(2011/12) Dec 2011

Hi kimiko

Omg... I just ate around 8ricola sweets over last weekend.. Hope is ok.. So many things cant eat.. Now when i eat things, really hv to check all the ingredient stated on the packaging.. Any other ingredients that we cant eat?

I ate curry for my 1st preg in fact craving for curry n curry puff so ate quite often n my gal borned with no high jaundice...

wow! indeed the thread is moving real fast!

hello to all mommies & daddies to-be!

@jas: i did call my gynae, and he was saying that occasional spotting with pink/brown discharge is normal, and he advised me to drink more water and practice hygiene on the vaginal area, so i am putting a panty-liner now.

initially i quite did drink alot of water, but recentl my mouth is pretty tasteless, so i find plain water awful! haha.

indeed, there are many things that we cant eat..

i have no idea if curry is ok anot.. but i did eat curry and tom yam... coz for the past week, i have been craving for tom yam!

e.g. crabs.. one of my fren she was craving for crabs for her 2nd pregnancy; but a/o fren told me cant eat crabs coz baby will have 'itchy' hands...

so i guess it is really individual??

btw, does anyone knows if we can drink yakult or chicken essence??

and i do agree on the emotional and temperamental part...

e.g. i was mad at my hubby last nite for being so concerned over baby instead of me! hahaha..

silly me rite, fancy getting jealous over such issues..

but tink my mood swings r quite bad, esp whenever i feel bloated after having my meals...

I think we often crave for things that ppl said it's harmful to our bb. Keke.. Probably dun eat too much or often bah.

I'm in the clinic now, waiting.. Having bad headache & really sore boobs. Hopefully bb is fine.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jasline - chicken essence ok and I take curry too.. Cravings..

I take alot crabs during 2nd pregnancy too an my younger dAughter really itchy hand compared to elder daughter So I think there is some truth to it!

my wife got no cravings at all...just bloated all the time...

she still drinks yakult every morning...and she asked me to get her ricola...looks like i got to tell her cannot eat that le...


Thanks for the advise actually my gynae also did tell me but i worried until yesterday night cnt sleep when i wake up pee i check to c the discharge still have luckily no more. Maybe i should start put pantyliner also

I not sure for yakult but chicken essence i check with my sil she say can drink but i dun drink everyday maybe few days than drink 1.

My appetite getting worse lor yesterday night cannot eat again i feel now like a torture to ask me eat dinner end up i ask hubby make warm milk and eat cream cracker again i joking with my hubby your baby like cheapo baby like eat cream cracker only haha.

missus BL,

I also same as you and also maybe yesterday night nv sleep well.

Your baby will be ok must have faith in the baby.

i think everything also can eat but in moderation. my 1st gynae ever say that everything also can eat..just no chinese herbs/medicine and raw food. I even read somewhere that some mummies eat blue cheese. I guess its OK de... SO I think this eating myth thing is really dependent on how 'pan tang' you are [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

joanne - dun worry about those 8 ricola sweets... i also had some non sugar sweets over the past week. maybe just cut off or cut down if you are not comfortable with it

wendy - you are a great mum! I hope this will be a smooth pregnancy for you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I don't think can drink yakult since it's bacteria based. Though is good bacteria but I avoid all the same. Ya I agree it's scary how we won't know about certain ingredient till someone finds out. And it really is important to read the ingredients label and that's what I have been doing.

Missus BL, headache is very common during pregnancy, must try to rest more. Ya, boobs will also start to swell too. I think I'm already immune to the soreness unless I happened to press hard on it. Look out for comfortable bra [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi cloud, you mentioned no high jaundice meaning got jaundice but not serious? Did your girl had to go through any phototherapy?

Hi Lyn, woah so fast thinking about buying those stuffs for baby already ar? I'm not sure what to get also, but will be getting stuffs for baby at much later stage. It's funny how my mum tells to avoid curry and my MIL cooks curry and expects me to eat. But I didn't eat though I was tempted to. Scared that I will harm my baby just because I couldn't resist temptation. Need to make sure before I eat.

hey TIE, i was previously in property too...but gave up not knowing when will have money coming in. when both u n ur spouse r in this line even worse...no closing will be very stressed...

i think we r all very worried now...esp it's too early to do most of the tests...i guess going into 20th week and later might be less worrying since scans n tests can be done to make sure the BB is safe and healthy right?

