(2011/12) Dec 2011

missus BL - we started the process earlier [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 6 weeks is really not that long... hang on there!


If kana CNY ask my mil do confinement is because heard not many pple wan take up the job and even have the charges like more ex so hubby saying if like tat ask my mil to do lor.

Btw i should be in 8 weeks now, i tot as time goes by the ms will be better but i tink i am wrong lor. I used to have only ns(night sickness) alway night no appetite to eat at least morning noon still able to eat but now it seems getting worse. Morning i just drink milo and when i sit bus on my way to wk i keep feel naseua luckily still can tahan until office and all vomit out den yesterday noon i tot of eating cup noodles end up eat half fan wei liao. I am hungry but i really dun koe wat to eat liao.

hhmm...haven book pte suite yet...though my wife decided for A class bed already...i guess later part then will sign on the package. yesterday the U/S was done by a lab tech but she's ok la...other than hard to understand her english with heavy chinese accent...

all in all the scans and consultation and advice for DS test took 2 hours...still quite decent...not much waiting...

doc say my wife not much MS so she started my wife on multi-vits already (obimin)...i guess she's quite lucky our little bunny is not giving her much problem (cross fingers)...

oh ya...i know this is VERY early...but i'm just excited...anyone getting 'master' to choose names for your baby? or using the hair to make into brush or stamp? i'm thinking of making the stamp with the hair and carve my bb's chinese name on the stamp...

meee tooooo!! cant wait for the end of 1st tri!! another 4+weeks to go!!!

for me, i will definitely have to engage a CL... but was thinking of contacting/booking them after my 1st tri... somehow still feel uneasy and not so stable, thou i m rily paying extra care....

let me know if u have any gd CL to recommend ok!!


no no...not much test done yesterday...

just the normal urine, ht/wt and U/S done yesterday. if i chose to i could have done blood test but i decided to do on 6 jun with my wife.

but we went for a short session on what is DS test and the risk for it. in the end my wife decided to do the test so when they draw blood they will draw more for the test...supposed to be 93% accurate on the risk of DS for the BB. this blood have to be drawn in week 9 to 10... there will also be a scan to detect the spine and nose bone as an indication of the risk of DS...

with the scan alone the accuracy is about 80%...with the blood test it will go up to about 90-93% (no risk to BB)...if the risk is high that the BB have DS, she can choose to take another test but it will be invasive and there is a 0.3% risk of MC...

i guess it's cos she's already in late wk7 that's y do more stuff?

anyway I just found this article posted on CNA website an hour ago.


hope its useful...

Clarrisa..yup..am resting at home now..thanks..hope time really flies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Missus BL..we are the same timing le..time really so slow man!!!...I will be 8weeks during my next week scan and really hope bb grow..

dacylet: Thanks! Please keep me update. Cos I tink my Gynae quote me $400++ for my oscar at Thomson.

Me now in 10 weeks...hope 2nd trimester faster come and good appetite fast come...Nowadays dinner time i oni had one - two scoops of rice but I try to eat more of the "liao"...hehe

My tummy is already showing lor...2 mths plus already showing.

missus BL, 6 weeks will reach soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sometime, if you dun countdown, the weeks seemed to arrive faster... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] at least that is applicable to me. :D

jas, i'm same like you... always dun have appetite during the night, and usually food got vomited at night. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] currently, every time i drink (even plain water) in the morning, i feel like puking... dunno how long will this last till. I heard MS can drag till 4-5th months .......

gretel, glad you can see your baby already. I still got to wait till next sat before I visit my gynae... by that time, I should be in 2nd tri... hope I can see the little one swimming. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

only just woke up... long night. by the time signed OTP and sent client home, we only reached the east at 12.30am. Hungry again so went for Mac. Sinful...

