed to say the investigation officer is looking into the case. ^_^

Hopefully, there will peace at last, and that SPF will take some actions against those who dun change their address. =p

Hi Gals,

Morning. Even though today not TGIF but 2mrw is holiday and long weekend. Yippee!!

Today CD31 for me my turn cycle ki siao liao, i think the only time i delay we 2 yrs+ back where i delay for 3 weeks but tat time still havent ttc. After tat for this 2 yrs+ my cycle range between 26 - 30 days nv over 30 days de.

I know i no BFP because i got all my pms symptom like sore breast and cramp. Also dun koe wat happen to my body already because suppose delay is due to stress but i tis mth really nv really stress ley.


No la sian le dun wan test anymore liao lor.

Haha or is it due to the weather? a while so hot and a while keep rain?

peapea >> I'm not feeling so good actually. Woke up with a shock this morning with heavier spotting, and now the spotting is slightly redder. Last night had weird feeling that I usually get when during AF I have a clot stuck (sorry tmi) that doesn't want to come out... not exactly cramps but I dunno how to describe. Going to confine myself to bed today w laptop next to me, and try not to think too much. Afterall, there is nothing I can do but wait n see.


but u still got BD right? on ur doc assigned day (if i remember correctly??)

eh..... singapore weather... no surprise la... always the same... either keep on very hot... or keep on raining......

tethysea>> Oh dear.. Did u call yr gynae and tell him/her? Think red spotting not very good lehz, better call up and tell them asap. Talk to yr BB more.

Jas>> AF and BFP symptons can be very similar one. U may still have the chance to strike! Maybe wait one more week and try testing if AF nv come?


Ya lor this mth BD the 2 days gynae ask me to lor and the 2 pillows but hor every time pin hope end up also disappointment so i really dun feel so zhun tis time liao.


Rest well, you want make some longan tea drink? this few days i got cramp than i faster make longan red date tea but those instant la i feel after drink make my cramp better.


Ya lor i used to be so gan chiong delay 1 day also go test now i really hor tell myself dun so gan chiong lor.

If really 1 week nv come than i test lor.

peapea & Amy >> *hugs* thank you... I don't think there's anything doc can do. If body is rejecting it, there's probably a good reason - maybe not healthy or something. Just resting and hope it goes away...


Hope so la.

Btw u gals got see the news of the baby being abandoned at Eunos?

I was telling hubby y like so unfair pple got like tat abandon away we all wan de ley than dun give us.


yes i saw the news... and i just heard of someone i know who went for abortion lately... make me even more sad....


Actually tat day i go c my gynae he also tell me got 1 gal go abortion because she got an overseas work opportunity so she choose her career over the baby. Haiz.

huh... so sad.... choose career over baby? if it is unwed then maybe i still can understand... but career over baby?? i was discussing with my boss lately about furthering studies... she was discouraging me cuz she knows i am ttc-ing... ask me to conc on ttc-ing first....


Hmm maybe some pple more career minded bah.

From my point of view, i also feel if you ttc better put further studies on hold. My fren who are pregnant before alway tell me when they pregnant really tired leh like keep wan sleep all tis so if in the middle of your studies you conceive successfully scare you might not be able to concentrate on your studies leh.

jas>> Tat's sad.. Then if she knew she will choose career over baby, then jolly well use some protection or go on the Pill lah!

It is so sad that ppl are abandoning babies and here we all are, wanting babies.. =(

Harlow ladies!! I just finished making nasi lemak..hehe

Now waiting for the rice to cook then can eat liao.


why dont u ask your gynae for a jab?

I got frens must do weekly jabs on top of hormone pills.


so exciting to try out wedding gowns.

Miss wearing wedding gowns minus the hullabaloo.


great that u feeling better today!


ooh..wait to hear your good news soon.

Cross fingers for u.

Dear ladies, good day!!

