(2011/12) Dec 2011

Hi mummies,

TPS is The Private Suite, in Kkh. It is slightly more ex than the other clinics in Kkh as it provides overall faster services, with free flow kopi, teh, Milo, nicer sofa to sit, scan n collect med at same place. ;) so mummies who gynae in Kkh can choose to see doc in normal Cln or TPS.


@Kimiko: So happy for u!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Finally into your 2nd trimester!! Its the honeymoon period!!

Wah, great that bb is doing well!!

So what were ur loots from your shopping spree?!

i cant wait to go shopping... my daily routine has been work-home-work-home! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@Littlefren: thx for sharing the tip abt drinking orange juice.. juz rmbr it!

@JJJ_mummy: same same! i cant wait to go shop for maternity clothes, esp pants!

and sad to say, my colleague, juz seated beside me, who is into her 20weeks pregnancy looks even slimmer than me! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

her tummy seems so small! (she's petite even before preg)

juz that whenever i looked at her, cant help but realize hw much i have gained in my 10wks!

Hi 2nd or 3rd time mummies, when do u start to take bu huh?and what do u guys eat? I am thinking codycep, chicken essense n birdnests. Is it too much or little? How often do u guys take?

Yeah kimiko, let us know abt Yr scan later! ;) have fun!

Hi jasline,

The orange juice tip was shared by nov mama.... Ha! I myself forgot to try! Keke, but bb was more active after I went to walk the second round, guess bb woke up by my walking.

When u going for Yr Oscar? My next Appt on same date as yrs.... Counting down! ;)

Littlefren, I am a working mummy. There will be a new policy on flexible working hours starting 1 jun. I picked mon, wed & fri 8-5, then tues & thurs 9-6. So I asked my mum to stay over to help out when I need to go office early. I am at 7W4D. My place is pretty near to buangkok mrt. I will drop off at buangkok mrt after work and take bus 27 for 2 bus stops (used to walk home most of the time).

@Littlefren: im gg for my normal gynae appt next tues, and thats when i will firm up the Oscar scan appt i guess... i'm at my 10wks now..

haha, but somehow, i juz tink my tummy is kinda big at 10wks and my hips have really expanded!!

if only it is juz my tummy growing, and not other areas! hee...

im sure ur tummy will show up soon!!

any mommies at TMC? can i book the oscar scan appt at my clinic or directly via TMC?

morn all!

stardust, hope u are feeling better today... i also late bloomer like u...got married at 24 but first bb at 30...haha

verene, dun stress! am sure u can cope with ur toddler when ur hb's away...get mum to help!!

kumiko, welcome to 2nd trimester! my bb also v lazy...like not as active as my son previously...i really hope he/she's ok... after taking fish oil, i always burp with a fishy smell, quite gross la... enjoy ur scan later [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

littlefren, yes the OJ trick works...i always drink OJ before i go for my scan for my #1! for bu stuffs, i am on bird nest and chix essence since week 8... mon/wed/fri is bird's nest and tues/thurs is chix essence... so far so good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

spagetti, welcome! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mamaash, haha...same my #3 was a surprised...came 3 mths after i stopped bfing for #2...so really caught unaware lor... hahha...i start wearing flats today liao la...dun nag at me :p i was more kiasu n kiasi for #1 and #2 last time... now like abit heck care leh...

lawshe, yeah was wearing heels cuz dun wanna be "found out" by pple before first trimester ends la...now already wearing flats... for CL, have u tried agencies yet? i book mine thru agency...

jjj mummy, u also preggy with #3? same same! hehe

dacylet, i was more ks when with #1 and #2... now #3 become abit more gungho la :p

jasline, my gynae helped me booked the timing for oscar test at tmc... then when i am there, i paid for the oscar scan & detailed scan tog as they have package...cost me almost $400 after discount... if u are delivering at tmc or will be going for prenatal class, get the FBI or SBI card, they have discounts for the oscar/detailed scan...

thanks Happymok!


thanks for the details... ok, shall check with the cinic for the package for both oscar scan + detailed scan..

yup, most likely gonna deliver at TMC, and am thinking of going for prenatal class since its my 1st bb...

sorry to bother, may i know wats FBI/SBI card?

and how do i apply? via TMC website?


jasline, fbi is first born incentive card.. it gives u discounts for oscar n detailed scan, discounts off selected pd, hosp bills at tmc and discounts off prenatal class.. u can apply at the information counter at tmc.. apply before u go for ur oscar test so u can use discount immediately... for prenatal class go

for mrs wong's class... v informative!!

jasline, i book directly from TMC. my gynae ask me to book myself. paid $437.65, no discount cuz i dun have FBI card [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sporty, must really eat fish oil. dun really like the smell. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] any other ways to get DHA?

