(2011/12) Dec 2011

Adeline, I share your sentiment on the sanity part..

I have only one and I already surrendered to getting a helper by the time he turned 9mths.. He was so clingy (despite all the play dates and classes I took him to), and I was immobilized. I can't even cook a decent meal!!

no helper is perfect but I think I got a good one, not that I think she is good but most of my friends think she is good.


hello all!

today no "priviledge" liao! haha

wendy, stay happy & dun think too much gal!

mama ash, hahah...think its tha dress tha makes wonders! hahah... good tha ur test results for oscars are fine!! hope ur no 3 is born on 12/12...sounds v nice indeed!!

gbh, drink more water & eat more fruits! try prune juice also...

ling, so scary got frens stalking u?! tmc usually we either park with valet or at the underground carpark also... depends on avaliability...

jjj, yes better train #1 & #2 to be more independent if not v shiong next time leh!

bb n gg, welcome! another #3 mum! how old is ur #1 & #2?

adeline, i not getting maid la...think not used to stay with a stranger at home leh...

kk/lyn, enjoy ur scan later on!

Adeline: I'm still asking around which maid agency is good & which maid to get also. Else get those don't know speak English one, jialat. I heard it depends very much on our luck in getting a good maid. Hopefully there's not much issue on this maid thingy else headache keep changing & stress out.

I wish I can back to work full time as well. Facing the kids 24 hours a day, 365 days can turn me into a crazy & mad woman! Really no life at all & I lost all my circle of friends. So depressed & sad ler...

Jing Hui, ya i also want to get english speaking and hope i wont have to keep changing maid.. =/ just want maid to do housework and help my mummy look after baby.. so far i think filippinos r better in language.. and i understand facing kids 365 days and 24/7 is crazy!!.. sometimes i face my daughters full time over weekend i also want to ki siao..

After get married n gave birth, time revolve alot ard them..

Sporty, i dont like the idea of stranger too but if i let my aunty aka nanny look after, our expenses will go up even more.. maid is like the best option le..

KK, glad that you engage a good one! really not easy to come by. one of my husband aunty have a really good maid as well.. can cook, can speak, very auto, go where help until where.. cannot just sit down and do nothing kind..

Thank you for the welcome Sporty [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My #1 is 3 yrs old and #2 is 1 yr old.

Adeline: I actually don't feel comfortable with a maid (stranger) around my house as well, but really down to no choice but to be in that way already. If I remain with my 2 kids, I still can die die cope & manage on my own one. But, sometimes things really come unexpected & we need to change & adjust to accommodate the changes.

We ever considered nanny as well but also will be costly & taxing after much calculation. So, this option is out from our list. Really hope we'll have luck in getting a good maid.

If anyone of u here have good lobang about good agency, please share ya. Thanks!

hey mummies! how are all doing?

I'm still puking daily and no appetite.. brown discharge stopped *fingers crossed!* but am getting concern over my weight loss... i dun even dare weigh myself now... i'm already 14 weeks! does anyone exp this?? i'm worried but got to wait for gynae to be back next week for my appt... n i'm having cramps...

it's so true every pregnancy is diff.. initially i tot now #2 liao will be more 'zai'...but the sympthoms are diff! when i'm having #1 after 1st tri i'm glowing and blooming liao! but now still so weak and shrinking in size[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]...

Wanna ask all mummies with #3, later on will close shop or will go for #4 or #5 ah? :p Have u ladies think of contraceptive method if wanna close shop already? I'm thinking of ligation. Any comments, feedback on this?

gretel: Yeah, every pregnancy is usually different. My #1 & #2 pregnancy have big difference as well. Now 3rd pregnancy is very much similar to my 2nd pregnancy with different cravings for food. Just that we always hope & want a smooth & MS free kind of pregnancy. Hope ur cramps are not serious else u really need to seek help to check what's wrong. Hope u feel better soon & take care ya.

jasline: my sis & her ex-colleg had been getting from this agency, AUK management (http://www.auk.com.sg/search.htm) can try to look @ their maids biodata first... so far, they recommend to get new maids in rather than trf maids & so far, the one my sis had is good. cos this agent did their own screening too. i would go & look around @ the agency maids biodata, another can try is maidcity.com

Agree that maid is a heng suay thing, but cos my #1 gg P1 next yr, we tot need to have someone @ home too, & to prepare dinner, cos most prob we will stay home next yr from mon-fri so the kids can do their homework & revision. cos currently we go to my parents place for dinner on mon & wed & tue & thur to my PILs place. & will leave by 9pm for home... & it can be quite tiring to only start doing housework when we reach home. so we intend to change our routine next yr... tat's y tot to get a maid, so we have more time for kids & their homework.

