(2011/12) Dec 2011

Jass, at least u can sleep... i usually put my boy to bed ar around 9pm... then nap for around 1hr then have to clean here clean here, wash clothes etc... and pack my stuff (i am selling baby stuff online) so by the time finish around 12am... feed my boy last feed... else he will wake up hungry middle of the night... so die die have to hang on until 12am then can sleep...

HI cloud: ya lor dun know why... usually later stage then back ache... now i back very ache!!! my hubby say coz i sleep too much that why pain... zzzzz

yes yes!! sick of eating, but nv eat then my stomach very sick!! same same!!

I read online that some of us will have lower back aches starting from week 8 onwards. That's what happens to me. Its been more than a week but its still aching. It gets worse as the day go along and is most sore at night before I sleep. Sometimes it ache so much, once I lie down I find it hard to move.

Even discharge is also normal I think but I forget is till week what already. Probably till week 7-8? As long as its not spotting, I think its ok. But if it smells, must see doctor.

Ah... have a erm silly question here to ask those 2nd or 3rd time mommies, esp. those that went through natural birth. Did you all need to erm shave just before delivery??? Sorry for asking smth so wierd oops...

missus BL: Yeah I also have ewcm still. Think it's normal?


what's the extra test u took? care to share? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yallo : I went for a Brazilian wax for both my deliveries.if not, the nurses will just shave you with a disposable razor before delivery!plus with the blood discharge after birth, I felt it's cleaner for me.but a Brazilian wax isn't for everyone!

lol...my wife scared of pain for wax...and scared itchy if shave...looks like either she have to either shave or wax liaoz...no choice this time...


u selling baby stuffs online? any website to see see look look? my boy not staying wif me during weekday. so i try to catch as much as sleep so that can entertain him when he bk during weekend.


i didnt and my gynae also didnt request..

hi yallo,

i tried natural and caeserean before. Natural didnt shave but caesearean the nurse shaved for me. funny rite, thot should be the other way round.. hehe

bfly> I tried similac, since my SIL got extra. Haven't try other brands yet. I do agree Similac is sweet.

mussus_BL> how to measure the sac size? whenever I look at the scan, i still have no idea how to identify ..

kimiko> I have the same feeling too.. having backache since last sat. now it is better already. every nite i have to sleep on my side, and hug a pillow bet my legs.

for the discharge, i read online and book that this discharge will increase and carry on till birth. So get ready some pantyliner

yallo... feeling bloated after lunch?

all mummies, anyone here have the urge to puke when food seemed to be oily?

LittleFren,i was not under dr Sf Loh from kkh..i was previously under Dr heng for the clomid before i switvch over to dr roland chieng..Dr SF loh is also gd for IVF..but @ KKH,the ivf session still need to queue for your turn..which i find it too long and since there are many patients,i find that attention is not much given thus i go for private dr for my IVf though more expensive coz no subsidises,but the quality of time he spent with you is really gd..and he make it possible for me for the 1st IVF..Since there is a limitation of trial for IVF as well as medisave usage,got to find a better dr if not that it..coz want to try new dr also cant liao coz there is a limitation from MOH...


Nw I m only 5 weeks plus then starting the new job two weeks later. Wat abt u?? When are u starting? But I think it matters if the co is private or public sector

yallo: no leh, my 2 deliveries no need to shave leh... maybe diff hospital diff standands bah... KKH no need...

kimiko: yes i also lower back ache.. seems i get them whenever preggie leh... esp when lie down tough to get up, muz turn side way then can slowly get up...

Yes, feeling very bloated after lunch! But now hungry and munching away again on wang wang biscuits hee.

Wah that day had a very early morning mtg in office then my supervisor nice, bought a huge bag of you tiao and ham ji peng for everyone to eat. Put right in front of me and I was like OMG THE OILY SMELL!!!!! Almost died haha... Realise that now my sense of smell seems to be super sensitive!

Haha yah maybe different hospital different standards, but I too paiseh to ask the nurse what it's like at Mt A. :p Guess I'll only find out in Dec!

@dawn n seaangel, u want a/consultant, consultant or snr consultant ah? difference will be price and experience. prefer male or female? many say male more gentle but depends on who you get i guess. not many female gynae though. my sis-in-law say most left KKH for private practice le...

if want appt after office hours (5pm is considered after office hours) the rate is higher also. u will need to take private suite service.

Hi All,

I'm new to this forum. A 2nd time mom.

@seaangel, I think we're only a day diff in EDD!

My last cycle was on 24 March.

