(2011/12) Dec 2011

Thanks for those who asked after me. Am ok now after the 1-day MC. Feels good to have companions to share woes and joy for the 10 mth journey. Haha.

Dacylet - heartburn in tri 2 and 3 is very common cos less and less space and our digestive organs all cramped together...try to eat small meals and not too late and dont sit or lie down immediately after eating.....

Any mummies have experience with rashes? I am having rashes on my tummy but not itchy...do I need to see gynae or wait for a few days first?

In addition, any mummies sign package alrdy? Does yours incl unlimited ultrasound. Mine does but I feel rather paiseh to anyhow just pop down to gynae and say I want to see bb...or is it a common practice?

Btw, I have a Clarins Huile Tonic stretch mark oil to let go cheaply at $55. After using samples, I think I prefer the cream but already bought the oil. Am letting it go at DFS price...cos I opened the box already (but not the bottle). Anyone interested, do let me know. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i signed up package liao but mine is not unlimited u/s wor, only for u/s during scheduled appts. for non scheduled (that means doc no need to see me but i just want to go down n chk) its considered by per norm consultation rates n not inclusive in the package. u might wanna double chk with the clinic again as i dun think its common practice that gynae packages got unlimited appts inclusive leh... if like that then the gynae super busy liao...

Gbh : I have a Phil & Teds Explorer.My kids love it!So do I! You can actually rent one from the Toy Rental Club to see if it suits you before cOnsidering a purchase. Mothercare sells them also.

gbh - Tks. i checked before i signed up. The pkg includes scheduled visits and any u/s scan. I have a fren who has similar pkg, she say she just say she's nt feeling well or insecure and want a scan. But she will pay for the consultation cos considered unscheduled visit mah...so i guess there's a catch, haha.


I think I got my bb video monitor from Taime during one if their warehouse sale. Can't rem exact price but i think abt $200. I rem most models with video function is not cheap. Not sure abt differences btw my one n Philip one bcoz nvr recce the Philip one tt time. But so far I'm happy with mine bcoz min interference n quite sensitive. U might wanna google for Taime n see if they got warehouse sale anytime. They sell lotsa other bb stuff like toys too. I bought lotsa stuff that time. Alternatively check out this Chinatown store at blk 34 upper cross st level 3 which sells lotsa bb stuff too. Can call n ask abt if they sell bb monitors n prices. They also sell strollers car seats. Most of their stuff cheaper than outside prices. I always buy my pigeon wet wipes in bulk from there. Let me go chk out the shop name n contact n post here.


Are u from my #1 thread too? So happy to see u here!!!! Thanks for ur recomm! Will def check out the stroller. Any idea where sells this so that I can go n see the features in person n also check out prices?

Good Morning!

Going to see my gynae later soon. Hopefully baby is active during the scan. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyone going Philips sale later?

Hi gbh, thanks. Looks gd! Yrs did say zero interference! Do u rem how much u paid for it?

Hi dacylet, oh, wake up to go toilet then sometimes take a while to zzzzz again! Haha! Hey! Enjoy Yr scan! Every scan day ISA exciting day! I prob going tml for the sale.... Depends though....

wow..this thread really fast..i almost cannot keep up wf this.

Hi mamaash, please update my details as follows. Thks!

EDD: 18 Dec 11

Gynae: Dr Adrian Woodworth

Hospital: Mt A

Next Appointment: 30 May 2011

Baby: #1.

Location: CCK


Hmm... Can't rem exact price leh abt ranges abt $200 like that.

For mummies going to Philip carnival sale,

Take note n be careful abt freebies promo when making ur purchases leh. Esp if the freebies r creams/ lotions which have expiries one. Bcoz the last time I bought stuff from the sale, I rem I tried to buy up to certain amt to get freebies bcoz seems more wu hwa but ended up I realized the expiry very near one like few mths or next yr kind. So in the end I din get to use those lotion n cream much b4 they expired. So rem to buy what u need n don't like me, tan xiao pian Yi, buy more bcoz of freebies.

wow... the thread moves pretty fast yesterday.

