(2011/12) Dec 2011

Kimiko, it's normal for new born to hv jaundice, whether it's serious or not. My gal was normal throughout n did not require photo treatment. Guess curry is ok lah haha


jasline - meat stuff - more likely boy.....but tom yam is sourish leh....

actually i duno when will our craving starts? so fast will have craving? i tot after 2nd trim then hv craving? never mind, i will check with my gynae next week on this...

Hi AC, no worries. I just have to recommend him coz I have had a bad experience with the first gynae. It's like angel vs devil that kind. Personally I prefer male gynae because they seem more understanding and gentle during routine checks. I have had heard female gynae being rough and less understanding.

funny thing is my wife's sis had male gynae...but i guess she's not comfy about having other guys seeing her there...if she's not comfy with the gynae i think it will be bad for her...so i prefer to let her decide

since my SIL knows the gynae i guess they will be better ones or at least give face and be more gentle la...hee...

@Jasline: My next appt is 10-May. My last visit is 25th-Apr. So it was scheduled 2 weeks later. initially me and my husband wanted to go tomorrow (6-May).. but after thinking i better dont go before the schedule date bcos i'm worried that my bb has not grown much yet so if i go and scan nothing (besides sac) i will get very worried.

@mamaAsh can help with the following:

Nick: bfly

Edd: 24 Dec

Gynae: Dr Adrian Woodworth

Hospital: TMC

Next appt: 10 may

Bb# 1


Nick: Lee Hong

Edd: 15 Dec

Gynae: Dr Tho Chin Keong

Hospital: Mt A

Bb# 3


Nick: Wendy

Edd: 03 Jan

Gynae: Dr Roland Chieng

Thank You!

@manunited, my wife and I are pretty hardcore fans for over a decade...we even went Old Trafford to watch a match as part of our honeymoon...so she din object to my idea...just that we cracking our heads to think of a nice name that starts with "U"...

there was a furry of posts...then suddenly slient...so interesting...LOL

Kimiko..you are rite..i prefer male gynae..they are more gentle than female 1..I think the younger gynae is also more gentle than the older one..haha..i rem my previous pregnancy on 2008 which resulted in MC,e gynae was old,experience and busy..what happen is that whenever he try to scan thru underneath,i will bleed and he claim that it is normal..so come to think about it..maybe it had kill my baby indirectly too..

I hope i will not have this effect/outcome with my next scan visit to dr roland since i never had it before with him before pregnancy..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]if not my worries will start again..

BFly..thanks for remembering me..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]btw,hw many weeks are you in now??

AC - *envy*...we also want to go old trafford one day! but duno when...hahahahaa..just moved house recently so gotta save up again. My hubby more hard core fan than me thou i like MU since young (cos of david beckham)...hahahahaa

If #1 is boy, then hope #2 is girl...got a fren whose name is Ursula....(1st time i heard of this name)...cant think of any other names with "U"...

aiya...i also working ma...it's one of the tabs in my IE...lol...

recently in my office got a lady went to give birth. the day before she start her maternity leave, her boss told her she will be transferred to another dept when she's back. best part, her replacement has been recruited and will be reporting to work the following week....sigh...other than unprofessional i don't know what to call the boss...

but it's transfer to another dept...so she cannot complain she got discriminated?

@manunited, we went as part of our honeymoon cos we know it's unlikely we will go once we have kids...so spent $500 each on the match (we got the suite tickets which includes dinner)...

my wife don't like Ursula as she say that's the name of the witch in Little Mermaid! LOL...

oh ya...we booked a trip to Italy in June before knowing about her preg...hopefully it will not affect BB too much... i know not a good idea...but already booked...

Wendy>> I'm currently seeing dr Koh at raffles medical, will be switching to dr Tham at tmc. But not cfm yet. Our next appt is indeed veri close too!

Bfly>> yours is a Xmas even bb!

@missus BL: hahahah.. that is the date shown on the scan though...not verablly from gyane.. hehe... i need to confirm with gynae again.

Missus BL...raffles medical very x rite??.most imptly,find a dr that is nice,gentle n caring since we have to spent a lot of time with him/ner thruout the whole pregnancy..ours will be a new yr present..

Bfly..yrs will be a xmas present..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]..

most imptly,all the mother to be here in the forum have a advance mother days celebration ahead..

@ AC : NO worries about that. I think shouldnt be a problem just be careful. Btw, have u checked with doc if its advisable to travel?

I have checked mine, and he says should not be a problem. Hence schedule an appt one week before i fly to Australia for a checkup again.

@Bfly : congrats! mine might be xmas too..

@Missus BL : Raffles huh.. hmm suggest you switch. My sis had quite a bad exp with Raffles.

@octbride...okie...once we confirmed the gynae it will be the 1st qns i ask...we flying off on 4th june...

maybe can describe what happened?

missus BL,

my 1st preg wif dr Koh at raffles, but now i decide to change to the other gynae for this 2nd preg. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Indeed raffles very ex..

bfly>> usually first bb will be 1 week earlier, i heard. maybe can check with gynae again. =)

wendy>> ya, new year present. but if they are right that first bb will be 1 week earlier, then could be xmas pressie liao. heehee.. it's quite exp to me, scan + pills + consultation @ $200+. veri siong huh... zzz

octbride>> oic.. let me see how's dr tham at TMC first before we decide. =)

AC>> i'm supposed to be flying to KR in mid jun, but might cancel cos it's ard 10wks+, my mum & hubby scared not stable. but shall see how on closer date. rem to get a gynae's letter, cos sometimes immigration might wanna see b4 letting her fly.

