(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

MdmKhoo: welcome..

I realised these 1 month i have put on alot of weight.. hoping i will get to see the BFP if not i will need to slim down. These 3 years i have put on about 8kg.

I am so upset. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Morning Ladies..

Mrs Tan: you are not alone.. I have been putting on 10kg for the past 5yr. Gosh.. average 2kg per yr.. even though i have the marie france package, i only use once.. Cos i am thinking if now planning for bb. No point go.. Might as well keep it since there is no expiry date. Now i just hope to maintain the current weight..

Andrea> Gd tat ur boy & u have recovered, muz take gd care of urself & ur boy & increase both immune systems by takin vit & exercise [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Andrea> No plan to see TCM yet, shall wait and see for a few more mths...How abt u? Decided to stick on to TMC TCM?

TMC TCM very expensive.. Think I will go to Thong Chai or others.. my gynae ask me to try Thong Chai at Chinatown one..

Andrea> Oic, my MIL went to Thong Chai to see her leg, she said she saw alot of couples gg there to consult for gynae issues too...Not sure if the herbs need to be brew cos my MIL need to brew the herbs...

Diana> Wow,u still continue to see mah or u switch to kkh completely? Finish the herb, still muz go medical shop to buy herbs with the prescription rite, btw, roughly how much per visit? U & ur dh consult or oni u consult?

Puffgal> Yalor, tink becos Mark Lee announce this news at Thong Chai show so many couple went to Thong Chai...

Xiu, yup need to brew one.. If i'm not wrong is free.. but think need to give red packet right? My mens due is today. If I didnt strike, when my AF reports I will go n c le..

xiu03 > I going on weekends some weekends she not in so i have to get another pack from Medical Shop to get they got give me a paper what herbs they have inside. Both me and DH got go also lah...

Visit it is FREE by only by DONATION only...

BTW i go there for two years liao way before Mark Lee say on TV... Before he say already alot ppl liao imagine after he say lagi more ppl

morning ladies... =)

xiu: sorry didn't reply u yesterday.... my DH didn't pick me up yesterday.. cause I meet up with my SIL to watch SATC2... =P

andrea: hope you bring us good news!! =)

MdmKhoo> Oic, How long have u seen? The herbs is fixed and never change accordingly to health condition? Peifu ni leh, have to brew 2 diffrent herbs for u & dh...

xiu03 > I went for two years.... The herbs got change everytime different but she got say if she not in or i nv see her just use the same type of herb will be fine.... I have a electric pot use for the brewing one... so effortless

morning ladies

Mrs Lim: I take turns to drive juz be careful and DH says one straight rd so it's fine just that I muz nt speed. Anw my DH had been training me since I passed my license a year ago. Toilet clean? Yup quite but scared of the smell and can see the stains 

hapimint: I bought a wallet for myself 

Xiu: I am working on wed. Accompanying my dh to doc later he had juz gt an ear operation. Then will be shopping in town since i am at orchard 

who are the graduates from this thread? Beside komathi n victoria?

Eelynn> No worries, wat is SATC 2? Chinese/English movie? Nice?...Abit lost touch on movies...hehe.

MdmKhoo> 2 yrs quite long leh, i dun tink i have the patience. Keke...But my frend's cousin whom went to see a TCM @ serangoon got pregnant aft few mths...She tried for 5yrs...Though the TCM @ serangoon is more ex than Thong Chai, tink some pple will rather spent abit more to see result fast...

Mrs Tan>Oh, wat happen to ur dh's ear? Hope he has recovered? Wat u plan to buy for ur shopping spree? Keke..Shopping on a wkday afternoon is better than wkend as less crowded [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xiu03 > Ya agree sometime the medicine the stronger the more expensive since it FREE so they medicine are not that strong but will be effective when you take long term...

