(2011/12) Dec 2011

mamaAsh..it will be great to conceive naturally..actually,i am able to do so..but i opt to go for IVF since i am not able to get pregnant since 2008 after my MC..so i do not want to waste time..so go for IVF..It is always tough thruout the whole IVF session..i will start pondering y i have to go thru such..and a money factor..i realli spent alot as there are no subsidise from government since i opt for private expertise..

So i hope to get a twin to average down my cost per baby..haha


Dear Mummies,

i just went to toilet and found got brownish color. May i know any mummies got experience to have like this? Izit very dangerous? But i didn't feel got stomach pain. I really scared cause last two mth I just MC.

BabyShan..rest more n dun walk too much..sometime is the shedding of the lining etc..but just rest more..how many weeks r you in now?

AC,I think this is one of the most interesting website that i visited..hope you enjoy it..

Hi Wendy,

Now is only 6week... really scare...now i still having a bad flu. Whole body no energy. Hope won't happend again.

Hi Ladies,

I confirmed my 3rd pregnancy on Tue night. EDD is est to be 8 Jan. Currently in my 5th week.

May I asked whether you ladies are already feeling hungry all the times liao? Cos I'm! I think at this rate I'm eating, I will gain 20+kgs instead of the recommended 13kg.

Hi all. Do any of you experience those sticky discharge, that looks a bit like mucus? Dark coloured, some a bit pinkish. Sorry for the disgusting description. =|

Wendy>> yup, my gynae oso said week 6 onwards can hear hb liao.

I have an appt with dr Koh @ raffles on 13 may evening & dr Tham @ tmc on 18 may morning. Haha! I see like the sac size is more for 4 weeks but the gynae said 5w2d, hmm.. Maybe I shldnt worry too much since he said it is stable. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Babyshan>> I had blood tinged cm when I was ard 3w but I din know it was pregnancy! Try not to walk too much or fast. Call your gynae if you r worried. Take care..

I having cramping earlier.. A bit paranoid too. But went washroom, there is no spotting or wat. Now drinking warm water to keep ovary warm.

Hi BabyShan

Rest more now..give yr gynae a call and since you have a flu and not feeling so well,your body constitution may not be so gd..1st trimester is impt so it works better if we r more kiasu though..rem not to take yr own flu medicine without yr gynae advise..

JJJ mummy>> finally u are here! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Mine is on 2 Jan..

Yallo>> I experienced something like this 1-2 weeks ago. For 2 days somemore..

Missus BL..haha..you are very aggressive le..c 2 doctors @ 1 time..cramping is quite ok..coz i think they are growing every single minute..

Hi JJJ! I'm also expecting my third! According to my calculations, due date will be 04 Jan. However, I delivered my 2 kids naturally @ 37 / 38 weeks so I reckon this one will be out in late Dec!

Wendy>> actually I only arr with dr Tham on 18 may. But dr Koh asked if we wanna hear the hb, we said ok lor. Anyway at this stage, I'm quite paranoid with the well-being of the bb so I dun mind ks a bit and c the gynae on closer timing. :p

i am tired...want to sleep in the office..sleep at home..sleep in the car, everywhere...

everyday like not enuff sleep like that...sigh

@babyshan; @ yallo:

yes yes! in fact i m experiencing this pinkish/brownish discharge for the past few days...

sometimes, i do get very uptight and paranoid whenver i see this!!

but i read from forums that this is normal so relax, and maybe can consult ur gynae if u still feel uneasy


congrats on ur pregnancy!!

i was like u 1 week ago!! eat and eat and eat! and i need rice every meal!! haha..

sometimes i feel i m fatter than my fren who is 4+ mths preg!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Thanks mummies, glad to hear is only need to rest more and is normal. Thanks for sharing.

I have app with my gynae on this coming Sunday. Will ask him about this again.

hippy, me too!! i can sleep in front of my laptop!!! faintz...

jjj mummy, welcome!! initially i have tat eat eat eat mood, but can't eat much... recently tis 2 weeks, i really no app... can only finish 1/2 of wat's in my bowl & after eating, feel so terrible tat am so scare of eating!!

Hi mamaAsh,

Pls help me update my details as below:-

Edd: 24 Dec 2010

Gynae: Dr Aziz

Hospital: Parkway East

Next appt: 08 may

Bb# 2


Hi missus: *wave wave* hopefully we can stay at Jan Mummy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi tiny_bubu: My 1st girl was late for 1 week. Induced her out only on 41week. Then my 2nd boi was out 2 weeks earlier. I hope this one will be in Jan.

