(2011/12) Dec 2011

Dacylet, my relatives kept asking when I wanna have baby all the time when we have family gatherings. Luckily ever since I was pregnant, I don't have to see them yet and the next gathering also unsure at this point. It will be just nice that I'll be able to tell them in our next gathering later part of the year. Maybe you can just laugh it off and quickly change topic? :x


Hi jay,

Ya I'm close to 12 weeks.... That was my measurement at week 8 day 4 or 5. Then doc said im week 9, not week 8 day 4 or 5, but he didn't bother changing the edd. He said it's ok, just stick to it! Keke! My doc sometimes just so cool n confident that u just don't doubt him.... Anyway, I think all edd beh jun one, depends on bb grown rate. So Yr next Appt just double confirm w dr again bah ;)

Hi kimiko,

Ya ya, my nauseousness seems to get a bit worse, ESP after dinner! But still not as bad as u guys, cos I never vomit leh, I still kept all my food!!!! N I put on 3.5 kg Liao! Having typed that, I'm hungry again! So Yr ms also got sign of increase? Keke, wonder what's going on inside siah?!?!?

So many fairs?!?!? What items are u guys buying? I'm first time mummy, what's needed??? Shall we compile a list of things to look out for?


Cot / matress


Bottle Sterilizer

Baby monitor (sound n image type)

Milk bottles

Is this all? Experienced mummies, any brands to recommend?

TIE, is blood test inclusive for the alpha thalassemia test? or a separate test?

kimiko, i just had a family gathering last week due to my brother's son first month celebration. So the moment I appeared, first thing they asked "wow, you grown FATTER.". Before they leave, they asked "So when are you planning for baby?" I just *SMILE*.

ya.. in fact, relatives have also been asking, when are you planning to have baby?

worse, my colleagues commented that i have grown fatter and grown fatter for the past 2 mths! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i guess i m putting on since there are so many clothes which i can no longer fit in even though i m only 2mths!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@dacylet, i m able to poo once a day (process not as smooth as previously) but my stool is always black (gynae says due to the iron tablet)...


I heard getting a pram is rather expensive nowadays, but not sure of the pricing. If you got any elder siblings/ cousins who still have new pram, can ask from them if u dun mind. For baby monitor, my SIL only get the sound, since she feel that she will not be staring at the monitor for long. Hence she only get the one with sound only. Still, personal preferences.

Hi kimiko, that was a gd website! Bookmarked Liao, will read in detail tonight!

Hi dacylet, I also same as u, after a while, dun feel like telling anyone unless somebody asked. N like kimiko, my tummy sometimes big, sometime flat! My hubby is the one telling many pp, he said he told his whole team of colleagues Liao cos he felt obligated to jiao dai y he has been taking offs to Acc me go hosp.... N everytime he comes back fr a gathering, he said ya, he told his gd frens.... Hahaha! For me, I lip so tight....

dacylet - better to let your boss know so at least your boss will not give you too tideous work to do.

As I was on MC v frequently in first trimester, i had to tell my boss so can redistribute my portfolio. Baby has to take priority!

I did my oscar test(including trisomy 18 and 13) on Wed and yesterday evening got my results. Lucky everything is ok, and in the first time since pregnancy i felt i can relax abit.

kimiko - my relatives are so sick of asking me during every CNY and granny birthday they stopped suaning me already. My sis is getting married in July so hehe can show them my baby bump.

Hi dacylet,

Ya, I will not buy all items cos I will go broke!!!! Ha! Just wondering if these are the things we need.... Wonder if I miss out anything to look out for. Of cos I would love to get hand me downs, save $$$ ;)

For bb monitor, I definitely need sound n image if possible, dunno how it works though. Cos I'm training bb to sleep in own room fr start if possible. If I dun rem wrongly, cloud n clarrisa's first bb all slept in own room since birth! So can I ask u guys if I hv any questions???? ;)))

dacylet: I think tats the test that AC is doing. I guess for some gynae, they will probably see whether mums are positive b4 ask daddies to test?

coz after mon gynae visit and yesterday's NT scan, me decide never mind, can tell people liao. Last night during viewing, a co-broke agent asked me if I have kids, I pointed to my tummy, there! =P

alamak. bb stuff seems so expensive. Friends telling me have to pay for quality for bb stuff. Hubby say now gotta work harder!