Jinghui: i will close shop after this, but dun intend to do ligation, will still go with the rubber thing! so far so good... stike cos my ovulation date was calculated wrongly & lazy! hahaha... suay lah...

gretel: hope u get better soon... yes, every pregnancy is diff... my last 2 was ok, this was the worst!!

jing hui, dun be so depressed leh...at least being a sahm u can witness all ur kids's "firsts"! no more #4 fr me!! ligation not 100% also...i read its 99% during first yr nia...

adeline, true in a way la...so u leaving maid at home with bb alone?

bb n gg, icic [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] mine's 4 & 1/2 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gretel, still puking? gosh... it shd go away soon! jia you jia you!! every pregnancy is diff la...

this thread really have alot of #3 mums...we are all in the "same boat"...close factory after #3 boat...hahha

RE: Morning Sickness

Anyone tried taking the multi-vit in the night instead of morning? Cos I know VitB6 & 12 is essential to curb MS and also, standby biscuit, take one before u get off the bed.

These are some tips my friends told me, but thank God I didn't need them. But I do SB Soda biscuits in my bag cos I get sudden hungry strikes throu'out the day.

thanks mamaAsh and Jinghui... i'll jia you!

Jing Hui - ligation is irreversible leh...next time wan more regret how? jus thinking aloud becos i do have frens who after the children grows up liao miss their younger times wanna have more children.. (something that they never tot of years before!)...u never know u see?

contraceptives pills, condoms, not eja inside... all these 'less invasive' ones? n if really strike again take it as god's will??

mamaAsh, thanks for the link!!

Sporty, no my mum will be staying with me. but my mum need to mend her own shop so mayb she bring baby with her but at least have maid to look after together too.

sporty - ya, still puking... in fact worst recently... also dunno y. depressing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] thanks for all the comfort [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

KK - my gynae says the multi vit to take at night leh.. but still, i can't take also.. will puke out. sigh.

Haha, definitely will stop at #3 already!! Really cannot afford more ler...

mamaAsh: My menses & ovulation has been very regular, don't know why the last cycle a bit off thus lead to #3. I suspected I 'O' early...(?) Really not sure what went wrong also, haha. Anyway, really cannot take risk already thus thinking of doing ligation. Pills & inserts heard have quite some side effects, then I'll be breastfeeding for sometime so taking pills not so ideal hor. I don't think I'll feel comfortable with inserts & afraid of the side effects of heavy bleeding, or no menses at all...? Maybe ask gynae for suggestion/recommendation.

Adeline: Maybe some want big family, so want to have #4 or #5? :p Must be financially really good then only can afford so many children la, haha. Guess nowadays don't have this kind of family already :p

gretel - multi vits can take at night?im not taking cause i feel pukey after taking. my col did suggest take at night but i thought cnat.

gretel, i agree with u...i will go for "non body" contraceptives...i cant imagine doing something or putting something inside leh!! ur bb must be very intelligent! think positive [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

adeline, then not as bad if there's some elder ard to monitor the maid...

@mamaAsh: many thanks for the link!

@gretel: is there any comfort food that u like? perhaps a hot soup / porridge to make u feel better? jia you ok!

sporty: Ligation 99% safe during 1st year? What do u mean? Later years no effect & can strike also? Haha, then ask hubby to do as well! :p Sure 100% liao!

gretel: Hubby also said will stop at #3, enough for him as well. Well, at my age now, I think is reasonable to do ligation la...I know it's irreversible, but I think I'll regret later on if I strike again at an old age! By the time we reach 60 yeear old already, kids still so young & still not independent enough.

