(2011/12) Dec 2011

Hi! i've been feeling unwell last few days.. sick finally went to see GP yesterday and dare not take the medication.. except paracetamol and lozenges that he gave..

oh i saw the topic about in laws.. i think nothing beats mine.. but i've already endured for 2 years.. my flat coming in anonther month.. so another mth im out here!!! Dirty, stinky....

Thank God that both my parents-in-law are highly educated so they won't be unreasonable people. It's their 49yrs old daughter who's didn't want to study much last time giving me headache! Well, all comes in a package! For the old folks' sake, I turn a blind eye to her nonsense - see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.. If we don't take care of her in future, who will then? That's why trying to get her to get used to us while her parents are still around to help discipline & change her mindset.

At least, I don't have to worry about maid turning bad since so many people at home in the daytime. My kids' transport to school/enrichment classes are taken care by them. I can rent out my flat for rental income so that I can stop working to spend more time with my darlings. Focus on the pros & life will seem more cheerful.. Count your blessings, not costs to be happier!

Wonder if it's the weather or I'm getting older.. I was sick with 2 different types of flu - coughing & running nose for 4 wks. Now much better tho' still cough on & off.. trying to abstain from carrot cake which is my favorite food leh...

@dawn they say wear wired de will block the milk glands or sumthing.

i no wear bra loh. once im hm, im off bra. go down walk dogs also braless. dun care liao. wear any bra also makes me sooo uncomfy.

ya, i burp at sleep too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] these few nights super bad. kip flipping around.

patiently counting down to 1st tri. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bunny: ya i think thats why my 1st pregnancy no milk at all... very not comfy nv wear bra hehe... feel loose loose de haha....

i am very impatiently counting down to 1st tri... sometimes wonder why the day past so slow!!!

My breast stop feeling so sore from about week 9 onwards, maybe is get used to it or what but I'm used to sleeping bra-less at night. I'll be getting wire-less bra though, my usual bra is getting a bit too tight also.

Lately I have to wake up 3-4 times in the middle of the night to pee, really tiring. Its like I'm already asleep but still can feel the urgency of going toilet. Because of that, I couldn't sleep after the 4th time this morning and forced to woke up with headache. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i cant wait for next gynae visit on 30 May to see that all is well..

cant help to worry alot ! but for my pregnancies i tend to worry alot till i step into 2nd Tri.. cause now still early and crucial stage.

now my peeing time lessen.. pee before bed time and next pee is usually 6am!

i think i am dehydrated... i am very thirsty, but if drink water, stomach very wierd, wanna vomit... then 1 day i pee 3 tims only... haizz

hi mummies, its been a while since i have posted.I hope everyone is doing well. to those mummies who have lost theie babies, please do not think it is the end. i remember my miscarriage happened in november and it started a week before my birthday.gynae wasnt hopeful but my hubby and i decided to believe that my bleeding was a rare occurance and i was still pregnant. i remember receiving a call from my gynae the night before my birthday telling me my blood test confirmed my hcg levels were dropping drastically and i was indeed having a miscarriage.i just broke down on the sofa and hubby had to complete the call to the gynae.i was about 6 weeks.

somehow, god decided to bless us again even when we werent trying.so even though we have not heard the heartbeat yet (i'm about 6 weeks now and seeing gynae on saturday), i'm still trying to think positive!

anyway, i really love reading posts on cravings.hahahaha.the moment i read about one mummy's craving for mee siam, i walked to glory to have some for lunch.i stay in katong.

then another day, i read about delifrance, i went out to get myself a chicken mayo sandwich.now i want carrot cake!LOL!

hubby took a day off and he's bringing me to have lunch @ swensens and watch pirates of the carribean (3D). so happy! with 2 kids, the last time i went out on a date with the husband was 6 months ago.

