(2011/12) Dec 2011

It is my turn to be on mc today. Hopefully I am given 2 days. Got my sinus this morning, feel better now but still sneezing and itchy eyes. Asking for some anti nausea pills for standby. The q is so long. 

finally back to work after my long weeks of MC.

seems like no improvement, still vomiting and feeling giddy. it's like wat goes in, wat comes out. even the nauseous pills are not helping. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi mamaash, need yur help! Cant find our facebook group. my email is [email protected]

Hi Missus - try to avoid milo 3 in one, milk and walking around. JUST lie on the bed, have a biscuit with ribena to reduce the acid juice.

Hi mamaash, need your help! please add me in facebook group. my email is [email protected]. thanks

Hi Missus - try to avoid milo 3 in one, milk and walking around. JUST lie on the bed, have a biscuit with ribena to reduce the acid juice.

Hi Kimiko,

I had just read through your dilemma just now and it sounds like the agreement on this forum is that the best solution for you may be to do confinement at your mom's home with a CL and to do the baby's first month at your MIL's home. It also sounds like your husband may have resistance to this idea.

I think that agreement with your husband is important in this issue because the child is yours and your husband's and my belief is that the wife should be the husband's most beloved, particularly after 9 months of nourishing the baby and going through a possibly difficult delivery process.

Based on my own experiences, I wonder whether the suggestions below will work for you?

i) Hang around other families with newborns, particularly those where the husbands take good care of their wives.

I am very blessed because my husband's circle of friends including 2 families who fulfill those criteria. And when they know I am pregnant, (although they are my husband's friends), they have already educated my husband on the importance of care of the wife particularly after such a trying period. Thus, my husband is already very convinced about the necessity of a CL especially for the first 2 weeks while I am healing from the delivery wounds.

So even when my MIL was first trying to persuade me (coz I'm more "soft" in this sense) and after my harmonious but non-commital answer, she had approached my husband about employing a maid (the horrors of training a new maid in our first month while trying to recover from wounds!!!!), my husband rejected her outright and informed her about our decision to employ a CL at least in the first 2 weeks. This is despite the fact that I'm living in my ILs' household.

ii) Involve him more in the pregnancy and pregnancy care, and help him understand the changes in your body, how're you're feeling and potentially what you will experience after childbirth. Try to also talk about the care of the baby in the first month and help him understand the tasks needed to care for the newborn and how it will affect your life.

I believe that our husbands love us and will want the best for us as their wives, within each family's constraints, limits and circumstances. My discernment (without knowing too much into your personal circumstance) is that your hubby may simply have underestimated the amount of work needed to care for a newborn. We also need to take into account this is our first child and we are inexperienced and we are trying to recover from physical wounds. If this is the real cause, getting him to learn these will be one way to soften the resistance in him.

Of course all these has to be taken also with understanding the reason behind his resistance of you moving to your mom's place. He may have good reasons which can also be addressed too.

Underlying all of these is the principle that care of your baby is a partnership between you and your husband. Because with the child, both your husband and you are finally becoming yi4 jia1 zhi1 zhu3 and have a dependent to care for.

Not sure if these will help? Jia you! There's still 6 months more to go to reach agreement. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Halo, morning all...

Seems like some of u gals still have bad MS huh? It's miserable, I know...but need to hang on oh!...Hope all will end soon! ;-)

I don't really have bad or serious MS, but my appetite & taste bud very weird & gone hay wired! Plain water seems bitter to me & bland food is a very turn off for me, no appetite when see those food. So, most of the time have to drink sweetened drink & take savory food like asam laksa, tom yam and instant noodle. All not healthy! But no choice...sigh...else really no appetite to eat & even will throw out after taken them. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Really weird & strange...

I'm also feeling giddy nowadays & have headaches as well due to insufficient sleep or disturbed sleep (wake up few times in the middle of night), resulted in high BP but not serious. But after taking rest & sleep, the BP will go down & will feel better.

If u gals not feeling well, just take rest, lie on bed until u feel better. Coz sometimes the giddiness will be serious until can pass out (happened to me before during my 2nd pregnancy) when I was in the middle of cooking! Very dangerous...