Dawn, hope u r better now. Btw how do u know u r dehydrated? Do u hv bad ms too?

I am again admitted last night to be on drip again due to bad ms and this time even with overdose of maxolon. Was discharged ytd but in again now. So envy those who do not hv ms or bearable ms.

@sporty: appreciate ur sharing!! thanks!!

have downloaded the form frm TMC website, gonna mail tmr with the cheque!! thanks again

seems like most of the mommies dun like fish oil ya... i havent started on it yet, but hope i will be able to take it.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

but for my body, i really cant take the iron tablet bcoz its rily too HEATY! (maybe bcoz my body is more heaty) it causes my poo to be black [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i have stopped taking it for abt 1+ week, and my poo is back to normal...

Hi mummies,

Is it possible to do a price list for some of the items like stroller, playpen, cot & many more found in retail outlets when you check them out before the fair comes?

this is to help us like me ( 1st time mum to-be ) what is best offer at the fairs to look out for?

And also, can baby sleep in playpen instead of baby cot?


Littlefren, thx thx.. Finally understand what isit.. I wun be able to enjoy the privacy that u all are saying cos my gynae deliver only at tmc n Mt A. My previous delivery's at tmc private suite which was then recently renovated, the overall experience is not bad too... I am considering delivering at mt A now, anyone have experience to share??

Re: Heels

Sporty, I totally understand where u r coming from, dun want others to know is best to wear normal heels n clothing...

My work require me to be on site so I kinda start on flats now... Trying to pretend I need to be on site n leg

Pain so no one will be suspect till I officially announce the big news at wk14.

Re: CL

I called those refer by frenz n they r fully booked.. Need more source now, any gd recommendation???

morning all... finally Thursday... so tiring...

jjjmummy: yr #1 & #2 are both 1 yr older compare to my #1 & #2!! i turning 35 tis yr lah, juz tat bday not here yet, so still 34! hahaha... cheating! anyway, i juz find this pregnancy is very diff from my previous 2, dunno izit age catching up or wat...

sporty: can't compare all preggie lah, some 1st trim show oredi, some 2nd trim also can't tell! so long bb growing well can liao rite? i same like u, #1 super careful, then come #2, abit bo chap, now #3 lagi worst.. haha... so long i comfy most impt! hahaha...

LawShe: maybe u wanna try agency for CL? i guess mostly recommended ones would be taken up by now, cos most of the CLs are booked the moment they test positive.

Decmum2011: do take care!! dun worry too much, at least on drip still being monitored in hospital. rest well...

Kimiko: u'll be seeing more of yr bb today fr Oscar!!! update us k! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i had been having diarrhoea quite often leh, any mummies having the same prob as me ah? my hb is abit worry, he ask can take med, which i dare not leh... dunno if can take 'po chai pills'? cos i check the packaging, didn't say pregnant can't take! haha... but still dare not take!!

aiyo...my wife still very relax about CL...she thinks very easy to get a good one as and when she like...

my sis-in-law recommend combi for stroller and safety fits for car seat...anyone using these 2 brands??

sporty - wow u really know how to bu! ok ok will start stocking up all the bu ping!!

today is my 12th wk n i'm STILL puking...everynight hug toilet bowl when i reached home[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] the train journey really disgust me. v sensitive to smell now. but ok, will hang on n hope for more intelligent bb wahaahah.

do u mean seeing dr ang in jul?

Re; CL

MamaAsh, there r too many agencies around and I really duno where to start... Sigh... Or maybe I am still quite relax...

Re; Bump Size

Mummies, my #1 din quite show till I am 6mths and I am still in my normal clothings (but w maternity pants) n jeans.. Somewhat gd for me but I kinda waste my Maternity wear cos wear for awhile only..

My tummy is slowly showing (plus the extra layer of fats at my tummy) but I take it at I am fat.. Once 2nd tri start, I hope the bump will show n I can officially take it easy..

Re: Pregnant Collegue

My colleague is also at wk9 but she hv announce since tested positive, just being ban-dang, is there anything I should avoid??

