(2011/12) Dec 2011

I also forget to add that I did the scan in about 30min, quite fast [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks happymok, I'm sure you'll get good results too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

AC, ya, it's not only alcohol based and is herbal as well. But my gynae told me ytd it's ok for me to take anything now. Including raw food, alcohol, etc as long as I don't get food poisoning because baby is stable now. But of coz I still have my concerns on alcohol but 'yomeishu' is a tonic and I heard some mummies take during pregnancy so I want to know more.

Kimiko: I have gotten EYS sale brochure. Btw, the essence of Chicken Traditional (6's) is going for $11 (UP: $18.10). Sigh. I dun like chicken essence smell leh. Still wondering whether to drink. So I didnt buy anything just now.

kimiko: i tot yomeishu is taken like during confinement? congrats!! yr scan is fast ah!! haha... nvm bb sleeping, so long can get the measurement then ok lah!!

clb: u having twins also rite? updated yr info liao.. thx!! ya... i also monitoring, even LS also not very frequent lah, like once a day or at most twice... so take it as normal toilet visiting lah... thx thx!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so mtbs, meaning we can "relax" our food choices from week 14 onwards (2nd trimester)?? can take anytin? i tot those raw n alchohol cant take thru the whole pregnancy...

Yes TIE! That's why I want to get boxes of chicken essence from EYS. I like it before I was pregnant but have not drink it since not sure if I can take the taste now. But I do prefer savoury stuffs so I think should be ok ba. How often should we drink tonic or just chicken essence/bird's nest during 2nd trimester?


great to know ur oscar scan results was great!!

yup, its so amazing to see ur lil bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i cant wait for my oscar scan!!


actually i oso dun rily like chicken essence, but i tink it can rily help me to 'ti shen'

so i always place the bottle of chicken essence in a cup of hot water to warm, and i will drink it together with my milo or cereal.. hee..

perhaps u can try tis way too..

Hmm. Any advise which brand's chicken essence the xin wei not so strong? For baby's sake, if its really good, i will try...

EYS staff say from 3rd/4th month onwards can take tonics liao like birds nest, chicken essence and cordyceps.

MamaAsh, ya I also thought yomeishu take during confinement but one of my relatives told me can take during pregnancy. I think better to just stick to bird's nest and chicken essence during pregnancy. Though doctor says can take anything but I still won't be taking alcohol. Raw food like salmon sashimi maybe after week 14. Hee! Can't wait [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Jasline, yes its a happy moment [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] When is your turn?

Hubby heaty so been making him barley and green bean soup. Anyone know when we can start to take liang things? I am soooo tempted to take lor coz veri nice when drink cold barley/ green bean from fridge!

TIE, u was a 3 inch heel gal eh? hi 5! yes lor, today got colleague asked me why am i so short??!! hahah... ya i saw EYS have sale at NEX cuz i recieved their brochures but NEX parking sucks la, very diff to lug the things back if dun drive...hehe... anyways thks for informing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] for maternity wear, u can consider online ones...like ASOS (my fave) and gap...i find tha the maternity clothes in SG are overpriced!

jass, yeah...have to train the kids from young to take stroller and car seats la...then will make our life easier lor

mama ash, sama sama...our car boot also have 2 strollers!! easier la...can hang bags also!! LOL

kumiko, good to kno tha ur oscar test went well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

happymok, better be more careful la...esp raw food n alcoholic drinks

@kimiko: my next appt is next tues, and thats when i will schedule my oscar scan!! i seriously cant wait... im into my 10wks now.. @which wk do you do the oscar scan?? thanks!

so glad that u can put ur heart as ease nw since u see that bb is doing great!

i m counting down to the feeling of relief!!

@TIE: me too!! i m so tempted to drink green bean soup & barley (my fav before i was preg)...

but not sure when can start take leh!!

btw, does anyone know if we can take honey...?? is honey heaty or liang??

was thinking of buying manuka honey to mix it with water... cz i really cant drink PLAIN water now.. it makes me puke...

jasline, oscar test usually taken between 11 to 13 weeks... cant drink plain water? try ribena...thas what i am doing now...