These 2 days not feeling veri good. I think it most likely is due to the fish oil which I just started. Gonna hold for a while. 2 days back, I was not feeling well so only ate fish porridge for dinner even though thinking would be hungry by late night. I text hubby to get me Old Chang Kee curry puff on his way home. At 9.30pm, all OCK in petrol kiosks were closed and he rushed down to Parkway Parade. He managed to get the last curry puff! Haha. He still asked them if got more (coz he also wanna eat!) and if got discount since its last one. Those behind him in the q probably wanna box him! Very touched by that. But hor, by the time he reached home, I was having reflux and cannot eat. Think he almost fainted! =P

I bought 2 boxes of chicken essence and 1 box of birds nest when I went back NEX yesterday. I really hate their parking! Whoever designs the carpark apparently don't drive and lacking in common sense when a non-driver like me can even see that it won't work!

So fast a number of you already scheduled your detailed scan (the one around week 20 right). Have not heard from gynae so far. Maybe he will let me know when I see him on 7th June on week 14.

(X): Yes, I also have my eyes set on Peg Perego P3! The 2011 collection is now going for $758 less 10% discount at Baby Hypermart earlier this week. Hoping for better deals at Motherhood Fair. Wondering if its too early to buy next week. Seems quite early in pregnancy and I have yet to tidy up my spare room. Mummies, any idea if the other fairs also offer as good deals?

bfly: My huby loves the PP UNO stroller coz of the reversible handle bar. But I told him while its nice, its much heavier. The usual PP strollers are already heavier by nearly 2 kg, UNO is another 2kg heavier! I prefer the closing mechanism for P3 also. I can't recall how much this is selling at Baby Hypermart after discount.

Verene Ting: PP also has reversible handle bar (front and rear facing) with no need to detach the seat i.e. UNO that bfly is looking at.


I check out Mothercare yesterday. They having a 15% storewide including strollers. So you can call to check if they have the model you want. Should be cheaper than hypermart at this moment I guess.

Hi ghb, thanks for the price.... now i can agar agar...

Hi TIE, your hubby so sweet! ha! my hubby will just ignore me! keke! but i ok lah.... since i can eat most of my meals. u take care ya? i also bought bird nest yesterday leh.... at EYS, the concentrated type but i bought one bottle only....$70 after discount. any body knows if own stew one better than concentrated or the same?? ya, Nex carpark for motorcycle only!

hmmmmm, i also thinking whether too early to buy anything actually.... my spare room still full... need to clear store room, and study room, then can move things fr spare room into those, then spare room will become bb room! big project leh! i still must clear the kitchen to put airpot n bb milk stuffs for later.....

then before bb come, must clean whole house of dust! current standard a bit low..... hahahahah! think also headache!

Litlefren: own stew bird nest is better as its not so sweet and no perservatives .. yummy .. i love to eat haha ..

all mummies: my frd told me that there is a baby fair at S'pore Expo from 21-23 Oct 2011.

Fish oil and multi vit: not too sure which is causing the nauseous. now i try to take one at a time an hr after b/f and it seem all rite. try and see if it work for you ..

Good morning ladies!!

I thought now still early to buy baby things yet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

previously i wait till 6mths pregnant then start to buy things. but of course i will do research 1st...

Hello little darling,

Ya, thinking whether to ask mummy to stew! Keke! Btw, u may want to check w Yr fren again... Cos I check the link by verene to sg expo calendar, it says 22 to 30 oct is creative living exhibition leh....

Verene Ting: Thanks! Keke. I heard the hypermart will match the sales price at fairs but they dun throw in freebies (similar to IT fairs vs Sim Lim!). Hence, I am hoping to see how much they cost during Motherhood Fair next week.

Joanne Koh: I went to Baby Hypermart at 83, Kaki Bukit Avenue 1, Shun Li Industrial Park. There are lots of strollers and carseats there so can test them. The older collections tend to have more discounts.

Littlefren: Need to give hubby credit. I slept a bit then wake up, heat up and eat the curry puff else he veri sad... =)

i juz got discharged from KK due to dehydration and heartburn and gastric.... sad.... drink more waters mummies.... need alot of water

mamaAsh, can update my next appointment to 25 June. Thanks!!

Went to visit my gynae this morning. Saw BB bouncing again. BB grew 1.3cm by a week. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Gynae gave a lot of supplements. Gynae say, no change to EDD.

Littlefren, i saw baby monitor (both video, and sound) in Philips carnival. Saw quite a few mummies bought the sterilizer.

For those going Philips, bring cash to shorten your queue. Don't have to queue to make payment using card.

