(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

kwxy>> *hugs hugs* dun be upset, I noe how you feel too. jus like my sil always tells me, surely will strike de, good things must wait. if AF really reports, then we all jiayou together[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But still I will pray hard for you that AF dun come.

JC>> from wat I heard from my grandma and mum, ya ling yang is very liang de, its use to dispel heatyness.

redgin>> thanks dear! I will pray hard for you that its your month this time! You also jiayou!

kwxy, you will usually measure your temp? is it helpful to give any signs of pregnancy? sorry still new to this. only tried for one month... this is 2nd month trying...

just went to see doc cuz feeling pretty lightheaded.. doc now suspect either thyroid or hormones prob.. a bit worrying...

Redgin, thanks for sharing. I will keep a look out when I drop by the pharmacies at my area too. I don't think they sell preseed at all.

JC, yes, I heard ling yang is very 'liang' too and it is only recommended for those with serious flu or fever.

redgin, how are you doing? For your #1, when did your cramps or sore breast symptoms start har?

I'm thinking if I should go for my aerobics class during these 2 weeks. Sighs...so many things to worry about. Any advice ladies?

okie than pls do not drink ling yang than.

after sorethroat, come the cough for me. Really want to die liao.

i still going for my aerobics leh. Just be careful!

miloqueen>> I think you should just enjoy whatever you like to do and dun think so much cos worrying alot will make you unhappy which is not healthy lor... we all need a healthy body and mind for conception[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

peapea>> mayb you can do a blood test to check on your thyroid or hormones issue, its call a Day 2 blood test where you can do it on the 2nd day of your menses.

thanks dolma, i just did a blood test... for a while, i wondered if i could be successful cuz im having constipation, lightheaded feeling and slight nausea and runny nose. then did an online search, found out the symptoms of thyroid is quite similar. ha!

Thank you dearies. I'm pigging on food to make me feel better!!

Hi Peapea, yes...I usually take my temp to chk for O or AF.

ok...I think likewise too. Will proceed w my class this weekend. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

peapea, oh ok, at least you know wats going on in your body to better prepare yourself for ttc. try not to think too much abt it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


your side there good, i prefer the preseed old packaging. now 2ww just go about do our own things, keep ourselves bz will soon pass one.


oh my dear... don't be sad. must be strong and patient. of course we'll conceive, but it's just a matter of time. your af is still not here, don't think the worst. but even so if you need to let out, can always cry on your hubby. that's what i did when i ttc last time. sometimes, i feel that we're pressuring ourselves too much. don't k? hugz hugz.


i still the same... now dpo 5 don't think so early got symptoms. i think for my #1, my sore breast started 1+ week after O? i really can't remember exactly when, but not so soon.

juz go ahead with the class, don't overstrain yourself can already. exercise is actually good, and if you've been exercising regularly, it shouldn't affect your ttc.


Seriously tat is the only packaging i saw so far tis month 2nd mth using preseed pray hard it wks lor.


You are not alone, all of us go thru and koe the feeling . But really as long as AF not here the hope is still there lor. I think hor i also when during 2ww become emo and stress de lor really hate tis feeling keep tell myself dun think so much but tink is really hard to control.

Yes dearies, I'm trying to keep myself busy and dun think so much. I think I will go for swim later or tmr morning. My boobs still hurt and when I look at the mirror, looks fuller too. When I touches the sides (near armpit), can feel the pain. That's why moody.

Hi ladies!

Just to share, I myself went through this TTC nightmare last year. We stopped using protection in May 2010 but did not have any news.

By the fourth month, hubs and I were very worried because I striked during our honeymoon for my son. And that was the first cycle we tried after we got married. So we thought that #2 would come easily, when we wanted.

We were met with so much disappointment (and stress from relatives). I even went to gynae for detailed check up with hubby to check if there was anything wrong with us!

And out of desperation, I found this eBook online and bought it without hesitation thought is costs US$50.

I'm very very very glad I bought this eBook because I'm now 7 weeks pregnant. :D

In the eBook, it covers quite a few things:

- Accupressure spots to massage during TTC for both hub and wife

- Herbs/supplements to take (depending on whether your body is 'heaty' or 'liang' - they even have a 'self-diagnostic' list for you)

- Foods to avoid and food to take (again, depending on whether your body is 'heaty' or 'liang)

It's written in simple English and I really followed everything in it. I also bought the supplements as recommended and followed their recommendation on when/how to take it (certain herbs must take before O but cannot take during 2WW).

If you are keen to get a copy, PM me.

When I have time I will type out some of the supplements me and hub took. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



i also will be moody during 2ww, think also pms lah, will always fight with hb during this time. :p i'm so anxious to test even though i'm only dpo5. i dunnoe whether i can wait till dpo12... wah so long, my cheap hpt are mocking me.

redgin, lock all your HPTs. I tell myself I must tahan till 1 Mar, you cannot test too early ok?! Hopefully, we can both hit the jackpot then.

Good luck to those who are testing soon by end of this week/ early next week. Meanwhile, try not to think about it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hehe. Yes, must lock all your hpt. Dpo5 is very early leh...although my chances v slim now, but see if I have the chance to test on Friday a not...AF pls dun come!!

haha i tink the other way is hor we all should try to have any test kit at hm only when delay than we go buy like tat than we will not have the urge to test

No choice la. I bought the clearblue when having sales. And guess what girls, I itchy backside use the opk to replace hpt....nothing happen, -ve after 5mins! Super sad lor! But I'm

still ok la...I will use opk to test everyday until Friday!! Dun have then I no need to use the clearblue hpt!