Im down with running nose and feeling terrible [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

lynzi >> Hm, that's an idea. My gynae is in surgery until evening, probably give him a call later.

kwxy >> Oh dear! the weather is terrible these days, do take care of yourself. Can try taking echinacea or vit c supplements to boost your immune system.

Hi Ladies! Long weekend is here! Enjoy!

missus_BL, think you might want to see your gynae asap?

bearGE, *hugz* glad you are feeling better.

tethysea, better get more rest and maybe call your gynae up as red spotting is not good. He might want to give you some meds to stablise the pregnancy.

peapea and jas, you still have chance. Good luck!

KWXY, do take care. Get well soon.

lynzi, wat ingredients do you cook for nasi lemak? When I cook nasi lemak, the ingredients are fried chicken/curry chicken, fried prawns, egg and veggie. My otak is not really successful as turn out more thai than local otak. Pls share!

My nasi lemak very simple. I just dumped some rice with Kara coconut milk, salt to taste n some pandan leaves into my rice cooker. Then i fried some fish, ikan bilis, chicken n either fry eggs or omelette. The sambal this time is ready made from my mil. If not then i will make sambal sotong with quail eggs. Then cut some cucumber as side. Today i cut some fruits too..rock melon with guava.


take care n drink more water.

Get well soon!


then u better see gynae for jab as soon as he finish with surgery.

lynzi, oh yea.. forgot abt ikan bilis with peanuts. I make that too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But doesn't putting into your rice cooker "burns" the rice a little at the bottom as you will need to cook longer since you are using coconut milk right? Coz mine ended up burnt the 1st time I tried in rice cooker so I always using the steaming method. Put the rice with coconut milk and pandan leaves in the rice cooker pot and steam.

Sorry ladies for talking abt cooking instead....

hey nb01, dont need to feel sorry... i also want to learn! hahaha... if not my hubby keep saying i am useless wife... hahahah... eh my rice always burnt at the bottom lei... how do u steam the rice in rice cooker? sorry ah... new to all this

nb01>> I think it's good to share all kinds of things here, coz can help in distracting those in 2WW also. Haha.. =)

peapea>> I also quite useless, but my hubby from day 1 already knows I dunno how to cook one. =x

peapea, just feel that I am hijacking the thread. Amy is talking abt wedding preps and me abt cooking. But at least takes our mind off TTC. I am not the best cook but like cooking and baking so if you pple want to ask anything just let me know. Lynzi seems to be a good cook too!

And it is not steaming the rice in the rice cooker. Sorry for the confusion. It is steaming in those metal steamers. Dunno if you have those at home but needs to be of a certain size to fit your rice cooker pot. But how come your rice is burnt when you put in rice cooker? Shouldnt happen. I only burn my rice when cooking in claypot. I use old fashioned style to cook my rice and porridge. Hee.. I find more fragrant.

So far my rice cooker ok leh..never get burnt.

Yah i heard of steam nasi lemak but never try before.


i think any topic to take off our minds from ttc is good.


u can try making chicken rice too. Its very easy.

Oh and fried bee hoon..yummy!

nbb01, no worries.. i agree with amy... all these talks about wedding and GE and cooking takes my mind off TTC... which is good!

i can bake... but i cant cook that well... i think until now, i dont know how to agar how much water to use for rice... anyone got tips?? other than that, i think i can follow receipes quite well la... we just bought pressure cooker... i think can cook rice using that right?


i actually tried making chicken rice with the instructions given by maggi for their chicken stock... nt too bad...hahaahah... i love their chicken stock... helps a lot for making chicken porridge.....

im in 2WW now, so this is excellent distraction! i welcome anything!!


agree with u. If everyday talk about ttc is very stressful.

Life needs variation..hehe


oklah..im also still learning.

I will cook when i have time cos most days i eat at my mil house.

Oh i like baking too!

