(2011/12) Dec 2011

Wendy, congrats another hurdle crossed! our path is different than others so every milestone is an achievement already. yah natural birth is gd then u can plan yr FET after 1 yr high chance of BFP again & another hit on twins..hehe

Bernice, natural conception is even luckier than twins leh..IVF no joke lots of stress before hitting the BFP. I always happy for pple who can conceive naturally..

MamaAsh, indeed u very blessed to hv 3 children if twins will be no.4..imagine now i hv to think of whether 2 hv heartbeat instead of stressing on 1..when i hv my no.1 the stress level lower & enjoying my pregnancy. this time i really need to be more careful & take a step at a time. Kudos to u for having a 3rd child to boost up our fertility rate & raise more local talents [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow thread really flies..!

Wendy and dawn - feel so 'phew!' for you! happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sporty - really? would love to google on tat hahaha. it's comforting to know tis if it's really true!!!

ohh mamaAsh, please add me in the list[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] (it's getting long! happy n excited for all mummies here!)

EDD : 4 Dec

Gynae : Dr Lawrence Ang

Hospital : TMC

Next Appt : 17 Jun

BB# 2

Location : woodlands

GOH - tks for your previous post... tink i'll have to learn to 'see open' 看开一点 and lookout during maternity lar..

MamaAsh, many thanks for updating my data & accurate somemore..u r very efficient, no wonder mother of 3..must learn more fr you! love to hear more of yr mother tips..

mummies: me getting really pai-seh... the table is small issue lah...

sporty: finally a mummy staying in same kampong! haha... i tot most mummies r in the east tis time...

GOH: thx, ya i also feel very blessed to see my kids grow.. but when they go notty, am at lost end! haha... but it's fun to grow with them!! u'll be having 3 soon too!! haha... dun say i efficient, all mummies are able to multi-tasks... very soon u'll be doing a good job being a mother of 3!!

@mamaAsh, orh...that test ah...my wife decided on package B...scan plus blood test...the scan will be 17th Jun lor...we went for the counselling session when we went for the 1st scan and consultation.

6th Jun is blood test...

mama ash, yeah...next time our kids can meet for playdates... which area are u at? i am at ave 6! yes i agree tha all mummies will be able to multi task!!

anyone started to wear their maternity wear already? think for me soon cuz my skirts now all v tight, have to zip 3/4 and cover with my top! hahah

AC: yes, i also took package B, for a more confirmed result...

sporty: oh, i think we're v near!! me st 22! haha... me, i oredi started wearing maternity, cos normal pants r too tight, top still ok but to make myself more comfy, juz put on my old maternity wear! hahaha... but can't see tummy after wearing them!! haha...

MamaAsh..haha..can have more bb..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]they brin you joy in life..

Goh..yup..after this BB..if everything goes on well..i am planning for a FET a few months after delivery..but still got to see what my dr say since i plan to breastfeed my bb..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]hope to get a twin the next round..since my dr say at times FET works better n he aso mentioned that my frozen embryos kept are beautiful..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Realli envy you..so cute..twins..For my case..i cant plan too far apart coz my embryos are kept for only 2 yrs..so meannig by the time i delivered my 1st 1..1 yr is gone liao.so really no time..haiz

Gretel..thanks for yout thoughts too..was really struggling to see dr today..but finally drag my feet there.haha..never regret my decision though[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

X: me & AC r talking abt the Down Syndrome check @ KKH... Package B consist of the ultra scan (which is the OSCAR most mummies r talking abt here) + blood test, which gives a 90% accuracy in detecting DS bb... costwise, if i rem correctly is $321...

wendy: can't have more bbs, i old liao... me 高龄产妇 leh... haha... i agree on not planning too far away for kids, better so they can have playmates!!

wendy: i believe me is the oldest here... haha.. me 34, comes aug 35! so dun think i can have more babies!! haha... actually had wanted a dragon bb, cos me dragon, but bb came too early lah... :p

mama ash, i am at the other end of ave 6! anyways same kampung still near lor! i have not dig out my maternity wear from my wardrobes, maybe have to do so this weekend lor... i am ard the same age as u la, so u are not old la!! so ur #3 is planned eh?

sporty - u make me so happy reading the news hahaha! now dun mind puking a few more times if it really means higher IQ;p mamas really 伟大;p

sporty - wear bah wear bah! i always feel it's a priviledge to wear mat clothes! i mean, how many times in one's lifetime do u get to wear?? at the most, 4?? or 5?? for most jus once or twice..


hahaha...never mind. we are same age. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Doc already put me into 高龄产妇 group...


