(2011/12) Dec 2011

Hi Wendy, don't be sad. Most say that by week 12 can begin to relax already. Right now you just have to rest and eat well. Though I know you don't have much appetite but don't go hungry k? Try to eat something and always keep hydrated. When I was vomiting badly that time, doctor told me that it is alright for me to not eat but I must drink to remain hydrated.


mamaAsh: haha. yah. Nursing bra too thin liao. My hubby lah. We went to visit my fren who have recently delivered at her house. He asked me how come she never wear bra. I told him should be have lah but nursing bra thinner, can see nipples. Actually my gynae didnt measure my weight. Today when I went for oscar, they measured. I was like "WAH, hor say liao" When I went for checkup on Monday, gynae was fine with my size, didnt tell me to watch my food intake.

Opps, can I trouble you to update my next vist to 7 Jun and I stay in Bedok? Thanks! =)

wendy: Your bleding has almost stopped and with your ms, I believe your bb is growing healthy and fine. Foetus growth is from week 5/6 onwards so its natural progression. No worries! You will soon see an active bb. So cute to see them slide around/ somersault but we still dun feel it.

AC: Hmm, maybe I will check with my gynae next time. So far, coz of our line, I'm fortunate my hubby is able to come for every appointment with me.

jass & CP: So chim wor. Think over next few days, I am gonna start interviewing my friends about the various bb items for advice and tips. Coz also worried 1st time mum anyhow buy. Its really funny how my hubby also finally realised that there are many things to prepare for bb.

Hi Jasline, I remembered you conceived almost immediately after you stop taking contraceptive pills right? Could that play a part? I remember having mucus like menses for at least 6-8 menses period after stopping before menses go back to normal. Wah.. The sudden sharp pain episode sounds really scary but glad that everything is ok for you.

Kimiko: Haha. Its so hard to get bb to face right direction lor. Really silly to cough, wriggle and turn to see if bb also turn. The radiologist also shaking the handheld u/s device to stimulate bb. Then sometimes bb somersault or back face us. I thought this time round I drink more water for clearer image but then tummy too hard, radiologist cannot press down hard for clearer images. Ended up have to release part of pee. Its really luck. They say sometimes can even take 2-3 hours! No wonder their charges not cheap.

Jasline..i thought normally if conceived thru IVF,dr will give utrogestan..if not dusphaston is given..as i conceived thru IVF,my dr mentioned that bleeding is quite common due to previous poking n extracting of oocytee n embryo transfer..

I also got my bleeding last friday night..friday 13th[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]..then it was real fresh blood..was panicky n stress..coz even my previous mc also dont have so much blood..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] then it stop..then late in the night ard 4+..the bleeding come again..this time worse..i thought it is over for me..so visit my gynae on sat..

He was full of smile and tell me it is ok even before he scan me..perhaps he know i will have such problem..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] then bb hb was ok but for precaution,he prefer me to admit into the hospital..so i was just discharge yesterday..yesterday no more spotting but today come back again..

I also dont know why..how many capsules of utrogestan are you on now??Since i have bleeding prob,i cant use crinone insert anymore..just depend on utrogestan and progestrone jab on alternate day.

when i mention spotting it is the brown/pinkish discharge..pinkish not really good esp real red blood..which means fresh blood..brown is old brown/previous left over..Yup..it is the brownish mucus that make you worry..so i get so paranoid that i wipe it every half an hour though my dr ask me to just leave it alone..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

how many weeks are you in now??your bb hb rate and crl??

Hi all,

Yeah better to wear non wired bras esp when bf cos breast will hurt a lot if breast is full n will cause block milk ducts which is painful too. There r some padded non wired nursing bras too, so can't see nipples but at home just wear non padded more comfy. And It's also better to wear bra during bf even at home as advised by lactation nurse last time. I didn't ask why but anyway I think it's good to wear cos also breast becomes heavy n big that time n will need support, otherwise may sag.

