(2011/12) Dec 2011

Babypom>> try not to overexert yourself. Walk slowly & drink more warm water to keep yourself hydrated.. My gynae oso said duphaston can stable the bb even if no spotting.. Rest well, babe..

Anyway I met this preg lady working in the pharmacy, she was given duphaston during her first trim, she has bad spotting.. But now she is waiting for her edd in June [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

AC>> I'm not comfortable to announce too. Not totally abt pantang but dun want too many ppl to know b4 anything is stable into the 2nd trim..


TGIF everyone!

@Babypom: pls rest as much as possible ok!

@ Dawn: i have similar encounter as u do...

and i wasnt prescribed any duphaston thou...

oh no!! i juz went to the toilet and found out that my spotting is quite bad!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

called the clinic and gynae asked me to go down by noon!

please pray for me!! i am so scared

babypom: Hope you're resting at home! Take good care and stay positive yah. We'll all be waiting for your good news on Thu!

Kimiko: Yeah I think we digest much faster now! Me too, when I try to puke all that comes out is just "water" (maybe it's stomach acid! I can't tell). Hardly any food comes out. Some somehow my stomach still feels really bloated.

clarrisa: I feel exactly the same way!!! When I'm eating it feels really shiokz, appetite very good can eat alot. But once I stop eating omg I will feel damn horrible, super bloated and uncomfortable. And somehow this feeling is worst for me after lunch.

Thanks to all. I am feeling better tdy and spotting has cleared up this morning. Will stay positive and update after my next follow up.

Jasline, pls see yr gynae to check asap. Spotting can b normal or can be threatening. .

Jasline..if yr spotting is bad..go n c yr gynae now..is it the brwonish discharge or fresh blood type??

you should be given priority to see him..

take care..

babypom...rest well..this is really a magic word..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Little Fren..i am also PCOS that why i lead to OHSS after the embryo transfer..in fact,it is quite high risk that any woman with PCOS will lead to OHSS..think you are too stress to "make" baby in singapore..haha..you have gd baby luck overseas...

Little Darling..to save the little ones are natural instinct from mummy..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]so i hope i will get to be a mummy soon

Jasline..if yr spotting fresh blood type, better hurry now.

Hope everything is ok!!

Hi all,

Tested +ve over the wkend and have been following this thread since then. My EDD is 30 Dec 2011 but based on my past experience my gynae always ended up calculating 1 wk later. So I think mine will be 5-7 Jan then. But anyway most prob i will be having c-section so here I am in this thread!

Hope to know more mommies!!

joanne: i nvr heard of soy being cooling leh.. maybe u dun take soya milk now if u're worry.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jasline: take care... hope everything is fine...

wendy: correct, tat's mummy instinct, i also had been thinking abt this too, but then realised if bb is born but no mummy then also very poor thing. of cos if can, save both, if not, i would say to save the mummy, bb can always try again or something... anyway, dun be so pessimistic first lah... look on the brighter side!!!

kimiko & yallo: same here, eat time feels good, but after tat feel so damn lousy!! feel like puking everything out!!! but now i try to eat only half full... esp dinner, now i can only take a few mouthful of rice... & i realised i can't go foodcourt!! of the smell there is terrible!! OMG... how to survive another mth?? feels so terrible leh...

MamaAsh..yup..i am worried when i have no appetite for food at all..even to my favourite buffets n steambt..haiz..wondering when i can resume back my power of eating too..so you are in which week now??

eh...sorry ah...but what exactly is spotting? I read in wiki seems to be bleeding? but how come got brown discharge? cos blood mixed with something else?

i seem to have lost apptite also...lol...maybe like what I watched in House...the husband got so nervous he displayed preg symptoms too...

Hi Octbride_78, read your earlier posts knowing that you are current in the situation of tender period but not knowing if should inform your new employer? I'm currently in the same situation as you. Care to share if you have informed your new employer and if so, what's their response??


