(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

KWXY: all of us will give you many hugs...i was also on the support-mc threat in jan this year. well, managed to overcome my fear 1 mth ago and started trying. Had my MC last year Dec. You have our support. Cry it out if you must.

Merry: where do you get the clomid? Must we get from the gynae? or we must request for it?


lynn>> me too. crossing fingers and toes. Maybe it also sign of AF coming.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] praying real hard. i guess wont test till sunday as i dont want to disappoint myself and hubby. AF reporting and bfp symptoms all same same de..Me going to xiao xiao liao.. :p

Bear>> shoo yr Af away!! Guess wat Lynn say is logical too. U may get spotting at d initial stage. Wait till tmor and see ba[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Im really sorry to hear that.

I was really happy when u told us that u striked cos we know how hard u have been trying what with all the supplements and fruit juices etc.

I must tell u that this is not an easy period but u WILL get through it in time.

My 2nd mc also the bb's hb stopped at 7weeks and i only knew at 8weeks when i started to get one streak of blood.

If u do feel the need to cry out, feel free to do so. Dont keep it inside. Get your hubby to spend time with u or just be around u this few days as it will really help in the emotional recovery.

Are u going thru d&c or natural mc? I chose natural. If d&c, on the day u do it u must start mini confinement. For natural, once the sac is purge out then go on mini confinement.

Mini confinement is a period of 2 weeks. Same like those ladies after giving birth. Can only bathe once a day. Keep yourself warm at all times. Only drink red date longan with ginger and dang shen or warm plain water. Take confinement food only. If got no one to cook for u, can consider to order confinement tingkat.

IF u feel u got body aches, then better to do some massage.

If u need a listening ear or even anything else, pls feel free to sms me. I will pm u my no.

Take care my dear. Bu your body back so u can start ttc soon.

Thanks Lynzi! I'm opt for natural...didn't go thru d&c...had been bleeding since yday. Cramps getting painful today and unbearable until I took the painkiller twice. All I did lie on bed like a shrimp, feeling cold and painful.

Hubby and i were thrilled one month ago looking at the clearblue hpt and now it's gone. I miss bb a lot...I used to talk to bb every night, last night I just stared at the scan photo and cried.

I may choose the confinement catering for 2 weeks. I'm still not too sure when my AF will report. Hope I can ttc soon!

TTC mates, thanks for the encouragement!! I will jiayou and hope those in 2ww will get BFP soon!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

KWXY>> So sorry to hear this.. Do a mini confinement, like wat the others have advised and "bu" yr body first. Do take care of yrself. U can always count on the listening ears here for encouragement. *HUGZ*

simplelife, i got my 1 month dosage clomid from gynae during the visit i asked for med to induce mense. but this month i'm not on clomid, hope to conceive naturally as clomid too much is not good for health.

hi KWXY, i know how u feel. Even now, sometimes i think abt it, i want to cry again too. Cry and do proper grieving if it helps. But don't be too hard on yourself. Rest and when u are ready, try again. I had 1 mth of on/off spotting and another 1 mth before AF came (total 2mths). U monitor on spotting part. If it goes on too long, visit gynae again. It's better to hv at least 1 AF before ttc, so as to make sure the womb is "thoroughly clean", though there r mums who conceive before 1st AF with no issue too. I think it's more of emotional acceptance, so whenever u r ready ba.

Confinement is necessary, especially on food part, cos we lost a lot of blood. I still felt giddy 1mth after D&C (lack of blood?). i did confinement catering, with Newbaby. Their food quite tasty & they r quite nice cos either they made a mistake or what. I opt for no soup for lunch package as I would be alone at hm, din want to eat so much, but ended they delivered soup for every meal =) They can deliver pretty last min. I call in the morning and they can start to deliver on same day dinner so u dont hv to worry exactly when to start your catering. http://www.newbaby.com.sg/index_files/NewbabyConfinementFoodPackages.htm

Dolma: haha my cycle is 28 days.. Feel abit disappointed after I test the pregnancy kit.due to

Itchy backside test too early make myself sad...


i know how sad u n hubby must feel. Like me, u wont forget it n it will still hurt now n then but it will become a distant memory. I just went thru a difficult day on 12 march cos thats the supposed edd for my first angel. Me n hubby just went to the beach with my boy, released some balloons to the sky, told my boy his meimei must be happy up there. We did some prayers too n yes on that day all the memories came rushing back n crushed me. But we cry, grieve n hug n move on.