Hi Wendy, my first gynae also prescribed me 2 weeks of Utrogestan to be taken once daily when I was totally ok. No bleeding or anything. The only thing was perhaps he mentioned my baby measurement too small (which was proven not correct by mummies here). My 2nd gynae took me off that.

@kimiko: wah, u rily have gd memory! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thx for remembering!

indeed, i stopped my bc pills in dec, had mensus in Jan & Feb; and conceived in March...

sigh, it was indeed scary.. i was crying all the way from the shopping mall, in the car, even when i arrive at TMC, i was trembling!

i juz hope everything will be fine! keeping my fingers crossed!

@Wendy: erm... i m not quite sure y i m given utrogestan instead of dusphaston...

im currently on utrogestan (100mg) twice a day...

really so paranoid whenever i go to pee/poo now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hubby and family adviced me to get on as normal, and not be so paranoid but i guess it's rily affecting me... i will only feel assured each time after seeing the gynae!! but i cant be seeing gynae every other day! haha.. already spend $1k in juz 1mth on the gynae visits.. so now really juz praying for bb to be growing strong and healthy!

i'm 8+ weeks preg, i managed to hear the bb hb on monday, but gynae didnt calculate how fast...

Kimiko..so you are also on utrogestan..mayb the dr find it better than dusphaston..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]well,just hope everything is fine..what is your bb measurement when he mentioned it is too small??

Jasline..my dosage on utrogestan is much much higher than yours.100mg 6capsules a day[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]maybe mine is ivf so need higher dosage..

Yup..bleeding problem is always a problem and fear[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i also spent almost 7k+ staying in hospital and all the jab and medication..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]heart pain but no choice..haiz..

Try not to have too much movement if possible..

TIE, did the nurse say if unable to get the baby in the correct position to capture image, will they reschedule the OSCAR scan again? Actually quite curious how this scan works. Mind sharing?

wendy, 14 weeks of waiting indeed is long.. but soon it will arrive [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kimiko, sometime drinking plain water also can also make me feel like puking...

Hi Jasline, that's becoz you left me a deep impression on that. No offense, I was thinking why you didn't wait at least 6months before trying and was kinda worried about you. Maybe I was just worrying too much.. Haha, part of my nature to play safe. 2nd gynae explained that Utrogestan is a form of 'an tai yao' just that I'm not required to continue.

Hi Wendy, I took that b/w week 6 to 8. My baby's CRL at week 6 was 4.06mm. But I remember Littlefren told me it's perfectly fine as her baby's CRL was 3mm at week 6 and her gynae think its ok. Now we are both advancing near end of trimester one already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dun worry Wendy! im sure everything gonna be well!

in the meantime, juz ensure that u will ample rest! u'r at home rite, so rest well ok!

Jasline-u need more rest. Bed rest and try not to walk ard. Stay positive! Our Bb will grow well and healthy. Ur mood will affect Bb, so happy mummy = happy Bb ok?

Dacylet..i am not too sure about the purpose of utrogestan..but i know it kinda help in reducing and stopping bleeding..maybe as what kimiko say.."an tai yao.." you have that also??

I think Utrogestan works like dusphaston but the latter seems to be a more popular choice. Like Wendy said, it's given for mummies who are spotting, so I was very puzzled why I was given that in the first place.

Dacylet: utrogestan contains the hormone that is present during pregnancy. Usually given as a boost of hormones to stabilize & strengthen e pregnancy esp in cases of spotting. I was on it for a few weeks in my first pregnancy when I had bad spotting.

Went for my first scan today according to u/s I'm at 6w2d and my edd is 10 Jan but doc says can deliver anytime frm Xmas to Jan. Can see the waterbag n bb is 4mm crl. The heartbeat can b seen too! I asked abt ms n doc says e older I get the harder pregnancy might get coz body not as strong. Explains the constant puking. He gave me anti vomitting pills and it really works. Had the best full meal in weeks. Next appt is 6 Jun. Doc says bb shd b abt 2cm by then.