Hi Octbride_78,

I think we are about the same. i'm also starting in 2 weeks time. ya i know for sure govt sure accept. is yours govt??

hi AC (tupapa), i prefer senior consultant, no preference on gender. aso prefer after office hours or saturday appts..thanks!

wendy - i think you are super brave! you made me tear by the things you say to your hubby.. Stay positive. This will be a smooth pregnancy. You have already came so far [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yallo - very sian hor? eat also not correct, dun eat also no correct. the stomach pertetually feeling unwell. puts me into a a very pekcheck mood at work. Everyone kenna from me. Even my HR guy..hahaha

Kumiko - I also think food gets digested faster. sometimes after 2 hrs of eating, I will also vomit. i suspect cos no more food to digest since i only vomited out some foam and yellowish juice.. i guess reflex acid!

how long more are we to endure this? I hope the day come when everyday we just chat about what clothes to buy, what baby materials to buy, how our appetite is like insatiable..how everything tastes so wonderful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hehehe

SeaAngel - Yet to see my gynae. May go back to my previous Dr coz he's very nice. Planning to fix appt either next week or the week after. I estimated my EDD to be on 29 Dec.

Are you a 3rd time mommy? So will each delivery be later than the EDD?

Diana>> hope u r fine..

I am cramp and ewcm.. No bleeding or spotting though.. But am walking slowly now. Hopefully it's my bb growing and nothing serious.

Hi to all MTB,

I should be about 7 to 8 wks pregnant. It will be my 3rd child, but fourth pregnancy. Had 1 miscarriage last year.

My symptoms are so strong that my hubby ask me dun even need to do a home pregnancy test. Confirm pregnant!! Tiredness, nausea, sore breast, missed period, craving for food...everything appears.

Now waiting for week 9 to 10 to see my gynae. Hopefully everything will be fine this time round, and I look into chatting with all of you gals.

@jay, welcome to the club!

@sea angle, no not public [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] What abt urs?? We are in the same shoes.. When are u starting work.? You called ur new co, already? Wat did they say?

Realize when I walked too much, I will have brown spotting. Do u all feel the same.? went to rally ytd, and we park the car 4 bus stops away and have to stand throughout the speeches.

Jasline, how are you??

Dawn - i having backaches too...

Today had buffet and first time i didnt had appetite and threw up whatever i ate.. ended up having 2 cups of milo only for the buffet..

guess ms starting now....

Oct bride

Hi, pls take care n rest like sit more n lie down more. Ya, 1st 3 mths we still very unstable, spotting can be a sign of we over strain ourselves, better to rest more ;) u very brave leh, still go rally. My hubby dun let me go w him to take photos of rally, scare pp push me down ;) ha!

Sea angel

The extra test I took is called routine blood test if I dun rem wrongly.... I think it's for testing whether I develop diabetes due to pregnancy since pcos pp will tend to. Keeping my finger cross that everything will be ok, cos I heard otherwise must self inject to keep diabetes low.... Dunno true or not..,

Very forgetful these days, after reading or being told something a while then forget Liao!


Ya, sf Loh is very popular for ivf, I usu wait for almost 1.5 to 2 hr for my turn. He is a nice doc but the very practical n confident type of doc. So u may like him or hate him. I like him cos he will not prompt or push me to ivf but draw me to tell me straight forward, hey these are what u can do, dun waste Yr money on this n that. I like straight forward n chop chop, so his style suit me... I understand Yr reasons for choosing a pte doc, just want everything to go as smoothly as possible right? Money can be earned again, but not our age n number of eggs left in ovary! ;) jia you! Smooth smooth journey for u!! ;)

so many 3rd time mommy here...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

very soon 1st tri over, we will be enjoy the whole pregnancy journey..endure..


you had IVf with Dr Loh??I never visit him before but i was just told thatin order to go for IVF,we must register and make booking for 3months before we can start the process..just imagine 3months..i would have passed my 1st trimester..i would say..i am lucky to find my current gynae..who is detailed and realistic..who will not give you false hope but support..

he make everything possible for me..so i never regret spending such money if the whole journey is successful..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]coz private dr have more time for us..

Hi Littlefren,

Thanks so much for your comforting words today. The blood test today was a breeze. Like you I had to take an additional routine blood test which I wasn't aware till I register just now. Anyway, when the nurse saw my arm she went 'another difficult case' then she proceed to strapped my arm rather tightly and asked me to 'exercise' my arm. She still couldn't see the vein after that and told me no promise to get blood in one prick. But eventually she managed to get blood in one prick which I'm grateful for. I didn't even dare to look but the whole process is much faster than I expected. Like you I gave 3 tubes of blood but I didn't feel giddy after that which I'm quite surprised too. I wonder why I feel so giddy with blood taken from my hand.