Hi Jasline, bfly and mamaAsh: Hello there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yah I feel my tummy like so bloated and I think sooner or later cannot hide my pregnancy cos Chinese prefer to keep in secret until the 3rd month.

@JJJ: same here! im hungry then i eat then i feel bloated! then its yakult to the rescue!

same for me, i didnt tell anyone except my immediate family, n of coz tis forum [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

me too..eat non stop till my family suspect whether i pregnant with twins..LOL..

even my manager thought i already 4mths pregnant...*faintz*

haha Jass.. i also eat non-stop!!! it's norm :p

but very bloated after that..

as for revealing to people if i am pregnant, in my company 4 people know. my manager and colleagus that process my claims! and other then that.. only my mum and 2 close friends.. the rest.. including my in laws.. let them find out themselves..

JJJ! another 3rd time mummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My Dr very funny when i visit him yesterday.He tell me to keep my pregnancy low profile till after 12weeks..i ask him if he is "pan tang"..he tell me back..no..i am not "pan Tang"..but very pan tang..haha..he also mention that life is such..we gain something..we lost something..sometime when everything is very smooth..we have to be worried..coz luck will run out..so that why low profile..and i was pondering about what i have posted here with all mummies to be..think he will faint when he read all my post here...haha..

Evening mums, how come MS not only in the morning... Mine is still happening in the evening.. Terrible.. Think of seafood can phuke..

mamaash - i also keep eating non stop. Eat till i am so scared of eating. I feel good in the eating process BUT also after eating feel bloated and wanna puke! sigh! I find this so miserable.. If dun eat, will puke, dun feel like eating but need to force to eat... and after eating, still feel unwell! Than the mouth taste so wierd, so blend with some kind of odd metal taste! sigh... will these all end by end of tri 1???

wendy - i am rather pantang also. I also believe in keeping it low profile. however, since preg is counted from date of last mense, I feel its kind of fast! by the time we realised we are preg, already 4weeks liao! so literally we just need to tahan for 8 weeks right? by then can announce to the world already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

karen - i usually have evening sickness! everyday come evening time, I wanna puke! and the stomach begin to feel sooo unwell.. bobian, need to tahan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Clarrisa..as much as possible..i try not to be pantang..haha..but my dr say must be pantang loh..no choice..got to listen to him..

I always feel bloated every min and every day since there are still alot of water trapped in my body now..and worse thing is..i dont feel hungry at all which make me worry at times..

As far as i know when our HCG increases,we will feel bloated,nausea,sick which is a gd symptom for pregnancy though it is so uncomfortable..

Hello Mommies,

I am a December mom too and very new to this forum. I hope we can get to know each other well and go through the pregnancy process till we pop in December!

Here's my info, can someone help to add into excel table? Thank You.

EDD: 11 December

Gynae: Dr Law Wei Seng

Hospital: Mt Elizabeth

BB#: 1


Gosh.... Just realized I'm taking double dosage of multivit. One is pink pill from dr Adrian and obimin my own which i thought it is folic acid and I told the nurse i still have folic acid so dont need from clinic... Faint... Now then I know obimin is multivit....

wendy - are we supposed to feel hungry? I dunno man! i am like eating every 2-3hrly even when not hunrgy! i dun feel at all hungry. sometimes when i forgot to eat, i will wanna puke! thats when I know its past eating time... miserable la... I really marvel yourself gg through the IVF process, and now experiencing ms and still able to keep your spirits up! how did you do this!

I started having spotting on Monday morning when I was on cruise stopover at Penang. Got panic and gave a call to my gynae. Was told to increase my dosage of duphaston to 2 x 2 times daily. I went to the gynae in Penang as I was running short of Duphaston and normal gp do not prescribe them! Almost fainted trying to find a gynae as Monday is also a public holiday in Penang. Finally got one after being preferred by a 24 hours clinic. Had u/s from tummy but the machine cannot detect hb and sac! Fetal hb is finally detected thru transvaginal scan but the gynae said pregnancy is unstable.

Try quickly rushed over to my gynae today as the spotting seems to get worse. Fetal hb is detected but it is irregular. That mean the hb pause and resume back. Gynae has told me to prepare for the worst and meanwhile given me a jab (another one on next monday) to support the pregnancy till another follow up next thurs again.