Bunny: Haha. its even more obvious coz my friend is very well endowed. I was teasing my hubby that I shall feedback to her hubby my hubby's observation. Then he stared at me! LOL

Stardust25: Wow, good idea on the video. But there are 2 ladies taking the scan for me and hubby was crowded behind them. Think also hard to take any pic or video. Quite interesting and amazing to see bb movements. =)

Clarrisa: So scary hor, the weight I put on. But sometimes I am just soooo hungry. Hubby say after delivery then diet lor. I think i will avoid too much carbos. Earlier on, rice works quite well for me. I used to ask for less rice but now, no need.

AC: Thats great. Gynae gave me fish oil liao but I will prob start taking tomorrow bah. He said those with MS still hard to take fish oil. Since my MS subsiding, then can start. I really pei fu you can ren so long b4 1st gynae visit wor. Most of us so kan cheong. But also more worthwhile. =)

aiyo...not i can ren so long for 1st visit lor...this is the 1st slot they can give us since we decided on KKH! hahaha...i was so anxious la...my wife almost no MS...make me so worried if the BB is growing well you know?

At first we wanted Irene Chua but her 1st available slot is 1st week of June la! by then my wife would be week 9 already. So we went with KT Tan..not that she's not good...just that she's business like (some call it efficient) and chop chop one...u would expect consultation with her to end within 5-10 min... she don't tell you unless you ask...so we never ask measurements...she never say how big the BB is...

all we got is one of the U/S photos as souvenir...we thinking of keeping the photos in a scrap book to show our BB next time...hahaha...

happymok, maybe different gynae "recommendation" has different pricing. Let you know once I got the actual bill. i recall his "recommendation" paper quoted ard $350, which I believe exclude GST.. hehe

Actually there is one "incident" I met when I am 1mth++. That time it is not obvious. But surprising, the taxi driver actually commented this "Usually taxi driver don't stop at this taxi stand. If isn't your wife pregnant, I wouldn't have pick both of you up. " Both of us were shocked.

dacylet...that's interesting...

the photocopy aunty at my wife's office could also tell that my wife's colleague was preg even before she knew about it herself! my wife's colleague is about 1 week apart from my wife but she could not tell my wife is preg! hahaha...

Happymok, I think ur price quoted for the scan is probably inclusive of 5th month detail scan cos tmc has package price for Oscar n 5th month scan which is ard 400-500+ I think. Anyway u can prob call tmc to check cos we r paying direct to tmc not ur gynae clinic...

AC: if u wanna keep the U/S photo, i suggest u photocopy it, cos if am not wrong, tat's thermal paper, image will go blur after awhile... dunno if it's the same this time... though i realised the paper is thicker! haha...

i dunno how true, but some pple say 1st pregnancy tummy will not show so early leh... for me #3, tummy the week after we tested positive! hahaha... so funny...

@happymok: i think TMC OSCAR is $318.85 and detailed scan is $126.25.. I vivdly remember these figures as i called to check yesterday but left the figures at home.

Anyone knows if there is there a package price for detailed scan + OSCAR at TMC or NUH?

Seems like they were charged seperately.


Sometime is the woman instinct, last time my company got 1 gal also she jus pregnant only and all along she wear loose clothing even before pregnant but dun koe y i jus go ask her u pregnant is it? she blur haha she ask me hw come i koe i say dun koe feeling lor.

Morning all~ TGIF.

woke up feeling whole body ache sigh. perhaps bad positioning yest and woke up 2x to pee. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

nowadays brushing teeth is a skill. must brush in a way to minimise puking. sigh. today brush in the wrong way kip wanna puke.

well, TGIF! Yay

mamaAsh - i think its true about the tummy showing. For my 1st preg, i dont show till 4th month. But now, 3rd month only theres a small lil bulge already. I guess its cos our tummies were strteched before, so it becomes easier to re-stretch?

clarrisa: i guess so leh... even womb i think also stretched liao! so bb will be bigger the more u deliver! hahaha... so i super scare my #3 is gg >4kg!! muz pray pray & ask bb dun go so BIG!

bunny: same here leh.. brush muz be fast!! else sure puke after tat!!! super scare when comes brushing!! yes... TGIF!! can't take it... though we still have a PH tis week!! but the week like very long... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

mamaAsh - if bigger than 4kgs what happen? other than difficult to deliver...

