(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

thanks everyone. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I was so stubone, i start my coffee. 2 cup a day. i told hubby. right now is i happy, can already. will not even bother who you are. Hubby know i am throwing my tantrum. He ask me why i am offline in msn. i told him he is pain in my neck, block him. so he say ok, then he choose he mode as offline mode too. hahaha. He sure knows my temper. If he keep talking to me ,is like banging his head hard onto the wall. Right now also dont know is it af coming or not. Going to toilet, after pee, morning is brown stain or red.afternoon is white discharge. Sigh...

amy>>for wedding, both you and your hubby must be comfortable with it. Go down to the resturant and take a look first before commit. I remember for my case, i also blow my top on my wedding night. As so many last minutes changes by those old folks. sigh...no choice de, have to go through. After the wedding dinner, everything will be fine de. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Enjoy the wedding prep and don't get too stress [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thinking back abt my wedding dinner.. given a choice i also wldnt wan the dinner.. did it more for my hb's side... we had church reception... my dad invited all his frns for the church... for dinner only relatives lor... but lucky we managed to cover costs... becos some ppl were amazingly generous.. but of cos some pathetic... my ex coll came with his wife n son n only gave me $80 -_-"

missycandy>> I dun think so coz that day shd either be near my AF or AF juz finish. =( Hill top is located where? Any idea on the prices? Otherwise, have to call them up and ask. =x

bearGE - if possible, try to curb yr tantrums to yr hb... not very... encouraging... but sometimes the MEN just DONT GET IT... also frustrating... hee... for me end of the day, i just want my HB to cuddle n sayang me... but most of the time he so WOODEN... i have to say it then he does it... chey... so KNS lor...

bearGE>> *Hugz* Hope u can cool down by talking to us and distracting u wif my wedding prep. =D Yup, pricing is one thing, we will also go down and take a look before committing anything.

KWXY>> Trying hard not to get stressed up. Was juz complaining to my colleague I very stressed coz only abt 1.5 mths to do everything. =p

missycandy>> Tat's so "meow" of yr ex-colleague. =x 3 person and $80?! *shakes head*

missycandy>> ya lor. wait till i tone down le, then i will approach him, still need me to tell him i cool down le, can sweet talk me liao. sigh...man are like this de lor. a block of wood!!

amy>> seens like most of the venue is at SAFRA arr... if you prefer SAFRA, can try their HQ at telok blangah. good ambience. but i not too sure abt their resturant. can go online and search. Or you can try at the changi coast walk. there have jumbo resturant. Food nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

well amy, i had a couple whom came and gave $50.... so yup....

time no doubt is short on ur side... but on your wedding, remember to ENJOY the process... dont bother abt seating arrangements etc... get someone u trust to deal with it all that day! my friend told me that she was so busy for her wedding, that she dont even remember details of that day.. which i find very sad...... like the most impt day of your life and cant remember... hai

missycandy, to be honest, i share same sentiments with u... that sometimes it is quite sian when someone suddenly appear in the forum and say they got faint +ve etc... i mean i am still happy for them la.. but for others whom ttc-ing for a while, it is very sian...but when we see one of the regulars BFP, super happy!

these days, i have been repeating this every morning "may all those whom are pregnant be happy and stay healthy"... cuz i think, it makes me more receptive to them! hahahahah

i just wish that my af will be back to normal. It has been cd34 le. my normal cycle is short. Only 26days. i have waste 1 cycle waiting le. By right i should be my wait to O le. Sigh.... Why of so many joke, my dear lord play this kind of joke on me? Last time my af was so zhun zhun come de.... sigh... i guess if it happen again, i also dont know should i go test with hpt or not. as the feeling of getting bfn is very hurt de lor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

peapea>> There are always misers around, no doubt. =x Tat's why I am doing this lunch buffet thingy with the mindset of only recovering half or 3/4 of the cost of the buffet.

missycandy/peapea>> Same feelings here abt the BFP thing when others come into announce news. But still happy esp for those who are long time TTCers like us.

bearGE>> Coz Safra and restaurants seems to be the only cheaper alternatives. =( Getting married with low budget, wat to do?


I used to be same as you, zhun zhun 26 days de. Than got once delay 1 day i test than BFN than AF report.

Than after tat got 1 time become 30 days really hor my cycle from zhun zhun 26 to now 26 - 30 days.

Always when my AF is late, no matter how many days, when the day I decide to test HPT, will sure get BFN and AF sure report in a few days, except the one time 3 mths MIA AF. Now scared of testing HPT already.

hahah...i do agree some came out of no where and...very unfamiliar....said they got faint line...i was still thinking did i missed this TTC mate past posting...hahahah!

BUT for those regular TTC mates...i will be so thrilled to hear the good news from them....hold hands together so many times in 2ww...hahah...so girls...dun get affected and hope we strike soon!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jas>> last time at the most is delay for 2 days nia. Now is already 8 days missing le. Now only like half come half dont come. sigh.... i told hubby i dont know how to count like that liao. dont want to count calender le. maybe i so stress up is becoz he is the only son. after married for almost 2 year, 1 egg also have not hatch. hubby keep telling me we just only start ttc seriously for few months nia ma. But apart than he and me, who will know.

Amy, yea... not working. Went out just now so didn't have time to reply your email. Reply in a bit k?

peapea, I definitely want to take a "quan jia fu" with my kid next time.

bearGE, don't get discouraged. It is natural to feel like this on some days. I also feel like this sometimes and don't want to try anymore but then I really want a kid so have to persevere. If you want, take some time off first. Jia you! We are here to support you and hear you vent! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yaya, there are some suddenly just say got BFP i feel than you should just post on the mtb month la you come here to tell for wat ley.