Dacylet: Well, its quite common bb may not be in right position. So thats why they will advise you to cough, wriggle or sometimes walk a bit to get bb to change. Sometimes almost there liao, just need to turn a bit more, I have to move a bit but not too much, else bb turn too much and waste effort. They are quite patient to wait and scan and scan and scan leh. Actually when bb seems to be in correct position, she took several successive pictures at a go. Then she opened up to see if these pics taken are clear enuff to do measurement as she is scared if she zoom in to check pic first then if not clear enuff and if later bb decide to move again, have to wait for a long while again.

@TIE it farnie when i see ur hubby commenting ur braless fren. but i wear the nursing also can see dey my nipple now big and prutude! lol

@Kimiko dup is good as per my gynae advice. other than spotting, it serves as an an tai yao. it actually produces xxx (i forgot what is this) that protects the BB. after 1st tri our body will auto produce this xxx hence after 1st tri u can stop dup. i already auto reduce myself the dosage to 1x per day le...

wow...Jasline...that's so scary!

this is actually the reason y we chose KK rather than pte hospitals...KK always have a team of consultants and other medical staff on call in case of any emergency... imagine something drastic happens and no gynae around...the rest of the medical staff also not sure what to do...then how?

although there are some inexperienced staff, this can be solved by going pte (or A class)...then you will always have your own gynae as consultant while having other staff as support in case your gynae is not able to come back in time.

i heard from my friends who had given birth that they have to be transferred to KK if they have any complications as most pte hospitals does not have the emergency equipment as compared to KK. though KK does not have any fanciful scans but i think it will make a difference when there is a real emergency...

Hi AC, that's the same reason why I chose KKH apart from the gynae I had chosen. As for fanciful scan, we can always go for ad hoc 3D/4D scan elsewhere if we want to do so. Anyway glad to hear that things went well for you too.

Hi Bunny, thanks for sharing.

Oh ya, any mummies able to advise if we can use hada labo moisturiser and if we can eat magnum ice cream?? Even though I drank tons of water but I guess the constant air-con environment has made my skin at the side of the lips brown. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

TIE - wah, sounds like your oscar scan was even more exciting than mine. HUbby took video and my in-laws were laughing away at the whole process cos bb was wiggling...and then of cos my fake cough haha. Your bb is bigger than mine...i'm was at W11D4 and bb was 47.9mm.....looking forward to more eventful 'Oscar' stories...and good news for all! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dacylet - no need to fast. But if you are like me - doesnt pee alot....make sure u drink lotsa water before u go. I had a hard time producing urine sample cos i peed 2 times in the am before I went for test. My pee looked super yellow with all the supplements...very "por'...quite paiseh

Mummies who are feeling bloated and feeling gastric pain, tink we are all starting to exhibit these symptoms. I asked gynae, she told me will only get worse..as bb grows....sob sob.....cos stomach not enough space for so many things...will be worse for petite mums...so gotta watch our diet and dont eat food that produce more gas.....

mamaash - could you help update my next visit as 17 june? Tks much! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wendy - u dont worry too much, bb grows v fast frm wk 6 onwards. i'm sure ur bb will grow to a gd size too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

AC & kimiko: tats also e reason why we stick to KKH till now. And I had been with the pte suite since then, cos faster in our routine check and I also prefer my gynae doing the ultra scan for me.

TIE: actually when I breastfeed I will use the disposable paddings on e nursing bra, to act as a padding so can't see nipple and also cos milk tends to leaks! Yes, when Breastfeeding can't wear wire bras cos really super painful and u can't sleep facing down cos may press on the milk ducts then will get block ducts which may lead to more serious infections n fever!!

Haha! Wendy! Baby takes time to grow! So silly of you to compare week 6 to week 11. Really? I shall continue using hada labo then, my skin has become so dry and I looked terrible.