Dawn, hope you are better now. Rest more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

went to the philips sale in the morning after my #2 class... v crowded!! bought the avent creams n a dect phone nia...

littlefren, the bb monitor with video is 299! the normal

dect one which i was using for #2 is at 170 or 180... other items like bottle warmer at 55 bucks... sterliser package is 135!

stardust, i will sign package with my gynae at next visit... his package includes unlimited visits n scans n vitamins... fish oil all these extras one are not included...

dacylet, ya man!! like no need $$ one!!! hahha.. great tha ur checkup went well.. u bought anything at the sale?

dawn, hope u feeling better! hang on!!


i bought the sterilizer package. is it considered cheap? my hubby bought some car beam light...

I saw some mummies bought milk bottles. Is it too early for us to get milk bottles?

dacylet, i wanted to get the sterliser at first but becuz it comes in a package so i didnt get it cuz i am

not planning to use nuk bottles lor... so i guess i will get sterliser maybe frm robinsons sale or taka bb fair ( shd be one coming up before we pop).. the package u bought looks like a good deal lor, too bad i dun need other things inside

Hi mummies, bought 12 boxes of EYS original chicken essence today. Though I reached there around 12+, there was already a huge crowd queuing for payment. Chicken essence was even out of stock for a while. Looks like it was a hot selling item there because there are at least a few boxes in each paying basket.

How was the Philips fair? I think I will only get baby stuffs around Oct or so but will check out the motherhood fair next week. If got really good deal may get on the spot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyway, not sure if I ate too much or because of the 'new obimin' and calcium tablets prescribed by gynae. I felt very nauseous after taking and even 'merlion' upon reaching home. Not only that I also felt light-headed and had to squat down on and off when queuing for payment [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi sporty n ghb,

Thanks for finding out the price of the monitor for me! Just finished a long day of tuition n finally has time to read the posts! ;) wow! $299.... I can't decide leh... Just read some feedback abt Philip video monitor, got some cons. Will decide tml!

Hi kimiko, me going for motherhood fair too to check out. I too felt very nauseous n burpy today.... U take care ya? I think one mummy was saying taking the tablets separately helps, maybe u can try!

Hi Littlefren, thanks! I actually felt better after vomiting everything out and took an anti-nausea pill. I will try taking the 2 pills 1hr apart and see how [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Go chk out the chicco brand monitor. I dun rem I bought mine at close to $300. I find Phillips one exp leh.


Be extra careful if u know that u will feel light headed. Sometimes could be due to low blood sugar if u hardly can eat, sometimes due to low iron bcoz now preggie we need to produce much more blood to circulate around body. Always have someone around u when out. I had a preggie fren that time out with me buying her stuff to prepare for her bb, she almost fainted outside! Good thing I was there n she just said she wanna faint n I told her to hold me n just slowly sit on the floor first. Then she took quite a while to recover b4 my hb can help to hold her arms n walk bk to car. It would be disastrous if she were to suddenly faint n collapse on the floor. Might hurt herself if fall. Even though i was there but if she really faint i also no strength to catch her bcoz she was heavily preggie at that time. So be careful n dun ignore ur body telling u to rest.

Hi SPorty,

My older kids are 39 months and 17mths.

Age gap of 2 yrs. The 3rd child will be ard that age gap too.

Not expecting to have no.3 so fast...


Hi gbh, thanks for your advice. I had a full meal prior to that and wasn't sure why I would suddenly feel light-headed as well. But like you said, I never dare go out alone coz I do have history of low blood and giddiness even before pregnancy. I didn't have that for a while so I could have overlooked the low blood sugar part. Thanks for looking out for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi dacylet, for supplement, he gave me 2 types in total. 1 is 'new obimin' for multi-vit, the other is some calcium tablets probably for bones-building? Not so sure..


no DHA supplements? We need calcium, cuz if we din intake enough calcium, our body will get calcium from our bones. So should be for both parties [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Did your HB drive you to work? Since you might suddenly feel light-headed, maybe it will be better if he could drive you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I just reach my 12 weeks today and when I asked gynae whether I need calcium he said observe first.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


u r reaching 2nd tri soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] maybe he will give you after W13.

He said that the multiple vit he gave already has sufficient calcium. So I think even after w 13 he might not give too. I have DHA and multivit for now


DHA as in fish oil? Nope, my gynae said there's no scientific proof that it will be beneficial to baby so he didn't prescribe me any and I also didn't request. I eat fish on regular basis so I'll absorb from it's original form. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hee, lucky me I don't have to work esp now. So usually I'll alternate stay b/w in-laws and parents' place. Of coz my parents take better care of me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I usually get my hubby to drive me to places too far from home. It's hard to get seats taking buses and trains. The people are just not as considerate as before. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

