(2011/12) Dec 2011

clb, thks for yr suggestion, tink need to put a cushion on my chair & a box to lift up my leg. i rem last time i did that too cos u need more blood ciculation esp yr feet. my water retention quite bad. tdy not so achy liow. yes tink our tummy show faster, cos my aunty was saying yr face look thin but yr tummy bigger already. top can easily get but pants must start to wear maternity. not many know just keep quiet until 1st trimester over. at least yrs can schedule extra scanning, this dr loh very hard to slot in leh..nvb rely on yr gd news..hehe

Melodi, i understand one day u say how come no nausea then next the bb will make u vomit. but if no nausea then feel bb ok anot..last time my 1st no such ms at all, so i just happily eating. this time got MS more headache. anyway, MS shld be getting lesser since we r hitting 12 wks soon. me too also crave for spicy food..so i eat mee siam and abit of curry too..just keep in moderation. yr bb grown much at 2.7cm, same as mine 1 wk ago. so decided on yr gynae at glenagles but scan at NUH? maybe just call KKH inform not taking dr loh.


littlefren, dual pump is better, very efficient since u r doing only express, so u save alot time. can't rem how much i bot & the exact model altot mine is also the dual pump but yr model is more ex. tink can buy as long got warranty more impt mine spoilt once & send for repair same day collect. get a gd one u will breastfeed for long..

littlefren, i think starting from 2nd tri we can start to "pu" already. i drink chicken essence once in a blue moon, cuz i dun like the smell. But have to drink in order to get energized.

sporty, yupz. Will be going there after I visit my gynae in the morning. go and check out things that need to buy.

Hi GOH, Melodi n Clb,

are u gals all under Dr Loh? is there any reason why u wanna change doc? but if inconvenient to say, its ok or can pm me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi sporty, oh can get concentrated one? what brand u buy? Do u rem how much u paid for yr freestyle?

Hi GOH, i also think dual better, but my sil was saying dun waste $$. keke! i think i will get dual one.

im also eating spicy food! it just taste better :p yeah.... taking in moderation too!

i used Ameda dual electric.

Bought from robinson during sale at 399 (erm... it was late 2008 price) iirc. I used it till my #1 was 19.5mth.

It's good!!! Love it.

dacylet, icic [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i shd be gg on sat morn ba after my #2's class...

littlefren, yes, got...mine's frm EYS...think laohangjia also have... my freestyle was abt SGD480 cuz tha time the exchange rate was higher... yah, get a dual one la...saves time also cuz 20 mins i can finish pumping liao and also its v compact and can bring easily to office lor

x, yes ameda is good too...i used tha for my #1 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks mummies for your kind words [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Littlefren, my detailed scan will be on 20 Jul. In fact they had already scheduled 2 gynae visits and the detailed scan for me. Very fast [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm not sure if it was becoz I was sleepy on both days during scans thats why baby also sleeping inside.. Haha.. My hubby just comment that baby lazy like me. But both of us saw baby hiccuping after I woke him/her up during the scan, is this normal?

I'll be checking out motherhood fair on 2 June, hope to get all the important things at really good price.

TGIF mommies!

i guess my headache is wat breast pump and wat brand to buy??!!

i dun really know much abt all these, and they r quite expensive...

so it will be great if any experience mommies can share abit more!

many thanks in advance!

Littlefren, I switch doc because I am not having twins and most important is because of the waiting for SF loh. My DH hard to make it if waiting is so long and when get to see him, is only a few mins. But he is really a doc with good skills so depend on individual [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Also for private Gynae, I can go for more frequent scans.

Thanks Goh, I will call Kk to cancel the appt. Hee I really hope our MS can quickly go away but no so suddenly and make me worried :p


hiccups???? so cute!!!! i only saw my bb lift up hands to its head like 'dun disturb me leh' ahahahahaha

wow, ya lor, i think kkh fast and efficient leh.... 2 more visits scheduled! ha! do u have a visit to gynae right after detail scan on same day? all in TPS?

kimiko, my detailed scan also on 20 jul...but urs at kkh rite? yes v common for bbs to hiccups, next time when they get bigger in our tummies, we can feel them hicupping too! very cute one!!

jasline, get a dual pump...more ex but can be more efficient in drawing out milk...esp if u plan to bf for long...

mama ash, maybe u were too bz with #1 then tha u cant finish ur bird's nest :p nowadays whenever i take the bird's nest in the morning, my #2 will come along and ask for one spoonful also! haha

thanks sporty! sure, think manual pumps are really too taxing!

as for dual pump... can anymore explain abit more on the distinct difference bet Ameda VS Medela??


jasline, manual pump can be good in their own way la...i have some frens who bf more than 1 yr thru manual pumps...i still have one at home when i use for extreme engorgements...