Jasline, I did the blood test at week 9 then OSCAR scan at week 12. As for the green bean soup hor, sometimes when my MIL cook I will drink a bit but always take it when it's warm, never cold coz scared too liang. I rem someone mentioned better don't take honey because not pasteurized or something. Maybe you can take in 2nd trimester or check with doctor. My gynae told me basically baby is stable after week 10 if everything is ok.

Thanks sporty [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


glad to know that ur oscar scan results was good.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hmm...ur lil bb still shy to show your the gender.


i also scheduled my OSCAR scan on 10/06 but 'ts seem like still many days to go..

cant wait...


yeah...if with 2 kids and 1 bb plus a maid, you really need a MPV...

if u still got LS, better go to GP to get some medicine...


if u afraid the smell of the chicken essence, warm it before drink..the taste will not b too strong..

and i heard from my mummies friend that it's good when we drink 1 bottle of chicken essence before going to give birth...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


for cooling food/drink, i only take coconut drink during 3rd tri. 1st & 2nd tri i dun dare to touch them. but some ppl still take, it's really up to individual.

Hi Jass, thanks! I also think that my baby is too shy to show yet ESP I woke baby up to see him/her moving about. Haha.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks for the tip on drinking one bottle of chicken essence before giving birth.

Hi Jasline, no worries [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh ya, any mummies able to advise how often to take chicken essence/bird's nest?

On the playpen and baby cot issue, looks like different mummies have different views, I'm also not sure what to get. But seem like my SIL seems to have spare ones so we will just get from her instead of buying new ones, can save $$ for other stuffs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

can i check with your something? Keep saw your talk about OSCAR Scan.

what is OSCAR Scan? Izit same as the details scan?

me not mummy but i reply you ba...OSCAR scan is to scan for down syndrome de... that's the main purpose for KKH...not sure if other hospitals scan for other things though...it's optional so up to you if wanna take the scan...

Clb, gd to see u back..how u feeling? when is yr next scan? mine will be the Oscar scan on 13 June...suberp long wait. r u seeing yr gynae every 2 wks? Today i really feel my legs & back are aching. wonder wat's up..r u showing already? me started wearing my maternity pants, guess becos i already expand before so fast promote to next level.

melodi, how abt u? feeling alrite, r u showing too? so end up u seeing dr loh or yr pte gynae? u need to decide soon becos our Oscar scan coming up..

TIE: can drink barley n green bean lah but dun take too much lah.

Jass: ya I also take coconut during my last tri!! Some mummies r Bo chap one bah... So long they feel ok then fine lor... My mum told me to have a hard boiled egg b4 gg for delivery!! Haha... Yes I also took e chicken essence b4 I go hospital for delivery. Then confinement take a full mth of chicken essence too!!! Can try those w cordycep at least e original chicken essence smell not so strong bah...

Babyshan: yes AC is correct, OSCAR is scan for down syndrome, detail scan is only done in week 20 to make sure bb is growing well, they check all that the required organs r formed n can also count bb 10 fingers n toes to u, of cos this is the scan that tells u the gender!!!

kimiko, congrats yr scan went well. so enjoyable when u can see yr bb for so long hor. i took bird's nest abt 2 times a week during 2nd trimester. enjoy yr 2nd trimester, planning to go for short holiday?

sporty: ASOS maternity clothes are veri nice! But think still not cheap. More high end than Spring & Perfect Mum though.

Kimiko, jass & mamaAsh: Thank you for the advice! Heard coconut is good for 3rd trimester? Not sure if I remember correctly.

jass/TIE, can take cooling stuffs la but in moderation la...but like what u said its up to individual lor

kumiko, i take chix essence /bird's nest on alternate days...

mama ash, why must take hard boiled egg before delivery ah? smoother delivery??? i hope this time mine will be v fast...

TIE, look for sale items under asos lor... v nice hor... maybe i shd go "shop" this weekend...

do we have a fb page for this thread? if not we can set up one and add each other!!

hi mummies,

im a mother of 1 toddler n expecting #2 due in dec n would like to join in this thread. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

nick: gingerbreadhouse

edd: 29 dec 2011

gynae: Dr LC Cheng

hospital: TMC

Hi GOH, thanks for your well wishes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] It was indeed nice watching baby from the U/S when we still can't feel baby's movements yet. I was just hoping for a short vacation not far from home, maybe just Sentosa if hubby is able to spare time but he is very busy with work and school at the moment so is quite impossible also. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

No prob TIE [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yes, I heard about coconut good to take during 3rd trimester too.