i understand fr the nurse 4 yrs back, bb will have to go thru some blood test or check, to make sure bb is not having diabetes! cos my #2 was 3.96kg! so super close to 4kg!!

mamaAsh, ya ya...i think is thermal paper...after a while will disappear like those receipts or movie stubs... the receipts i submit for claims at work need to photocopy de...else will disappear after a while...

guess i will bring on monday to photocopy or scan to email...

argh! next scan is in a month! how to wait???!!!

mamaAsh: I am also very very worried... intend to get the gynae to induce me by hook or by crook when the baby weight is above 3.4kg and above 37weeks.....

normally ard last tri when gynae feels that the BB is too heavy will induce or c-sec. this happens to a few of my frrens who deliver a 4kg and also to the recent mommy HK actress cai shao fen. her bb ard 4.2-4.3kg! she deliver early cos bb too big, induced but cant come out in the end c-sec.

i so envy those mommies can have big babbies!

bunny: I was at KK subsidized for my 1st pregnancy... they didn't bother to check my baby weight at all... at week 34-36 (can't remember exactly), my baby was already 3.4kg... they are not worried at all, juz ask me monitor...

And out of sudden at week 37, i can;t walk at all and numb at my leg area, can't lift my leg at all... my hubby send me to the delivery suite, they refuse to induce me, ask me go back and wait another few days coz i have irregular contractions already, they estimate should be able to give birth in a few days.....

they say they dun have the machine to scan the baby there... and we insisit and argue... eventually they admitted me... and i went to a ward.. the senior nurse there immediately can tell me that I have a BIG baby... yet the delivery suite doc on duty cannot tell its a big baby....

very unpleasant experience...

so this time go private suite... and quite worried that the same thing happen again....

actually for me, my 2 bb weight is not correct lor... so also didn't know my #2 bb is SO big! haha...

bunny: yes, i also love BIG babies, cos really easier to manage, in terms of looking after, showering, changing, etc... but this i guess will have to depends on genes bah.. cos me & hb are consider big built ones lah... cos my bones are big... haha...

dawn: i guess no worry lah, tat's the thing i wanna go pte suite, so every scan is done by our gynae, rather than the specialist clinic where we scan @ another place & juz show gynae the pic! but so far for me, ok, cos my gynae prefer to let bb comes out naturally, i also dun want induce, cos can take longer time & is also more painful! tat's wat my sis told me...

i won't go c-section if got option, cos my 2 deliveries by natural, i can feel really recover fast, as in i only stay in KKH for 1 nite & next day out liao!!

Normally above 4kg, gynae will recommend y to b induced. That happened to my 2nd kid. My gynae didnt give me much choice at that time, the moment she detect big baby, ask me be induced within 3 days...In the end I really give birth to a 3.94kg bb.

My friend's gynae at NUH somehow missed that her bb was huge, and let her give birth naturally. In the end, she was in labour for 40 hrs and finally send for emergency C-section. Come out bb is 4.2kg. Luckily bb was not in great distress, but still I find the gynae quite careless...How can missed out the weight?


Yar, I think my gynae must have calculated wrongly. The foetus is already well form with hand n legs, and I can even see the heart pumping with the blood flow...so no way I am less than 7 weeks. I am hoping for a Dec baby, really dun wan to give birth during Chinese New Year..


Thk for adding me. I still think I should plant myself here instead of the Jan/2012 baby.

Hi, is that so? Only pte suite doc will have scan machine in his room? Cos in my case my doc has a machine in his room both in Cln D n pte suite, so there's a diff....

It's so interesting to hear abt tie's exp for Oscar scan. Wonder what my little one will be doing when I go on mon..... Okok, 2 more days to go....

Oh ya, I think my crl for my bb at week 6 is still smallest by far! Yeah kimiko, it was only 3mm! My doc just tell me 'trust me'. But my bb caught up in week 9, 25mm. Hmmmmm, yeah like one of mummies say, every bb got diff grown rate, as long as within range n heart beat good, can Liao!