U should go get cytotec from your gynae. That can aid in total cleansing of the womb. Must make sure all is out. If not all the tissues are out, u might still need to do d&c and i dont think u would want to go thru it another time rite? Go get raspberry tea leaves from bbdustshop. Take that till your next af too. Will help to purge out all the lining etc. Ask your gynae if u might need antibiotics to avoid infection. If the pain is too much, pop some panadol or painkillers n put heat pad on your tummy. Some women might experience severe cramps. As for me, the cramps got bad like mild contraction around 4am..by then whole nite i cant sleep. At 7am i felt the need to go toilet as i felt like so much blood coming out. I sat down on my toilet bowl n my whole sac came out..about the size of half my palm. Felt just like how my boy's head came out of me when i gave birth. After the sac is out, the bleeding should visibly lighten.

A good thing is that natural mc will be faster to heal as compared to d&c. D&c will scrape the wall of the womb n there might be complications in that. Among them is on off spotting, cramps n even infection or puncture of the womb wall.

Your af should report within 4 to 6 weeks. Your gynae should be seeing u again another few times to scan n review. First review is to make sure that all is clear. Second review should be to make sure that your cycle is back to normal.

Take your time to heal ok. Dont hurry it. U should be able to ttc again after one cycle. We shall jia you together!!

Yes Lynzi..thanks for the kind words..its really nice to hear from you and the rest [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My next appt will be next wednesday...till now i dun see any sac..only blood cots...i dunno even know if thats a sac. The cramps was quite bad today...but its much better now.

When should i start eating the confinement food? Issit wait til im 'clean'??

Good morning ladies.. TGIF!!! Today should be 14dpo.. So blur of me to calculate wrongly!!! Hubby still can shake his head when I told him.. Hahaha.. By end of my work, if af not reporting, will buy hpt home.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] pin not much hope as saw brown discharge... Praying hard


since yours is at 6wks then maybe the sac wont come out as a whole. Might be has been broken down to blood clots since u said the pain is not much now. My first mc at 5wks also the sac didnt come out but got lots of blood clots.

U can start taking confinement food today. The Newbaby company that lynn recommended is good. Go try calling them. No cold food or cold drinks k. Take the red date longan with old ginger n dang shen.

Thanks Lynzi!! Ok, I start eating the confinement food on Monday. Meanwhile I will drink plenty of red dates drink [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bearge>> gd luck hope to hear some gd news fm u[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I think this cycle no hope again for me la, temp dropping le[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] jiayou to all my 2wwk ttc mates[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

More n more red le...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] this cycle gone... 4d n toto also not as my af 准啊。so on looking for me... Sigh... No choice, have to work hard again. New cycle new hope!! All jia you!!!


Dun be sad try harder for next cycle.Like you say new cycle new hope and 2mrw is weekend so can relax!!

I think my PMS also coming liao, today suddenly feel emotional just now fustrated over work and cry in the office i thinking why i cannot dun wk and stay at hm really moody.

bearge>> new cycle new hope[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I think my turn soon this 2 days liao...let's jiayou together again lor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jas>> hang in there! still got chance de[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jas n dolma>> finger cross for both of you all.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jas>> *hug hug* dnt cry over work. Relax.... Few more hours to go to end our working week. Can sleep n relax at home.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

A Big Hi to All!

High sensitive (20 mIU) OPKs for proper detection of LH surge (ovulation)

Ultra sensitive (10 mIU) HPTs for use as early as 4 days before missed period

Priced at $0.50 to $0.60 per strip (expiry 12/2012). Free normal postage > 5 strips, fast delivery guaranteed.

Clearblue Fertility Monitor and 20 sticks @ $220

Clearblue box of 20 sticks @ $46.50 (with free HPTs)

Clearblue digital ovulation (smiley face) 7 sticks @ $45.90 *in stock*

Clearblue digital pregnancy with conception indicator (tells how many weeks pregnant) 2 sticks @ $27.90 *in stock*

Special packages incl Pre-seed, Basal Thermometer also available.

Please see my website at www.bbshop01.blogspot.com for more details or email [email protected]

Janjan>> take care n drink lots of water[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dun give up yet no c red still got chance[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jiayou!