So, please take care & rest well.

shasha>> i wish i can lie down now but i'm back at work alrdy.

jus this morning alone, i threw out twice. dunno how's my lunch gng to be later. veri scare i will throw up more things. the train to work was quite empty today. hopefully, it's not crowded when i go hm. i sat on the reserved seat liao, dun care. if anyone is gng to ask, i'm juz gng to say i'm preg.

CT, most likely not gg for the 3/4D scan as my gynae provides foc 3D scan if bb's in the correct position... i heard 3d scan is pretty reasonable at NUH...

verene, rest more these 2 days...get well soon!

missus bl, hang on...tri 2 coming up!

jing hui, how are u feeling this pregnancy? any feeling whether isit a boy/gal?

this morn someone gave up his seat to me on the mrt!! hahah he pointed to my tummy n i nodded!! hahha... first time someone gave up the seat to me during 2nd trimester!! normally people juz think tha i am fat!! hahahhah

jinghui>> ya, bland food and water is a turn off for me too.

but if i take too savory food such as pizza hut spicy drumlets, tom yam soup, i will vomit them out. T_T no win-win for me at all! i'm alrdy worried abt my lunch later, dunno wat i shld eat.

i oso not slping well at night. will wake up in the middle of the night then have difficulties to get back to slp again. but my BP is normal as per my last appt. the giddy spell is really killing me softly. basically, i juz wanna lie down and slp.

you take care too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sporty>> my mum threw up from day 1 to her edd when she was expecting my youngest sis. i veri scare same thing will happen to me.


Wah, ur bump showing liao eh :p I think mine also ler, altho only 11 weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] It's like super fast can be seen liao, wanna hide longer also cannot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I look so bloated (literally fat la!) now...*sob sob*

This pregnancy is not as bad as my 2nd, coz 2nd pregnancy I threw up my food for about 2 weeks (thank god only 2 weeks), totally can't take in any food at that time & was very weak (maybe coz of no food intake). Everyday just literally lie down the whole day, cannot do anything. This time round no throwing up but feel very weak & lethargic. Maybe getting old bah, haha...no more energy. Some more running around the house with 2 monsters can kill man!!

Mmm, I guess I'll be having another gal...but I'm not very sure also, haha. Good to have another gal coz my #2 (gal) is not hyper like her bro & more obedient & well behaved. Easier to take care lor. Hope my #3 also like her jie jie, hehe...If boy, DIE! Haha! But anyway, since I have a boy & a gal liao, #3 boy or gal also never mind la...as long as the baby healthy can ler. Most importantly, a very guai guai baby!! :p

So, how about u? Boy or gal? Or u have preference?

gd mrg mommies!

wah the thread is moving really fast!!

feeling very sick tis mrg... tink i m having the heartburn feeling.. and somehow feel a bit cramp when i pee today..

juz so paranoid!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


same for me as well, i m taking the reserved seat too.. and ever since, im preg, im taking the super long journey everyday frm CCK to Marina Bay... juz feel so tired by the time i reach home every day..

Jing Hui: My hubby and I have different gender preferences, so either way, as long as he/she is healthy, one of us will be happy and the other will learn to be happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

missus BL,

U try not taking too much portion. Maybe half of the portion? Coz maybe now our digestion system not very good, that's why can't take in too much intake of food. I also will feel very miserable if I finish my meal all at once. I dare not take oily food (deep fried) & spicy food (curry) coz these food are very hard to digest, thus will make us not feeling well.

Aiyoh, from start of pregnancy to EDD?? That's really killing & torturing...poor ur mum [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Hopefully that's not the case for u...

U try do things slowly, at ur own pace la. If feel giddy, must really sit & rest until u feel better, ok? Esp ur working & not at home.

Take care.

Ms Carpe Diem,

No prob on the gender preference la, hehe. Coz after all, the baby belongs to u & ur hubby mah! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Own flesh & blood. Is this ur 1st baby?

