(2011/12) Dec 2011

Jay: Congrats on ur baby boy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sporty: Having different symptoms/cravings for different pregnancy not necessary will have different gender oh! Altho turned to be true to my previous 2 pregnancies, but I still hear many say it's not true to them. Hmm, I still hope I'll have another gal, hehe :p

Usually, for baby boy, it's easy to detect when baby is in a good position as early as 12 weeks. Plus, the gynae must be very experienced as well.

Sure many 1st time mummies here are eager & excited to know their baby's gender huh? ;-) Hope all have good news & get what they wished & hoped for...!


Wendy: It's ok if u don't wish to announce ur pregnancy to other people yet. It's just individual's preference & about being comfortable about it. I'm also keeping myself really low profile lately & have not actually tell anyone that I'm preggy except only parents & in laws. Coz this is unplanned pregnancy & I feel so 'paiseh' :p Only can share here with u all & I'm happy with it! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i also cant wait to kno the gender... it seems tha my gynae & the senographer at tmc knos when i was doing my oscars but they dun wanna commit on the answers!!

wendy, dun say long way la...time passes by v fast de, in no time u will be carrying ur lil one in ur arms...

jing hui, ya la, but the symptoms n all plays a part la... gals are definitely more obedient than boys now my #2 now is becoming a terror also...i guessed part n parcel of terrible 2s! so u intending to send ur #1 or #2 to cc once #3 arrives? if not how u gg to cope?

bfly, u can check out fb for jay's bb's scan...very obvious its a boy!!

sporty: Definitely I can't cope with 2 toddlers & an infant later! We're gonna get a domestic helper/maid, really no choice ler. We can't afford to send elder 2 to cc as I'm not working full-time, so it's gonna be strainful for hubby. Guess maid is the ideal/best choice already. I'll be supervising myself at home as need to take care the newborn also. At least with a domestic helper, I'll not be stressful on the household chores.

Haha, I think ur eager & excited to know ur baby's gender as well eh? I still need to wait quite long tho, as subsidized patient won't get to do scan on every visit, only on week 22 (detailed scan) & week 32. I'll wait patiently... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] No hurry for me anyway, hehe.

Hi Jay, congrats! Your scan is so clear, so nice! I thought my latest scan was clear and when I look again after looking at yours, I realised mine is still very blur [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi mummies, I noticed that I'm not as hungry as before. And if I didn't eat before I sleep though I'm a bit hungry, I still can survive. Is this because our body will adjust back during 2nd trimester or?

jing hui, is ur #1 attending skool? or #2 will attend n1 next yr? ya la...u really need an extra set of hands at home, maid is a good choice for u... i think most likely my gynae can tell at next visit ba cuz by then 17 weeks liao!

sporty: #1 is attending nursery this year. Not sure wanna send #2 to school or not next year. We'll see how.

Ok, then wish u all the best for upcoming scan! ;-)

Kimiko: Really glad that your hubby supported the idea of a CL. I also hope he would negotiate with his mom on having a CL at your IL's home (which is what he wants) or to become ok with you having a CL at your mom's home. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

JingHui: Wah! Experienced mom! Pass some of your experiences in taking care of bbs to new moms like us. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ms Carpe Diem: Aiyoh, I'm not really very experienced la! Just that when the time comes, u'll be able to cope with things eventually & manages things well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Mother instincts & we're forced to learn as we go along. I'm sure u can do it!

But as a 1st timer, be sure to have someone really experienced to guide u along. Coz at 1st, I really dont know & don't dare to bathe a newborn, haha! Even when the baby already turned full month. Only on 3rd month onwards I tried bathe my son & learn things. I was really blur :p

I did not hv CL for both of my confinements. MIL did it. Overall, it was ok, not so much prob. But after 1 month, she left & everything was on my own. Will be quite tough taking care of newborn for initial few months, not to mention breastfeeding!!! Arghhh!...giving me shivers thinking now. Breastfeeding is the toughest part for me...

But u don't worry too much ya. Sure u'll get along the way as u enter motherhood later!