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No no, I didn't do ivf w sf Loh, but he has been my gynae for abt 4 yrs when I ttc for a while n failed n my menses was hay wire..... Ha, so after trying a while with med, that was like 1.5 yrs, he proposed ivf.... Anyway, we didn't ask for ivf at the start cos we prefer to exhaust other mtds first, ivf was my last card though hubby not comfortable w at all. 3 months maybe long to u, but to us, it wasn't a long wait, he will register us while my hubby say 'we still prefer to think abt it' so last yr mar, I told hubby I wanna go ivf by jun if I still no news.... So we went for trip in may to enjoy ourselves. Little did I know I was preg n over exhausted, so started w spotting, the coupled w bad cramps, then gone! I rested half Yr, this Yr ttc again, realized clomid no effect on me anymore, went trip in mar, came bk preg n yes, sf Loh still my gynae ;)


Gd to know that everything went well for u! Chey, I thot I pcos so must take routine, so I not special lah, kekeke! But it is true we more prone to be diabetic compared to other pp... Anyway, our next Appt will be the detailed scan, I can't wait for the day to come so that I can see how bb is doing... ;) we can get result on the spot like u mentioned! Hope everything's fine. Im waiting for then to tell everyone, I'm preggy! Not announced lah but cos then I also pass first tri! U too right? Since our edd is abt 4 days apart...

Littlefren: i heard before abt the self-inject too. Its before meals to make sure our sugar level dun run high.

dun worry. will be fine for you de.

Littlefren/Kimiko: the blood test u all took is for Oscar? I tot tat will be done ard 12 weeks and detailed scan at 16 weeks? our EDD are a few days apart and my Oscar is scheduled ard 2 weeks later.

Mummies, did u all notice a brown line that run from our pubic area to naval? got tiny hairs growing along too haha ..

little darling - yes, some ppl have it earlier on the pregnancy and somw starts to show later on pregnancy. I dun remember having tiny hair growth from my last preg but I guess its normal, hormonal changes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kumiko - good that all is well for your blood test [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so its not that scary after all? Now i am having the jitters for the blood test. I dislike blood being drawn too. freaking scary

Hi Littlefren, yes I can't wait too. But I decided to only announce from week 13 onwards so I got another 3weeks+ to go. When I go for detailed scan, I'll be at week 12.

Hi clarrisa, I think the key is to have an experienced nurse to draw blood for you. It's actually a fast and almost painless process.

Hi littledarling, yes the blood test is for oscar. I thought oscar test to be done within week 11-14? The blood test can be done earlier but scan can only be done within week 11-14. If you are doing it 2 weeks later then it's as per week 11-14 timeline? I have not got the line from pubic to navel yet, wah you so fast have the line already?

Hi gals

May i know is the detail scan for down syndrome means oscar test??? Oso, does ur tummy pop out already? Usually by wht week in pregnancy then the tummy start pop out?

Hi little darling,

Ya, the one we did is Oscar. Kkh got 3 types. First, scan only, second n third, both scan n blood test. Diff btw second n third is that second can test earlier n get result earlier, third one take blood test then scan around 16 weeks, sounds like the one u referring to. Me n kimiko went for the second type, so everything earlier.... Pay a bit more...

Oct bride

Ya ivf higher chance of multiple preg. Not sure abt pte, but if govt, pay only a few hundreds cos govt subsidy n cpf... Unless u run into complications....


Me too, after my scan, I'm week 13! ;)))


不怕不怕 ;)

Wah, I didn't even know there r so many type of test. I only know I have done blood tests n the Nuchal Test in my last pregnancy. And afterwhich she will simply take monthly measurement of the foetus whenever I visit the clinic for scan. But I know her monthly scan info are very detailed, whereby it will b plot into graph by the computer n show the growth rate of the foetus.


As long as u take in moderation, it should b fine.

Right now, I have strong craving for hot cabbage soup, which I want for dinner daily. That really put my mom on alert mode, cos she says that's too cooling to b drank daily. She only limit to once a week for me.

Hi clarrisa, yallo, I have the same symptons too. Initially I was quite confuse until I saw you sisters also have the same problem like me. IF I do not eat, i will feel bloated, when eating suddenly i have good appetite and eats a lots but after eating, i will feel very uncomfortable, nausea and more bloated. Really dono is to eat or not to eat. May I know after 1st trimester, will this be gone?

Any sisters here have constant pain on left and right side of stomach too. My gynae advise me to rest more, thus atarting from Mon I will be on no pay leave until 1st trimester over. Unless touch wood anything happen, will cancel my leave to go back office.

Hello Mommies,

This is my first bb and about 9 wks. My next appointment which is to test bb down syndrome. There are so many tests and I am not sure which is which... Is the test dangerous for the bb?

I am under Dr Law Wei Seng, used to be from Private Suite KKH and he moved to Paragon under pacific health.

I would like to hear from some of mommies who have been through the down syndrome test. Thank You [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


