(2011/12) Dec 2011

Hi all,

I just sent a request in FB too! Errr...but sorri....the photo and name are that of my eldest son - my dog - Hamilton Ong...hahaha...so AC, you have co - not the only male photo.


Hi jay,

I also can't find, I pm sporty to add me one! U wanna pm me Yr email? Pls include Yr fb name too, so that I dun add the wrong pp! ;))

Sporty, ur friends shouldn't know u joined the group. I browse thru my dh's acct, it doesn't show. Only when you be friend with anyone then will reflect.

I will be keeping quiet until tri 2.

Hi Littlefren & littledarling, thanks! I also suspect that I ate too much. At the same time I also think that its because baby wants to eat fruits. Haha! After vomiting all my supper out last night I still feel nauseous and a bit giddy then weirdly I still want to eat fruits. I indeed felt a lot better after eating some grapes. Then I noticed that recently whenever I feel nauseous I always feel better after eating fruits.

Talking about this, its really funny. I used to be a vege but not a fruits person (Can count the no. of times I eat fruits in a year). End up after becoming pregnant, I eat more fruits than vege (simply can't swallow down vege at times).

I got something funny from my husband's niece to share. She was staying with us for a week last week due to caretaker taking a week's break.

Niece: Uncle! What is Auntie's zodiac animal?

Uncle: Why you ask? Why don't you make a guess?

Niece: Because I want to know mah! Hmmm.. I know! She is born in the year of lamb!

Uncle: Huh? Why lamb?

Niece: Because her skin is so white like lamb like that.

Uncle: Haha! No lah, your auntie is not born in the year of lamb. She is born in the year of .. *imitates Cow's moo-ing*

Niece: *Ran to the nearest chinese calendar to check the zodiac animals* Oh I know! She is a cow!

Then what about small uncle?

Uncle: Yes, your auntie is born in the year of 'cow'. Small uncle ar? *imitates rooster's calling in the morning*

Niece: OH! I know! The chicken with the hood.

Uncle: That is called a rooster not 'chicken with a hood'

Niece: No wonder small uncle every morning will greet me 'bye bye, I'm going out to work' like the way rooster calls every morning

Haha! Uncle refers to my husband, auntie refers to me and small uncle refers to my husband's younger brother. Not only that with her explanation, my husband and his brother becomes malaysian and I become american. Haha..

Thanks all. The salon pas really helps and I could attend my event on last night.

Really envy Hubby who helps out in housework cause my Hubby is very lazy. He being the only son in his family dun have to do housework.

Btw, Can I join the Facebook group ?? My name is Elisha.thanks.

Hi all, I'm new here... I'm worried that my gynae will go on hol during Dec (heard that doctors with families usu go on hol during sch hols which make sense too). Anyone has the same concern?

joanne, whats the $188 deal??

ling, really eh? cuz i put my profile is able to be view by frens leh...

kimiko, ur hb's niece is very funny! haha...how old is she?

starsmayfall, usually the gynae (if they go on leave), they shd have backup gynaes tha cover them up...thas why i kno of some cases tha they die die wanna be deliver by tha gynae, they will induce the bb out before the gynae goes for hols... of cuz its in the condition tha the bb is ready to be born la

Hey kimiko, me too! Dun swallow much veg! So being frying them into noodles, pasta etc to maintain intake of veg.... Let's see if that says anything abt our bb gender!

Yeah sporty! My hb can see me joining the group, ling, maybe u had chosen certain options ;)

Sorry to disturb.

Just wondering if any mummies are keen in baby wraps and bean sprout pillows


PM me if interested

Have a nice day!

Juz back frm Oscar scan n expo. Nothing much in expo only. Bought some huggies diaper for my #1 to get the play tent.

The huggies for nb looks quite attractive.

Adeline, ya can understand or maybe u can wear mask. Wonder it would help or not.

Bluey I don't think so cos the contagious part is the fluid from the bubble n her mucus etc.. So I try to keep myself clean even though I have to hug n wipe her etc.. When she burst a bubble I get her to wash her hands immediately without touching anything n use dettol wipes. Not sure if that helps but try to keep clean. I wanted to go expo this weekend but sad cannot go.. Seems like there are good buys?

