(2011/12) Dec 2011

mamaAsh, now that I know how you look like...see if we will meet each other on the cruise! hahahaha...

at least now i know your nick din come about cos your name is Ashley or something...hahaha...

can link me up with other mummies? and how to join that group ah? me in IT but sucks when it comes to FB...


cloud, sorry to hear abt tha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hope its really a false alarm...

gbh, quick quick...go join the fb group...

jass, ya man...so qiao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] sashimi v shiok lor...too bad now cannot take le... i think jasline takes more pics of food ... me once in awhile got mood then take :p yes i loove food [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mamaash, I also wanna join but can I ask whether this is a closed group? As in can pp see what I post? Cos I haven't announce to some of my frens n relatives! But if not close, nvm, I can join later part of stage ;)

ling, whats ur initials on fb? does it mean tha if we post on the wall, no one can see? it wun appear on our profile page?!


i have added you to the Dec'11 Mummies/Babies SMH grp!

see if u can accept...


i'm so sorry to hear that... pls continue to stay positive and pray for gd amnio test results..

is it ur 1st child?

sporty, yeah hope it's false alarm.

Wendy, mine classified as higher risk, so advised to do amnio...

Jasline, it's my 2nd bb... yeah praying hard n to have faith that God is good just that still cant help but worry lor...

If we request to join, will our friends be able to see that we have joined this group altho it's a closed group?? as in appear in news feed that we have joined this group??

cloud, isit becuz of the blood test or the scan? yes pls have faith!!

ling, will add u as my fren [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Am abit new to FB, other then add friends n add photos, others I dunno! Haha... But I will add u when I see e request for adding to the group k!! But hor, in FB all real names, I lost on who is who!! Haha....

AC: I also see yr pic leh... Haha... Dun frighten me when u see me on cruise hor!! Haha... I super Aunty u may not recognized me even when u see me! Haha... Oh ya, my nick is cos my #1 is call Ashley!! Haha...

Jass: I only pray #3 won't hit 4kg if not sure faint!!!

Hi cloud, dun worry too much, must stay positive. My sil was previously told bad result too n after amnio, it's false alarm... Just that the waiting period was painful to pass. Jiayou!!

Btw, I tried to search for group but cannot find leh

cloud, icic...really hope its really false alarm, will pray for u...

re: fb

maybe we can "identify" ourselves on the fb page wall... hahha... then wun "blur"...

hi MTBs... I have been a silent reader since i found out im pregnant. Can I join in as well?

MamaAsh, could you kindly add me to the table.

Gynae: Dr Douglas Ong

Edd: 6 Dec

Child #2

Stay at CCK

Just did my OSCAR today at NUH. Though have appt but still need to wait ard 45min to an hour. Thanks to the one who posted said that we can request a finer needle. They really will use the thicker ones unless u request. Not pain at all. Also they just took a small amount of blood like the diameter of 20cents coin. Not 4 tubes! Hehehe.. Cost for Oscar is $235.40. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cloud: I read from somewhere that she has bad results on blood but she think it could be due to she is sick on that day when she do her Oscar so she went to retake the blood test. Though the nurse will tell u feeling sick will not affect the results but not sure if u want to consider blood test again before going for amino? Maybe can reconfirm with gynae as amino has some risk.

littlefren, ya i've read quite a number with bad oscar turned out ok too. My gynae was encouraging too, told me dont worry.

bfly, my gynae dont really want me to redo blood test leh, he says it may not be accurate, so better to do amnio...


I've the following items for sale. 

1. Babysafe sling (used only once) dark blue colour

2. Baby Bjorn carrier synergy (dark blue) seldom use

Selling both items for $300.

Interested can PM me. 

Hi mummies, I also wanna join the group in FB but I can't find leh.. Can I pm any mummy my email then you add me in please?

Hi mamaAsh, are you paying less than $2,595 for cordlife storage? Coz I saw this promo from motherhood forum, I only need to pay $2,595 for 21yrs of storage at one go if I pay via CDA. How to apply for CDA ar?

Yay FB group! Can add me too, [email protected] [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cloud: Don't worry too much, remember that Oscar's test is not a very accurate test. If I remember correctly, it's smth like 70% accurate? So there's actually a quite high chance of "false positive" i.e. they say it's high risk but actually it's not. So stay positive yah!!!

krist, congrats & welcome to the thread [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bfly, wow they really draw v little blood from u!! mine was really 3 test tubes!

kimiko, u can pm me ur email...then i add u on fb!

Hi sporty, I have pm you my email, thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi cloud, I have read a lot of not so good OSCAR results turning into nothing as well. I hope things go well for you.