Tomoro im going to a fren's house to learn how to bake chiffon cakes.

hi pea pea,

studying part-time is very tiring.. i am studying right now, next yr will grad, need to struggle for 4 yrs..most of the evening i have to go for night class n also when i reach home its quite late already.


dont use maggi. Go get Kee's chicken rice paste.

It tastes super good..just follow the recipe at the bottle.

For me, i like to marinate my chicken wings overnite then bake in oven cos i got a young tot at home n i try not to give him fried stuff.

Baking is healthier..drizzle with olive oil.

Then make some chap chye is nice..can use haochi mix buy from supermarket.

Make the garlic chilli n its ready!

Wow..pressure cooker..can make beef stew..yummy!

jan jan,

i discussed with hubby yesterday... agree with him and my boss la... will put it on hold first... the good thing is, since my boss mentioned that fact that i am ttc-ing and i shldnt study, means she is prepared if i announce to her i am pregnant (eventually and soon i hope!) so i dont have pressure of what to tell her if i succeed.. =)


im experimenting with the pressure cooker now... to try making soup... it saves quite a bit of time... i welcome any receipes ladies!! so do share with hubby.. hubby try to make us cook once a week... i tried looking for kee's chicken rice paste but cant find lei... where did u get it from??

ooo baking... i bought the sharp healsio water oven... so any receipes for baking also welcome!! hahahaha

and haochi is really good.. we tried it a few times... my in laws tried to use hao chi to marinate chicken...

lynzi and peapea, high 5! I also like baking more than cooking but we live by ourselves so if I dun cook, will have to eat out or starve.

Btw, how you make chicken rice? From scratch? The only one I know how to make is using the ready made paste. Can share recipe?

peapea, to check the water level for rice, I normally put an index finger onto the top surface level of the rice that is submerged into the rice and check that the water level from the rice top comes to abt half my finger tip. Not sure if I am explaning this well... Anyone else can help?

Also, talking abt chicken stock, I normally make my own. Don't want to use the ready made ones outside. Maybe you want to try? I never used a pressure cooker before but I think it can be used to cook soup too. I use a crockpot and put a kampung chicken inside and let it cook for 8-10 hours and voila, home made chicken stock/soup!

Is Kee's chicken paste that good? Got MSG? Can't remember which brand I am using (maybe called Home Brand or something) but it comes in a packet form. Doesn't have MSG which is why I am using it. Also very easy to cook following the recipe on the back and they have lots of other pastes like laksa, claypot rice etc...

Wat is Haochi mix? Never seen before....


ntuc, shopnsave all got sell Kee's paste.

I even made slight variation n used it to make szechuan chicken.


i always use Kee paste.

Its not salty like the other ready made ones.

If not then will make from scratch..saute mix of onion, garlic n ginger then use chicken stock n put some chicken bones in with the whole mixture to cook the rice.

Doing from scratch is more oily as saute must use oil n chicken stock etc will excrete their natural oil too.

peapea, another easy recipe for soup/stock base that you can use to make soup noodles. use yellow bean 80% and ikan bilis 20% and boil. Ikan bilis you get those without head/tail i.e. degutted as the head/tail can make the soup base bitter if you boil for too long. That is the soup base they use for yong tau foo and I use to make noodle soup at home. Fast and easy and healthy.

Like lynzi said, you can also make beef stew but my beef stew turns more like beef soup. I might change to cooking the stew in the oven instead. Let you know if I manage to perfect it.

Haochi mix is in green packet.

Good to use to stirfry vege..can put some scallops n shrimps also..very nice.

Most supermarket has it.

Tks Lynzi for the info. Will go take a look in the supermarkets.

I normally don't use mixes and just fry my veggies/food from scratch as I think it is healthier but of course sometimes it is more bland. But hubby doesn't mind so still ok. Hee...


My fave n easy comfort foods are plain porridge with kangkong belacan, ikan bilis, chye poh n century egg or salted egg, then mee sua soup, macaroni chicken soup.