Dear mummies, thank you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kimiko, haha...actually I think the 'little brother' is the clearest...

bfly, I have upload the scan picture in FB.

Jing Hui,

I agreed with you that it was after the 1st month that is the toughest. My worst period was during the 3rd to 4th month, whereby both my bb experienced colic, and cry non stop into the night. It was especially bad with my 1st born, cos at that time, really dunno wat to do. And with my 2nd child, he always fall sick, cos my elder child by then was in childcare, and kept bringing back the bugs. For those years, I never had a good night sleep. Now to think of it, have to go thru again....kinna scary....my hubby up till last week, was still asking me...Are we sure we are prepared for a third one.....sleepless nights for many months, if not years to come.

over the weekend... i watched an old show...

The Bad Mother's Handbook.

Haha... says, we all go thru the same "motherhood school".

Jing Hui, i dont think i can handle 2 toddler and infant too so same as u, i am engaging a helper end of this year.. to help out confinement n look after baby.

i'm full time working mum and both girls in child care full time now!.. very taxing indeed in wallet!!..

shasha, i dont have much loose clothes so now, i am making do with whatever clothes i can find but the discomfort is killing me.. i am taking the indigestion pill as well.. not vomiting but burping alot!.. didnt experience this before..

Jay, when i had my #2, my #1 just entered childcare and therefore bringing the virus back home and kept infecting #2.. it was so bad till #2 i spend 1k per month to cure her.. cause she had this respitory virus, couldnt breathe.. was a torture.. it's easier to handle the kids when they at older age now i always sleep whenever i want cause they can look after themselves and play together..

Sporty, i tried drinking milk but it doesnt help.. anyway urs might be boy?? since they can detect gender.. ! haha...

mamaAsh, hows ur oscar?

I'm gng back my mum's place to stay over & realized I forgotten my dusphaston! Left it at my in-law's place.. Now experiencing a bit of cramp due to walking, hope will be ok cos I'm skipping it for 2 nights. -_-"

missus BL,

Better go back and take, or make arrangement to b delivered to u. I think multivit can forget to take but not your dusphaston leh....


My no 2 was also very bad at that time...6 mths old have to take X-ray cos suspect got bronchitis. Then every month fall sick until 2 yrs old...so much until my PD said she only remembered him as a sicky child. Up till now at 4yo, he is still very weak...never eaten a ice-cream, neither has he drink any cold drink before. If he take anything cold, he will start to cough immediately.

Sporty: Haha. So funny. He pointed to your tummy. Imagine if a lady was to say no, both parties would be so paisay. Today I was out and teenager, roughly Pri 5 boy and their mother were oblivious to my bump despite sitting at the reserved seat. Ended up an old uncle gave up his seat for me! Chain reaction, then an auntie from the other end of the reserved seat gave up her seat for this uncle. To imagine the family of 3 still act like nothing happened.

Wendy: You must be over the moon to hear that Dr Roland said that bb is doing well for you to announce to the world! So happy for you.

Jay: Wow... so exciting to know the gender at Week 12! My colleague also mentioned that he discovered its a bb boy at week 12 too. Tmr I am going for checkup at week 14. Hmm, think if cannot see tmr, quite likely its gal. I am so eager to see your scan! If everything goes on fine tmr, I will join the FB group (more comfortable with letting friends know in case its shown on my profile activity - actually quite a number knew liao when they met me recently coz of the bump).

After lunching with ex colleagues, I was walking around Haborfront and popped into a maternity wear shop. Sales assistant asked me if around 5-6 months, and when I replied 3months +, she said "wah, you are eating well". Haha. dunno whether to be happy or worried that i put on so much weight.

Missus BL..must rem to take dusphaston if your dr still ask you to take..just like my utrogestan..

TIE..actually we were chit chatting with dr Roland when he say actually i am quite stable and it ok to announce abt my pregnancy..But since I have a bunch of irritating relatives,I do not even have the intention to let then know i am preggy even if i give birth to my BB..they are always full of gossips n criticism..Which i told Dr roland before..Haha..in fact,i think previously when i had very bad bleeding was always due to the frustration that i had from them..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

wendy: U better stay out of those 'small people' & let them affect ur baby. Just ignore them & have a smooth pregnancy. Don't let these kind of people affect ur mood thus leading u a stressful pregnancy. Do take care oh...

