(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

XIU!!!!! dun smack me, very painful one.. hahaha.. im abt to tell u all lah, eelynn very cute one.. she likes to spread to u all 1st. hehe.

i will take gd care of myself.. my hb's dream really come true.. i cannot forget the smile on his face last nite. :D

tks for the wishes ladies.. im very happy too.. hope u all can graduate soon too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pop : good news must share ma in regardless who say right [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eelynn> My AF due date is quite near to urs...mine is on 8th June, concide with our meetup... Ur body still aching?

Popomin> Did ur dh dreamt baby boy/gal? Keke...

xiu: oooo... .mine is on 7th... heeheee.... aching... and i feel abit sick... think i falling sick again.. arghhh...

Elicia> Thanks for the offer but i have too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Will test on 12th June is my AF is MIA...

Eelynn> Opps, take lots of water and prevent the sick bugs fr attacking u. U still consulting TCM?

Popomin>So ur little one is at 4ww? When and who did u plan to visit the gynae?

xiu: not at the moment.. cause that time i was sick ma.. so on medication.. will go back soon...

andrea: if AF never report.. can test.. =P

xiu, i duno also leh. tonite then use the clearblue indicator to test for hw many wks.. hehe. im clueless now too.

im thinking of Dr Adrian Woodworth cos he is the nearest to my hm.. i think its better to find one who is near to my home.. i duno want to go on wk 5 or 6 or 7. actually wanted to go after my honeymoon, scare too late liao. haha.

Carice> If bfp, dunno can go for the big feast cos Jap food, alot of sashimi, can't eat raw food, like a bit 'bo hua' since buffet and will drool when see u all eat. LOL...

if u all got feeling dat u all had striked, no harm testing after missed menses too. hehe.. i suddenly got urge to try last nite too.

Popomin> Oh, the popular dr. Tink Elicia saw him for his #1.. Better to go before ur honeymood so tat the gynae can prepare the neccesary supplement and maybe travel medication which are baby-friendly for u

Elicia>Yeah! Kerqing is on the 4th, quite near to urs too...

Eelynn> Haha, maybe i tink too much liao, shall wait & see...

Popomin> Did u have any preggy symptons or how long u miss ur AF then u test?

yes yes.. i go will go back to dr woody if i kena #2..

haha.. for Dr Woody he is cool on eating anything except coffee and tea.. he said if the sashimi is fresh no worry.. he is the one ask me go drink 100plus during my confinment.. haha

Wah... suddenly so many graduates over the long weekend [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Popomin - did u use preseed this time round..?

xiu, u are concerned abt me. im so touched. :D

hmm, i got backaches for few days b4 my next menses.. and i kept burping & feeling bloated almost all the time.. and im very tired n hungry too.. seems like AF symptoms too.. but this has nv happened to me b4, dats why i go test..

i missed for 3 days only. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PrestoRabb, yes! i used preseed this time. but both of us think we din strike on dat day we used preseed... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Elicia, u used dr woody too? Alicia also used him, so he is highly recommended. im really serious in considering him now cos he is so so near to my place.

im gg to aust & hk for my honeymoon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



hee. nice monday indeed!

so many good news wor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

popomin - nvm if u think preseed helped u'll or not.. perhaps it did.. I'm hopeful.. alright, this time I shall try with preseed.. haha. Dunno how to apply it well...

My fren also had her boy delivered by Dr Woody earlier this yr. U stay near cck..? I know he goes to the thomson medical clinic at cck. heard he speaks fast... maybe u can visit him or try a few others and see which one u are more comfortable with. Must take care during ur HM.. get ur hubby to carry all the luggage.. wah.. marriage with expecting bb with HM.. will be happiest !


I'm seeing Dr Wong Mun Tat from Thomson Women's Clinic.. his waiting time after each patient is not that long.. but is the waiting time for him to arrive at the clinic that takes a bit longer.. try to arrange for a later time appt then would be fine liao..

Jaster> TMC... Dunno lei, dont really like it there... I did not have a good experience there, especially the parking.

dr woody speak really fast.. if its a normal healthy pregnancy.. u can expect only 5 sentences.

1)how are u.

2)let do the scan

3)here is the head, here is the leg, bb is okie.

4)any question (got question he will ans all.. but no question he will see byebye)

5)okie i see u in XX week time..

by the way dr woody can deliver at mt A too.. think he have to be fast cos he got soo many MTBs to see.. by the way i remember in hospital, he also super fast break my water bag then say see u tml morning.. didn't even tell me what i should do or expected will happened.. blur me dunno wads going on.. dunno my considered as natural or induced birth.. haha

diana & emily, thanks so much! hope u 2 can strike soon too. :D

elicia, dr woody only deliver in 2 places ar? mt A seems not bad. hehe.

popomin, yes woody deliver at mt A and TMC.. for me both the room look nice however my hubby prefer TMC.. haha cos there is delifrance for him.. in mt A there the cafe food not nice leh.. u can arrange for the hospital tour at both hospital..

but i'm thinking my no. 2 i will wan to try ourt mt A.. hee.. if i got no 3 i will go to mt E and 4th will go geneagle.. hahaha...


you're very cute! haha.. each baby born at diff hospital ah? haha.. then next time we can come n ask you which hospital is better liao lor.. LOL..


eelynn, yes yes.. i wan 4.. but thats provided i can affort.. hee i think 4 just nice.. when i'm gone they all still can meet up play manjong.. keke...

jaster, yes after that i can write review for the hospital.. keke.. i told my idea to my hubby.. he faintz.. then he ask me change to last 2 to kkh and nuh.. cos cheaper.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