Kimiko, I'm not taking vege as well n taking fruits.. For no reason I just kept feeling like having orange daily n craving for durian so strong.. No sweet stuff only savoury.. My symptoms is different for this pregnancy. First 2 the sane so let's c if it's true!

Actually quite worrying for my baby cos I hven been takin good care of myself and kept falling sick, now daughter chicken pox I just pray everything is alright..

Hi sporty, my husband's niece is 7 this year. She is rather talkative since really young but can speak quite well.

Hi Littlefren, yes, let's see if our babies' gender are the same [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies, I need your advise, really got a headache now. Currently I'm staying with my in-laws and I managed to book a CL last night. Unfortunately, my MIL doesn't like the idea of CL staying overnight with us or rather she only wants someone to help to wash clothes, not a CL. I attempted to discuss with her and letting her know that I cannot cope with confinement if I have to care for baby on my own overnight, not forgetting many other small things that I can't or won't know how to do since its my first time. The way she put it, she will do the cooking, someone else do the washing, the rest I have to do myself. Crazy! How will I be able to cope with all the rest? I'm feeling really desperate now. What would you do if you were me?


I will get hb to tok to mil abt the help needed bcoz after all it's not like ur mil offers to help u in all things. She only offering to cook right? I dun think it is reasonable for her to demand tt u go without help if u r getting n paying for the cl on ur own. Does the house belong to u n hb or ur ILs? If ur ILs, then they do have a say in who can stay there lah though to disagree to a cl (who stays only for a mth) is a bit guo fen. Unless ur mil agrees to help u do ur confinemt instead? Alternatively, u can suggest how abt u move over to ur mother place tog with the cl during the confinement if ur mil objects bcoz she dun like stranger at home.

Adeline, dun worry everything would be alright. Expo hmm i only manage to get huggies n a few small little stuff. Haven't got anything for my no. 2 yet. dun be sad there are still alot of fair coming up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kimiko, ask ur hb to talk to ur mil. Thk a confinement lady would help u a lot. For my #1, my mum help me. Though she is a good helper, but she is definitely veri stress up n tired so we are also affected loh and almost quarrel. So now for my #2, I need to look for CL and my mum would take care of #1.

Btw any one got any contact for CL agencies? I thinking whether to engage from CL agencies.

Hi gbh & bluey,

My hb tried to talk to her last night and failed. I feign ignorance and pretend I never hear anything and talk to her again today. But seems like she is very fixed on her ways lor. My SIL offers to help me out but I'm not sure if will work coz eventually I still have to look after baby on my own at night which is the toughest part. I have no choice but to call my mum later to ask for her advise. In fact it was my mum who told me to spend the $ and hire a CL after she heard about the prior arrangement (MIL cooks, hubby wash, the rest I do with minimal help). The trouble is because we are staying at their house thats why we are under their mercy. I really didn't expect she will be so stubborn on this issue even when I kept emphasizing im not able to cope.


What's the reason that ur mil objects to having a cl? If it's due to dun want stranger then I think no choice but to suggest tt u move bk to ur own parents place with cl during confinement lor. Like tt also shows tt u alrdy respect her decision tt she dun want stranger at home. So u make alternative plans lor. I think like tt she can't object alrdy bah?

Hi gbh,

I think her main reason is not wanting stranger around in the house. Then she also gave me a feeling that she thinks it's not a tough thing to do esp what she went through last time and seems to expect me to do the same. I'm worried they will be offended if I do confinement at my parents' place also esp they have such traditional thinking. Very headache!


How abt considering a daytime CL? I m considering getting a daytime or part time CL to help , as I have no place for her to sleep. My take is that since I will b breastfeeding the bb, that means every 2 hrs I would have to feed bb, n it's no different letting a CL take care of the bb or myself. Maybe you can consider this option n compromise with your mil... Better some help than totally no help at all.

