(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!


yes, to catch the rabbit yr left only a couple of months, but i feel that ttc takes time... for me even if i can't catch the rabbit yr, then dragon lah. no choice, as long have a healthy bb i'm fine with whatever animal. :p don't put too much pressure on yourself k? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

2ww - 2 week wait (after ovulation)


Redgin, today dpo15...I will monitor again these few days. How about you? Did you take out your opk or hpt? Hehe. Must tahan until dpo12 ah....but issit too early?

redgin, if i want to conceive before end of the year, by when must i succeed?

kwxy, im in my 2ww, AF on 23rd feb. having headache all the time now..... breast starting to be a bit more sore... BUT last month my breast was super swollen, yet end up AF still arrive.. hai... was so certain that i was preggie last month... disappointment big time!


for dec bb, march is last month, depending on your cycle. for me, i feel if edd is like early early jan got chance for bb to come out end dec cause my #1 came out 9 days earlier.

redgin, ya, so long as can get, we must be happy, be it rabbit or dragon.

if having hormones 失调, any idea if TCM or western doc will be better in curing? im so worried i have that's y can't pregnant.

heard from ppl stress level is very important, every time after bd, will keep hoping that the sperm flow faster and successfully to the egg. is this overly stressed?

Peapea, cheer up ok. We are here for each other. We all been thru the waiting part, it's such a long wait....jiayou! When did you O and did you BD enough??

redgin, my friend told me before that she saw a poster in a clinic, if u have successfully conceive, one of the initial sign is that there is this line between ur belly button to your "down there" that will disappear. i wonder if it is true cuz i read that in later stage of pregnancy that line will darken...

kwxy, O on the 9th so it is 7 dpo? ha... we wanted to BD like alternate days, but ending up BDing erm, almost daily just before, during and after O.... hahaha.....

ahhhhh... my headache is killing me.... it is almost 24 hrs lately with exception of when i sleep

QQem, if your hormones is imbalance, i will personally feel going for TCM might be better. When i was in JC my hormones was imbalanced too, had period like twice every month. the doc made me go on hormones pills which made my mood flunctuate like a mad woman... so from my personal experience, i dont really like it...

there seems to be some good results from people who went for TCM treatment when they ttc?

peapea, when? immediately after conceiving? i don't think so, i don't have that immediately after conceiving #1. i know this is called the linea nigra but i only could see the line ard my 2nd trimester.

redgin, she said the line will disappear after u conceive. i dont suppose it is immediate... but i did read up on google back in the olden days, they will check to see if that line has disappear to confirm pregnancy... might be an old wives myth!

redgin, i have very regular menses but used to have extreme cramps in the past. menses still as regular except that people had been commenting that i look bloated, like water retention hence, suspected hormones imbalance.

really hate the ttc process. y me y me y me?


u mean now we have the line before conceiving? i never notice leh, must go check. haha.


hmm... i'm not sure about hormones imbalance but u can go gynae and voice your concerns and let them check for you, maybe do blood test or somthing. at least that will make you feel better to be in the know rather than keep guessing. just to cheer you up and to encourage you, my ttc process for #1 took me more than 2 yrs. initially i was also crazy after 6 months of not conceiving, went to gynae, tcm, took all kinds of vitamins and stuffs... and i was depressed every time AF came. after awhile, i decided to stop everything, and leave it as it is and i managed to conceive naturally. it took me a long time but the wait was worth it. so, u've started ttc not long, juz keep on trying k? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

redgin, i also nv know before until she told me! and then i checked and seem like the line is really there! just that it is very faint! but there is a black line that travels down from our belly button... for a while, everyday i was bugging my husband to help me verify if the line has disappeared until i gave up this idea... hahaahahha

redgin, thanks so much for your encouragement, let's all JIAYOU together :p

tested neg last night, now hope that Af faster come so that i can plan what i can do next [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I also nv go c the line maybe later must go toilet check haha.

Today CD20 for me but i still gto sore boobs and yesterday when sleep i like can feel my stomach cramp cramp feeling but now no more. This all seems to be my PMS symptom so i already can forsee AF will report nx week for me.

jas, i think a lot of us dont even know we have that line! haha

i am having slight sore boobs too... and also the cramp feeling.. like down there got some pulling feeling... looks like our AF are around the same time!