Hey!! TGIF!!! Wooot!!


I did my first IVF in 2008, I put in 3 and only produced a singleton, so he is called 宣冠, cos he is a true champion to his mommy. I had a straw with 2 grade 1 and another straw with grade 2+, they are 4 cells and 2-3 cells respectively. When I decided to only put 2 last year, the embryologist thawed the straw with the 2 grade1 first but 1 lies, so she had to thaw another straw. Only one out of the 3 grew into 3 cells before it is allowed to be transferred. The rest has to be discarded as re-freezing/ research is not possible.

RE: Confinement Lady

generally if your CL stays beyond CNY, they also has a higher fee. so do prepare for that.

Wendy, for 寒 womb, when I was ttc naturally after the failed FET, my cousin's wife told me this to warm up the womb. Please seek advice from your chinese doc as well as your obgyn before you attempt anything, your bb is v precious.


2 chinese soup spoons rice jus (the boiling rice water when your rice is cooking)

2 slices korean red ginseng - wash

2 dried longgans - wash


put all the ingredients in a small bowl and pop back into the rice cooker and continue to cook until the rice is ready. Drink.

I did not try this because I was very busy and had no time to buy the ginseng...

RE: Facebook

Can give me the details please? Thanks!

RE: C-Section

CP you are very blessed. I had emergency C-section cos my BP n BB's heartbeat dropped. I was charged double! I am also considering having the nip & tuck since this will be my last child.

RE: C-Section After Care

doc's skill and aftercare is v impt! my neighbor's first doc was lousy, she ended up with Keloid and itch, even had liquid oozing out. then she got a better doc on her #2 and treated the prob.

My massage lady was the one who high-lighted to me the redness at the end of my stitches, she "commanded" me to stop carrying my bb.

My doc gave me a plaster which looks like a gel which is stick over the cut for 7 days after stitches are removed.. It is very effective. and my wound healed very nicely.

Hi KK..Thanks for your advise[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]My Dr n embryologist didnt tell me what is the grade of my embryos..they jusy say beautiful..haha...yup..IVF baby is always a gem to us...everything is so difficult..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

yup..i have checked the rate of the CL but havent confirm since hubby want to discus with their parents..

How many weeks are you in now??which IVF centre are you with??

I wanted to join FB like every mummies here to be..but i dun want my relatives n friends to know i am preggy ya..can i still join??

MamaAsh, how old r your children now? Guess we all have boy/gal combination liao, so 3rd child either sex also ok. Like what Sporty says, as long as healthy n everything ok liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sporty, my son didn't recover or what. He was Ok, just that he's always a quiet kid, n is able to concentrate well. But at 2yrs old, this kind of concentration is kinna scary... Cos he will just look at certain objects for long time...anyway he turn out fine as he proceed older

Jass, actually I think should b safe to travel to toyko n I nearly went to Toyko instead of Bintan this week, cos the cheap airfare was really too attractive. In the end we didn't go cos my Hubby didn't want to take the risk of subjecting me to a 8 Hr flight. Afraid I will vomit non-stop. Also Toyko will requires more walking n exploring, afraid I m not able to manage myself well together with 2 kids, so gave up. Actually deep in my heart I was very disappointed cos I really like toyko, n would wish to go again, but has always been put off by the steep price. But still ok lar, at least now I m relaxing.

Ohhh.. I finally found our FB group and requested to join, please accept my request. Name is Flo Chin [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hey ladies, i saw the FB group and i just requested.. name is Adeline Sia.

Tiring day for me cause younger daughter has chicken pox..!.. didnt came as a surprise as i have been monitoring her as my husband had shingles 2 weeks back.. but was praying that she wont get it.. who knows!

now i hope #1 will also get it together.. only thing is i have to be here with them and cannot be seperated from them.

Have read that chances of pregnant ladies getting chic pox is quite low.. esp when we have it before.. i do hope it's true.. who else have this experience?

Sporty: mine was done at NUH really little blood drawn. -.-" urs is done at tmc is it? Don't know why there is a difference [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

gretel - i had deep red color bleeding with some blood clot at 13weeks and rushed to KKH 24 hr clinic. Due to my medical history, i was admitted for 2 nights before they dischaRge me..that was 1.5 weeks ago..till now i am on HL. So far everything is ok and i still have spotting on and off, i was given 7 days of duphaston and given a progesterone jab (in the hospital). During discharge, the docs and nurses told me that as long as there is no active bleeding it is ok. brown spotting is ok as long as you do not feel cramps. If u feel pain or cramps then better seek medical attention. The nurses also tell me to minimise walking and lie down as far as possible.