Sporty, I have PM u.

adeline, maybe its a boy for u this time as the symptoms are diff!

kimiko, ya i agree with gbh...move back to ur mum's place for confinement...then u can engage the cl... the confinement period, we will feel very blue one...if u still stay with mil w/o cl, there will be bound to be many misunderstandings one... mb ask ur hb whether u can go back to ur mum's hse to stay (since now u also staying between these 2 places rite?!), then engage the cl at ur mum's...

bluey, i am using amy confinement agency...recommended by frens...

jay, added u...pls add me before i add u to the group ok? thks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Jay & sporty, the thing is I need the most help at night to rest and sleep with an ease of mind. Besides, after the conversation with my MIL, she doesn't even seem keen with the idea of daytime CL as well. Reason being the CL will clash with her in the kitchen. I thought the best solution will be to do confinement back home but my husband doesn't seem very happy with that idea esp when I mentioned to do full month party at my parents' place as well. I mean if I go back do confinement it's only natural I do the party there otherwise my parents will also feel like they have been short-changed mah. Hai.. I really don't understand why my MIL's thinking so rigid, it's like forcing ppl to 'go against' her. It's like you all said, if she cannot cater then I go elsewhere but again also like cannot. So difficult!

kimiko, some mil/mum are quite particular on who is using their kitchens la cuz some kitchen can only house 1 woman...maybe ur mil is one of those la... i think its best u do at ur parents' place la... actually cl cant help u totally at nite la, if u really seriously wanna bf, u have to wake up to latch bb or pump in the nite... its juz tha after you are done, u can go back to sleep n no need to cajole the bb back to sleep (this is where the cl comes in useful)... maybe full mth party at ur IL's hse? then fair on both sides??! cuz ur parents can see ur bb everyday mah...

Hi sporty, Its really difficult to choose something where everyone will be happy in this case. But I agree with you that perhaps it's easier to do confinement at my parents' place since my mum is more 'chin chai' rather than end up my MIL feel more unhappy with someone around. Hopefully having the full month party at my IL's will appease them.

kimiko, yeah...i guessed thas the best arrangement (it seems) for now la... cuz really, our hormones will really be very blue after delivery & its best tha u dun screw up ur relationship with ur MIL then if she's helping u with confinement, at least we throw temper at our own mum, its still not as bad lor...

Hi sporty, it's easier that our mum knows us best, with a CL, I already feel like I'm in good hands. My mum ever help her sister do confinement before though she is not able to help me now, with a CL I feel it's the best arrangement.

Hi mummies.. So long didn't login :D I went to Robinson Sale today, bought a lot of Bb stuffs mainly pigeon brand, find that it's the same price as expo sale and if you are Robinson member for every $30 purchases, you get $5 off. Cheaper than expo sale. Sale promo ends Tml.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kimiko, if possible try to persuade as I would advice getting help for first baby. I had blues during the first week of delivery resulting in high fever for a week. Lost, didn't know what to do n didn't expect that looking after baby is not easy. I starve baby not knowing that they drink every 2 hours n I fed every 4 hrs yet I was wondering why she kept crying for 2 days till my aunty n mum came over to help me cos i cried everyday. Was staying with my in laws then but no help from them. Same as now, kids sick or whatever help I need, nothing from them.. Only request from them is don't ever ask them take leave to look after [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so I guess having support is really impt not only abt cooking. I handled my #2 myself n in laws didn't bother to c her too.. So #3 I'm getting maid cos I do understand the help that I need n hope ur mil will understand!

Hi Adeline, sometimes it's really funny that they ever gave birth themselves but can't seem to understand why we need certain things. I also feel very trapped because as much as I want to do things my way for my own good but I'm putting my poor husband in a difficult spot. He's having headache now how to give in to me and make his mum understand it's the best for everyone. He understands that I treat it importantly and also doesn't want me to blame his family should anything happens to me due to poor confinement in future. But I also don't want the relationship b/w his mum and us to worsen. If only his mum can give way just for 28days. My hubby doesn't like the idea of me having confinement back home and having full month party there. Really sian..

By the way is it true for baby to celebrate full month a week earlier before baby reaches 1month old?


If ur hb dun like u to have confinement at ur mother place, then u suggest to him that he takes one mth leave to help u instead of having a cl lor. See what he says. If not u give in a bit n have confinement at ur mother place but bb shower bk ar ur ILs place. Tell ur hb give n take. Cannot be everything u give in n others take right? esp after u have gone thru the physical ordeal of 9 mths preg n childbirth! I think we mummies all have the right to a confinement of our preference!

Kimiko-I'm in a similar situation. I asked hbby to spk to mIL and confirmed she doesnt like a CL as I earlier suspected. Instead, she is offering her trained maid to me and she will hire a new one and train before my confinement. So i will have '2' maids during confinement. One look aft bb, the other do household chores. MIL will stay overnite at my pl with the maids. I told hubby to cfm that my MIL knows the dos and donts of confinement else im so blur as a first timer....