Me too!! I burp non stop, nauseous n can't sleep well at night too. My hubby say at least all these are normal meaning bb is growing! Haha. What a way to console me. I also keep having gastric n flu. I didn't go see doc though. Guess all of us on the same boat..

dawn: wat if u drink some other flavoured drinks? can be dehydrated leh... u will need to go hospital for drips if really too much dehydrated leh... muz drink something lah... i guess yr stomach too much wind...

evelyn: ya i also tot we are really in the same boat!! seems like majority are having the same symptons!! & its so tough to pass a day!! haiz...

mamaAsh: yes that what my granny told me, too much wind/ gas inside... i tried honey yesterday... a bit better than plain water.. but still feel like vomitting... haizz i juz realised in the evening that i didn't even go toilet once yesterday....

the 1st time i go toilet to pee was 5pm already!... i was like... wow seriously have prob, faster go drink water...

hi tinybubu, u so lucky can eat what u crave. i cant dey. sigh. at lunch time i be at the office lying on the desk like a pig. well, i drag to buy some fruits now.... thats the only thing that i can eat now. meat/ food smell turns me off [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Wah Dawn, it sounds like you hardly drink water leh. I remember starting to drink water like a fish since week 5-6. Everyday like very thirsty like that, drink not enough, I will feel like I'm dehydrated. I think I drank about 2-3times more water than before pregnancy. You have to keep hydrated for your baby.

Dawn: me too! even drinking water can make me feel nausea so im actually drinking green tea, pepsi.. but little bit.. eating bread feels so much better..! if not i'll feel dehydrated too..

tummy also alot wind.. burp alot!!

kimiko: ya but if drink i will vomit out... so useless... i think due to my gastric problems ba.. too many acid inside...

adeline: i dun burp, i vomit air hahah my stomach very strange de... hope 1st trimester faster end.... i drink plain water, try not drink sweet drinks coz i have gestational diabeties previous pregnancy.... but quite tempted to drink swee drinks haha... plain water no nice...

Dawn: i drink 2 mouth green tea drink and sip one mouth plain water.. awful.. plain water really make me feel like vomitting. i am very reluctant to drink plain water..

oh u have history so better not.. honey water is good too..

Bee..So sorry to hear about that[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]..try and see another gynae before you go for your D&C..Coz i think previously you conceived thru IVF..things might be abit different..

Pls take gd care..my spotting stop yesterday but come again today[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]i hope things go well for me too..

can try cold plain water or buy those bottled water from supermkt. works for me now.. i stopped my green tea cos gynae said caffeine in green tea higher than coke.

i drink sprite, apple juice cold (yums), bottled water, hl milk (at times), sometimes mouthful of coke light [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello all, we are back from our 1st check...took a day off to go with my wife...

EDD now became 30th Dec but not much diff la...won't be really accurate also...likely to be between X'mas to New Year...

Doc said nothing else though...i guess no news means good news in this case...

U/S shows my wife at W7.8...i guess that's about W7D5+ which is spot on with our calculations... can see the BB in the sac but still cannot make out the shape and all. could see that there's heartbeat with the blinking...so relived that BB is alright so far...

next appt is 6 June for blood test for both of us...we took up the DS test so they will be drawing more blood from my wife during the blood test. next U/S is 17 Jun right after our cruise...

who can help me???? I'm so tired. Feel sleepy all the time. My whole body no energy. Even at outside just for half and hour, i will feel very tired. My body can't take it. The feeling is no good. I can't rest because need to work. This feeling I still need to suffer until when[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@babyshan ya u not alone dun worry. if buay tahan pls take ur well deserved MC! i minimise my walks when i reach office. i walk super slow to buy my fruits/ food/ drinks and eat at desk slowly. real slow. i avoid gg out to eat cos i feel damn bad eating out. my tiredness is getting better but my feeling of puke is getting worse.

@acpapa grats! can source for CL liao if ur parents not helping. quite hot hor our period cos cross to CNY!

stardust, for blood test, do you need to fast the night before?

Adeline, i thought green tea is a "no-no" drink?