Ya peapea, i think mine should be nx week le urs ley?

not sure wat happen but i suddenly got pimples outbreak, and it was not on my face was my chest and ear lor my hubby say hor tink is i drink too much longan tea so heaty haha really got like tat 1 meh?

mine is 23rd which is next wed... but im flying off to USA on monday... so wondering if my period could be screwed up a little then...

ah! im having some skin reactions too! machiam ecezma breakout like that... but it is at the joints area of my fingers...

Weird hor tink maybe is the weather la.

Ya peapea i realise hor my cycle cock up when i go cold country leh i rem once i went to UK hor my AF delay for 3 weeks lor test also dun have than hor i bo bian i keep drink pineapple juice make it come . My fren still joke say tink u go there too cold so frozen inside come back must give it times to defroze haha.

Hello Gals! Dolma reporting....

KWXY>> WOOHOO!! 15DPO! tomor can test liao, so excited for you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

All ttc-mates in 2ww, jiayou!!


i went to check, i got the line, but i think it's like the leftover line from my #1 pregnancy. cause for my #1, my stomach was huge. the line has faded but it hasn't gone away completed, think it's permanently there now. haha!

redgin, im trying for my #1. but i also have the line... hahaha... but i seriously believe it could be an old wives tale... one thing for certain, the line will darken during 2nd trimster right?


yup, the line will darken during preg cause of hormones changes.


maybe it doesn't apply to everyone lah... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] mine also i don't know how accurate cause i got it for my #1. i didn't notice it before i got preg too. first time hearing about this.


Ya lor i think now i ask my those pregnant before fren they also will not know lor , think if peapea nv mention we also dun go notice.

haha... ya... i wont know if my friend didnt mentioned this to me.... made me thought could use this to monitor fertility... hahahaha


i read you drink pineapple juice your AF come ah? really? i like to drink pineapple juice leh, and i've been gorging on pineapple tarts.... boohoo...

Yes, I also cut down on pineapples too. When I see TCM, the doc also ask me not to eat. But I did gobbled down a few during cny. Hahaha!

haha i tink CNY most cnt resist are pineapple tarts, i can finish 1 whole tin myself.


So how le? got test 2day? any news?

arggg... i still have half a tub of pineapple tarts to finish. shall command hb to finish it so that it won't be there tempting me. hehe...

today's quite a boring day, i guess we are all in 2ww.

i am the biggest green tea fan, but ppl tell me must not take during ttc, so i cut down drastically already. but will still indulge alittle here and there.

ya peapea redgin my sil got told me b4 tat drinking tea will cause us having more white discharge(bai dai) which means liang so cnt drink too much tea.

Me too! Green tea lover. Though have already cut down but can't resist the temptation into drinking it once in a while[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ahhh... ok i shall try to cut back though i think it is damm hard...

gg to the states on monday.. very tempted to buy a kate spade baby bag... yet dont want to "jinx" it.... shld i just get it?

Hi jas, not yet. Maybe test tonight and tmr. Having some on and off cramps....very scared. Dun feel good about it.

I totally cut down on cold drinks! I'm a teh c and green tea fan too! But I totally stop drinking for 4-5 months...occasionally I will drink with friends at cafe but I choose mild tea or flora tea. I dun take coffee since young, so it's a blessing bah. Even we go resto for meal, I also choose warm water when they serve ice water.

But of coz there's many women with blessed bodies, no matter how much cold drinks they take, they still can have bb. Just take anything moderately [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

im also a green tea fan. i take a bag of japanese green tea everyday except weekend. i did not cut down. =(


im also having cramps... =( also not feeling well feeling cold, headache, bodyache n cramp.. i scared to test.. scared false alarm. If AF late due to not feeling well lehz.. hais

Ya i also love cold drinks lor but now i try cut down also lor like ricena i also make with normal plain water lor.

But i tink tis CNY i like hack care keep drink n drink esp go pple hse keep drink like nobody business


WOW!! You are late!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Did you take your BBT??

My AF due 17th, today...still have to monitor.