Below are the answers from Yakult.au though:

Is Yakult suitable for pregnant and breast-feeding women?

Yes. Yakult is safe to drink during pregnancy. It contains one type of bacteria only - Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain, so there is no risk of listeriosis which is caused by the Listeria strain of bacteria. Constipation and indigestion (acid reflux) are common during pregnancy, and we have received a lot of positive feedback from people commenting on the relief that drinking Yakult has provided in maintaining a balanced intestinal microflora.

Hi everyone, this thread is moving so so so fast! I hv been reading n following but hardly have time to post.... Finally now I can before I start my busy day again!

Welcome all new mommas n daddas, ESP to wendy! Kudos to u! I almost took up ivf too but my hubby objected due to all the self injections. U r one brave brave mummy!!!


Kimiko, as told by one of mummies, taken thru blood test for pp of initial stage, like 5-8 weeks but not so accurate for later weeks as I read fr somewhere.

Detailed scan

Actually I'm quite confused whether it is the one I'm going for on 23 may (week 13 for me) n 25 may for u kimiko... And is this the so called Oscar that everyone is saying???? Kimiko, I also have another scan lined up in July.... Other mummies out there, do u hv so many scans??? Not referring to the normal one in our gynae room. Anyway... Whatever the scan doc arrange just go right? Keke, all to ensure bb healthy anyway.....


Cannot eat curry ah? Y huh? I had prata, curry chicken n Tom yam Liao... Though not all in same week, I think moderation shd be ok right? Regarding yakult, I checked yakult website and it say beneficial for pregnant ladies too, but never say specific to which stage. So I drank some previously, then stop, think after first tri then drink bah. As for chicken essence, my mum says if spotting better dun drink, then I read in forum somewhere that eu tong sen salesperson also says first tri to avoid, but I read fr nov forum some mummies drink and it's k to bu body in first tri.... Hai, think up to individual bah.... Maybe some body can take, some can't.

Kimiko, hope I didn't scare u w the 3 tubes of blood... Was told by fren, dunno if she rem wrongly, keke. ;) anyway, relax ok! Tml is big day for us! Ganbatte to us and all mummies going draw blood soon!

Hi, i checked with my gynae, she said ok to drink chix essence now....but cos now bb does not take nutrients from us yet in 1st trim, so take too bu oso no use...

week 12-14 we have to take oscar test, week 19-22, we will take detailed dcan which the nurse will take the measurement, see got cleft lip, 10 fingers/toes etc anot. i think can oso see or know if heart got hole anot (this i will check with my gynae later again cos i forgot)...

Littlefren, for a while I was happy to go for 'checkup' tomorrow but I forget I'm going for blood test. Haha.. Can't be helped, for the sake of baby, gotta just do it. Hearing what Wendy went through did make me feel braver. Thanks Wendy!

How come you already got another scan lined up in July? That's fast! Hmm.. I also heard about eating some food during 2nd trimester, that's why I also lined up some food to eat only after 2nd trimester. Maybe I'll push curry there too *hee* As for yakult, since it's safe to take during pregnancy but will it's high sugar content be of concern since we are not supposed to take too much sweet stuff?

hi TIE..you are also with dr roland??How many weeks are you in now??You are pregnant thru IVF also?? He is a cool n nice dr rite??full of jokes and he never like to give us too much hope though he kinda know the results..Also..do not take too much sweet stuff coz during pregnancy we can get diabete easily..so minimise e intake..

Clarrisa..i realli hope it is a smooth journey for me and realli pray hard for it..coz i had a failed one a few yrs back..managed to get something out thru IVF now but my intial stage of IVF is not smooth either..start alot of money in the hospital plus protein tranfusion.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I take chicken essence everyday and my dr mentioned that chicken broth is gd for us and the body..remember more protein food..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Manunited, thanks for the info!! I felt so relieved reading that baby does not take in nutrients during first trimester because I have not been able to eat properly and keep eating junk food. Thanks so much! Now I really gotta think about my diet for 2nd trimester.