Is your spotting once off or do u still have spotting?

I have joined the FB grp, my initial is C***** N*

went to the motherhood fair n back!

only bought EYS chix essence & bird's nest...

saw alot of brands there but didnt have much time to shop...

now abit regret never buy the nepia diapers & nursing bras...hahha

jay, glad tha ur son's ok...maybe he's thinker kind...bz analysing things when he kept quiet... yes i kno, tokyo is one of my fave cities too...am glad tha i went in feb this yr before the earthquake... ya la, bintan also better than nothing! can plan another short trip in the 2nd trimester...

adeline, usually thas the case la...if u have it, u wun kena again... but some pple kena twice lor...so better be more careful...

bfly, mine was done at gynae's clinic...mb thas why he only got one sized needles la...hahha... anyways he said draw more now so can do blood test and we can bring tha test results with us to the hospital when we deliver...

Ha! Thanks sporty for adding me! Ahahaha! My hubby just told me I have told the whole world Im in decamp group cos he can see fr his newsfeed! Aiyo..... Ahahaha!

1st of all...HI to all MTBs here! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Wishing all well & fine...

Been a silent reader all the while since the day I know preggy. Been very depressed & in a dilemma when tested myself +ve for the 3rd time!...coz I know I can't cope with another 1 myself (been a SAHM since my #1) later & will be super stressful taking care of 3. It's so stress & tough to start all over again from zero, really having nightmares & phobia of the sleepless nights, breastfeeding, breast engorgement etc. But after much thinking, cooling down & encouragement from hubby, decided to accept this pregnancy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So, here I am...joining u gals!

sporty: At 1st when I read thru the forum, I thought u were another sporty, but as u described further, I started to feel I know this sporty!! :D Yes, ur the sporty that I know in Nov '09 thread! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] We ended up in the same boat huh? :p And so much of a coincident, we'll be having another baby in the same month again! But I guess u'll be early (as always for ur case?) and most like mine will be late again which I really don't hope so coz confinement will cross over to CNY [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]...? I'm really surprised to find u here...as to find myself here too, haha! Really can't believe this is happening!!...

Ok, enough about my rubbish! :p Will chat more with u gals later...!

mamaAsh: Kindly add my details to the table [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks!

Gynae: No specific gynae (subsidized patient)

Hosp: NUH

EDD: Dec 25th '11

Baby: #3

Stay at Pandan Gardens

Hi mummies,

I Mia for half a day. Having headache. Now still have. Terrible. I can see the post I put on the FB group (with my nick) on my wall leh! Omg. Can other pple outside the group see? Dun want my non forum friends/ relatives know my nick here leh. Bcoz usually will rant abt friends/family here too. Hahaha! Plus dun want some acquaintance to kpo what I post here.

Hi mummies,

I just vomit out my supper and still feeling a bit nauseous and giddy at the same time. Not sure why I have been this way on and off these few days. I felt so much better a while back and am not sure why I'm feeling this way now. *sigh*

Hi gbh, no no, other pp can't see what we posted on fb. But they do know that we joined a group call dec 11 mummies n babies SMH. So no one will know Yr nick here ;) unless someone come dig so fervently.

Hi kimiko, pls take care ;) these days I also feel more nauseous easily! So I cut down my intake of like less rice/ noodles during lunch n it helps in my case. U see if u can try? Recently I felt that my tummy not as big as initially.... N more experiences of tugging pain that last a second or 2. Hope its just bb growing.... My next Appt July leh... So far.... I think in the middle, I'll just go down to the gp near my hse who has a u/s scanner to take a scan bah...

wow .. we hv so many 3rd time mummies. welcome welcome everyone!!!

Kimiko: bb dun like wat u hv eaten for supper? I also hv my evening sickness back and i feel more at ease haha though dun feel comfortable for tat moment.

Cloud: can't help to worry still but believe tat bb will be fine .. stay positive.

Hi all,

How to search the group in FB fr iPhone? Kept telling me no result found[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif](


morn all!

little fren, no prob!! yes after i joined the group.. i have frens who pmed me on fb to congrat me liao!! hahahha

jinghui, nice to see u here!! tha means our 3 kids all born in the same yr..07..09 n 11!!

gbh, eventually everyone will kno... juz hope some pple wun be so kpo to go n dig n dig!!

jjay, i am outside now so cant add u.. if u can wait, pm

me ur fb email... i add u tonite...

little darling, this is the first thread i see so many 3rd time mummies!!!

