(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

tethy>> as in telling her that af is late but still bfn?

as for BFP, i'm planning to tell my in-laws after 3 mths. cos they are veri eager to "carry grandchild" - i know cos they will hint at times. =_= and i veri scare if **choy** any thing happeded, they wont be disappointed.


tethysea, think I will only tell after 3 mths coz a bit pantang and heard not good to tell before 3 mths.

missus_BL, I don't tink I will tell my mum. Think she will just "stress" me out by saying this and that which in the end is no use. And get me more anxious...

missus - i told my mum last nite. cos she has been asking me if AF is here. told her to wait for my call after gynae visit.

nb01 - thanks!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw, think someone was mentioning abt taking too much folic acid? It is ok to take more folic acid than less as it helps to prevent defects in bb. It is water soluble and any excess will come out in your urine. I am currently taking 5g from my gynae as I am high risk and it is ok.

nb01>> I was asking. Coz I planning to take ConceiveWell for next cycle, and I am thinking if I can continue taking EPO and folic acid.

nb01 >> Yours is prescribed, different. Excess folic acid can cause prostrate cancer in guys! For women seems to be ok, but not enough studies at the moment, so better not take just because of kiasu, unless your gynae recommends that you need it.

Missus BL >> I'm not even telling my mom anything. Haha! I will tell my sis though, plus she is a nurse so sometimes can advise [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


dont be dishearten.

Try to endure n only test again like what the nurse advised.


all the best for your gynae visit!


really hope u get bfp.

Err..if u do bfp then better to avoid bd until its stable.

Bd n climax will cause spotting.


if u feel unwell then should go see doc.

So many ppl fall sick nowadays.

It took me one whole week to recover last week.

Btw CW contains FA so dont need to take.

And i think its not necessary to take EPO if u are taking CW as both work the same way..just that CW has more vitamins packed in it.

Hi gals,

Long time nv online as I go for holidays from last week.

1st time my 2ww no time to think about it but I have been drinking and eating cold stuffs.

I got feeling like af going report le today cd25 for me.

Hope to hear some good news from those also waiting.

tethysea, I didn't know the prob of excess folic acid! Coz I read online that it is ok and my gynae says ok so I just take. Maybe better that my hubby is not taking.

jas, where did you go? Hope you had a good hol. Which DPO are you? Good luck!

lynzi>> In tat case I will juz take ConceiveWell for the next cycle, nothing else. But izzit ok to stop after juz one cycle or muz continue wif ConceiveWell?

Do I count today as CD 1 or still in old cycle? Still having the brownish discharge on and off, no signs of red yet. Really scared my system conked up again and only have brown blood. =(


excess FA will be flushed out by the body so its ok.


u cant count cd1 until u see red.

Brown spottings dont count.

Have u tried testing?

If its bfn, then u can try taking raspberry leaves tea to help induce af n clear your old lining.

Its better than taking meds to induce af.

lynzi, that is what I thought abt excess folic but tethysea seems to say differently. Hiyah... think everyone reads different things so dunno what to believe.... Just follow my gynae.

Amy, I also think like lynzi whereby you only count when you see red but you mentioned last cycle you only had brown discharge, so I am not sure.... Maybe someone else can advise?

Amy, you don't accept PM so emailed you. Do check. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi ladies,

Long time no posts from me, have been rather laid back in ttc journey.

I'm thinking of trying TCM. Anyone has good recommendations?

Heard good reviews about Dr Tan Siew Buoy. I think she has left Tong Chai to some other clinics. Slight issue is she gives herbs and you need to boil regularly. Anyone here under her and can share feedback?

Thanks in advance!

lynzi>> I had brown discharge for one week for my AF last mth, but wasn't heavy flow. Think maybe I will juz take a HPT tomolo if AF doesn't come in red and will take raspberry tea to make AF come properly. Any idea where I can get tat?

nb01 >> I read from Wikipedia! Because I accidentally bought the 1g tablets and panicked because I'd eaten a few already :p It's true that excess is likely to be washed out from the body, but there is a risk lar... so better don't overdose unless doc says its ok.

I was researching a bit on EPO and saw a couple of articles mentioning tat it helps in fertility issues. Not 100% sure on tat thou. Anyway, it's supposed to help produce more fertile CM. But nv saw any mention tat EPO will affect menses to be delayed lehz.