Missus Bl: Important medication try not to skip eh. Take regularly as instructed by gynae/doc.

Adeline: Yeah, after discussing with hubby about putting our kids in cc, indeed it's not ideal for us. I still need to take care of my #3 later & won't be able to work full-time still. So, best option is getting a domestic helper/maid. Even ur working full-time, putting both of ur kids to cc, u also find it taxing hor?

Jay: The main concern for me about putting my kids to cc is their health prob. I know they will tend to get viruses back to home which will infect my #3 later. I'm very scared to take care of sick kids!...really straining...esp when 2 fall sick at the same time! Can't imagine later 3 fall sick altogether...I'll DIE!...

Tell me about it...talking about sleeps...*sigh* I never had good & peaceful sleeps all these years!! Now with #3 coming soon, I really feel I'm back to zero & square one, everything need to start all over again...SIEN ah!! And breastfeeding...I hate it! But for the sake of baby, I need to endure & bear with everything...coz breastfeeding was never easy for me. Hate the leaky breasts, engorge every 2-3 hours, infection (mastitis) & resulted to high fever which no medication can cure me as I'm allergic to panadol & paracetamol and the list go on...

Hi mummies,

Talking abt baby bump. Since I took probiotics prescribed by gynae, I have been releasing lotsa gas and my tummy is super flat now. With almost no MS now, I feel super not preggy…getting paranoid already….

If anyone needs CL starting end Dec, can PM me. I softbooked one CL who came highly recommended through SMH and Sgmummy. I chatted with her a few times and found her very responsible and she will call and ask on my progress. But she did ask me to monitor my EDD and said if confirmed early Dec, she can’t do for me cos she has another mummy whose EDD is early Nov. Today I confirmed I can’t use her service since my EDD is indeed early Dec (and since MIL most likely doesn’t want CL) and she was still very responsible and advised me on the minimum service standards I should expect of other CLs. But must caveat I never used her service before lah.

sporty - yah, I intend to go nearer to EDD, wait I forget, haha. You know where I can sign up for prenatal classes. Can I go to those in other hospitals cos I think GlenE doesn’t have.

Shasha – yah, I intend to do the same with my MIL.

Jay – congrats! Your scan is very clear at week 12! So envious, ow you can start shopping, haha.

hi MTB, i have a 2nd hand Kate Spade Classic Noel Henry Baby Bag in dkchocolat to sell..used for 2 months only, condition 95%...selling @ SGD 230, self collection..

interested, pls call me @ 91112839


I will wait for your good news tmr... Btw, mummies here all says the FB is a closed group so OK to join lar. My frens also dunno I pregnant yet. If can see what I posted just now, they would have called me by now


Haha, actually it's the opposite. I dun have to do shopping since my last kid also a boy. Can pass down all the things to bb[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jinghui..you are rite men!!!...you know they are a real time nuisance..they simply like to gossip and worse when they gossip,they purposely want to let me know..I really dont understand why i have such relatives at times too..they are always out there to provoke me..haiz..think my bb must b an unhappy bb since i am always getting damm pissed off n irritated by them..i really feel for my bb..but i try to simmer down @ times,but..i remember that they were getting on my nerve 1 day till i burst out in tears..then suddenly i started to bleed and then admitted to hospital for almost 4days...haiz..

wendy: Ur mood & temper (emotional side) play a very big parts to ur pregnancy & will certainly affect the baby. Ur pregnancy is not easy to come by and don't let all these unhappy things spoil it. Must always keep a calm mind & think of the baby. Be strong gal!! Baby needs u! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] *hugz*

funny thing happened on the way home juz now...

another uncle gave up the seat for me! wow...must be my lucky day today or the dress i wore shows my tummy obviously! haha

jing hui, thks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope u get a suitable maid soon! yeah, same...never really sleep well these 5 yrs...hahha...

jay, yeah i agree ur bb's 'little bro" is v obvious!! hehe

adeline, dunno wor...next checkup will kno liao lor...

missus bl, better go and take the dusphaston back...