Hi stardust, glad to hear that everything is ok from you too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Gosh! I can't wait for my turn! It sounds so heartwarming to hear your encounter with your family beside you during the scan. Yes, your baby's CRL is nice too.

kimiko..haha..u know when i feel bored..you will do a lot of read up and think alot..that why i get worry when mine is still so small..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hada Labo is good..no worries..i think impt is the things we eat more than the things we used at this moment..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]My dr say we can take anything we like during 1st trimester..no restriction but not too much of everything..and too liang aso no gd..so i think for use still ok but try to use those without perfume fragrance 1..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I've the following items for sale. 

1. Babysafe sling (used only once) dark blue colour

2. Baby Bjorn carrier synergy (dark blue) seldom use

Selling both items for $300.

Interested can PM me. 

Wah.. Not sure why feeling terrible today. Have very bad heartache since this morning, though subsided but still can feel it. Then in the afternoon start vomiting again. I vomited twice and felt like vomiting more so I took anti-vomiting pill otherwise I know I'm gonna 'merlion' later. Each time I vomit, can feel my head throbbing with pain. Hai..

Wendy, that measurement was a few days back, everyday will be different. Must be patient! Don't worry too much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wendy/Jasline: Hv more bed rest as it works wonders for you & the baby. Don't over-exert yourself, keep positive, talk to the baby & all will be alright. Soon 1st trimester will be over & you can enjoy your pregnancy in your 2nd trimester..

Don't keep comparing the sizes of the baby... they grow at different speed.. most impt is healthy can already...

Wendy, dont worry too much. as long as baby is healthy like CP said.. it's just like birth weight and length of each baby is different.. same goes to the fetus inside us now. Enjoy your pregnancy..

Wendy, my bb at week6 3.6mm only smaller than yours but yesterday week 8 19mm le. it seems to double every week de. Glad to know you are ok now. Is your nausea bad too? I just feel every week is worst than previous week. Every meal I vomit after that. Hope we faster over 1st tri [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] take care hor!

Maybe you can consider playing classical music when you are resting in bed... can calm yourself, enrich the baby & rock you to sleep.. kill 3 birds with 1 stone leh...

I'm craving for candies now.. which type can we eat uh?

Beware Ms Manissa Hp no 81014039 she owes me $

BEWARE of services from Website Disabled www.enlivenprotherapeutic.com www.mybodywellness.net ww.mybodywellness.webs.com

All mothers please beware of the service provider of this company.

I signed up a confinement nanny service with this company recently and had a very bad experience with them. The lady in charge was Ms Manissa Hp no 81014039 who is also a massage therapist. Ms Manissa charged me $2600 for 30days for 24hrs service but she never keep to her word. She assigned a nanny, Ms Lyna who is very problematic and has many personal problems. Always have issues at home and cannot work. On 2 occasions during my confinement period, I asked Ms Manissa for replacement because the nanny,Ms Lyna had to leave to attend to personal matters. As written in the contract, Manissa has to replace but did not do so.

After 3 weeks, the nanny ran away in the middle of the night and did not inform me or my husband. We woke up to our babies cries and she was missing. She left my babies unattended. Very irresponsible an unreliable! When I inform Ms Manissa to replace or refund she just ignore me till today! How rude!

Instead of confronting me, she told her boyfriend or some guy, Mr Raden to talk to me to tell me that the contract has ended. I didn't even sign a contract with this guy. He may be some crook for all I know.

Before receiving her payment she came over to my house a few days after i came home from hospital acting like she is visiting me and concern about me. IN reality, she just want her money. After she received her money and the nanny started giving me problems, Ms Manissa just hide and dont't even have the courtesy to come to my house and apologise or confront us to provide a solution. Instead, she just hide and ignore us and arrogantly said her company is still very good. She still advertise for her massages.

Until today, Ms Manissa still owes me money for the days that the nanny disappear and did not come to work. Ms Manissa is truly a bad service provider. Only nice before receiving $$. Not a sincere person and definitely not trustworthy.