I already wear my maternity pants when i ard 8 weeks preg. feel more ocmfortable lel...


guess you are still very young right?

MamaAsh..pls..u r not old le..u r mummy of 3 @ age 34..so young..u knw my dr even have IVF patient @ e age of 43...so u can still afford to have a few more..U make me stress when u say u r old le..

I am having this BB @ age 31..n my previous MC @ age 28..i tink you are superb..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mamaAsh, u r so ke qi..now I know y u can go for no.3 cos yr 2 kids are bringing u lots of joy! many of my frens already closing shop at 2. So 3 is the special one..me express Q cos promote fr 1 to 3 so need lots of mental preparation & positive vibes fr u mah u oredi handle 2 steady liow! I also took package B fr KKH, looks gd enuff..hopefully Dec mummies all pass these tests smoothly

Wendy, agree with yr dr..i feel FET gives more chances for BFP cos our womb lining is at the best. maybe u bf for 4-6 mths then plan FET just before 2 yrs..no pt paying for the extra storage, quickly finish them all and close shop. no worries u got another gd shot at twins. rem to tiao yr body well during confinement..

Jass.. I hope i am still young..but i am not..depreciating liao..haha..scared i try too long that why decided to go for IVF..just so difficult to conceive naturally for me..Dr check n do a hysterscopy for me before IVF..no blockage..etc..spare parts working fine..but perhaps just fated to have an IVF baby..


as long as can have a healthy baby will do no matter naturally or IVF. hmm...maybe your 2nd baby can conceive naturally, i heard a lot of ppl also like that right?

jia you!!!

gretel,hahah... yupz, have to use tha article to an wei ourselves when we are having MS la...LOL... yes, all mamas are weida one... i like to "hide" my pregnancy mah...hahhaha...anyways will start wearing soon le! when are u seeing dr ang?

jass, i am still trying to "hide" lor...i still wear my 3 inches heels to work now...opps :p

ct, u power! so #4 can be #3's playmate [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wendy, be more positive...am sure u can have more kids after ur #1! stay positive!!

goh, i like ur "express q"! heee

Goh..my dr didnt recommend to store more than 2 yrs..so i only pay the hospital 2 yrs storage..i dun knw if can extend or not.i just leave the decision to my dr since i trust him whole heartedly..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]or perhaps cant store more than 2yrs accorsing to MOH rules..Yup..i really spent alot close to 30k for this BB..tot will have twin..haha then can share the cost for each bb..each 15k..but no le..Furthermore,i understand that there is going to be a increase in the charges in IVF due to the mishandling in thomson previously..so it might get more expensive..

Jass..i will still go for IVF after my 1st 1 if everything goes well since i already store the 3 embryos dont want to waste it..storage cost quite x too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] if not the 3 embryos also very "Ke Lian" you are rite..as long as it is our own bb,it is alrite to have it naturally or IVF coz at the end of the day we wan a healthy BB..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sporty...i hope to use up the 3 embryos which i stored but it seems not possible..max 2 for blastocyst stage in singapore..

seeing dr ang 17 Jun - hope all is smooth... he says next visit can see the gender hahah exciting isn't it!? ;) need to toss the coin see blue or pink haha - for fun! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] n tink of names! ;p mus tink of fun things to alleviate our ms moodiness!

Wow looks like our thread got lots more 3rd time mummies! Very nice to see that!

I think I'll just stop at 2 even if I hv another gal.. Don't hv

energy for 3 kids haha.. Salute to mummies who hv 3-4 kids!