Saw this information online

"Pregnant women should limit the amount of green tea they drink during pregnancy. This article discusses why, as well as providing a guideline on how much coffee and tea can be safely drunk without significantly affecting the birth weight of your baby, or increasing the chance of miscarriage or stillbirths."


mamaash: ya... i just booked at my fifth try after my frens psycho me big time to book 1st. hotter than wedding banquet! the others all either booked or dun want do at that period.

dacylet, for me i think is fine.. i dont drink like alot maybe one pack i drink one quarter or half pack.. as for coffee.. i drank thruout my pregnancy but is like 1 cup every 2 - 3 days. cant stop..

And yes Dr Adrian say no coffee and tea but my previous gynae say is ok as long as we limit ourselves.. so whatever i eat i moderate..

@dacy i drank green tea just weeks ago. like almost daily till acpapa said no then i realised how dumb i am. i avoid coffee and tea and i dint realised green tea is tea too! was hooked to mac green tea then. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] went ask gynae, gynae said no and to drink green tea or coke she rather me touch coke (though both best avoided). hence now i drink sprite! but i still sip some mouthful of coffee at times! i miss my coffee!

Bunny - miss coffee too!!.. actually caffeine in tea is higher then in coffee.. but i do limit my intake.. no more then half cup or half pack.. orange juice i drink alot too.. guess that is the safest? now weather so hot cant survive without cold drinks.. no determination!..

u booked CL already? i still comtemplating.. but heard must really book now..

For CL any 1 of you try beofre those confinement company? i c like not bad like anytime can change but i nv check the price guess should be very ex. Now i got to wait nearer c my due date got any changes my hubby say if kana CNY than got to let my mil do liao

Back from Oscar. I first went for the NT scan but bb always in wrong position wor. End up I went for blood and urine test. Think my gynae also testing for like HIV, syphillis etc together, so altogether 5 small tubes. (Gynae didnt order any blood test for hubby wor). Went back to do the scan again. Tried coughing, wriggling and turning around but still not right position leh. Then the radiologist said my tummy too hard so was told to pee 50%. Eh, a bit challenging to pee halfway. Tried a while after that still cannot leh. BB either lazy to move or do somersault. Then had to pee again another 50% of remaining bladder. After a long while, finally managed to capture some decent shots for measurement.

BB is now 49.1mm and W11D5 (keep changing for each u/s by a few days).

I went Mothercare to check out bb items. Need to do research else by Motherhood fair in early june, dunno what to buy. My friend also said very good deals there. Wah. So much things to research on and veri ex wor! Met a very nice sales assistant who went through most of the stuff with me. Hubby now then realised not cheap. Stroller got like Cherry QQ, Mitsubishi and Ferrari range. So silly. All the cots are sold without mattress, bedsheets and pillows. Was telling hubby that havnt include mummies things. Btw, Mothercare have nicer undies. Ended up onli buying undies there and bra extension (from another neighbourhood shop).

I would advise all mummies and daddies to go book CL. Its really quite late if you have yet to book. =)

dacylet: ya tats also wat i tot green tea is no-no... i go jap restaurant also drink only plain water... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Adeline & bunny: ya.. i also miss my coffee, really no drink @ all once i know i preggie... so feeling damn sleepy everyday!! once i hit 2nd trim, will have my daily coffee again! haha...

for CL, i had booked my like last mth, after sourcing fr my friend.. prefer to use someone used by friends b4... those CL recommend ones, i still have my reservation.. i mean of cos friends will say they good... ya, if wan, muz book now, else all good ones are gone liao... seems like a trend for some mummies to book CL for a few mths rather then 1 mth leh!!... & their rates are increasing!!! 2007 Dec i still can get @ $1.8, now all over $2k liao.. my is $2.1k oredi! heard some charge $2.2k!

jas: my last CL was thru an agent, but understand fr my CL, the agent also dun have much CLs on hand!! but lucky tat time the CL was quite ok lah, so no need to change lor... my advise is if u really need a CL muz book early, even for agency too, cos they may not have many on hands & most would have booked for a CL by then, then u'll be left with either not good ones, or have to ask yr MIL to do.. but if really kenna CNY y need yr MIL to do? tot she would be even busier preparing for CNY?? juz my tots lah... :p