ameda is cheaper than medela freestyle/PIS...both are good pumps and efficient but some people thinks tha the suction for medela is better... ameda/medela fs is quite quiet and u can pump with bb in the room...


at 1st i bought Avent single manual pump, it's easy and convenience. but once i back to work after maternity, i brought another set which is Ameda dual electric pump due to time concern. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

concentrated one can buy from '老行家‘。


ya lor..why take hard boi egg? my 1st delivery i so 'tut tut', didnt take any food since i admit during midnight and still can deliver naturally ard 3pm. no energy to push at all...


ya lor..really up to individual but me more kiasi cos my boy cant take cooling stuffs. like now i also didnt take any cool drink or food.

jass: dunno lah, my mum & sis funny lah, say old pple say, we go deliver egg, so need to eat an egg! haha.. but thruout my delivery i not hungry leh... lucky!! for both deliveries, we went to hospital around 2-3am, pop out bet 11-12pm liao... then lunch time @ KK! Haha...

agree tat Avent manual pump is easy & convenience cos no need to find electrical outlet... but very time consuming lor... 1 session can last 45mins!! after i tried PIS, less than 30mins!

yallo: as for CL, my guess is they will ask for the taxi fare fr u lor... unless yr hb can go & pick her up... my last one was sent to our place my the agent... so i guess this one my hb will go & pick her up, cos she dunno how to come my house! haha.... as for mattress... i guess up to individual, some will request for bed, cos they have difficulty getting up. but i would ask CL to sleep w me, hb will sleep in another room, so he dun get disturb by nite feeds or bb cries in the middle of the nite... & also easier for me to monitor the CL & bb...


yeah...ameda is cheaper and much more quiet than others electric pump. now think back 4 years bk i used to pump milk at 3.00am. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mama ash, are u using back the same cl tha u used previously?

jass, yes lor...think by nov/dec this yr, we can have "support group" online to chat while we pump :p LOL

Hi melodi, icic.... Ya, his waiting time is super long lor.... My hubby keep asking me to switch back to TPS to see if it will be better ;) thanks for the reply.

sporty: no lah, the prev CL i used now lots of complain! dunno y... maybe did too long liao, got tired of her job! haha... so went for another recommended by my friend.

jass: haha... same here!! esp during confinement!! wow, like no sleep!! now the routine gotta start again!! sian...

jass- can i ask how much it cost for the concentrated one from '老行家‘? concentrated means pure bird nest without sugar?

Littlefren- i pm u. btw, what is TPS?


hahaha...yeah. at least we will not be boring while pumping.


ya lor..mine worst. cos i dun have cl, mil help me to cook confinement food & bath bb. so i hav to look after bb day & night. very siong...


sorry..i cant remember the price..cencentrated mean u just need to scoop 1 tablespoon of bird nest frm the bottle to eat it, not like those bottle one more waterly. they have with sugar and without sugar. without sugar one tasteless..not so nice..

u can try at their counter too..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Littlefren, jasline,

Dual pump is better. I started out with a single pump medala Swing thinking that I'm sahm so got time no need dual. In the end still bought another pump after attempting using the single one. It was way too time consuming n also tiring. In the end I bought a medela PIS. many mummies recomm this in my #1 thread. I nvr tried freestyle before but I got fren who bought that n later managed to tried PIS somewhere else n she thinks that PIS is so much better than FS. But if u looking for the handsfree features, only FS has that lah.

Hihi clb, TPS = The Private Suite in Kkh, it offers better n faster service like private gynae

Hihi gbh, so that's the diff btw FS n PIS, thanks ;) will chk out these two!

Hihi mummies,

Anyone going Phillips warehouse sales on sat? Can help me see whether got Avent bb monitor w video on sale? N how much? Cos I only free on sun n need to change my tuition if I going, so if dun hv, I not going down Liao! Thanks thanks in advance!

ok many thanks gbh & other mommies for your reply on the breast pump..

guess for me, it will either be medela PIS or ameda FS..

yup yup, i m also looking for a gd bb monitor w video.. anyone got one, and share the brand and price?

many thanks again!

Hi, MTB, if you are looking for a confinement lady, I would like to recommend my confinement lady to you.

Entering into motherhood has been a daunting task. Now that I am 5 1/2 months into it, I still think it is. Yet, as to think back, I am thankful for the help that I received, especially during the first month of my confinement, through my confinement lady.

Through her, I have acquired the basic skills to take care of my baby. Being a first time mother, I am grateful that she could meet me before I even delivered to prepare me the things I need to get for the baby, so I can get the herbs prepared even baby the baby arrive. I appreciate the prior information. She is an Indonesian Chinese on long time permit pass and so that put me at ease that I am engaging someone legal.