Ac..spotting is quite common when implantation starts..abit of blood sticky discharge is quite common but if fresh blood will have to rest more..coz too much fresh blood spotting is not good which sometimes will lead to MC..just like my previous case..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]rest more during implantation period.crucial period..

wendy: my first appt w my gynae is next mon, by rite, if go by my LMP, this is my 8th week.. but hope to cfm again w my gynae, as i have a longer period, but somehow, my ovulation shd not be so early & this preg was unexpected one... complicated! hahaa... all food to me are not nice now... so sad leh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

AC: izit cos u read too much of our postings tat y no app!! haha... spotting may not be pure blood discharge, tat's y it's brownish, some light or dark brown lah... same as when the labour is about to start, yr wife may get a show, which is a brown discharge to tell us that our labour is about to start, but having the show may not mean immediate labour, may take another day or so... for now, the spotting may be the lining only.. but always good to check with gynae... cos some have very heavy brown discharge n could mean MC also...

MamaAsh..my menses is haywire too..coz it is IVF this time round,they based on the oocytee retrieval date as ovulation...you are so lucky..u have 4 more weeks to go and you r in yr next phase..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] congras 1st..i am 3weeks behind you..and everyday seems so long..sigH...

dawn, rest lah... i think sleep will be good, cos u won't feel the MS so strongly...

wendy, i also hope everything will pass after this leh... i super scare, cos got friend having MS for the whole of her pregnancy!! sounds scary... but funny is my #1 & #2 pregnancy does not feel so bad, or i forgotten? haha... but this is really bad & i feel tired around evening time & when home, am like a walking zoombie!! haha... the moment i hit my bed, it's almost sleep instantly man!!!

hhmm...don't see any discharge on my wife's liner last night...hope that's gd news...cannot wait for my sis-in-law to be back then we can confirm our gynae...i just want to know every thing is fine with lit rabbit! everyday very worried now...

ok...at least now i'm pretty sure she's W5D5 now...means it's gonna be new year! so exciting!

no lar...lost appitite not cos of what you all describe here...maybe cos too anxious...

Hi Seaangel (seaangel)

Yea..i have told them yet. I intend to tell them next week instead as i think face to face will be a better approach


me too..all the food tasteless for me. during my 1st pregnancy, i dun hav craving and 1 day 2 meals will sastify me. this time round really different.

my main problem now is my musscle pain. the pain is like when u cough too much and the pain ard stomach area. ouch...

now i'm 7w4d, really hope 1st tri over soon..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


take care and dun worry so much..

Hi Octbride_78, so what do you think the outcome will be? have you done your pre-employment check up? I went for xray yest but was rejected because i informed them abt the preg. I'm still not sure to inform the employer before i start work or to inform on the 1st day of work. Haiz, headache...


x-ray is no no for pregnancy. Tat's y i cancel my tokyo trip on next month. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

anybody abt same gestation period as me? i should be in 6 weeks today, LMP 25 March [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my first gynae appt will be next Tue, 10th May. So excited!

AC (tupapa), I also need your advice on the gynae from KKH. Thanks much!!

My past deliveries were in Mt A. This time round feel like having a change.

Hi jass (mommy2006), i did a read up from the internet and it says xrays are safe for preg leh..tats y i went...my fren who didnt know she was preg went for an xray too and her gynae told her its safe..

Anyway after hearing the staff's advice I decided not to go for it. Better be safe than be sorry! just tat i cant complete my pre employment check up.. and not sure what the company will do to me ..

Hi Seaangel,

tat's time my son injured his finger and required to do x-ray, the kkh staff ask me whether i'm pregnant, if yes then ask someone accompany him instead of me.

Hi Seaangel..X ray is not safe for pregnancy unless no choice..last week,because of my back severe pain,my gynae tell me that as much as possible,he do not want to send me for a x-ray which is not gd..unless realli no choice..so if can..try to avoid loh..

my family member still hope that we can join them for the upcoming tokyo trip, but i still afraid of the radiotion level. thinking that i'm waiting for 5 yrs for this pregnancy (plus a mc too), so better be safe than be sorry..

Hi Seaangel

I did the pre-employment checkup (XRAY) cos i seriously dont know about the pregnancy. I think i was not pregnant yet cos i went for gynea checkup 1 week later and he detected no sac but thick lining was formed.

My pregnancy was not intended, to be honest but maybe its God's will.