But we all familiar nick at least we know we go through so call " THICK & THIN" together haha.Tats y when we c good news really like feel happy finally efforts paid le.


Ya can understand for me we also married 1 yrs+ than hor all keep say faster wan shen faster shen they think really hatch egg wan than got de meh.

*high 5 nb01* Same same! =)

bearGE>> I think u are really stressing yrself up. Felt the same way as u did b4. I remb yr gynae ask u to test sometime this week or next if AF not here rite?

hahah... amy ur description very funny... next time someone i dont like tell me that, ask to hurry up, i will reply, ok tml i will deliver

amy>>ya. my first gynae nurse told me to test on tues. which is 7 days missing. I tested on the 6days, still negative. i rather to find a solution than to wait and wait. that why decide to see another gynae which can see me on that day. If ppl will dare to hurry me, of course can said them lar.. but if his parents or aunties, i could not simply so rude de ma. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Oh goody..feel so much better after 1hr nap.


oh i get what u mean.

Sometimes this ppl very irritating one..like say but dont know the place is right or not.


dont be stress..breathe in.

Stress will cause your af go haywire again.

Just do the best u can..the rest leave it to others to help n God.

bearGE>> IMO, if it is his relatives, then he will need to find excuses or something. Say not ready for kids yet or something to juz shut them up. Coz yr hubby shun leave u open to "attacks" from his relatives ma. Have u seen yr 2nd gynae yet?


Ya maybe can seek 2nd opinion and gynae who can give you better advice lor.

Ya lor relatvie all i just smile den change topic lor cnt dun give our hubby face mah.

amy>>nope, i have not see my normal gynae after that. As now the on and off stain, i guess should be af reporting soon bah. hopefully is not the other complication. Hubby will not let me kena attack, but just that i dont like that feeling lor. thats why i always try to escape not to go out with his relatives gathering. :p

IMO = In my opinion

Now my hubby relatives have not start irritating me yet, coz chinese ceremony not over yet. Once over, will all come le. =(

bear >> I know the feeling... I've been married for 2 years too, but it's my relatives that ask because luckily his relatives are shy :p Everytime I feel they are about to ask me, I just glare and they shut up. Haha!

tethysea, wow! thats a good way too!

just like three weeks after my wedding, my aunt met me at my workplace, her first question: are u expecting already? i was thinking.. even if i am expecting, i also wont tell u.... what to do, they are ppl who like to gossip... so just smile and say no....

like tethysea, it is not his relatives that are asking, so still ok. but my mum is sorta hinting to me to have a kid this year... sigh...

peapea, 3 weeks after wedding and supposed to be pregnant already? a bit crazy right?

amy>>btw, have you found your gown? if it is buffet lunch, why dont you look for those long dress. very nice de leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and your hand flower? have you found the florist and book already? as for photographs, can use photoshop to edit. quite nice de. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] you can print out those nice de and frame it at your house. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

peapea>> Tat's so mad!

bearGE>> Will be gg to try gowns tomolo evening. Long dress? Gowns are usually quite long rite? I am so short, later will have to wear very high heels. =( Florist, not yet. Any recommendations? ^_^ We will be asking frenz to take for us, hopefully can get some nice pics to print! =)

Amy>>some gown nowadays are short de. But for me, I still think long gown is the most elegant.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wear high heel will be best.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My spotting stop again. Wondering why? If this continue like this, guess will need to see doctor again.

CD46, 15 days late... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] still bfn when tested this morning [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

dunno y even I'm not surprised, I'm feeling sad.. Sigh! Seems like I din O at all and missed af this mth.

Am gng to push my gynae appt earlier by a week if possible cos 7 may is PH.

morning ladies!

how are all of you feeling today?

amy, i have dropped you an email as well. with another florist recommendation

Morning everyone!

bearGE>> Hee.. I also prefer longer gowns coz look nicer, even thou I am very short. =x

missus>> Think u better push forward yr appt and see yr gynae asap. Dun worry too much first. *Hugz*

peapea>> Thanx! Received yr e-mail and replied u already. =)


i think short still can wear long gowns la! hahaha.. i am only 1.53m and my best friend is 1.5m, but both of us wore long gowns for the wedding day... well, i had a can can, so it makes walking easier... good luck for your gown searching!

Dear Ladies, good morning. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Amy n Peapea>> i guess you ladies are only small built, dont keep saying you are short. small built lady wearing long gown also very nice and elegant de. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kwxy>> thanks. i will see how, as i am having more cramp and more drop of red le, hopefully will have more to come by end of the day. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Feeling much better after a good night sleep. Was actually crying in the toilet last night(to let it off from my mind) Really helps to relieve mentally.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

missus>>good to go for a visit to gynae. At least they will give you a scan to double confirm everything in your "system" is all right. Rather than your mind is worrying. I also feel sad when i tested twice bfn. But since reality is this way, i told myself i will not get defeat so easily. i may have been in lousy mood, but time do helps me to pull through, plus the forum here, vain out here. The ladies here are all so wonderful darlings. We really share thick and thin with each other in here. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Dont give up. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jia You!!!

Amy >> Sent! Sorry for late reply, my internet went crazy last night.

Missus BL >> *hugs* Might as well go to see the gynae earlier lar.


bear >> Good that you're feeling better... don't worry and don't think too much lar. Just go with the flow! Hope your next cycle is back on track!