I signed up with her thinking that maybe can give a try to a Malay company cos I prefer Malay cooking during my confinement. Unfortunately, this particular Malay lady and her friends or employees are an embarrassment to the Malay community. Not only she took our $$ she also gave me stress and no rest. Instead of resting, I have more work to attend to.

Ms Manissa also provides massages. She is a a certified therapist but with an attitude like that I will NOT recommend anyone to sign up with her. The company address she gave also doesn't exist. Not sure if she actually has an office or not. I think she has an Ali Baba company.

Hi all mollies,

It's really fast how the thread moved, but still it was a joy to read thru them[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I just went to see my gynae today. As I did not do any pregnancy test to confirm, she teased me that nowadays experienced mommies can simply go by 'symptom pregnancy'

Finally saw my bb at 9wk3dy. Just curious n wanna ask the mommies here, my gynae said my EDD is 18 Jan 2012. Shouldn't my due date be in dec this year if I m 9 wks plus pregnant by now??

It was still a joy to see the little bb floating in my womb, like a small teddy bear, despite being the 3rd kids. Woh, nowadays scan r so advance compare to my 1st kid 7 years ago. All in 3D, I can see the foetus in diff position, fr top down, front view. Can clearly see the head, face with 2 eye plates, hand n leg stump, n the cord. Cant wait for the foetus to b form...can see the face ba! When I show my 4yo son the scan picture, he is able to tell is a bb. Haha....I m really getting outdated liao, easily amaze by technology....

MamaAsh, can help me add into the list. My next appointment is 6 June, doing the Oscar test.

Hi Lucy,

Thk for sharing abt the CL. Yar, it's really very bad of them to b so irresponsible...how can run away in the middle of the night? Although I never employed one b4 ( but might wan to get 1 for this pregnancy) I think it is still better to find thru recommendation.

Just curious...shouldn't we pay the CL only after she finish her job? Is it standard practice to pay 1st?

My Fren took a CL thru an agency n hers was quite good lei. So I guess it's Heng Suay at times. I haven't manage to get mine yet!!! Damn busy with work. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

kimiko: everytime i vomit, i feel like all the blood rush to my head, veryvery hot.... do u have the same feeling??? or is it me only???

dear all,

would like to join in the discussion. My details are as follow:

Nick: Mykonos

EDD: 30 Nov

Gynae: Dr Yeoh Swee Choo

Hospital: Mt E

Next Appt Date: 15 June

BB#: 1

jjay, yes I am only 8 weeks plus but my EDD date is 26 dec. How come you are 9 weeks plus yours is in Jan? Maybe your gynae calculate wrongly?

starust, i thot there is a blood test also. dun need to fast for that?

little_one, welcome! We got the same EDD!

wendy, nope. I dun have that. gynae only like to give my folic acid.

happymok, est. $350... let you know when i go for the scan tomolo. hehe

hi all, after 5 weeks of anxious waiting since my last check up, so glad to know bb is growing well in me and 2 more days i'll be 12 weeks already! phew!! imagine my relief when i see gynae ytd he tells me for the jiak lat ms it shd ends soon. so for ladies whom like me, every other day merlion or one day more than once, JIA YOU!!!

it's sooo touching to see the little 'dot' forming into 'bb shape' [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello everyone,

wendy - good to hear you are home and resting. rest well and try not to worry too much (i know its tough!).

jaslin - rest well!

TIE - you are funny! you mentioned you cant recog yourself [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 6kgs in 1st tri is quite a bit wor. Maybe just eat when you are hungry? I do think we should not put on too much weights. With baby everything already heavy, if ownself also pile on, than later part preg might be difficult?

for those of us who hate plain water, i suggest you put a small thin slice of lemon into about 800ml of water and drink. somehow I hate plain water too and for past weeks, I had been just forcing myself to drink. Than past few days, I added a slice of lemon in my water and it works! water dont taste so aweful with that small thin slice of lemon. I think too much flavoured water is not ideal.

kumiko - tri 1 ends at the begiining of the 13th week only??? NOT end of beginning of 12th???? that makes the wait longer!