Auntie is able to cook well and is experienced and clean in handling the baby. She also helps my hubby and I to wash our clothes and of course baby's clothes.

If you are keen, you can call Auntie Poh at 90817842. She collects a deposit of $200 from me when she met me to let me know what herbs to buy and prepare. The actual confinement costs $1900 for me. I am not sure if she has raised the price. Maybe I think it is $2000 now but from what I know if you engage a Malaysian confinement lady, it costs $2200.

Hope you can benefit from her service like I did and wish you all the best!

Hi Littlefren, ya they scheduled detailed scan 30min before gynae appt and all the gynae appts all will be at TPS as well. Very efficient [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Kinda glad that I had chosen KKH despite the temptations of private hospital.

Hi Sporty, really? It would be so interesting to be able to feel baby hicupping inside [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow, I didn't know there's so much to think about for breasts pump. But looks like it's rather clear what to get, thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re breast pump, for me I used medela harmony manual pump for 1st preg for more than 1yr. To me manual is fast, compact n covenient if I need to express outside. One pump takes me 20min-25min for both sides, not tiring n I can control the speed. only downside is the other breast will leak when I start pumping on other breast.

mama ash, i also not using the cl before la cuz i recommended her to other frens and kena complained by other frens....maybe her standard dropped liao! LOL

jass, yup yup...at least easier to pass time when pumping lor!! rem hor!! haha

littlefren, i bought the normal bb monitor before from philips sale, its way cheaper than the normal price... i will try to look out for the video one (if i see) when i go on sat ok?

kimiko, yeah...esp after 17 weeks...bb's movements will be more...then its v interesting...sometimes we can see their elbows pointing out on our belly!

There is sale at mothercare 15% storewide even for strollers and cots. I went to the harbourfront flagship during lunch just now. I am using a Capella and maclaren stroller for my son right now. I like the preg prego stroller but hubby forbid me to buy another one cos no space to keep. If not, I will ask my cousin to buy one back from US cos so much cheaper. Most prob, I will ask her to get me a medela freestyle pump from US. I went to look at the cots and more or less decide what I want to get.

Hi Verene,

last time my friend also ask someone help her to get medela freestyle pump from US. according to her, it's really cheap.

u work at harbourfront that area?

@Verene: Which peg perego model are you getting. In SG it is really ex, im still surfing ard see if there is any bulk purchase that can give better rates.

@(x): i was at mothercare the other day, and i saw there's one stroller that comes with 3-in-1 design: infant, car seat, toddler....

is yours like this?



Ya, I worked in harbourfront. So I can check out good deals at mothercare flagship store.


I like the piko 3 model. My colleague bought the preg prego switch which can have reverse direction, bb can face u but need to detach the seat and switch it over not like the usual reversal stroller which we only switch the handles and wheels like Capella.

Hi all mummies, long time no drop by and say hello. went for my appt today and saw the little heartbeat flickering. Sounded like horse galloping.. =) hubby was beaming from ear to ear. Still very nauseated and just vomitted awhile ago.. but still, vomitting and nausea are good signs that the pregnancy is healthy and viable. =)

mamaash: pls help me update, my next appt is 2nd July. =) thank u!!

Thanks (x). The uno model can also switch the handle so that bb can face us. But I don know whether needs to remove seat or not. I haven get to see the physical thing yet though. Hehe

Does ur EDD keeps changing? Mine has changed from 24 to 15 to 16 now to 12 dec.

Mamash: pls help to update mine thanks !


who asked abt bb monitor with video? i got mine for #1 at some warehouse sale. i think mine is the chicco brand. very good n sensitive n video also pretty clear. can chk that out.

re stroller,

i got an ingelsina zippy for my #1. its very similar to the peg pegero one when i was doing the comparison that time before i popped for #1. but i rem that inglesina is truly one hand ops. i rem the peg pegero one still have a catch that need the other hand to press before can close or open (cant rem which). but like the PP one, zippy is also very heavy but stable with bigger wheels than most strollers. also it stands on its own when closed. personally i think thats very impt bcoz when outside, theres no way that we can bend over n open/close stroller (like those umbrella strollers) when bb is in our arms. (i always picture scenarios where im alone with bb n no one to help one)...

but i heard that peg perego P3 got improvements in new model n is very good too. so i recomm that mummies can chk these 2 models out. drawback for these 2 models is that there are metal structures behind at the bottom so access to the basket is a bit tedious (gotta do it at the sides or front of stroller)... n of course the weight of the strollers lah...

i also would like to ask experienced mummies abt twin strollers. any recomm? bcoz now im having #2 n my #1 will still be less than 2 yrs old when edd n i think i will need a stroller that can hold both when out... cant be carrying any one of them esp if im out alone... prefer twin kind that is front n back n not side by side. any mummies can advise? thanks!