TIE, ya la...even if i am not preggy but fat, i will take the seat also lor,..if not so paiseh lor..aiyo tha family of 3 really act blur leh!! wooo...ur tummy must be quite obvious then!!

stardust, u can sign pre natal class at other hospital even tho u dun deliver there... try tmc's prenatal class by mrs wong...

Jinghui..I told my hubby that our bb will be a crying bb..everyday so stress with gossips around me..haiz..u knw they even gossip to the extent that i am so old liao still dont want to give birth..dun knw wait for what..haiz..to me..this is my business loh..y bother??but u know during pregnancy,we have mood swings,so we get very affected by what people tell n say..as much as i want to avoid..they simply dont stop gossip..haiz..thanks for been around,sweetie..

Jinghui: me same situation as u, intend to get maid to look after bb. Would u be getting Filipino, indo or Myanmar maid? Cos so far I heard fili n Myanmar can be good w babies... But still lost here...

Wendy: try not to be bothered w those relatives, cos ni matter wat u do they also got things to say!! Take good of yrself for the sake of yr bb k!!

Sporty: wear more of the dress if u wanna get privilege! Haha...

I done my Oscar test today, but waited an hr for my turn!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but glad tat bb is fine n result is good!! Seems like EDD by todays scan show my EDD is brought forward to 13 dec!!! Hope bb can come out on 12 dec, so share the same bday as my #2!!! haha... Bb is 64.7mm as of today 12w4d and heartbeat is 160bpm!! Happy...


Dun bother about those relatives. So far, I never ever announced any of my pregnancies to my relatives, except me n my Hubby's immediately family. I told my mother n mil to announce to whoever they feel like telling. Even my past 2 children's full month, I only invited our immediate family. N for full month cakes, my mom is the one that does the delivery to those relatives. I m too tired n bo-chap to b involved.

Just b happy, n you will enjoy this wonderful experience, esp since it is your 1st birth.


mamaAsh: I'm 1st time on this maid issue, so also no idea which one to get. Will u be getting from agency or a transfer maid? My hubby has colleague whose maid wanna transfer and is Filipino. Yet to speak to her & get to know in details of the person. Hubby said not so soon, maybe 2-3 months before I deliver then only engage. Still have time to look/ask around in the meantime.

Are u SAHM or working mum? Btw, congrats on ur good results on OSCAR test!

MamaAsh..very funny..we are always troubled with problems when we are preggy..all sort of problems arises..haha..Dont know why..Haiz..

Jay..you are rite loh..haha..problem is my mum and my PIL dont even want to tell anyone too..haha..so cant you imagine how KPO my relatives are..??


No need to chup ur relatives so much. If now u alrdy so mind, imagine after bb arrives! Lagi more comments n unsolicited advice one! That time I got so much comments from an auntie tt I feel she is being overbearing n too kaypo bcoz somethings have no right or wrong but just personal pref one mah. But if I dun follow her way it's like I'm just plain stubborn like tt. N somemore all along this auntie is considered quite close to me n we have good relationship all along one leh. Even with good relationship I also cannot stand her comments when my #1 first arrived.

Jinghui: same me also 1st time handling maid, super lost!! But will def go to a trusted agency used by my sis. Would prefer a new maid, hoping they have e intention of coming here to work hard. Heard many stories of transfer maids, so most prob won't get those. Yes, hb say to get maid like in oct or so, so we can try on housework n if maid is not good still got time to chg!! Me full time working mum helping out in my dad's co, n cos my #1 is gg P1 next yr and #2 will be in K1 but attending full day childcare, so left with bb and housework, guess maid is e only option.

