(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

xiu: time said is 7pm.. but i think i wi.ll reach 6plus... call me when u reached... Angelia not confirmed yet... but she said most likely going....

Snowger - I did asked my gyna before leh, he said nobody in this world can tell whether my eggs are healthy or not...hmmm... got to ask him on this the next time i go see him.

Gals - I wish for a boy this round, however I got heard pple saying that the chinese-gender-chart very jun wan. This month is gal leh.

Morning ladies!!!!

Ytd night I went home and calculate how long I have been late. I'm 4 days late! Tested this morning, still BFN! Sad lei.....

Actually wasnt very anticipated in getting pregnant, want to let nature take its course. But I suddenly realised that my parents are very anxious to be grandparents. My dad even say if I have a bb now, he would buy me a rolex [though it's nt really my cup of tea]. And my mum told me ytd that I can go and try to have a bb now liao.

It's their actions that made me want to have a bb now but still no good news lei......

Hi Chloie, do not be disappointed at this period, as when the next cycle comes, u can try again. relax and enjoy the love making progress and i believe bb will come...

Altho i was also damn disappointed last month when my AF came, but the gals here gave me lot of support and encourgement to move on and try again... so here im... trying for bb this month with less pressure, let nature take it course... maybe my GuanYin thinks its not the best time for me yet. Anyway, just have sex whenever u guys feels like it, bb will come. That's what my GP told me when I told him my problem last month.

GoGoGo gals! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eelynn>Where is the place to meet?

Chloie, JJJ>Dun be anxious...Juz feel tat when one is giving up, the bb will come knocking...Keep the prayer going and i believe the bfp day will soon reach us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xiu: meeting at Centrepoint.. =)

JJJ/Chloie: Remember... dun be stress... dun think and enjoy the BD process.. =) baby dust!!! =)

Hiyah morning ladies,

ya loh.. last time I read papers, saw on TV, surrounding friends etc, like many unwanted preg on their 1st time.. DH also thought it's easy to hit bull's eye.. haa..

talking abt O, i bot some OPK and start testing last mth, was really excited when one fine day (one mth after CD1) there're 2 dark lines. But then hor, out of curiousity, 2 weeks later, I tested and still got 2 dark lines! another 3 days later, I tested and no more O.

Will a person ovulate twice? It's been 2 mths since CD1 and no menses yet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my tummy is super bloated and colleagues keep asking if I'm preggy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] making me more upset over my body and anxious...

can't wait for next mon to come so that I can grab the gynea and ask what's really going on... hee..

I hope my menses comes soon so that I can restart my body bio clock. I borrowed a book on fertility last weekend to try to understand all the terms used in pregancy... aiyoh so much to digest and I'm getting real confused *_*

babysee - any doubts u can try asking us here, altho we r not consider as experts but it is always good to share. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

humm i head ppl saying some ppl will O 2 time per month... they even say during AF will also O.. sound funny hor..

anyway GOOD Morning gals!

Thanks JJJ_mummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

GOOD da morning summerpeh! arh.. I find it very strange too.. won't O twice a mth be wasting my eggs? hee.. Most likely I tested wrong bah.. haiz.. At first I kept checking my strips packaging, wished i had accidentally used HPT and bingo... and funny is, everywhere I read, it says so long u O, u'll be expecting menses 2 weeks later (unless preggy of coz..) but mine still not here yet, tested HPT neg. I think all stuck inside my body...

Hey Chloie, yah, look at the bright side. With AF here, it means you can start a new cycle! But like what most pple say, if you dont think about, it will just come naturally knocking at your door! Jia you!

Hi everyone, wah this is moving fast from yesterday's lunch till today.

Wishstar >> I will keep testing, i started a little slower, only tested from CD 13 onwards, i am only worried that i could have O before this time. coz when i tested on CD 13, there is a dark line on the C and a faint line on the T, but the days after till today CD 17, only one dark line at C. I hope i did not miss this month's O.

SummerPeh >> Yeah, going to keep trying till nearer to AF. Hopefully i did not miss this cycle :p. I really hope for a Bunny Baby Boy. :p

CK >> I am also TTC for 2nd baby :D For me my cycle ranges from 23 days - 31 days. This time i hope i am still not too late, tested from CD 13 till now, still no O.

SummerPeh >> The link you attached, have tally to any relatives or friends to see how accurate this chart might be? Coz i realise there is more than one "Chinese Lunar Chart" floating in the market. I wonder which might be more accurate.

BB NN - just have BD wif ur Hub from CD10th till CD20th. Every alt days. Or as and went u guys in mood, can also do it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cos at times, when we use the O kit very diligently also never tio

Summer Peh >> Wah seems like i have to work hard this month, i guess this is the Lunar calender, which means i have to work hard from tomorrow till 7th October, heehee, cross my fingers and toes :D

JJJ Mummy >> Ok, i thought maybe can put in less effort, tiring lor. That is why waiting for O than work hard :p, anyway CD 17 for me today, or else fails, just BD and pray to get lucky.

Wah!!! Many post today...

JJJ_Mummy> Ya, they can't tell if the eggs are healthy or not... But based on size they would know if there will be ovulation that month, i.e. only eggs that are mature will "Hatch". :p

Same with women who ovulate two times a month, there are some months where we do not ovulate... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Summer Peh> The last i checked in the calender, my one should be boi leh... land up is girl... For me buay chun leh...

BB NN - buy some sexy lingerie and make urself feel beautiful and in mood, then can have higher chances of tioing! I think i read that somewhere before, if we woman reached orgasm first, more prone to getting pregnant.

Can also consider increasing the mood, cos otherwise will be very rountine based to do it every alt days. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


The one I did was at SGH - Ovulation monitoring. The nurse almost wanted to strangle me when I told her I only tried for 3 mths and wanted to see the gynae...