@sporty: wah such a nice way to brighten up ur monday mrg! it means u'r looking more preggy than fat! great!!

for me, i tink i m looking FAT and not preg! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] haha

Ms Carpe Diem,

Hehe, usually #1 have gender preferences la. Can see the excitement in both u & ur hubby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

#3 for me already lor!!!... :p

missus bl, ur bb is very intelligent lor...cuz i ever posted before abt an article tha mummies who have ms will tend to have more intelligent bbs...think positive ba...

jing hui, slight bump la...think also becuz of what i wore today...was surprised tha uncle lemme sit lor...yah, now diff to hide liao la... ohh mb ur no 3 is a boy since symptoms diff from no 2... for me, boy/gal is fine as long as healthy...

ms carpe diem, yeah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jasline, have a good lunch later...hope ur heartburn go away! err...i still think i am fat lor! scary leh, cuz tha day my fren took a pic of me from behind, i thot which ah soh is tha! thas me lor!!!

Missus BL..We are reaching our week 10 this week[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I feel nausea too if i dont eat or if i dont eat too much..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]Normally,what i do is i eat lesser per meal but more meals..at least we eat..if realli no appetite,drink more soup this will helps..I find my self haywire if i take fried food or oily food so try to avoid if you have the same problem too..

try to put a pillow for you to rest your feet or leg when you sleep so i think i can sleep better in this week..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Ms Carpe Diem,

Thanks for taking the time to address my issue and provide me with suggestions. My hubby understands me immediately after I voice out my fear and concerns and supported me with the hiring of a CL. However, the main problem is where to do confinement now. The best place would be at my in-law's place where we are currently staying but my in-laws have their issues also. Hence the headache begins..

kumiko - was reading through your posts. Personally, i feel that confinement period of 1 month is really not that scary [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My MIL so called did confinement for me during my son's time. Nonetheless, I take care of the baby myself night time tog with my hubby. She only help during daytime and help me with the meals. Irregardless whether you have confinement ladies, whether your MIL does your confinement day and night or only day, we need to wake up like every 3hrly to express milk/latch on baby. It is really only in between feeds that you can rest abit...and thats really the time when your baby sleeps... a newborn typically only eat, sleep, pee and poo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so i feel, so long theres someone who can help prepare your meals, you should be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dun worry too much... somehow when its your 1st baby, you want to be very hands on! I remembered I was thinking that I will be scared if my confinement lady works day and night with lil rest! cos she might let slip the baby! I rather she rest well at night and take super good care of the baby in the day when I rest!

So I think whatever the decision, you will be fine! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jasline>> wah, i took from lavendar to tampines is quite torturing for me liao. yours is veri far indeed.

jinghui>> yup, i taking small portion now. feel hungry but cannot finish the food at all. initially, i can still eat like a cow.. i'm walking slowly now and toilet is my sec desk in ofc. HAHA! now i'm counting down to 6pm so that i can go hm!

sporty>> i rem your article. i hope it's true.. i juz hope my nauseous means the bb is growing healthily inside me. :_)

wendy>> yes, finally week 10! really cant wait for the first trim to end so can announce. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but i will wait for my OSCAR result b4 announcing to my frds. felt really bad cos due to the vomiting, i've been rejecting outing with frds. the reason i gave is not feeling well or bz. hopefully they will understd after i told them the truth.

i'm really counting down to 6pm so i can leave ofc immediately!

Missus BL..My dr previously tell us not to tell anyone abt my pregnancy coz pantang..but last week he tell me can declare like..haha..funny though i am still in my 1st trimester..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]..Am having my U/S this week again so aso dun knw when is my oscar test too..when is yr oscar??

wendy>> maybe the bb is stablised so can tell ppl alrdy? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow, you having weekly scan ah? my oscar test is on 27 jun, i will oso be doing another US on that day.

feel like puking out again anytime! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi mummies!

Anyone experiencing same issue as me? Keep on having gastric discomfort irregardless I eat or don't eat.. Irregardless I eat alot or little.. I took the liquid gastric but still couldn't cure n I really feel very uncomfortable..

missus BL, i also looking forward to 6pm! v tired today!!

wendy, think ur gynae feels tha ur pregnancy stablises liao...so can announce le!

adeline, mb try taking milk to neturalise the acid juices?

mama ash, yeah...tha uncle juz pointed to my tummy! haha... yah, think today i wore more tight fitting dress

Burn a big hole in my wallet over the weekend at the motherhood fair!