Thanks mummies for sharing how often you take chicken essence/bird's nest. Guess I will try to take at least twice a week too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ASOS sounds good, I shall go online to check [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mamaash, yes twins . [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] . Yes I LS once a day on avg... Hee..

Hi glimmer, ur backache maybe becoz of posture n deskbound job?hopefully not due to preg. Try to walk about more to relieve the tension. My next Appt is Oscar 16 Jun, I find too far away so scheduled one more scan next sat, ks ah.my ms now slight better. How abt u? My tummy bloated so wear maternity pants. Tops I think I'll stick to baby dress kind first, maternity clothes very ex. Ya I heard preg before will expand abit faster. So ur colleagues know already?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Melodi- are u alright? Glimmer, maybe she has gone genting.

Dear all, I m having sore throat now, prob heaty due to multi vits n cannot take liang stuff. Any suggestions on what to eat to reduce the heatiness? Can take Manuka honey?

Thanks AC n mamaAsh for your explanation.

Tot tat Oscar scan is for "gao ling chan Fu"

But from here can tell Tat almost ppl also doing the Oscar scan.

Emm.. Izit important?? Cause b4 tat I heard my friends say only those gao ling chan Fu need to do only.

I am taking manuka honey 1 teaspoon daily with a glass of water , routine b4 pregnant n till now. Not sure ok for the rest mummies. Different body different reaction, so better ask gynae with u all not sure...

Hi Babyshan, I think it's a misconception to say that OSCAR is for older pregnant mummies. There is a risk ratio for all age group and the risk gets much higher as we age especially after about 28 (from the chart given to me). Although it is generally lower chance for women who conceived at younger age to get baby with DS but it is not a 'confirm not get' kind of statistics. But of course for mummies who decide to stick to their babies irregardless have no need to take such test. But there are also mummies like me who take for an ease of mind. Frankly speaking, I'm only in my mid 20s so my risk for DS baby is very low but I still take. And now I'm happy becoz everything goes well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Clb, Goh sorry I was not feeling well these few days so feeling very tired to do anything. I went for a scan on Wednesday because on Monday and Tuesday, my ms n nausea suddenly no more but I was feeling sick n crampy with loose stool too. Thus, I went to see Gynae for another scan in case anything happen. Luckily I still see my bb and now is 2.7cm on wed. Guess what, then my bb wants to let me know he/she is ok, I vomited out my lunch after scan and today still bad with nausea n become merlion again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] being a mother is not easy, with ms is very xin ku, suddenly no ms then very scare :p

Goh, I have decided to change to private Gynae and is it i just ignore all those appt from Kk or need to inform them? I am gg to NUH for my Oscar scan on 16 June. Very nervous again :p

MamaAsh, please help me do the following updates. Thanks a lots :D

Edd: 26 dec

Gynae: John Yam

Hospital: gleneagle

Next scan: 16 June

gbh, welcome!

clb, drink more water n mb get some pregnancy safe lozenges...

babyshan, oscar scan is not compulsary la but its better to do it to have a peace of mind lor...anmio is the test for the preggies above 35...

oh ya gals...philips having their carnival sale this weekend! if u wanna get avent philips products like avent bottles, sterliser, baby monitor... good time to get! i wanna go get the sterliser!!!

Thks ct n sporty.

Melodi- ur bb decided to be guai1 bb for a while coz mummy not feeling well on mon n tue. Juz call Appt hotline to cancel all appts for Kk will do. Are u still taking spicy foods? Moderation orh. I pm u also.

hi mummies,

i m a mother of 2 kids, expecting #3 due in dec n would like to join in this thread.

nick: hazymum

edd: 1 dec 2011

gynae: Dr Poon

hospital: Mt A


Just saw that I forget to put my gynae. Pls help me update, thk[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gynae: Dr Ann Tan

Hospital : Mt E


Ya. Heard old wives tale abt coconut in last tri. I rem I told once every week for the last mth for my #1. Heard that it's for either fast n smooth delivery or the baby comes out very "clean". Not sure which one though. In either case, my #1 delivery considered very fast n bb came out also very clean. Not full of the white white slimy stuff. My delivery from admission to birth was less than 6 hrs. Natural birth.