@dacylet: can check with you what is the individual cost for OSCAR and Detailed scan which you have paid to made up $437.65.


jasline, no prob...wah, ur action so fast gg to mail the form tom!!

dacylet, with the fbi card, save abt 40 bucks like tha la... other ways to get DHA is thru fish lor...for me i dun eat fish (only mac's fillet o fish), so i take the fish oil...

decmum, hope u feeling better now!

joanne, bb cot lasts longer than playpen as u can buy those tha is convertible to toddler bed, then have more mileage...

lawshe, i can only give u the agency contact lor cuz those i want also fully booked then i went to the agency...the lady at the agency is quite nice lor

mama ash, ya lor...i also feel tha way like u leh... #3 abit bo chap leh! whahhah better dun take po chai pills la, juz in case...i kno charcoal pills can take lor

ac, better get a cl fast cuz good ones not easy to get and esp after hearing many horror stories abt bad cls

gretel, hahha...actually hor, i used back the old stk from #2's confinement...so will be stocking up soon...waiting for EYS sale!!! yes ur bb will be very intelligent de! yeah, seeing dr ang in june i meant! mine will be 27 june!

Decmum, take care and rest. BB is e most precious to us now.

Mamaash, This pregnancy I'm more careful due to my age. More food caving also.

my wife very relax leh...sigh...

anyway we got married when she's 30...now she's approaching 32...hopefully can have 1 or 2 more before she turn 35...


I'm new here...now in my 9 weeks. Just started on my new job as a lecturer...havent told my employer about my preggy... dunno if that will bring resentment or not cuz just join then very soon need to go on ML. Any advice on this?

Can help update your records:

EDD : 28 Dec

Gynae : Dr LN Sim

Hospital : TMC

Next Appt : 26 Jun

BB# 1

Location : woodlands

Sorry location is AMK, not woodlands...

I'm also gg for the OSCAR scan on 18 Jun... the scan is very expensive...but is it really useful?

bfly, it is a package TMC provided, so dun have the breakdown. without GST, it is $409.

Jen Yeo, at least you wun have to worry if your bb is in low risk of having DS. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mamaash, I also has diarrhoea...then i told my gynae and she gave me some pills and tell me to avoid milk...tink better dun anyhow take medicine..

U shld avoid taking oily and spicy food then the diarrhoea will subside.

mamaash, Jen, i too had diarrhoea yday and i suspect it's cos of anmum milk... whenever i drank the milk seems like few times had stomach upset cos of milk.. weird, i dont think i had this problem for my 1st preg...

So Jen, we cant drink milk? Maybe i ask my gynae too.

MamaAsh:yea yea one twin made through its good enough liao!heh, for next pregnancy, i hope you would have twins!

Wendy- ya the pills caused me headache n ms. I'm taking 2 pills twice daily. Wa ur dosage is higher ley! must be tough on you!

GOH - yes i'm glad to conceive naturally. Was almost put on clomid pills. What is BFP?? always see this BFP but duno what it means.

AC - combi stroller i find it kinda light and not sturdy. If put too many heavy things, it can topple. Do you mean Safety First carseat? I'm using this brand for my #1 now, so far so good, no complaints.

Hi, cloud942..i stopped drinking milk and ate the pills prescibed by my gynae so the diarrhoea did stop...But i do get stomach upset more often since preggy...dunno wats the reason...

jjj mummy, what kinda food do u crave for?

jen yeo, welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] maybe u wait until 2nd trimester approaches then u inform ur employer? the accuracy of oscar is higher than triple test...i did oscar for 3 of my pregnancies

mama ash, yes i also hated the metalic taste in the mouth...i hope it will go away soon!!

the thing is stroller if get strong and stable one = heavy...light and convenient = worries...sturdy and light usually = expensive! hahaha... worse than buying car!

It's either Safety First or Safety Fits carseats...my sis-in-law got one that can detach the seat to become a carrier so won't disturb BB if sleeping...can just take out from car seat and bring BB home...

yea if strong n sturdy,it is heavy! I see many ppl use combi coz it's light. capella brand is not too bad though.

Oh the baby carrier car seat is not durable.for 8 mths old baby,, that car seat carrier is small already.


BFP = big fat plus (means positive on home pregnancy test kit)

Car seat

I'm using Maxi Cosi car seats.


for my #1, i'm using capella brand. not so heave and the rpice also acceptable. for those don't have own transport must really find a reliable yet not so heavy stroller.

then wait till they are bigger, i bought another umbrella stroller which is very light.


BFP = big fat positive lor. once conceive nautrally yr next child u hv lesser stress but dont wait too long

mamaash, i also these days having loose stools lucky i m not alone, was worried if any bad symptoms.

capella will be the brand i'm going to test drive!

have to find the right balance as we do have a car but my wife may go out with the BB alone and she's not confident to drive...esp parking and going up ramps...