KWXY: if you feel like cramp and pain, then you probably have pass it out in blood clots. I remembered i mc at 7weeks in my house toilet, i remembered very clearly that the whole sac that came out is one big blot of blood followed by deep red blood. It is not like the usual period. I had cramps so bad that I was shivering and almost passed out in my toilet until my husband came and helped me out to send me straight to TMC. by the time i reached TMC, i couldn't walk anymore. I had to be pushed into emergency for a scan by the gynae and the gynae said the whole sac wasn't there anymore. I went to KKH in that morning around 6am because I had bleeding at 5am but KKH's scan still showed the sac intact then. KKH then sent me back home to rest. But it's God's will that I can't keep the baby. The cramps became so bad that i was perspiring in cold sweat. And KKH didn't even give me painkiller. "faint". anyway, it was all over for me, not exactly a good experience to go through. If i have my next pregnancy, I will still be fearful to go toilet cos' I'm afraid to see blood in toilet bowl now.

Please rest more. I had lower backache and for the first week after my Dnc, my husband told me I was shivering when I was sleeping even when we did not switch on the fan and I was wearing my jacket to sleep. I had chicken essence and black chicken cooked in herbs after my DnC for 1 one whole month. Still do drink chicken essence or black chicken on a weekly basis. Drank and bathe in warm water. I started to eat my vitamins as recommended by the ladies in this forum. Most importantly, it is best that your husband and you can give each other support. My husband gave me support by researching information that it was not my fault that i miscarried. After you build up your health, you and husband can go off for a holiday. Take your mind off this incident.

Hi simplelife, I think the sac is out an hour ago. I was walking to a nearby coffeeshop to buy my late lunch and I can feel one big clot passing out...i went home quickly and take a look, indeed it's big, half palm size. Feeling quite sad to see it for myself....but I will still move on.

Thanks for all the kind advises!! I really need them [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

take care KWXY, recover soon and try again.

today is CD14 and i tested on OPK. got a faint line so its negative. But i started having some EWCM so i think next week is the fertile week le....i must gambatte liao.


i'm so so sorry to hear your news. i was out wed and thurs and didn't manage to see your post on the oct thread until i pop by here. oh my dear, you must take care and rest well now, do a mini confinement at home. i tried to pm you but you don't accept pm. if there's anything that i can help you with, pm me ok?

Morning gals!

Anyone knows if EPO and folic acid can be taken together?

Also, if my prev cycle is 38 days, how soon shd i start testing OPK? I am at CD 13 today..

Hi ladies,

Bought a twin pack of of Blackmores conceive well GOLD and conceived when I was half-way throught the first box so 2nd box is unopened, still brand new and sealed.

Letting go at $20. Expiry date: Aug 2011. Collection at MRT station.

Pls PM if interested.

***lots of BB dust to all***


Sandy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Same as you。i m supposed to be MTM in Oct this year. Had a miscarriage two weeks back when no heartbeat was detected. I read the MTM oct thread knows that you are like me fighting so hard for our baby.

Having gone thru this second MC, I feel that a lot of things are predestined. The baby jus not fated to be my kid. Last night, I dreamt that I was holding hand with a beautiful toddler gal. So sweet the dreams.

Yeah take the chance to build up your health. Nothing matter more than that.

Hi ladies,

Sorry to intrude...

I was also like you ttc-ing sometime ago. Stocked up on opk strips and clearblue smiley face ovulation kits. By God's grace we conceived and have these to let go cheaply:

20 opk strips @ $9 (exp Jun2012)

Clearblue smiley face ovulation kits:

Opened pack (5 pcs left) - $32 (exp Sep2011)

Sealed pack (7 pcs) - $46 (exp Dec2011)

Bundle price of $85 for all.

Kindly PM me if keen and wishing you all the best in your ttc-ing journey.

Amy, if your cycle is 38 days, you can start testing OPK from CD21. Thats wat written on the instructional sheet for my OPK. im CD15, just started testing OPK yesterday.

Queen>> Thanx for the heads up! Guess I have to wait a week more before can start testing.. Juz nice, next weekend gg to Malacca wif hubby for a short break! Hope we can get lucky. =)

Bear reporting here!!! Anyone?? How's ladies here in 2ww? Dolma? Jas? Any gd news? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] me cd2.. Rotting at home now.

I think the travel is taking a toll on my body. So tired all the time. Sigh. How to have hope that I will conceive this month?

Janjan>> wah, have chance to strike, will cross finger n pray for u!! Hope to hear good news soon[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] AF shoo shoo go away!!!