jas, i already cannot wear my pants. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] now even my clothes start to be "out of the size" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@TIE: indeed all bb stuff seems so expensive!

hubby says no choice, have to invest since its our first baby, but having headache over what brands to buy!

lucky u gers. my increase in weight only ard 1kg till now.

i will buy bottles and a little diapers (maybe)and maternity bra, pad, etc and of course anything that excite me. Creams / shower cream or those with expiry dates etc i will buy at july fair or nearer to dec.


same!! My hubby told his colleagues too! He tell me his boss actually very happy that I'm pregnant. (But i never see his boss before)


soon, after my visit to gynae. At least to confirm my little_one is growing well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So most likely in June.

TIE, yup. raising a baby in SG isn't easy. My SIL tell me, if you are having a girl, i dun have to worry about clothes. Cuz both my sister and SIL have lots of clothes for girl. But for boy, well, she asked me got to prepare it myself, since she is using currently.


I having some constipation problem. Actually not really constipate, just hard stools....but it leads to bad piles. Last week for almost 5 days, I couldn't walk, sit or sleep. Was the worst pregnancy problem I even have. Finally this week was better, n my gynae gave me some medication to apply. Now everyday I drink 1 glass of cranberry juice. Haiz....really tough being pregnant.


Peiseh, I thou u were 9 weeks pregnant. So fast u will b ending your 1st trimester...

hee first bb is like tat one - unless u do not mind taking hand me downs?? i din really buy alot for my 1st cos i took alot hand me downs - but then the washing/ sterilising part is quite a chore lar;p

the only big items i bot is bb cot and pump. clothes no need buy too many cos they REALLY outgrow super fast.

bunny, envy. the first two months I have already put on 3++ kg. now dun dare to step on weighing machine when i see my tummy growing everyday.

dacylet: My friend tells me dun buy much clothes now coz somehow you will end up with hands me down (somehow somewhere) or baby shower gifts. Plus babies outgrow their clothes pretty fast.

Jasline: Haha. As first time parent, a trip down baby shops leave us totally bewildered. So I am now asking several friends on the brand of stuff they are using and their feedback since most say motherhood fair is good. One even stock up on Pampers as Pampers have promo then.

experienced mummies: From end 1st trimester till delivery, do our bust still grow a lot? Thinking how many maternity bras I should buy now. I am going crazy with the undersized and underwired bras.

dacylet: I had late breakfast near 11am. Then took apple an hour back. Now super hungry. Went to eat 2 slices of peanut butter bread. haha. Think i have the most exagerrated weight gain. Dun wanna think about it as long as bb healthy.

Think I'll be aiming for stroller, baby cot, car seat, breast pump, maybe maternity underwear/bra and minimal baby clothes bah.

Recently bought a Pigeon brand rapid steam steriliser at Robinsons sale, didn't know what brand to get so just go the same as what my sis is using heh.

Yeah think I've gained close to 4kg liao and I'm only in wk10 now!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Some of my colleagues are starting to suspect I'm pregnant, especially when one of them caught me with a bag of sour plums oops...

@jas: agree on the woman's instinct thing - sometimes we 'jus know it' [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but of cos other times may be jus wild guess lar;p or dreaming too much abt it. for my case, i know i'm preg both times even b4 i had the test. jus 'feel it' lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


stroller/ pram - buy those light n foldable ones. may be more ex but really worth it. my fren ordered one all the way from US ship here. looks so 'PRO' like some 'prince/ princess carriage' w lotsa cushions (actually sg hot weather really dun need those). end up too bulky nothing but a chore so sell away cheap. imagine gotta manuveur between tables/ chairs at restaurant. ma fan. so choose a lightweight, easy to handle ALONE (not hubby and wife struggling type).

pump - diff pump works for diff pple leh. u may like to try out first before investing. nowadays they offer renting services at a nominal fee. if u deliver in TMC i know the parentcraft centre let u try the various hospital grade pumps as well.