When I saw the doc, I told her I DIE DIE wan to try for a rat (so I had a dec baby rat). When I saw her it was in Feb I think, so I had to concieve by march to get a rat baby. The female gynae (must be rolling her eyes in her heart) recommended that I do the ovulation monitoring. That was after i pass the fertility tests.

That time it cost me less than $200 for all the v-scans + ovulation test kits. And YES I hit the bull eye for that one single time of ovulation monitoring. Partly because I ovulated abt 4-5 days after doing the v-scan, the OPK indicated the two lines...

As I mentioned, BD was done about 2-3 days before my actual ovulation (cos the OPK showed two lines but the test line was not as dark as the control line), so I got a girl... kekez.


You are so right! I agree that BD shld be enjoyable else it can get quite sian to think "OK. take off clothes. time to BD cos want baby!". ;p

I watched it on the science documentary! If the woman O either together or just before the husband, the sperms will get "sucked" inwards. And also when the woman O, the liq are more alkaline which is friendlier for the sperms! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just to share some "knowledge" that people told me about getting preggy!

- BD every 2 days (if ur mens is not regular)

- BD every 2 days during ur fertile period (esp useful if ur mens is regular. If ur cycle is 30 days, ovulation should be on CD(30-14) = CD16... can start BD 4 days before CD16)

- dun stress for both partners, enjoy the BD lar...if u can achieve orgasm then lagi higher chance of concieving. a/c to science film, the orgasm will "suck" the sperms into the womb!

- to protect the male's family jewels, the crotch area should stay cool (i.e. no tight underwear + jeans), no sit sit on hot surfaces or going to jacuzzi, etc. Erhmmm, I have a male friend who puts a fan below his work desk aimed at the trousers area to keep there cool... *haha!*

- for males take zinc and vit E will make the sperm more and better quality

Snowger >> i am also concern that i might not be O-ing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Maybe if this cycle dont happen for me, might have to go back to the DR to ask him to help "time" the O.

JJJ_Mummy >> heehee, i cannot imagine myself in sexy lingerie, like mini hippo with bak chang strings :p But yes i will think of someting, daily might become a chore, maybe watch something exciting :D

Summer Peh >> Tried the chart, my daughter conceive Lunar calender 3rd month, according to the chart should be a baby boy, could it be because it is a leap month in 2009, so this wont work?

BB NN> Jia you. i help u cross fingers and toes 2! lol

Snowger> ha ha ha look like u know alot hor... btw the chart must see the day u BD leh...

wishstar> hi hi gals.. u are in lioa.. kekeke well... need to dress also sexy .. lol

I next week whold week meeting.. more sian.. should be no chance to online lioa.. today CD 19 liao... keke BD-ing of cos happy la (i do it every 2 days)...

Snowger> me too.. i only tried 3mths and when I wanted to book appt for gynae, the nurse look at me in surprise.. but I dun care lah. I die die want a bunny coz wana avoid dragon bb.

ehy.. a bit shy to ask also.. how do u girls BD at least every alt days? me only 1-2 times a week. Everyday after work so tired liao.. and kinda worrying coz we are only newlywed and felt tired to BD... :p I think I need to find more sparks! I feel very shy to wear sexy lingerie coz all my fats will start flowing out and make me look "oily" haa...

Maybe I should secretly feed my hb with zinc and vit B too!

wishstar> hahaha but I 1 mth only BD that few days ma... Must keep the mood up... if not BB how to come..

babysee> lol see some DVD ba... if not go hm take a nap first then at night then try^^ the few days every importance.. my TCM will tell mi which day to which day to try...

Snowger, BB NN, wishstar,

Watching some other exciting stuff *blink blink* definitely helps! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] watch together with our hub leh? cos my figure not so good thus i wldnt want my hub to think of those sexy women when doing with me loh.... hahahaha.... thus i prefer to watch alone...kekekeke... but then again it all depends individually...

Wishstar, dun need to buy lah, for me, sometimes, i just wear only spagatti top (those loose loose type wan) better if it's white... *can see thru wan*

Babysee>Nvm one... Let her stare lor... Cos the nurse tat time oso told me "You go back and try for another 6mths then come back." So I told her No no cannot. Anyway I want to do fertility test to see if I healthy n stuff... So she bo bian...


If you are tired after work then dun BD at night lor... Do BD in the morning before going to work? Sleep early and wake up a little earlier lar... ;p

Summerpeh> Correct uh... I match my age and my BD month... but came out sala...

JJJ, i also like to watch alone...our taste different so cant watch together lol..

snowger, mi like pig...sleep early n wake up late..LOL how 2 BD in the morning??

hey ladies, I'm also trying for 2011 bb... hope to get a rabbit.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Trying for no 2....

Saw that you all discussing on the ancient chinese calendar which predicts boy or girl... i got the chart.. need to go and dig it out first...

I checked with my sister, sister-in-law, cousins and friends and the ancient chinese calendar is very accurate... for me, it works... before i know my no1 gender, i already know it's girl... and yes, it's a girl... hehehehe...

sorry to interrupt. i got plenty spare to let go.

pregnancy midstream test x 3 expire feb 2012

pregnancy strips x 10 expire apr 2012

ovulation strips x 20 expire dec 2011 to may 2012

selling strip 50cents each/midstream $2 each.

every 15 strips foc normal mail.


Hi Auroa,

How does your chart work? The age is in terms of lunar age (i.e. our normal age +1), and the month is the month of conception?

My #1 is 10 mths old already..thought of checking back to this chart to see accurate or not...keke..then can increase my chances of conceiving a gal next round..