Sporty: I am a 3 inch heel gal b4 I tested positive. Now without the heels, felt short & fat! As for EYS sale, just now I was at NEX. There is a EYS sale for its NEX store opening. Think on average 10-20% off. The 2 hour specials is for this weekend. So you may want to check it out.

Jasline: Today when I went office, the receptionist who is 4 months pregnant looks so petite beside me too! I looked like 5 months pregnant lor. As for the iron pill, its not a matter of your body heaty. Naturally the stools become black or dark greenish black. Its also the same when I took the iron pills after blood donation previously.

The aftertaste in mouth (most mums describe as metal taste) is real irritating. The only way for me is to drink flavored drinks e.g. fruit juice or ice water. But since these are cold, I will take small sips, linger in mouth a while (so not as cold) before drinking. Lukewarm water does not seem appealing at all!

I have checked out Spring Maternity today. Think I still prefer Perfect Mum. Spring Maternity has more casual wear though.

As for stroller, after trying out the various brands and recommendation by friends, I will most likely be getting Pre Perego. The closing mechanism is good (simple, can open/ close with one hand)and the only stroller that is sturdy enough for you to hang stuff on. It will definitely be heavier though. As for car seat, eh, not sure what to look out for leh. Waiting to cheong the Motherhood Fair on the first day next week!

bernice: no lah, i think will close factory after this one! i think 3 is enough for me to go mad!! haha...

GOH: ya, i also dunno y this time like tat leh, either constipation or loose stools, then tummyache... then dare not take off the shelf med somemore... dunno if can apply ru yi oil or not.. like my kids! hahaha...

TIE: i also only take cold drinks, but since last wkend got some cramps, i got scared liao... dare not have too much cold drinks... juz hope i pass these 2 weeks faster... me at W11 now...

As for strollers, i normally dun go for the brand, i'll walk around, see try pushing, closing and select those muz be able to lay flat, esp for newborns, then see wats the max weight allowed... actually juz 2 mths back had got 2 new strollers for my 2 toddlers, cos we are always out on wkends and they need the strollers for naps... so now can pass to bb! haha... :p but i prefer strollers with a basket at the bottom, so even if u put things on the stroller, it won't topple when bb is not inside...


I totally cant take cold drink, only few sip wll make the stomach pain then come gastric afterthat. sigh...

ur kiddos still willing to sit in the stroller? mine only use for 9mths then my son decided don't want to sit on it. right now my stroller still very new and keep in store room..

jass: me & my kids prefer to take the stroller, then i no need to chase after them!! haha... but my hb always ask them to walk!! then in the end i need to carry my son cos he always tired! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but we always have 2 strollers in our car lah... so our boot was nvr empty! haha...


I forced my hb to carry my son when he said tired as he is the one who don't want to bring out the stroller.

next time with a bb your car is FULL....hehe

jass: ya man... & i told hb, better get me a maid, else i sure go mad everyday!! so with a new bb + maid, i ask him to change to MPV!! he tell me, then we dun go out! faintz!! man!

the prob is, my 2 kids are like glue sticking to me! esp my son, if he wakes up & dun see me, he cry like mad!! or if i go toilet, he sit outside toilet & wait for me!! even now 3-1/2 YO also like tat!! whenever i tell him mama go shower, u know wat he tell me? mama, dun lock yr door ok! faintz...

Hi mummies, I'm back from OSCAR today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hai yo, my baby really like to sleep. Drank a small bottle of orange juice about 1hr before scan, my baby still sleeps. I had to purposely cough a bit harder than usual to see baby move about. It felt so amazingly looking at the little life inside me move about, I was smiling non stop. Reading was very good so I felt pretty confident about this pregnancy. I request to check for baby's gender but baby didn't want to show so no choice.. Haha..

Thanks so many mummies for your well wishes, I did a skim reading so I can't rem who asked what but I bought 2 maternity bras from mothercare ytd and bought lots of food [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] As for maternity wear, I cannot find anything I like. The designs all not my style. Looks like I have to buy looser tops and only get maternity pants which Im already wearing.

Ya, I'm also thinking of getting boxes of chicken essence from EYS Nex this weekends. By the way, any mummies taking or took 'yomeishu' during pregnancy? Is that good to take?

congrats kimiko!!! hope i oso will have good results from my oscar on 10/06! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif])


Mamaash- I've loose stools on off ever since tested Bfp,my gynae seems alright with it. I think is bloatedness then the gas comes with stools so like LS. Better dun take off the shelf meds.see doc I think they can only prescribe charcoal pill. Monitor if it gets worse, in case is stomach flu etc. Take care. Drink more water to replenish fluid.

Kindly help me update, dr Benjamin tham, edd 25 dec, Tks.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