and OH! another thing need to buy is thermometer! v impt. braun's roll on forehead or put in ear one... not those gotta put in armpit or mouth kind hor (u will be panicky n bb wont stay still let u tk temperature, need to chop-chop one)

happy shopping [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Jasline - have u decide on the childcare arrangment yet? was tat you? or someone else...aiyo thread run sooo fast ;)

my wife gained 1kg only...

i think i will have alot of hand-me-downs...anyway my wife super pantang...say don't buy anything for the BB at least until 4-5 months...

my wife's friend got a $1k stroller! lol...supposed to have very good suspension...i wonder they need such suspension for? go off-road stroller racing?

jay, cranberry juice will help?

gretel, my sister ask me not to buy first, cuz she wanna pass me all the heavy stuffs to me after stable. so now, i have no idea what I need to buy.

AC - dun worry your wife gained only 1kg lar. i lost 3 kg in 1 mth. i always lost weight during my 1st tri (last preg's record was 4kg in 1st tri!) due to all the puking. i've frens like tat too. n gynae assure it's ok for 1st tri.

$1k to me is abit too much. i tink u can get a v decent one at retail $500+ which was mine (single fold system - can't rem the brand) n at a steal at fairs for $299 - so do look out at expo fairs!! they usually have limited qty so need to rush to get one ;p

little_one, my brother bought a 2nd-hand for ard $15. He say no point getting a new one, as most likely his boy will use for a short while only. Outgrow very fast.

thx gretel for ur sharing & tips!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yup yup, i was the one who was deciding between maid or infantcare... indecisive..

hubby suggesting for a gd transfer maid, and maybe my parents can pop-by once a day to tk a look..

so definitely got to source for a gd baby monitor..

erm, for now, i have already tentative make-booking for a CL which i will desperately need one since there will be no one helping me!

Littlefren, looks like we have a lot of similarities apart from having same appt dates [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My guess is my tummy is like that becoz since young, my weight is like a rollar coaster so my tummy was 'stretched' before. So on good days when I can eat, the tummy will look big.. Haha..

AC, like your wife I also prefer to buy baby's stuffs at later stage but not becoz of pantang. Because we will be able to confirm baby's gender around week 20 and things are more or less fixed. $1k stroller!! Is that the normal price for stroller?

Talking about things to buy, I'm totally at a loss too. But I already got a bag of hand-me-down baby clothes for both girl and boy -.- Is it hygienic to share baby socks? I'm thinking of not using those baby socks and buy new ones for baby later on.

i think clothes and even mitten should be ok no matter hand-me-downs or not...babies like to suck on things esp when they are teething...but they suck on anything they can get their hands or mouths on...so i think don't have to be super overly protective...when you carry them facing back they would suck on your shirt too...don't mean we need to get new clothes all the time also ah...

in SG it's by law to have car seat for children below 3 i think...not sure about the age but confirm need child seat. anyway...i rather tie my kid down in a child seat than having to worry that he might be jumping around at the exact moment i need to jam brakes and i'm the only one in the car with him...or making sure the kid is seated properly while keeping an eye on the road...

i seen some parents allowing their 3 year old standing between the 2 front seats or a 1 year old sitting on their lap when they driving...imagine if they get into an accident...the kid either fly out of the windscreen or the air bag will snap the neck... no one can be sure accidents won't happen...a tyre could burst or some idiot move into your lane without warning (or you are distracted by your kid jumping around and never notice the car moving into your lane till it's too late...)

i don't mind not buying anything yet now also...though we got a unisex top for baby when we went Old Trafford for honeymoon! hahahaha...

Tie, for bra size think don't buy so many now cos few months down may put on weight again. As for cup size it prob up one size but after birth n when u start bf may go up 2 sizes compared to now...

As for pump, yea true certain pumps may not suit some ppl. I bought ameda electric dual pump in the end don't suit n then changed to medela manual pump which worked v well for me.

taken from police website...

Why must children below 8 years be secured in child safety seats?

Most Singaporean children below 8 are not tall enough to use a seat belt safely. They are therefore best protected in a child safety seat.

What if my child is below 8, but big-sized. Does he still have to wear a child restraint?

In such cases, children should use booster seats to raise their height to the level where they can safely use adult seat belts.

If my friend has a kid who is below 8 years old and they want to hitch a ride in my car and my car has no child seats, will I be penalized if I were stopped by TP?