Hmm...quite headache also ah...must think & consider this & that.

jinghui: tat's wat happened to me lor, O came early 1 wk! then so suay strike! faintz!!! i prefer non-invasive methods, so will still stick to the rubber! haha... i did think of having 4 kids! haha... hb only wanted 3 initially, then after our 2 kids, he surrender!! i always like kids, & lucky for me, my 2 kids love me more than daddy! haha... bad mummy!! though i also can't stand facing him 24/7 but w/o them i would be thinking of them leh... so if i not working, u see me with my 2 kids!!

adeline: at least got yr mum to help eye the maid, for my case, my hb keep saying ask his mum for help which am really reluctant lor, cos i believe his mum will close 2 eyes & sleep!! so i intend to fully train the maid & have cameras @ home, of cos if my mum or MIL come over occassionally then good lah... at least the maid knows someone would be eyeing her sometimes... & i hope i can go back home early next yr too... :p

gretel: me same thinking as yr friend, if next time still need to give birth then can't liao... so might as well juz 'keep' the system running first... haha...

jing hui, yeah...cuz after 2nd yr, the tubes might "move" or due to some reasons, its not as effective liao... u go n google to read... somemore, if we gg to have natural birth, i dunno whether they need to cut us open to do it or not...

bb n gg, yeah no 1 is born in 2007!

My #1 is also 2007 baby but he is born in december. Hehehe... so we are still counting his age as 3 years old instead of 4 years old :p

Thanks mummies for ur comments & views/opinion on this. Will definitely consider the best option & seek for gynae's advice ;-)

mamaAsh: Thanks for sharing the maid agency link. Can browse thru & take time to choose, hehe.

BBnGG: my #2 also dec 2007!! tat's y i hope this #3 can share the same birthday as his/her gor-gor!! cos yesterday OSCAR scan, EDD shows 13-dec! & my #2 was 12-dec!!! haha...

Gretel, Oh dear.. so how u cope?

RE: Gender preference

When we had our first, of course we always say, "whoah can conceive is already greatest blessing and it's ok so long as bb is healthy.." but I know I always wanted a girl, cos I think she will have me & dad in her heart even when she grew up. But I dare not have the same thought for my son.

However, its very obvious that my hb wanted a boy, it;s about a man's ego I think, some little one that he calls "MY boy"..

This time, he think we should have a girl so she will be his "MY" princess.

RE: Blues

Am I having blues already? I read Sporty's post about being offered a seat on MRT.

RE: Post Natal Blues

I was blue during my confinement. I cannot sing "世上只有妈妈好" cos I felt sorry for those children who do not have me as their mom.. hahaha, yes, now I think about it I also want to laugh!!!

But seriously, hb insisted I should see a doc for the happy pills. And I did. I used the condition to my advantage almost fully. Most time, it's easier for me to talk to him cos he is afraid if he does not pay attention, I will start my waterfall.

MamaAsh my #1 is born on 18 dec. So I have been telling him that this baby is his birthday present. Hahaha...

Hey we share the same edd [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But my 2 children refused to come out and in fact both delayed till week 41 so no choice but to induce them.

bb n gg, ohhh then ur no 2 is 2010 bb?? or 2009?? icic...mine was may 2007

kk, dun be so blue la...happy mummy=happy bb!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jia you!! ohh today no one offered seat liao...whahhaha

bb n gg & mama ash, ur no 2 n no 3 very close in DOB & EDD!!

Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt, I have some extra original Sophie the Giraffe teether toys to let go, please email me:

[email protected]

It's S$28 each and normal local postage is included. Great as baby shower gifts!


bbngg: my #1 was delay for 1 day only, #2 was on the dot!! so i hope #2 can be earlier by 1 day! then perfect! hahaha... my hb joke with my 2 kids, say bb is their xmas present, bb will be under the xmas tree by xmas! faintz...

KK: dun be blue lah... like wat sporty say, happy mummy=happy bb... think of the smiles bb will give u when u see bb!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

#2 is a 2009 baby.

I like birth date 12.12 so I am secretly hoping that #3 can be on this date meaning one day early than the edd.

RE: Helper

Indeed, the helper you get depends on the person, that we hve not much control over. I can only share what worked for me, which may no apply to your household.

Generally, you know who you will be comfortable with. Personally, I have no comfort with Indon.

I am comfortable with Filipino who are religious. I thank God, I got a Christian.


It's important to have a set of house rules. I didn't start with one that is in depth, but I know my priority is hygiene and safety and the kid's welfare. So, I trained her personally on CPR, choking manuever, fire-fighting, emergency drills. And hubby tests her every so often.