Now, juz hope if I take ConceiveWell, either can strike next cycle or juz dun make my cycle go haywire again when I go back to EPO. =p

i just browsing the blackmore website. There is a statement stating that "Not to be taken with Blackmores Concieve Well Gold, Blackmores Pregnancy & Breast-Feeding Gold, Blackmores I-Folic, or other folic acid containing supplements.". As i was looking at the folate pill that i am eating. which also the same as folic acid. just for the ladies info only. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gals, i need to whine a bit here.. My BBT is terrible, no pattern at all, unless u consider up on wkends, low on wed & i hv nt detected any EWCM to date. It's already CD27, which is less than 2wks fr AF (based on 40days cycle) *boo hoo* what's happening to my body? I'm feeling so dry that we are not alternate BDing now, signz sorry..tmi

lynn, maybe you are going to O late or you have O but cannot tell? Did you detect any increase in discharge in this cycle?

bearGE, confused abt what you are posting. So if we are taking folic acid separately, should not take Conceive Well?

Btw, not selling anything but just helping my fellow TTC mates, if you are interested in the clearblue digital pregnancy, PM me! Might be able to get some "lobang" for you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lynn >> isit you sleep too late on weekends so your temp higher? Haha :p If your temps are all flat maybe the thermometer has problem?

A bit of steam to let off.. Still bit and droplets of brown discharge on pantyliner and tissue paper. Sianz.. Wat is happening to my system?!

nb01>> i guess so. You can go into blackmore webite, look for folate or folic acid, scroll down to Contraindication & cautions, 2nd paragraph state that.

Lynn, my bbt chart was also erratic. Supposed to be dpo liao but my temp isn't that high

Amy, read it on other thread abt EPO. They suggest don't take during 2WW. But didn't cite any articles. Right now I'm just taking royal jelly and folic acid. Don't dare to take too much supplement cuz nt sure what kind of effect it has if we take too many kinds. Agree with bearGE, read the blackmore website for the contraindications

Haiz.. I am so confused..

Shd I take ConceiveWell for next cycle? Or shd I see TCM once AF is here and gone? Or both together? Or continue taking EPO & folic acid only?

OMG I'm so stressed at work... starting to have cramps and I don't know if it's AF coming or just too stressed. ARRRGGGHHHHH. *BREATHES DEEPLY*


Hahaha. I think hor, if u seeing TCM, check with them if u can take conceivewell tog. Best to seek advice from the professionals.

My nurse friend reminded me, that supplements although is good, but take in moderation. I will suggest if u take conceive well, don't take folic acid. Can also check if ingredients of conceive well has similar things with EPO. When I read the contraindication of conceive well, it was mentioned one of the "vitamins" contained inside shld nt be taken excessively ie mix with other supplements.

See what's ur personal preference. I like to visit tcm to "tiao" my body

peapea>> I wun be taking EPO and folic acid together with ConceiveWell. Haha.. Was thinking of (i) ConceiveWell only for one cycle and continue EPO and folic acid for following cycle; (ii) ConceiveWell and TCM together; or (iii) EPO, folic acid and TCM together.

Actually, my personal preference is to "tiao" my body coz TCM seems to be more "natural" compared to supplements like EPO and folic acid. Any suggestions?


Seen my gynae, confirmed BFN. Dr said I never ovulate that's why no period. Scanned & saw my lining are thickening meaning AF should report in 2 wks. Dr gave me med to induce period & clomid for ovulation.

After seeing gynae, I feel lost. Why didnt I ovulate? I asked gynae he said seeing faint line doesn't mean I ovulated.

Feeling lost, I decided to give TCM a try again. Just seen Dr Zou at AMK. She is recommended by frenz. She said I've PCOS. Double blow. Gynae has never said I've PCOS. Dr Zou said all my symptoms 'prove' that I've PCOS. Will start to take her med for the next one week.

Hopefully with TCM, I'll BFP soon. 加油 to all!

sonel>> you are giving me a thought that i might not have ovulated this mth as well.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

were you veri stress at work or something bothering you? i think somehow they will affect our ovulation.

and sometimes having period, oso might not mean you ovulated. really is $%^&*@!

SIGH! so much trouble for being a woman! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sonel>> oh yes, dun be too upset abt it.

stay positive and keep a happy mind! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jiayou!!

hi nb01, nt much discharge this mth at all. I have been monitoring my CM all these years so this mth is really a dry spell so far. O or nt no idea manz. Even HB ask me right time? i say now everyday is right LOL but old liao... no energy for dailies.

hi tethysea, i can explain wed fall as i hv to wake up before 5am for biz call wkly, otherwise my temp timing is almost within 1 hr, i wake up early on wkends then go back to sleep. The temp lowest on wed, then crawl up to max on mon then drop on tues, lowest of wed again. Nowadays i dont get excited abt temp going up.

hi amy, my sinseh say it's ok to take TCM with supplements. though danggui is supposed to be rich on FA as well. if u take Conceive well, u don't need separate supplements as CW is supposed to be inclusive.