Don't think I want to resist her offer. Cos I know if I hire CL she will chase her away. It was the same for my wedding yrs ago. My MIL is very strong minded and wants everything her way, down to the colour of my angbao box...tat time i put up such a big fight, she was angry with me for many yrs....so I rather not quarrel with her now. Hvg bb is stressful enuff alrdy.....

You think thru the advice from the various mummies and choose one tat's the least stressful for u ba. I tink it's impt tat u hv time to focus on yourself and bb and not petty issues during confinement.


For the first child, I think its impt that we have proper help as there are too many stories of mummies having a strained relationship with MIL or own mother during confinement. One of my friend's SIL was doing confinement at her in-laws place. It got so bad that midway through the confinement, she moved back to her own parents place.

Our common friends have been drilling into my hubby that we tend to have emotional upheavals during pregnancy and esp post delivery. Due to an unhappy confinement with MIL, one of my friend had very long post natal depression. Let your husband understand that and hopefully can resolve this peacefully. =)

Stardust, its not as bad at least you can direct 2 maids to help you. Coz we might be paisay to ask MIL to do too much things. Maybe the maids also have children thus not so clueless? =)

Sigh. Even though expo is near my place, been busy for past few days including today. Guess I gotta miss the Motherhood Fair and wait for next month's Baby Fair!

Looking forward to next checkup on Tuesday @ week 14!

Kimiko: understand wat u been gg thru!! Cos for my #1 I also went thru wat u did!! My MIL came over during e day to cook for me w/o staying over thinking we can manage. After 3-4 days I broke down n cry n ask my hb to let me go home n stay w my mum cos I can't take it to care for my newborn during day n nite!! Then hb ask his mum to stay over, they all tot I got post natal depression! So everything also try to help after tat but hb say dun look good tat I juz go back to my mum w BB after 3-4 days! So I really bite thru my confinement for the mth! Though my mum come over everyday to visit me, an wkends my mums turn to look after me cos MIL say she need to go back n do her housework! So comes #2 my hb say to get a CL after he knows I can't take the stress during confinement!! Cos I also can't do any washing during confinement, even the water I used to wash my face had all been boiled ones!! Maybe u try to get yr hb to talk to a few of yr relatives or friends who had engaged CL b4 to know wat to expect during the confinement mth! Cos o me its really overwhelming, nvr tot a little BB can make so much difference!!

Stardust25: wow yr MIL is dowager!!! So scary!!! My MIl was almost like yrs!! But I told me hb b4, tell yr mum not to order me around!!! Cos I not her daughter n even my mum does not do tat!!! If she wanna order pple around, dun come my house!!! I was really pissed she always try to order pple to do things!! Sorry I sound like a terrible DIL but I tot need to let her know fast and not after many years of taking her command then turn rebellious!!

Kimiko: as for the full month celebration, I only know must do either one the day or earlier not later, not necessary a week earlier.

mamaAsh, i think i dont really bother abt how my in laws think and i think they felt it's better without me here so i just pack my bag and shift home to stay.. no place is better then staying with own mum..

Adeline: this is definitely true!!! No place is better than own mums place!!! My mum always tell us, no matter what happens, her house is always open for her kids!! But I also try to think for my hb, dun wanna put him in a difficult position too.

Kimiko: why yr hubby dun like the idea tat u go bk to yr mum's place to do confinement? coz yr in laws won't be able to see bb everyday? but tis is nt as important as having a good confinement for yourself. discuss wif yr hubby again. hope yr in laws won't object tat u bk to do as well.

but gotta hold full mth party at yr in laws place for sure since your in laws are traditional.

Hi gbh, even if my hubby took 1 month leave he will just waste his leave and waste time. Being a man, he is not that attentive and don't have the natural instinct mummies usually have. In fact, I didn't want him to do anything during confinement except bonding with baby. Can say is that I 'dote' on him lah but he is busy with work and his studies already so I don't wanna add on to his burden.

Hi stardust, I think your arrangement is much better than mine because my main concern is baby care at night and I think yours will be taken care of. As for other things like confinement dos and donts, I believe your MIL should still have some knowledge otherwise recommend to read up and find out more.