Wow... I'm amazed at the speed of this thread.. everyone seems very excited about the bundle of joy..

mamaAsh: My bb#3 edd 13.12.11, Dr Gordon Lim at Gleneagles

I've never been told cannot eat Ricola leh.. somehow started taking recently to remove the uneasy motion sickness feeling. Hope no harm done to my baby.

My in-laws swear by eating lots of bird nest so that the baby will have clear smooth skin. Not scientifically proven.. since they're sponsoring, I eat lah... My 1st 2 kids turn out with v nice complexion esp my 2nd child whose skin is as fair as Snow White.. too bad he's a boy o/w will gain the advantage. Anyway, maybe that's why he attracts all the girls everywhere he goes..ha..ha... Gynae says can take bird nest fm 2nd trimester onwards.

Missus BL..that is X..i think mine only ard $130..scan+pills+consultation.

Missus Bl & Jass,perhaps you can try my gynae,Dr roland chieng @ parkway east..caring and devote time to his patient..haha..even to my mum questions..n my mum likes him very much


thanks. I'm seeing dr heng @ parkway east now. she is a nice lady. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

About bird's nest I think some extent that it helps.. My #1 I take every few days n #2 I take every few weeks.. #1 had really fair complexion and #2 have bad eczema!

jass,yup..she is a nice n cheerful lady...i have seen her before..just find her abit busy as she have alot of patients and not much time to answer my questions though..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] anyway,the nurses are nice during my stay in the hospital 2weeks back..they serve nice food too..my hubby like it and he finish everything on the plate coz i have got no appetite..haha

Anybody starting drinking milk powder? I''m thinking of starting it esp when I have no appetite to eat. I have tried Similac, Mamil Mom and Enfamum sample pack.

Personally prefer Mamil Mom and Enfamum bcos Similac is too sweet.

wendy>> thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw, u know the size of your sac?

bfly>> you mentioned your sac is 17mm at 5 weeks? cos mine is only 5.6mm leh. =_=

anyway, i am not a milk person.. i prefer soya bean milk more. =)

@missus BL: if my sac is big but i can see yolk sac and embryo im not worried. but i dont get to see them.

At least you can see the embryo(small dot) so it actually sounds better to me.


I have WONG BOI BOI book to let go at S$8(include normal postage). only read once. new condition. normal price is S$15.

Pls let me know if you are keen.


@missus BL: you making me want to bring my appt earlier. hahahha

anyone know what could be the possible cause of such a big difference in sac size? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi all, i went for my gynae checkup and from the scan, i'm about 5 weeks plus. He can see the water sac, which he assured me 5 weeks size is like that and still early for heartbeat. I think my sac size is around 1.5cm.

hi all,

has been quite some time since my last post... looks like more and more ppl are in this thread now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Went to see my gynae last friday, and managed to hear the heartbeat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but my hubby commented it sounded like my breathing sound =.="


can add mine?

bb#1 edd 30.11.11, Dr Koh C.H , Mt A.

Although the scan result show 06.12.11, but my doc say he will still take edd as 30.11.11 first. Potentially may change date in future.

Thank you!

@bfly; @Octbride_78;

tink our EDD are very close [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gynae say for now, estimated to be 24 Dec...

oh no, i nv rmbr the measurement of the sac leh...

is that of any significance??

@jasline: Do you get a copy of the scan? for mine, my gynae just print a copy to attached to my card for clinic use and gave me one copy. In the copy, it actually indicate the machine EDD and also the sac measurement. This is where i get my EDD and sac measurement. Have not check with gynae verbally on these yet bcos first time we just excited and happy to hear confirm pregnant and ask nothing else.....

bfly>> mine is juz a water sac, no yolk sac too. i think too small for embryo.

i feel like calling or emailing the gynae to confirm my sac and see if it's ok. he only said to me earlier, it's stable and veri small.

bernice and your sac size are abt the same leh. i think i should be the one worried.... Haha..

bernice>> my gynae oso said too early for hb, but 6 wks onwards, should be able to hear liao.

@Bernice, Im less worried now after what you have said. Thanks.

@missus BL: i will check with my gynae on the sac difference when i see him on 10th... See what he says. You dont worry too much as you have seen your gynae today and it should be fine.

@bfly, i was thinking of getting it for my wife but she can be picky about the taste so i requested for the sample pack. after she try then see which one she like. she's kinda skinny so i'm worried if she can take the preg...

my wife only likes HL milk...those are low fat right? i guess soy bean milk then...she rather drink soy than full cream milk or fresh milk. she say the taste is weird...

missus BL..I am not sure if the size of the sac is impt or not..bcoz mine is abit different from your as mine is a IVF...so we call it embryo..mine reached day 5 called blastocyst then they transferred into my uterus for it to develop further on it own..my dr concern i dun think is the size but he mentioned that heartbeat is very impt and normally be abel to hear from week 6 onwards..

wendy, fr wat i understand for IVF, the chance is quite high on having twins or more rite? so is yr doc able to tell now, izit single or twins or more?

AC, i guess HL is fine, but those fresh milk having low fat type are really thin... if u know at i mean... so long she's comfy with any dairy product is fine... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mamaAsh,I have 2 embryos transfer on blastocyst stage @ day 5..i do not know yet if i have twin but i hope i will..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]..since my dr is 1 who do not want to give me lots of hope as he always believe in surprises..haha..i keep asking him if i could have a twin baby but he just say my THCG should be higher if i am having twin..i hop i can get a surprise from him during my next visit which is my 1st scan for heartbeat as well..


ya... so far i hear abt IVF mostly having twins... i was joking w my hb, maybe i shd go for IVF so can have twins! one time settle all!! haha... but i guess will be very challeging if really have twins!! so need more helper!! haha... hope to hear yr surprise after yr next visit!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