Gbh - I have been taking fresh juice everyday and cure my constipation. Better than the prescribed med that my doc gave me.


thanks for the advice! i got take fruits/juice now lah but not everyday lah, esp juice... wah must take daily??... then i must go prepare lotsa fruits liao... but now i have a craving for oranges... sweet ones of course... last time i nvr like to even try oranges bcoz i find that hard to find real sweet ones... most r sour n very acidic... urrghhh...

re MS

now i feel very nauseous... btw i heard from a mummy fren that she read somewhere tt avocadoes help in easing nausea... for those who dun mind eating that can try a bit... healthy fruit too... that time i tried sharing one with my #1 n surprisingly, it is not as oily/greasy as i thought will be. it tastes a bit bland but fragrant n a bit like coconut flesh taste... not bad... n my greedy #1 finished all that i fed her too.. LOL!

morning ladies, i also dun dare to post much here cos i duno which friend is stalking me. haha. until now not many ppl know yet. only my family members, one closed friend and a colleague. i prefer to post in the fb closed group for now until i reach my tri 2, keke

why do you ladies park when you go TMC? i simply hate the parking there. I am now thinking should i go for the antenatal course

Hi Jay, thanks for sharing with me the details of your bintan trip. Wasnt feeling too well e past few days, thus did not log on. Seeing how "unstable" I m, my hubby told me to hold on any trips and rest during this june school holidays. Feels that Im depriving my children during this school holidays. So sad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sporty, both my children still needs a lot of attention, esp my #2 still needs pple to feed him. But we are training them to take care of themselves so that they can take care of didi/meimei when bb is out.

Ladies, Have a good day ahead. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

RE: parking at TMC

you can ask hubby to drop u off at tmc and he goes opp hbd carpark and wait but very limited lots. Alternative, use their velet parking. It is a parking problem at tmc. Thus we were thinking of going to MtA for this round.

Gd morning ladies!

mamaAsh: If my hubby colleague's transfer maid is not suitable, will go to agency to look for a fresh one. Will gather info at the meantime to see which is better & so. Will u have someone to supervise the maid at home when ur back to work later?

gbh: I'm having bad constipation. In fact, I had it as well for my last pregnancy. It was real bad & I had to take med regularly prescribed by gynae. Now also on the same medication. Of coz it helps me to clear my bowels better. Guess really have to take fruits as well as I don't take much.

good morning!

@gbh: hope u'r feeling better ok!

drink some juice, and hopefully u wont feel so constipated, and will have some appetite for food...


congrats on the gd news! wah, how nice if ur bb can have the same birthdate as ur 2nd child! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i like the date 12/12 !

btw, can u tell me the maid agency that ur sis recommend.. i'm beginning to shortlist a few reliable maid agencies!

thx in advance ya!

Morning mummies.

Can I join this thread. Did my OSCAR on Saturday and the scan seems fine, baby lying on his/her side so not too cooperative. But manage to see baby's kicking legs and flexing fingers etc. Doc commented that baby very active.

Now waiting for blood test result.

I am 12w4d and edd on 13 Dec. Baby #3 for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning, mommies!

Thanks MamaAsh for update of mommies list.

Wendy, I think I left out one qn u asked: my IVF doc is Sheila Loh from Raffles Hospital. She was from KKH many years ago. I was told by the specialist in KKH my mom was seeing that she headed the fertility dept in KKH. She still sees patients in KKH on Wed if I am not wrong.

I think now most 3rd time mummy need to get maid!


Jinghui and MamaAsh do share with me ur experience in getting maid, i will get in november!.

Jinghui, ya both myself and husband working full time but alreayd find it taxing that both attend child care.. fees for child care are not cheap now.. and not to mention extra curriculum like excursion, concert etc.. then if fall sick leh? is additional money but luckily i can claim from company still not too bad.. thats why i need to continue working! to maintain my sanity as well hah!

didnt know TMC parking is bad.. need to go there for Oscar.. i'm mt A supporter! so never go tmc before..


Wendy, when I had #1, I announced at my blood test result.. KS but cos I was so happy..

This time, we waited until we got the EDD date confirmed.

Feel comfortable to announce, I am sure your friends and love ones are happy for you!


Today is my scan, at 3:45pm..

Now is back to my busy work desk..

Have a great day!