Hi mamaAsh, thanks for sharing on the baby shower info. I heard about that too but I'm not sure why have to be before, cannot be after. Hai.. I want to avoid what you had went through thats why I'm so panicky now.

Hi littledarling, I'm not sure the exact reason why hubby doesnt like me to do confinement back home also. He only mentioned he won't be able to bond with the baby as much as he like and he finds this arrangement troublesome. One main reason why I wanna hold baby shower at my parents' place also because my parents' place is much more spacious and I think mostly my relatives will attend the baby shower rather than my hubby's relatives. Besides my in-laws don't like strangers in their house, how are they going to cope with all my relatives with their children as well? Really headache.

MamaAsh, all these things dont seems to bother my husband n he always have an explanation for his parents so I will go ahead.. Anyway I hope to move out soon I getting keys on thurs and doing reno in July.. Hopefully november can shift out n dec give birth then won't have such problem le.. Can't wait for my scan tmr to ensure baby is alright.. Not feeling anything much these 2 days n I heard people telling me if I don't get chicken pox doesn't mean the foetus/baby inside me won't get.

Hi mummies,

I'm gg to be due in Aug and have one extra BN Elancyl Stretchmark Prevention cream to let go at $25 (UP $47.30)

please email [email protected] to deal. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/3877999/5556463.jpg]

Hi Kimiko,

Dun worry so much 1st. Maybe the idea is so new and havent sink into your mil. U still have a few months, and try slowly to talk to her over the weeks. Once the idea sink in, she will definitely give way.

As for hubby's bonding with bb, tell him he will have tens of years to bond with the child...He can even visit u daily after work to play with the bb b4 going home. So this is actually a much smaller issue than you needing all your rest.

Personally I felt the real task come after the 1st month when all helps are gone, n you are really alone, esp at the 3rd to 4th month when bb start having colic and cry non stop into the night. That's the toughest time cos I had those thoughts of just throwing the bb away:p

Hi kimiko, I agree lah cos I do appreciate MIL's 'wisdom' tis time since I'm so blur. And she assured me her current maid is good, loves kids and dogs. But I nv reallie liked my MIL in my hse cos she's a control freak. Since the quarrels over the wedding, we had cooling off period (cos the stress was so much, I fell ill physically and emotionally), she doesnt visit me and I don't. We just mended our relationship recently after my op last year...think she also mellowed over the yrs....so we are also still tinking over her offer...

Plus she is very modern and I dont tink she will ever tell me not to bathe...haha....tats one of the donts of confinement rite? And her confinement food will be everything add ginger can liao..haha

TIE - yah, dowager is the word. It got so bad both set of parents quarrelled too....and hubby became abusive. But well since our relationship is on the mend and everything is well and gd now, I prefer not to rack up the past. Too painful...Just keeping fingers crossed everythhing will turn out ok cos I tink I'll be pretty stressed out as a 1st time mum...I'm so lacking in maternal instincts and such a goon when it comes to household chores....haha

Hi Kimiko, maybe goin back to your mum's place for confinement is a good idea. Own mum is always the best.

Maybe for full month celebration can hold outside if ur pil dun like stranger in the house.

sporty, can pm ur CL agency contact. Thanks.


toking abt MIL, think the stories are always endless after some many years now i tend to close my eyes liao for those days that i meet up with her. As long as i dun live wif her i thk still can tolerate. During my #1 confinement, she did not even bother to offer help and assume my mum would help me in everything. A bit po coz she is like taking in for granted and she only pop by when she feel like it. Once she pop by, she would give thousands of comments without actions. On the positive side, I also can consider lucky tat she nvr offer help.

Hmmmm kimiko,

I also think that going back to Yr mum's pl is of cos the best solution to enable u to have rest n etc. But will u as a result also keep worrying abt how Yr hubby n mil will think n what will happen after u go back to Yr mil house?

I feel that u shd not neglect how Yr hubby will feel. Though he didn't bear the bb but I'm sure he is as excited as u are and would want to form some form of bonding w bb. Also, I rem u mentioned Yr mil actually wasn't that hard to get along right? So maybe like one of mummies say, the idea hasn't sink into her what's Yr needs yet...