All private vehicles that come with seat belts will have to abide by the seat belt rules so if you have a child below 8 years old travelling with you, you will need to have a child seat for him. If the rides are frequent or regular, it is advised that you discuss with your friend on investing in a child seat.

Are pregnant women required to use seat belts?

The law does not exempt pregnant women from the seat belt rules. The public might wish to note that it is safer for a pregnant woman to be belted up as it protects the fetus. For those in advanced stages of pregnancy, they are advised to tuck the lap belt just below their stomach area for comfort and safer use. However, if one wishes to be exempted from the rule one will need to submit a medical certification to Traffic Police for consideration.

Not really, it's like we don't share comb with one another. Although I have heard stories of men sharing underwear which I don't know how true. Certain things just can't be shared for hygiene purpose. Clothes of coz can share after washing but not really for mittens and socks.

Ac - thanks for the info. Just that most car seats are now for newborn,..think newborn need a different car seat so wonder if this means we need 2 car seats or even get something convertible. Pl pardon my lack of knowledge as this is all so overwhelming for me :p

Oh ya! Mummies, is it advisable for babies to use pacifier? Can babies do without it? If they have to use, how long before we stop them from using?

Kimiko, of cos bb can do without it!! i never like pacifier anyway and my son (now 4) never use it. it is a matter of habit. if you dun start it, never the need!

talking abt socks - something light to share on new born's feet. they have a v nice fragrance! go smell when bb arrives [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] it's strange but i heard tis somewhere the 1st 3 days bb arrives their little feet smells sweet haahahah! n for bbs who are breastfed, their BREATH is the sweetest thing u ever smelt! (yes! even in the morning! sounds gross but it's true [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])

little one, i believe we will need to move from baby seat to booster seat as our kids grow...basically the problem is the standard seat belt will be across their face or neck and thus become a risk in an accident...at the very least it will be uncomfortable for them and thus they will refuse to put on the seat belt.

i think there are car seats that can take newborns till 3 years...after that will need a bigger booster seat already...

my sis-in-law's 3 year old still goes around in her car seat though she stop using stroller already. her 7 month old bro has his own seat too...

i never used pacifier when i was young...my sis-in-law's 2 kids also don't...so i believe it is possible not to use it...just a matter of habit...

what i heard is that pacifier will cause teeth not to grow properly and thus become crooked...not sure how true though...

hmm, when I was at mothercare, some car seats can go from newborn to say 6 yrs or so, then later dismantle as booster wor.

As for pacifier, i noticed that for myself and friends who used pacifier as kids, have big men ya. Not so nice wor. Thinking I will not let my kid use pacifier if possible.

I see! My mum told me I use pacifier till I was quite old and it was hard for me to kick the habit. I even 'stole' from my younger sister when no one is looking. Of coz I have no recollection of all that! Haha.. But I did notice my lips does not shape so nicely last time when I was young and I had to do braces to correct my 'cross bite' last time. Looks like I'll keep my baby away from pacifier.

decylet - i thought prune juice helps in constipation? not cranberry? cranberry is supposed to help prevent infections. for me, the best method is eat guavas, papaya and prunes. eat these, should be easier to poo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] maybe you should take some oats too, high fibre. My 1st preg, i eat guavas throughout.. everyday 1 pack. And somehow my boy loves guavas (which is odd for kids. they usually love sweet fruits)

i know too much Vit C will help...but not in the good way...lol...cos body will get rid of excess vit C thru the back...

i remember my aunty gave me a pacifier and i spit it out right away! never liked the rubber taste...

my friend's baby suck very hard when breastfeeding until her nipples bleed...in the end no choice have to pump into bottle for the baby to drink...

13 weeks to end first trimester? Wow So long...

Do we use first day of last menses to find out when is week 13th or based on date indicated on u/s (which I suppose is period from conception right...?)?

clarrisa, have been eating guava every day... yesterday got a super hard solid poo.. now slight pain there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Kimiko, my gal never used pacifier.. Also one less thing to wean off cos it's gonna be hard to wean that..

As for car seat, yep think shld let baby used to sitting on car seat as young otherwise a few months down, they may reject sitting in it.. Cos heard some babies refuses to get on car seat...