I recalled my gynae at kkh mentioned I hv a harmless cyst at my ovaries area.. I dunno will that contribute to PCOS since I won't know. Maybe I shld go for a sec opinion.

lynn>> Thanx for answering my doubts. I guess I will juz take the plunge and go for TCM with ConceiveWell for when AF reports. But, can I ask when shd I see TCM? During AF or after AF?

tethysea>> Yup, tat's the attitude! =)

sonel>> I'm surprised tat yr gynae nv mentioned u may have PCOS but yr TCM did. Strange, coz I thot muz do a scan then can see if u have cysts to know if u have PCOS? *Hugz* My scan results have also told me I am "suspected" to be PCOS.

missus>> *Sighz* Starting to have the same feeling maybe I didn't ovulate for this mth and last mth tat's why only have brown discharge/ blood, and no red blood. This really sucks.

missus, do u mean that if yr AF not here or brownish colour means u do not ovulate n if yr AF is red colour means u ovulate?

Sonel>> I think it's good to find out early on wat went wrong..

So u can 對症下藥.. I feel like I'm hanging in the air, neither here nor there.

Amy>> u mentioned u missed your af for 3 mths, did doc/gynae say it was due to PCOS?

I hv no pregnancy sysmptoms, no af, no bfp, really starting to suspect it's could be the "harmless" cyst! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] arghhh..

missus - not stress at work. In fact I switched to a more relax role cos I was really stress with work last yr. Wanted to concentrate on TTC this yr. But I guess u were rite, something was bothering me. MIL told me SIL was preggo with #3 just b4 AF was suppose to due. MIL said something not very pleasant too. I just cried & couldnt function for the whole wkend. Sigh ~ keep telling myself to think positive. Takes time I think.

Amy - gynae has never told me PCOS but I was diagnosed with adenomyosis. Did a laparoscopy last July & took clomid for 6mths. Probably gynae knows I'm not ovulating well, but didn't tell me or I wasnt listening to what he says.. When gynae did the scan just now, I saw a few cysts? Gynae said I had it all the long, but I don't recall seeing it during the last scan in Feb. Abit confused now.

I have also seen another gynae at KKH last yr & the gynae suggested I should proceed with IUI (or IVF). I wasn't very ready to try IUI or IVF yet. Wanna go thru the natural way if possible. Also afraid of needles. DH said if we're not fated to have kids, we will go for adoption. Hope we can have our own kids.

Sonel>> *hugs* though saying staying positive or dun think too much is easier said than done.. I still wanna say that to you. Esp now u know wat went wrong, the more u shld learn to relax. I oso veri scared that if my cousin-in-law preg b4 me (she married much later than me), I will get nagging by in-laws. Sigh..

Currently I'm veri stressful with my work & my online biz. Hubby kept saying dun stress dun stress, quit my job & focus on my online biz. But it's not easy cos our hse is coming, everything needs $$$..

Hubby oso said if all else fails, we will go ivf. But my frd tried ivf twice and no result.. Plus alot of $$$, so I'm having sec thought abt it. Worst thing is she & her hubby r perfectly ok after a full body check-up. Sigh!! But juz no bb luck!!

i tht no ovulation also will come menses?

if can't wait, can go for blood test. can test for as early as 1 week pregancy. At least, no need to keep worrying.

Sonel>> *hugs* At least now you know exactly what's the problem! I think it's worse for those perfectly healthy yet no matter how just can't "strike"! Strange that gynae never tell you that you have PCOS though...

I think no ovulation menses will come also right? Because I thought that's what the Pill is supposed to do. Don't think the colour of blood has anything to do with it lar.

Anyway, my sis has very irregular periods (can go missing for 2-3 months at a time one), but she also managed to have 2 healthy babies! Don't worry too much and just enjoy the process.

I came across this blog of a couple who decided to go for IVF... quite encouraging lar (they are expecting after 2 tries!) - http://www.maybebaby.sg/blog/category/cat2/

Yes, no ovulation will hv menses too.. In another word, having menses doesn't mean u ovulated too.

Anyway hv dEcided not to test tomorrow. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but will test b4 my trip if still no af.

missus>> It was coz I missed AF for 3 mths, thus went thru so many blood tests and scans. Doc nv told me I have PCOS to my face, but the scan report stated "suspected PCOS". Missus, at least test before yr BKK trip to have some peace of mind. =)

SOnel>> How come the KKH doc suggest u to go for IUI/IVF? U been trying for very long? Like u, I also wanna go the natural way to conceive. Prob will not consider IUI/IVF coz we dun have the finances. Hubby said no adoption if we unable to have our own. So, now is all up to fate to see if will strike b4 I turn 35.

Anyway, gals, I have decided to go ahead with TCM, prob will seeing my TCM aunt next week with hubby to "tiao" my/our body. Meantime, shd AF report, will also start on ConceiveWell. Till now no flow of anything (ot even brown blood), still drops here and there only. =( *Vexed*