I dunno how's Yr actual situation but I think prob u, mil n hubby can sit down n tok abt each's concern. Strangers in the house, night care, CL, bonding etc.... N see if can come up w solution bah.... I still think no point straining relationship unless really can't be help, I'm sure the more each of u mind is exactly care for each other too. Do highlight Yr worries abt Yr health n not wanting to wear down Yr health so that u can give her more grandchildren too n u dun wanna tired her out too. As for man Yue, u can say I traditional... But I think it's impt to respect elders thinking as in it's her 内孙, that she would want to hold it at her place, it shows she's proud of her grandchild too. U can always hold over two days for two sides relatives or hold at a neutral place outside to save cleaning the house. As for Yr parents, I'm sure they will understand....

Dun let this thing wear u down emotionally.... There's still months to go to get things settled, just my two cents worth....

Hi Littlefren, thanks for stating other considerations. The fact that I'm feeling headache now is becoz I care about how others involved will feel about my decision.

However, having say so much. My feeling is that my MIL treat it like any other pregnancy maybe becoz this is not the first pregnancy among her children though my child will be the first 内孙. From the point we inform her of my pregnancy, never did she once ask me how I feel and if there's anything I wanna eat or what. She simply just bochup lor. Just that day I thought can show her my baby's OSCAR u/s print. My hubby showed it to her and she only went like 'ai ya I can't see lah, last time where got ultrascan'. My In-laws' reaction is totally nonchalant lor. My parents on the other hand felt more like how paternal grandparents would have reacted. To be frank, I do feel a bit 'let-down' like 'how come like that?'. But I didn't want to be affected by that but instead focus on how happy baby makes me feel and enjoy looking or listening to my hubby say things about our baby. It's funny how it felt even blissful just having him criticise baby being lazy like me though it's not a compliment. Haha..

But the confinement issue is really a headache. No matter how I think, I think it's best to do confinement at my parents' place though I have yet to speak to my mum becoz my hubby told me not to while he tries to resolve things at home. But I'm also concerned that my MIL will give the CL a hard time if we force her to accept CL staying in with us then make things difficult for me. I doubt I will be able to rest easy if those things happen. Hai!!

kimiko, dun think too much! hope u come up with a solution soon.. in the meantime juz enjoy the pregnancy...

bluey, i have pmed u liao!!

stardust, 2 maids?! wow v fortunate!! actually its best u go n attend pre natal class so tha u kno what are the dos n donts so mil or ur mum cannot smoke u lor!!

Hi, maybe it's the age gap.... Or I dunno, she prob think u are like oshin, can wash clothes n take care of bb at same time. Yes, I agree it's best if u can do confinement at Yr mum's pl. I dun have mil problem so far, so I can't share much, just hoping u can solve Yr prob amiably, dun let it weigh u down. Good that Yr hubby is taking responsibility to try to resolve, hope that things will turn out well for u ;) jia you bah!

Thanks all mummies who chip in on my confinement matter. Currently I'm letting my hubby solve the issue while I wait patiently. Shall update if there's any progress. Again, really appreciate all your comments.

I guess I have less problem with the CL things cause my mum is not around and my own DAD simply Bo chap. However, mil also comment that if she and CL is here at Te same time, it will be very cramp in my 4 rm flat.

I just talked to my Hubby about how well he knows if my MIL is aware of the the confinement do's and dont's. Luckily, he understands where I am coming from and decide that we have a detail discussion with MIL about it. I also empathize that I am not against his mum being my CL but she must be aware of everything and atleast try to learn whatever she needs to learn within the next 7 mths otherwise we will be in chaos when the baby is born and my health will be greatly affected like post natal depression. He agrees fully to what I says and I hope this will aid MTB who are worried about MIL being very forceful in the cL issue.

ps : I went through an operation on last year and have vomited blood consecutively for 5 days at home which resulted in the ultra tired period for him to look after me till late night so he can understands that I do not want the same situation to happen for the 2nd time.

Have a heart to heart talk. I believe that our Hubby will understands.


Kimiko, hah i totally understand how u feel cos my in laws are like that too.. totally dont bother if i am pregnant or not.. so this pregnancy though we staying together, i refuse to tell them anything.. let them discover themselves.. and to a point my FIL think my kids are irritating.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i cannot be bothered anymore after so many years..