Keeping my finger cross now.

Hi wendy

May i know whts ur hcg level on day what after et? U working now?

Hi mamaash

I heard that is better that we dun take soya drink for first trimester as soya is cooling.. Is it true?

Clarrisa..i believe those mom to be..who went thru IVF will feel almost the same as i am..coz the difficult and tough perios is gone at least 1..so we can breathe abit better..You know the feeling is really terrible after et and i almost die the night..lucky i gone thru it..my hubby was so worried as i vomitted thrice in the nite.whole body in cold sweat..worse..i cant even urine coz i was OHSS..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]sad to say..this only happen to 1-2% of IVF patient..i strongly believe i owe my little life to my dr who is alert enough to diagnose what happen to me and do what is necessary..and now i am recovering from it..Just imagin a person whose left lung is filled up with water due to OHSS and my stomach swell badly..

I really hope the worse is over for me..and i told my hubby and dr this..shall anything happen to me..rem to save the small little 1 1st..

Joanne..are you on IVF too??I have embryo transfer (Blastocyst stage) on day 5..on day 9 after embryo transfer,y hcg is 76.6..a week later..it went up to 1674..I am still on HL and perhaps taking leave till i am feeling better..

Hi babypom, I hope everything gets better for you. I felt nervous reading your post thinking 'how come suddenly like that'. Did gynae ask you to stay at home and rest? Praying hard for you.

Mummies, I realised that food seem to be digested much faster not sure if anyone notices that. When I have had bouts of vomiting, sometimes I noticed there's wasn't anything to puke out except stomach acid even though I had eaten probably 2hours ago. Is that the reason why we feel the need to eat so often?

Babypom>> how many wks r u now?

I'm oso taking duphaston cos I hv spotting b4. Dun worry too much abt it. In the meantime, try to rest as much as u can. *hugs*

Kimiko - gynae did not order for bed rest. He is giving all the supports ( jabs/pills) and hope things can turns out well. Dunno how come suddenly like that. There r things just beyond our control especially during development stage. Maybe is quality control. Thanks for yr prayer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Missus BL - I should be close to week 7 now. I started with duphaston even when I am not spotting.

babypom...try not to walk too much..actually,the 1st trimester is the most crucial part.so need to be careful..previously,i had the same problem too and i think it is very common during week 7-week 10..just rest more..Any reason why yr dr give you dusphaston even when you are not spotting?

babyporn..ok..coz my previous pregnancy..i was not prescribe such except during my IUI session..

As for my IVF,they give me crinone to support my lining for better pregnancy..I think they have a jab which will provide "cushion" for spotting problem..

Hi Wendy,

Ya, this one I conceived naturally. I'm a pcos, ttc for 4 yrs Liao, been putting off ivf cos hubby dun really support. Last Yr managed to convinced him to sign in June, went for a trip n came back positive. But I think I overexerted during trip, didn't know preg, so mc.... Rested, Changed my diet n take med faithfully etc, then ttc again, this Yr Jan, doc told me clomid doesn't work on me anymore, no effect.... Lost hope, went on trip n was prepared to live life as it is...as hubby dun wanna ivf. Came back, positive again!!!!! I guess I was very Heng!! ;)) so ya, finally I got my turn... ;))


That was a horrible exp, to see Yr blood spill..., actually I also look away when taking blood, I always play a game on my iPhone. U can see if it helps. ;) my Appt in the morning. Will share w u in the forum if I can make it! ;)))

reading about babypom makes mi very worried...i think most people wait till 12 weeks to announce cos the chance of MC is very high. read on a website of milk powder that MC rate in 1st tri is 10-20%...so scary...


how does spotting like???

I encounter a few times, after pee i wipe... the tissue is brownish....

but after that pee again no more liao...

happen a few times...

welcome all mummies!!!

babypom: hope tat u r feeling better today. lie down and rest as much as you can. hope you are not at work.

wendy: your "save the small little 1 1st.." made me close to tears. you have really gone thr alot. JiaYou JiaYou ..

Kimiko: yes i agree food breakdown faster. feel like vomitting but onli bubbley white saliva come out. but feel ok after the puke. smtime no ms i m worried coz dunnoe if the littleone is ok anot. so ironic we are.


Morning Ladies,


Let's dun be too stress and rest whenever is possible. For those working, weekend is coming! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