Stroller so ex, cloth diapers so ex , everything also expensive!

Sometimes, ebay really have good buys!

Hi Joanne, you bought stroller and cloth diaper? Mind sharing what brand, model and how much you paid for them?

Hi Wendy, congrats that your baby is stable now. You must be feeling relieved? I'll be starting 2nd trimester starting tomorrow, am feeling happy about it. Most importantly I feel good today, didnt feel nauseous after eating self-cook food and still got appetite for more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The cloth diapers is about 39.90 with insert but I found $6+ from ebay. Bought Peg Perego stroller at 870. Think the usual price is about 1000+

Bought also the baby playpen, pillow set etc etc. And the $188 deal from pigeon that has the warmer as well.

Hi mummies,

Just came back from my 12 weeks scan n did blood test also. Result will be known tmr.

Btw, I am expecting a BOY!!!!!!

My gynae said most likely....as can see from the scan, a tiny 'pointer' sticking upwards at the bottom abdomen area. Very obvious, and she even print a scan photo for me to keep:p

Well...i was hoping for a girl... but well if bb is healthy, b/g also can..


wah! u indeed had a fruitful trip from the babyfair!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i havent started buying anything yet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i'm also tinking of buying a Peg Perego stroller.. call u share with me the model u buy?

missus BL - JIa you le. Me just resting at home now because i vomited this morning. Sight!

Adeline - you are not the only one. I burp and vomit everyday. my tummy looks bloated and I even have problem wearing my tight shirt and dress now.

Joanne - Wow ! U already bought the strollers. There are so many brands around, and it is really difficult to get something that is good and match our budget.

@Jay: congrats!! wah!! u can know the gender at wk12!!! so sweet of ur gynae to let u have the scan photo as a momento [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hee..

so happy for u!! yup, i tink its very natural for us to have gender preference, but most importantly is to have a healthy baby!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jay, wahhh so fast can tell gender liao...congrats on ur boy!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

joanne, wahhh nice hauls from the fair! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

Jay, wow! so fast you know the gender already? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wendy, once gynae feel the bb is stable, usually can announced already.

Hi mummies,


congrats on ur boy!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

CT: i not able to send u a message for u to add me as friend b4 i add u to the group.. maybe u add me? [email protected] thx!

jay: congrats!!! i had updated the table liao... u're the first! hahaha...

dacylet: had added u as friend to my FB, but need u to cfm b4 i can add u to the group! :p

Missus BL..yup..i arrange for a weekly scan these 2 weeks coz i feel so unrest..still have brown spotting though my dr feel that i am ok..haha..i think he must be feeling that i am so KS..I am just so worried since i have my last MC during week 9..u knw so just wan to be more careful now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

MamaAsh..gd luck for yr oscar later..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]My dr just say he felt that i am stable and ok now..can let ppl know but u know i dun intend to tell anyone till they notice it..except for my MTB friends here in Forum..i feel that every MTBs here share and feel here in the forum for one another but not colleagues or relative...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sporty..i still plan to stay low profile though my tummy is already showing since my ovaries are still swelling as big as my uterus now...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] after IVF..though i am only in my Week 10 this week,i look like preggy with 5months..So still a long way for me.

Kimiko..i am not feeling relieved yet since my spotting is still there..haiz..congras..you are 1day away from 2nd trimester..Think i will only feel relieved after delivering the bb..haha..I read up on your MIL resistance to having a CL..haha..Actually,my hubby spoke to my PIL yesterday abt having a CL.They were so stunned with the cost of it..Since mine is a jan bb,it is more x due to CNY,but they seems stunned..My hubby is very supportive towards what i want and do..anyway, they have not responded to the CL requested by me too..Well,i will not want to talk too much abt this issue coz at the end of the day,there will be a solution out..so we just highlight to them that CL are running low as there are alot of yr end n jan bb..so it is kinda while stock last thing..Just let them ponder 1st and come back to us..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Dacylet..planning to stay low profile 1st..am just happy and contented as long as i can share my joy with MTBs here in the forum..