Have you tendered already? I tendered already then realised it. My question is : What difference can it make if you tell them now or tell them later? There is only 1 outcome (either accept or ask u to go).

Thanks jass and wendy for your kind advice,

Yah.i know unless no choice...but i thot i also left with no choice haha..

anyway I also did a dental xray..which i tink should be a few days after the conception. Hope nothing goes wrong!

Hi AC (tupapa),

Yes my first appt next tue. decided to go to my prev pte gynae first to scan and check for hb to ensure everything is fine first..den subsequently if want to change then change. my gynae's package only starts from week 20.

ok seaangel, will ask my sis-in-law to recommend. so total now i need 3 gynae from kkh...

just found out my wife's colleague also preg at abt the same time! lol...1st bb too...

Hi all, experiencing cramps and brownish discharge this morning. Went to see a GP who referred me to Kkh a&e. Did a scan there.. Everything's fine and saw the flickering heartbeat. Gynae said Im only abt 6 weeks.. Didn't give me edd yet..

Hi Octbride_78 (octbride_78),

yes i tendered already. how many wks will u be on your 1st day of work?

no difference la..but i guess if tell in advance is better for the company and if tell on the first day has slightly more assurance for ourselves?

Hi Wendy, so u r pcos too. U are really brave to take up ivf; I was prepared to but my hubby was against it.... So ya, but I'm happy as of now.... Sticky sticky bb dust to u! Not sure abt overseas bb luck! Keke but we love traveling! So ya, but thus trip I was extra careful, bb was made in japan, I take extra care not to soak onsen too long in case really preg!

To jas n bbpom,

Pls see Yr doc n strict bedrest ok? ;) hope that spotting will subside in no time... All the best!


I'm back fr my blood test! Including all waiting n payment time, only 45 min. Quite fast. I took up package B, what abt u? ;) the poke was ok, nurse was nice n friendly... Ya, 3 tubes, mine got 1small 2 big tube cos I going for extra test. After initial poke, the blood will just flow, very fast one, dun worry ok? ;)

Hello seaangel,

Welcome!!!!! Hugs!!!

Hi Littlefren, glad that the whole process is quite fast but 3 tubes of blood... Hahaha.. Looks like I gotta ask my husband to standby beside me in case I faint. I took up package B too, so I guess it will be the same procedure as yours. Thanks for telling [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Littlefren..forget to tell you this..clomid actually doesnt work well for people who have PCOS..I was also on clomid before for half a yr..but it doesnt work thus i change to a another gynae who is my

current gynae..he told me that clomid will only thin down our lining and might not be applicable for everyone..and since our lining is thin..pregnancy is not possible loh

Thus,i went for 1 round IUI then IVF..coz IUI is not cheaper either[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]..

Anyone experience sleepless night + aching??? I can't seem to sleep at night... and have to wake up at 6.30am every morning...

whole morning back ache until now...

Hi kimiko,

I'm opposite of u, I ask my hubby to stay out of room cos I behave more weak in front of him.... Kekeke! So when alone, I have to be brave! Ahahaha! It was short n sweet lah, yrs will be fine too, relax!

Hi Wendy,

I was on clomid on n off for 1.5 yrs, work initially n period was regulated but hubby not cooperative initially which I understand lah, stress also.... So I try to time w trips, more relax... Keke! I think clomid didn't help much for me. I think what helped was metformin n drinking n eating more bean food, like soya, tofu, advised by Chinese sinseh, I felt better, menses more in control.

Were u under sf Loh fr Kkh before?


me! every morning i woke up at5am then cant sleep liao.so, when i get tired at night, i quickly go to sleep although it's only 9pm+..

Dawn, yes I hv backache too. Realized it gets worse if I lie on my back, so better to lie sideways.. Weird I thought this problem will only surface in later stage preg when stomach is heavier.. And yes can't really hv good sleep, either wake up in middle of night feeling v hungry n hv to eat something otherwise v difficult to get back to sleep.

I'm so sick of eating but don't eat will b nauseous.. Sian..


missus BL: What's ewcm? Sorry still need to learn all the acronyms...

After lunch... feeling terrible now sigh...