Redgin, all your temptations lah, now the opk strips mocking at me!! Haha!

hahaha, argggg, dunwan to think about the hpt! jas, i bought a set from the blogshop as i needed to get preseed and opk so together they also put in 5 hpt. 5!!! %$@#%&#$

if i count my dpo12 will be next tuesday, 22 Feb.

raining outside!! can go home soon, yeah. KWXY, did you manage to go for your swim?


ahhhh! tell u something, heheheheh, i have been testing with opk daily even after i O. i siao already. but no positive, all negative.

Eh...by right should be dpo15/16 then test right? Dpo12 is because we have some precedent cases here who have tested positive right? :p

I wonder if our mums were as gan cheong when they were carrying us then. Keke...sighs.


me lah, i tested positive at dpo12 for #1. hehehe. so by right, to be the safest, wait till miss AF then test. i think i siao already, need to take my mind off this. wahlalalalalala.... need to go find something to munch! ttc can make people put on weight!

Redgin, YES!! why you test soooo early...you got many opk to spare huh...haha...i think i only left 10...also cannot anyhow test...hahah...if this cycle cannot make it, then i need to order somemore.

While tracking O...i test OPK strips twice a day, one at 11am and another one at 5pm. im also quite kiasu la....ahahah...

KWXY, you tested and got faint line? My sense is should wait a few more days and test using HPT cos not so sure if faint line can be regarded as positive.

Jia you jia you...keep my fingers crossed for you.

Just to share, I did not test positive on HPT when I tested on 14dpo this time. But I tested positive on OPK on the same day (cos actually I ran out of HPT, so try with OPK first, then positive! So hubs rush out to buy HPT).

+ve OPK nearing to your menses date may mean preggie (if you don't have history of ovulating late/ovulating twice a month) :D

Mine was not very faint... I would say ard 50% of the darkness of the test line... But it was immediate.... No need to wait, as the urine went up the test screen, can see the line already...

Hihi ladies!!!


Err..dont want to bring your hopes down but we tend to have LH surge now and then even after O so will still get a faint line on opk.

Its only a positive when the test line is as dark or darker than the control line.

Test again tomoro k.

The rest in 2ww..good luck!!!

Yup! Thanks Lynzi!!

Where have you been? So long didn't see you!! How your ttc? Should be your 2nd cycle right? Good luck dear!!!

Haven't been in here to post for a long time, due to work and others, but been silently reading.. =)

This is my 1st cycle after gg off Yasmin ("forced" on me by doc). Haven't been tracking BBT properly as not placing much hope on this cycle as I still have a blood test scheduled when my AF comes. Sianz.. =(

Btw, those taking BBT, we are supposed to monitor from the 1st day of our AF, rite? *Blur*

KWXY>> How many times per day are we supposed to drink the red dates longan drink?

morning ladies


yah, i was paranoid that i might have O later cause this time i O quite early to my standard lah.. so i continue testing just in case. i think i will stop now. opk running low, maybe got ard 15 left.

Morning girls!

I'm unwell. Having sorethroat and slight feverish....guess too much steamboat and late night supper. CD34 for me today!!


oh no, the virus going around. KWXY, take care and drink lotsa fluids. it's crazy weather out there, hot one moment and pouring like nobody's business the next.

JC, hope you get well faster faster and enjoy your trip! ask you ah, which hotel you staying in bk?

Good morning ladies!! Jas>>Me feel much better. Last night manage to sleep soundly. I took the pi pa gao before i goes to sleep. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Me DPO 10. Crossing finger..AF go away go away!!!! I still lock my HPT inside my drawer..wahaha. Now wondering should i test it in the morning before i head to airport? Keep you ladies update if i ever itchy backside on that day.hee...hee....


Ok wait for your good news.

I hor got feeling my tis cycle no hope again even though i today only CD19 but i already got sore breast le. Yesterday i tell my hubby my breast suddenly feel pain he ask me y i tell him shd be AF coming than he HUH?? very loud he ask me tot jus BD not long got so fast come meh haha

A Big Hi to All!

High sensitivity OPKs (20 mIU) and HPTs (10 mIU) at $0.50 to $0.60 per strip

Free normal postage > 5 strips, fast delivery guaranteed.

Clearblue Fertility Monitor and 20 sticks @ $220

Clearblue box of 20 sticks @ $46.50 (with free HPTs)

Clearblue digital ovulation 7 sticks @ $45.90 *in stock*

Clearblue digital pregnancy 2 sticks with conception indicator @ $27.90 *in stock*

Special packages incl Pre-seed, Basal Thermometer also available.

Please see my website at www.bbshop01.blogspot.com for more details or email [email protected]

Staying at holiday inn bangkok

went off to see doc ...cough n got vomit feeling

try to vomiy but nothing come out

really miserable...i told hubby if this is a sign of pregnancy i wouldnt mind being sick for 9 mths


Took a blood test n wait for 3 days...my doc say most accurate liao...

Cross finger...haha

and sorethroat n cough are not symptoms of preggy