I'm already wearing maternity bottoms.. As for top I'm wearing my usual ones still as I hv some looser long tops..

wendy, yeah...hopefully u get twins next time round [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] juz enjoy this bb and this pregnancy... jia you!

gretel, mine is 27 may...long wait! cuz i juz seen him yesterday... i tried to "force" him to guess the gender yesterday (as he managed to guess the gender for #1 at 13 weeks) but he dun dare to tell me...hahha... so have to wait for next appt ba... so ur #1 is boy/gal?

cloud, haha...dun say too early..."accidents" do happen...maybe u will have #3 also...hee

Hi Mummies

I have the following items for sale, do PM or SMS me if you're interested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Brand New Pigeon Silent Electric Breast Pump


Brand New Safety 1st Deluxe Bath Cradle


Used Medela PISA Faceplate


Brand New Nissen and Baby Carter Rompers


Mummies that goes to JB can buy at Scarlet Maternity.. Cheap and good quality..

For small sizes more easier, just go buy L-XL clothing sure can fit dont waste money..

I dont intend to do any OSCAR or Blood test.. But the gynae die die want me do the blood test .. Baby normal or not normal I still have to keep it cause I am muslim no ABORTION ..

I dont want to waste soo much money on the test and bla bla..

I want to keep that $$$ for usage for 30 days massage and wrap ... This is last baby factory officially closed forever ...

Sorry to interrupt

Selling BN My First Year Infant to Toddler Bathtub at $35

Retail Price $69

Brand New but label has been cut. Never been used.

Collection at Serangoon Central. Please PM if interested.


Hi mummies,

I’m on MC today…from gas not from MS ☹ I think I am really weird…1st MC n only when I'm entering 2nd trimester....I cant purge the gas out and it caused cramps. I cldnt sleep the whole nite last nite, today peng san….and slept the whole day today!

Gretel – yah lor, my gynae also don’t want to say, though it’s quite obvious she kind of know the gender at week 11. As for my fren, yah, he’s such a gem of a man, husband and father. Haha. He’s also my colleegue and he’s been taking very good care of me after I told him I’m preggy. He say my health also as ko ya as his wife (I had a chain of freak health issues and an op last year) so must take good care…haha.

Mamaash – haha, yah lah, my sis also bf and she said my niece treated her like vending machine…straightaway crawl from cot to bed, pull away her top and help herself to the supply….you are not old. I’m having first bb and will turn 32 this year lor…..somemore got married at 25….late bloomer…heh.

Wendy – so happy for u! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bernice, thanks for sharing the details on Oscar..

Btw mummies, if u hv any gd CL to recommend, let me know yah.. Many thanks

Hi MamaAsh,

Please assist to update my location - Sengkang.

My MS is getting worse, esp in the morning and evening time, I can only eat better during lunch time. Till date, I had lost 2 kg. I conceive this baby not easily so I feel so paranoid compared to my first pregnancy. I sometimes feel stressed up if afraid of bad things happening...I keep trying telling myself to relax all the time. I cant wait to go for my next appt to make myself at ease, counting down to 11 June. My hubby going off biz trip to Korea from Jun 7 -10, I am afraid I cant cope alone with my active 3-yr old toddler. Asking my mum's help to stay over a few nights to help me send him to CC in the morning.

Hi mummies, I'm back from my scan and shopping today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Finally after 4 weeks of waiting, it was comforting to know that baby is ok at W12D2. Though baby did not swim around during scanning (could it be baby is sleeping? Doctor commented everything is ok), strong hb is seen but doctor was not able to count the hb becoz only can hear 'washing machine sound'. Maybe becoz my stomach too thick [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Anyway Doctor commented next week will be able to hear hb if I go for scanning but my next appt is on 22 June (mamaAsh, pls help to update, thanks!). Baby measures 5.8cm and Doctor told me basically I can relax as baby is considered stable now. He told me that it's like I'm already in the 2nd trimester now so I'm free to eat anything as long as in moderation. I was so happy and went to get those food I had been thinking about. Doctor prescribed me obimin and calcium tabs but he said that fish oil is not proven to bring any benefits to baby so I didn't request for it.

Will be going for OSCAR scan tomorrow, hope to see baby swimming about [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Otherwise my hubby will comment baby lazy like me again as he said that to me today >.>

Hi verene,

Dun stress ya? ;) are u working? How many weeks are u now? Dun worry, happy mummy = happy bb! I think u did right to ask Yr mum over for the few nights to help u out, if u are bored, just come online n tok to us!