Clb, tks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i pm u back le. I am taking more and more spicy foods recently. No choice, only spicy foods I can swallow better and vomitted out lesser. My mum nagged at me too but after seeing I can eat if the food is spicy, she also give in :p I know too much is no good so will try to keep it one meal contains spicy food only and makd sure i drink lots of water after that. Yesterday drink Tom yum soup is ok but today chicken soup make me uncomfortable for whole afternoon n end up in merlion state again. Think my Bb like my whole family too, spicy foods lover :p strange, I thought I will not like spicy food anymore after bfp but it continue.

Morning mummies!

Kimiko: Congrats that your bb is fine & all went well during the Oscar scan! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I decided not to take the Oscar scan so probably will have to wait till detailed scan to see bb. Happy to hear you say that bb is stable after wk10 if everything is ok, relief!!!

sporty: I just saw Robinsons having sale too! Medela breast pump set, Pigeon sterilizer set, also got baby cot with matttress. Arghz so tempted, dunno whether to wait for next week's motherhood sale at expo or to just buy now!

Have a question to ask everyone about confinement ladies. Do we need to pay for their transport (eg taxi fare) from the checkpoint to our place? Or are we to pick them up from the checkpoint? Also, my house is currently just me & my hubby, so the guest room is completely empty with no bed. Is it okay if we just get a mattress for the CL to sleep on? Or need to buy a bed for her? Sigh now the market rate is so expensive, between $2.1k to $2.2k. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Dear mothers, I had previously thought my EDD was in early Jan but my ultrasound shows my EDD as 31st dec 2011. Can I join you all here too?

My details: Gynae - KKH - Dr Quek Swee Chong

Nick: MsCarpeDiem

Location: Bishan


clb, i only take spicy foods in moderation...

hazymum, welcome... how old are ur older kids?

yallo, which medela pump is tha at robinsons sale? actually hor, based on past experience hor, i think motherhood sale nothing much to buy one...maybe the bb cot n other stuffs...for the cl tha i used last round, she took mrt to the nearest station to our hse and my hb went to pick her up, then for the mattress, we gave her a floor mattress... this time round this cl, will be the same thing, pick her from mrt but have to give her a bed la (as requested by her agent)... so u better check with ur cl lor... this cl tha i booked is abt 2.2k

Good Morning Mummies!

Today is Friday! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Time for shopping this weekend.

Philips Warehouse Sale @ TPY

28 – 29 May 2011 9am to 6pm

John Little Expo Sale @ Expo Hall 4

26 May to 5 June 2011 10.30am to 10pm

Hi kimiko,

Congrats on Yr gd result! Ha! So orange juice didn't work for u? I will try on next tue n see ;) bb shy mah.... Haha! When is Yr detailed scan? Have u booked? I have a scheduled scan on 12 jul, I think it is the detailed scan.

Hi dacylet,

Me me! I got heartburn feel more often now!

Hi sporty,

Thanks for advice on the tonic... Think I will start w chicken essence, codycep n bird nest once a week each. Anybody can recommend what type of bird nest to buy n abt how much shd I budget? I have never had bu pin before.... ;p I hv never tried chk essence, very strong smell? Thinking whether to make my own essence like mummies in another thread was sharing. I love to cook but dunno troublesome or not.

Hi mummies,

Any advise on whether we shd get single or dual breast pump? I plan to bf my baby thru express only, cos no need to wean off later. What do u think? Is it possible?

Just to share, the bulk purchase thread in SMH has one for breast pump imported fr US. The one I'm eyeing is medela freestyle which outside sells $999, sale price $799 I think, bulk purchase price $450 only. Thinking of getting fr there cos one mummy told me if spoil bring local distributor repair, $100. So still worth since local warranty only one Yr.

Also wanna ask mummies abt baby monitors, any brand to recommend? I would prefer those w vision too.

Thanks! It's TGIF! Have a gd weekend!


ms carpe diem, welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dacylet, u gg to the sales?

littlefren, for the bird's nest, i am taking those concentrated kind, so one tablespoon every other day lor...easier for me cuz no one can help me brew lor... as for breast pump, get a dual one... yes u can be on exclusive pumping la but latching is the best cuz it generate ss better... i was using the medela freestyle which i bought from sprees, which is the US unit la...so far never fail on me after 1 yr of heavy duty use... so this time round i will be using same pump [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