Mutual respect:

I take her as my assistant that's why I never use the word "maid" to describe our relationship. She address me by my first name but calls my hubby "sir". I extend the basic courtesy to her and expect the same from her. I trained my son to use his P(lease), (thank)Q & S(orry) with her.

She is treated like a family, I believe this help her blend into our family and hopefully helped with her home sick. Other things I can do to help her with her home sick incl giving her skype time once a week for an hour on Sat, and besides her official off on the first Sunday, she is free to go meet her sisters or attend church the rest of the Sundays, after following me to my church.

Work Sked:

A routine work sked is essential. We worked this out together. And we reivew of the sked every so often to suit my son's sked because he can be very "occupying" at times. I allow her flexibility of moving some tasks between days when this is needed.

Rewards -

I try to get her non-monetary reward so that she will not always expect it, or take me for granted. e.g. recently I removed her curfew. Occasionally, I gv her additional off on Sat afternoon, and public holidays afternoon.

I agreed to move her home leave from April to Dec so that she could celebrate X;mas and NY with her family back home. I extended her leave to 3 wks so that she could stay until her children's birthday.


So far I have not impose any penalty on her. But I counsel her as and when she makes mistakes.

I do give her warnings and she is smart enough to learn.

At times, I am not the most patient person to counsel her, but so long as she gets the message. Anyway, I cannot be too soft with her.

In summary, I like to treat her maturely and for me, it worked.

Oh, wow! BBnGG, sporty & me actually had kids born in the same year, hehe. '07, '09 and '11 respectively. My #1 born in Aug '07, #2 in Nov '09 and #3 will be EDD 25th Dec '11. Christmas baby...should I be happy...? Coz I don't wanna spend my X'mas (also my wedding anni) in the hospital!...

Sporty & MamaAsh, thanks!!

Secretly I confess: I am so obsessed about having a girl, so whenever my boy pulls off my hair clip and put on his head, I gladly help hin pin on his head and imagine the look of my girl.

KK: Very useful guide & tips in dealing with a maid. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm sure when u already have a boy, u'll long/wish for a gal, same as me when I had my #2. Even in my dreams before I know the gender of my #2 then, I dreamed I was holding & cuddling a baby gal in my arms & play with her. I was assuring my husband I'm gonna have a gal & true enough my wish came true! My hubby sometimes think I've gone crazy & too obsessed of having a gal, haha. I wish u'll have a gal this time round, a pretty/beautiful princess [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

KK: Yeah, my wedding anni on Dec 25th, Christmas...coz easy to remember as can also celebrate 2 occasions in 1. Best for hubby lor, he said save $$ buy 1 present enough...aiseh...

This thread ia getting so fast.

JusKk and Jinhui - I am married on 1st Jan. So my 1st anniversairy will be celebrated at home instead with my mil and newborn baby. Should I be happy or sad?? Cause I think maybe no celebration for that but am still going to A my Hubby for my gift.

shasha: Erm, depends on individual. I remembered I delivered my #1 3 days before my birthday & when it's my birthday, I did have a celebration at home with MIL & my newborn son. Sad thing is, I blew the candle, cut the cake but I cannot eat the cake!! How miserable... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Can see cannot eat...So, I hope this time not like that anymore but I know I can't control over this matter. Just hope I'll still have a decent & happy anni...

I put a hairband with fake hair on my son at 5mths and my FIL & hb immediately told me to remove the photo from fb!!!

Wedding Anni:

Shasha, don't be sad. Even if cannot celebrate. The greatest joy is the blissful marriage.

JingHui, I can email u my "guide" hahah, I shared with so many friends liao.. However, it's a guide. it works for me, bu u need to modify to suit yours. no stress lah.

I am envious that most of us have the blessing of parents close by to put the kids and helper with them. I can't depend on my family and my in laws are far away. So I have to cope with just hb and Lina..

So each time, I feel sad about this, I think about the helper God has given me.

Jing hui - can't eat cake?? Why ? : (

Ps - weather is warm now. All mummies, pls drink more water to prevent dehydration and headache.

bb n gg, ohhh the same...which mth in 2009? so our 3 kids all born in same yr!

jing hui, ya lor...same same! mb u will be early this time leh? so mb xmas will be spent doing confinement!

kk, hahha...dun put hairband for ur son la...hahah...


hi mummies..

do you know whether we can eat yoghurt? Like yami yoghurt or other types (since now market has many types of yoghurt) de? thanks.