TIE, maybe u can try to go kiddy palace, they cot normally would give free mattress, of cos it's those cheap ones lah, but better then nothing, can use as spare if u dun like lor... haha... so cute, yes, stroller also tons... but normally 1 will last a few years till they turn toddler lor...

btw, regarding discussion for wired bras, the sales assistant at Mothercare told me to stop wearing wired bras as they will affect the milk glands. The wired bras are getting pretty uncomfy. Another item in shopping list liao.

I think it's still alright to drink coffee & tea so long as it's taken in moderation. I still drink my Earl Grey tea occasionally esp when I feel so bloated after a big meal... In my last pregnancy, I drank different types of drink in a single day - milk, milo, coke, soya bean, ribena.. anything except plain water.. turns out my boy now dislikes plain water but rather drink all types of drinks everyday... strangely, that craving stopped after my boy was born... not sure about this time tho... no special craving yet.. maybe still early...

I'm tying my very best to refrain from cold drinks despite the hot water. My mom nags at me day & nite saying it's no good for the baby.. Of course, my on & off cough put me off cold drinks... but weather's really very hot leh...

TIE..yr bb seems to be big[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]..congras..2mores days and u completed yr 1st trimester..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]hope mine will be as big and healthy as yours too..

wendy: yours will be too! just be good gal and have total bedrest ya.

I am fretting. I have already gained 6kg liao. Hubby was saying i now eat 1.5 times of his intake. I feel nauseous but probably coz I don't merlion, the weight just piles on. When I'm hungry, boy, I am really hungry. The sales assistant thought I am 5 months. When I look at the mirror, I couldnt recognise myself!

I also can't wait for my 1st trimester to be over... celebrating it with a trip to Bangkok..ha..ha... may buy some baby items there if nice & cheap.. I rem getting some nice baby clothes from Malacca in my last pregnancy - they've different designs as those sold here...

Guess I've better ring my CL tonite.. initially still considering whether to hire or not 'coz now staying with my in-laws so more crowded in the house. On 2nd thots & after hearing all your views, I guess it's better to spend the $ & hire 1 for less stress in that mth esp it's so near CNY. Mine may be 30 Nov as my EDD is 14 Dec & I know my gynae will sure want to take out the baby at wk 38 since I'm going for caesearian..

Cant wait for my gynae visit tomorrow. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Luckily i'm not a cold drink/coffe/tea person. so, give me plain water will do. but as food, now i prefer spicy, dry or fried food. cant take those soupy or bland food.

confinement - mostly by ILs.


hmm..maybe now u can do a research 1st. and wait till Taka or Robinson having sales, u can compare cos their prices are quite good with some freebies..

and choose a stroller that suitable cos it's can last for few years. Mine still in good condition so that i can reuse it.

haha..u r a joker..it is a blessing to eat and gain weight.i am losing weight instead.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i only have my next visit on next wednesday..so long..haiz..yesterday was quite peaceful..no more spotting..today come back abit again..haiz..yr bb size seems to be multiplying..mine only 4.5mm @ week 6+..your 10times of my bb size..

TIE: yes, cos yr boobs are feeling fuller now, so it's preparing for bb milk production till u deliver... some actually recommend to wear nursing bra, but i find nursing bras are comfy but they are really padless, so can see the nipples! haha.. else can wear sports bra too! :p

wow, maybe cos u're almost done w yr 1st trim tat's y yr app is improving? but did u gynae say u're putting on too fast? so far, am putting on less than 2kg for tis round.. maybe app is really playing a big part... can't eat during dinner... so weight is like up & down...

wendy: hope u r resting while chatting!! haha... feeling better??

CP: i also have my earl grey once awhile... got cravings leh.. haha... but abit diluted ones lah.. better then drink plain water!! so hard to swallow... & i also can't take milo or milk... taste awful after tat!! sad lah me... for cold drinks, i have them almost everyday leh... can't resist & can't tahan warm water... haiz...