Hi Dawn, I can't rem the actual feeling when puking leh. Ytd was like a reflux and probably due to my headache that I felt throbbing in the head. I don't rem feeling blood rushing to the head but I rem the churning of the abdomen area and the soreness in that area after that.

Hi Clarrisa, 2nd trimester starts from week 14 so 1st trimester ends at end of week 13.

Hi Littlefren, I got a bad feeling my MS could be slowly coming back. Feeling a bit of nausea since 2-3days ago. How are you feeling now? That time you also mentioned feeling MS late into 1st trimester. Hope it's just a reflux and will go away as quickly as it comes.

Hi Jay, it's weird how your gynae perceived your EDD. Did you ask him/her why the EDD is in mid Jan instead of Dec?


You are also 9 weeks, same as me, so my foetus should also be the same size as u ba.

My gynae never tell me the length...only show me all the baby features...but at least she did measure the heart beat, around 190/min

No Jay, Littlefren is nearing 2nd trimester already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] That was her baby's CRL when she was at week 9. You can check out our EDD from the chart done up by mamaAsh (thanks!)


Yar, I asked her how come not in Dec. She only tease me why must it be Dec, and if I want a New Year baby. I will ask her during next visit again.

10wk2d today exactly like 3wks more to my end of 1st tri. SIGH. so long.

have to say again motherhood fair 2 Jun 2011 - 5 Jun 2011 coincide with 26may-5 jun John little fair. Prolly all mamas & papa can get quite good deals there!!

Hi Bunny, that's good to hear! Very good for first-timers like me to check and compare. Will both fairs be at expo?

Talking about sharing, I have been reading this website for week by week information on pregnancy changes, size of baby, etc. Thought it will be a good guide for mummies to read on instead of comparing sizes here. The link is:


Ohhh I think there's also a Philips carnival next weekend at their Toa Payoh place. But not sure if their baby stuff (like breast pump, steriliser etc) will be cheaper there, or cheaper at the Motherhood expo sale?

yah i saw the philips carnival next weekend. but hor, i dun think i gg there cos only philips stuff and its at toa payoh.

Im 12 weeks but no one at work can tell or know i am preg. Only a few know and it is only because i tell them. Some colleague even said i look pale and lost weight.

I feel that after keeping quiet abt the pregnancy for so long, even after clearing the first trimester u also do not know how to start telling people..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Now still have some MS. Decide to eat more to gain some weight but had LS after taking nasi lemak for breakfast this morning!

On the showing of tummy part, my tummy is just like how I gain and lose weight during teenage years. Sometimes it's budging out like 4months, sometimes it's like pre-pregnancy. The funniest thing was that day when my tummy was showing, I went to buy food and the auntie still calls me 'ah girl'.

Oh AC, on the blood disorder test for husbands hor, my gynae didn't ask my hubby to do. But I will request for him to do next week when I go for check up.

little_one, same feeling. wonder how to break this news to my boss.

anybody's relative keep asking "when's your turn?" sometime i find it weird telling them "soon soon", yet the "turn" is already here but can't say out loud yet.


I finally understand about the blood disorder yesterday through a friend's scary experience. She was tested positive for alpha thalassemia. It was a scary 2 weeks as she waited for hubby's results. From my friend:

alpha thalassemia minor - a kind of genetic blood disorder (which Fann Wong and her family also have, that's why we are very fair) which affects the size of red blood cells, just to simplify it. As this is quite common nowadays just like some people have blood group called Rh+/-, it is actually not a cause for worry unless you are pregnant and your husband also has the same disorder as you. Hence hubby needs to be free of this blood disorder gene in order for our baby to survive. If we both have, this translates to I am able to carry this baby to full term but she will die in a few hours' time after labour as she does not have the ability to produce red blood cells and hence will die immediately. This is different from beta thalassemia as normally babies with this disorder will survive but will withstand frequent in and out of hospital for blood transfusions and will also suffer from bone deformities due to the bone marrow (blood producing organ) inability to produce good red blood cells.