11 June will come soon, or bring forward Yr Appt so that u r at ease... ;)

Hi kimiko,

Gd to know everything's well! Oh, I told my hubby bb is lazy like us! Ha! I heard some mummies said drink some orange juice before scan will make bb more active! Dunno how true! ;p so fish oil no use? But I thot dha gd for bb brain leh.... Okok, I chk w my doc too! so this time u had scan in doc room??

Hi Littlefren, orange juice really helps? Maybe I'll drink a bit before OSCAR tomorrow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yep, I saw doctor at TPS today. I arrived just 1min early and waited only about 5min to see doctor in his room. Really efficient!

Seems like some mummies will vomit or feel nauseous taking fish oil so I might as well just extract the necessary nutrients from fish itself. I'm also afraid I may puke taking fish oil.

Hello mummies!

Can I join? I'm in my 10th week now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

EDD: 10 Dec 2011

Gynae: Dr Woo Bit Hwa (wonderful wonderful stitches after delivery!)

Hospital: Mt Alvernia

Next appt: 5 June

Baby #: 2

Location: Punggol

I am doing my oscar on 3 June. Got to walk in because can't make it for original appt on 2 June. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I'm horribly nervous about the test!!

Haha.. I didn't request but my next appt they fixed at TPS for me. I also find it more comfortable there, the seats are sofa seats not like the ones in clinic. Payment and medication all in the same place so it's very convenient. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mamaash, my details as follows for u to update:

EDD: 28Dec11

Gynae: Dr Phua Soon Mear

Hospital: TBC

Next Appointment: 16 Jun 11

Baby: #2.

Location: Sengkang

My Oscar is abt 3 wks away... What a long wait...

Sporty: my #3 not planned one lor, came as a surprise! Cos nvr expected me to strike!! And was really not prepared for it! U really gang ho lor, still can wear heels!! I stop wearing my 1" the day I tested positive!! Haha... Kiasu & kiasi!!

Jass: glad to know am not e only old one here... Sorry not saying u old, only referring to me here... :p

Wendy: thx, tats y I always say I very lucky n really count my blessings to be able to have #3 at this age!! Actually nowadays couples I find really took too long to start a family and by the time they wan a bb, then realized either they too old or it's really not as easy as they tot!!

Kimiko: wow so good got shopping!!! Muz have enjoyed rite?? Haha... Good to feel good n congrats on yr way into 2nd trim!! Envy leh... Yes TPS is good, I had been at TPS since #1 till now!! Kenna frightened by my first wait of 2hrs at e clinic!!! So trf to TPS since then n nvr wanna go back to the clinic outside Liao!! Haha.... There's even free hot beverage

there! And I also realized now they have a basket of apples too!!

Littlefren: yes trf to TPS u won't regret!!!

Hi mamaAsh, after that your turn will come to join us in 2nd trimester [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ya, didn't buy much but first time felt so happy and relieved shopping after pregnant. I finally bought my maternity bra, cannot tahan the underwired bras. But walk a while only lower back starts to ache.. Haix..

Hi Good Morning Mummies,

Sporty, din realize u were still in heels till MamaAsh mentioned in her earlier post.. I was in heels till 4.5mths for my #1 (partly also cos my bump wasn't showing yet n I din want too many people to know) but almost fell. and it was then that I bid my heels gdbye till I return to work aft my ML.

Re: 2nd Tri

It look like a super long journey for me n I wish I can speed up the entire process.


Hi mummies, is this a clinic or something??

Hi mamaash, u not e oldest, me 35. My first child is 7 (pri 1) and 2nd is 5 (k1) this year. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

LawShe, luckily u asked. Me also dun know what is TPS [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I'm still able to tahan e normal bras but will remove when sleeping as since young I already has this habit of sleeping wo undergarments. But I need to get some maternity pants ASAP. Everyday dun have bottom to match since my tummy and hip has grown so so much.

I got one col at office. She is 4mths liao and ydt she wore tight shirt and jeans. I was like wow! Spolit mkt leh. But she small built and it's her first BB.

Have a good day to all. Tmr is fri!


Good morning mummies!

Spent 1/2 hr to read thru all the post in this thread. This thread is really happening!!

TPS?? May I know what is that?

Sporty, you r power, still can wear heels. I don't dare to wear the moment i tested positive. haha

kimiko, your baby is growing well. So nice! Hope you will see your bb moving during your oscar scan. keep us update of your visit today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