MamaAsh..thanks..i am getting bored @ home with all the spiderwebs over me..haha..better in a way,the spotting is lesser..yesterday clear..but today come back again..but not as much..cross my fingers:X..

haiz..my apptment is only next week and it seems to be long..just want to check if my bb is growing..Stress..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my blood test is to test for Thalassaemia...suppose to be some genetics defect...but this test can be taken any time so i guess maybe some done it for pre-wedding or part of IVF health check? The nurse say i can do it today or when my wife do hers as some hubbies cannot go every appt with their wives...

argh...hate blood tests...my veins are very hard to find... last time i had to draw blood end up the medic in the SAF medical centre had to tie my arm with surgical gloves so tight my fingers turn white, slap my elbow area until red and in the end tried both arms still cannot...had to resort to using syringe to draw the blood out instead of letting it flow out into the tube on its own...

KK gave a booklet just now about this test...i haven't read it in details yet...

maybe some places have this test as optional but KK is must do?

TIE: You can wait for the coming GSS.. alternatively, you can shop in those warehouse baby stores which may offer better pricing. Do some research before you buy the big ticket items like pram, baby cot, car seat... 'coz there're so many things you must consider before buying the right 1. I was inexperienced last time so now I end up with different types of baby beds - I've the wooden baby cot which can be extended to a single size bed (gift from aunty), a foldable bed cum play pen (gift from church friends) & a mattress-like bed (passed down by my nephew). Thank God that I don't have to spend $ on them... but they take up space at home & so wasted to give away...

I didn't know what to look out for in a pram... endup with a bulky pram for my 1st born now it's a white elephant, a pram that lasted only for my 2nd child... now I'll hv to shop for a new pram for this 3rd child.. must be wiser to buy 1 that fits my needs & must be light & durable.. nowadays more choices than in the past...

FYI, Kingkow has started sale for all its items. They sell very good quality clothings.. v worth at 50% discount.

Hi TIE, nice measurement for your baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I can't wait for my OSCAR screening, it sounds like a lot of fun!

Hi Wendy, it is normal for some mummies to lose weight during 1st trimester because of MS and discomfort from adjustment to pregnancy. But as long as baby is ok, it's alright. We'll start gaining weight from 2nd trimester onwards.

Looks like it's time I need to get new bras and start checking prices for baby's stuffs too. By the way, 1st trimester only ends at end of week 13 right? I read it goes like this:

1st trimester: till week 13

2nd trimester: week 14 - week 28

3rd trimester: week 29 - week 40

Kimiko..I hope everything works well for me here..huh??1st trimester is till week 13??wow..it makes my wait even longer..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]sad..

hello mommies

hope everyone is doing good.

just to share, i had a horrible episode last sat nite...

i was out with my hubby and sis after dinner, when i sense a sharp pain, and then i culd feel blood. i rushed to the toilet and i was bleeding!! i was so terrified so hubby rush me down to TMC!! (i didnt know that there ist any gynae, and they will have to call for the gynae for emergencies!!) i was relieved that the doc told me there wasnt active bleeding, and the fetus is ok. given a jab, and went home to rest..

seen my gynae on Monday, and was able to hear the heartbeat! it was a mega relief for both hubby and i... gynae culdnt give a concrete answer as to why there is sudden bleeding, but advice me to practice extra caution, and avoid straining..

till now, i'm still so paranoid over this!

so all mommies, pls tk extra care!!

i m also beginning to dislike plain water as it is simply too bland!! i only drink plain water when i take my daily medication...

my current comfort drinks are HORLICK and Milo...


can u kindly update my next visit to 31May?



when u mention spotting, do u mean brownish/pinkish discharge? cz i went to the gynae 2 weeks ago, and was given ustrogestan..

but the mucus discharge is still there everyday.

though he says there is normal, but i still feel so scared and worried whenever i wiped it off..