Vitagen website never say if it's ok for mummies-to-be...but did say the following for babies and toddlers:

"VITAGEN Less Sugar should not be given to babies to replace breast milk or infant formula. It can be given to toddlers above 2 years old. For a start, it is preferable to dilute VITAGEN Less Sugar with lukewarm water (one spoon of VITAGEN with 2 spoons of lukewarm water). "

So i guess below 2 years old don't take...but nothing about for preg women...

but at least there's less sugar than yukult...i drink vitagen but my wife drinks yukult...i find it too sweet...

Kimiko: OMG... I finished one big pack in 2 days and just bought another 4 packs of Ricola! Didnt realise articifial sweetener aspartame has such side effects. Praying no damage done!

AC: Property line is fine but needs to be disciplined and initiative. As I am feeling lethargic and uncomfortable, he is taking over everything. Probably i get more rest time at home, I have rare meltdowns except yesterday.

Probably i told gynae i tested positive twice myself and GP and he spotted the sac on 1st scan, i had not done any blood test so far. 1st blood test should be next visit for Oscar. 4 weeks gap to next visit. Counting down. 1.5 week to go! Drawing blood is still ok for me coz i go for blood donation on ad hoc basis. Gals, dun worry about the blood test. It is gonna be over b4 u know it.

9W5D today. Think the symptoms start to ease slightly for me for past 1-2 weeks e.g. soreness of breast and nightly pee (i used to wake up 4-5 times during night to pee or not sure if i wake up coz i am hungry, now its only like 2 times).

Juz done with my scan. No blood test today as bb is quite stable. Still a veri small sac at 5.6mm, which is ard 5w2d. Will be gng back again to hear the bb heartbeat next week.

Gynae said must hear heartbeat at 6wks to ensure all is well liao. So we be seeing him on next fri evening.. But he did tell us some of the possible things like sac not growing, heartbeat gone after hearing it etc... In short, mc! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] though he is trying to be frank, I'm oso veri scared..

Anyway, my edd is on 2 Jan! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] now I juz pray the sac will grow healthily and heartbeat will be heard..

Hi Little Fren..you didnt go for IVF and you get pregnant naturally??..the process is not easy though,but i hope i will get a good results out from it..

Kimiko..just rem to look elsewhere when they want to draw yr blood if you are not used to it..breathe in when they draw yr blood and breath out when they instructed and you will feel so much better[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I believe everyone of us out here try very hard for a baby..just that mine is abit tougher n complicated..haha..let support one another here in the forum since it is meant to be here..

hi Missus BL..Dont think too much and everything will b fine for you though i aso tink alot at times..haha..anyway,my edd will be on 3rd jan if everything goes on well too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]i will be having my scan for heartbeat next week...stress rite?but dun worri,you will never walk alone..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]our EDD is so close..

Haha, Wendy & Littlefren, I'm a little worried I might faint during drawing of blood. I never dare to look because I do have a bit of phobia towards blood. It's like I know it's my blood but I find it scary to look at ESP if the nurse spills my blood all over the place which happened once when I was 12. Is that anything I can take before or after to ensure that I won't get too giddy from it?

sorry ah...i still kinda blur about the how many weeks thing...super confused when to start counting...

likely conception date is 10 April. My wife's last day of last period is 31 Mar. So which week is she at now?

Wendy: Dr Roland was recommended by a gal fren who used him by chance and was full of praise for him. They also told me that he is known for IVF treatments. He does not rush you off or brush of our questions which i find good. Some of the too popular ones would have difficulty booking appointments, long waiting time or short consultation.

I conceived naturally. I have watched some documentation on IVF and its really a tough journey. Think for one of the visits, a couple travelled from Malaysia with a toddler just to say thanks to Dr Roland. I think they also conceived via IVF.

Actually i am totally off sweet stuff now despite my sweet tooth. Craving more for savoury things. Just happened the lemon and mint taste is soothing. Gotta find another comfort food when i feel nauseous on the car. Worse is when there's jam and gotta keep braking or go up winding carparks!

Hi AC, usually we count from the first day of last menses unless late ovulation then you gotta take the latter for more accurate no. of weeks.

Kimiko..try to go with empty stomach early morning..coz this is the time when the reading is the most accurate..which is what we want..normally i go empty stomach since my blood test is alway early in the morning @ 8.30..1st customer of the day..haha..dun dwell too much..just tell yourself sub consciously that everything you are going thru now is meant for the gd of the baby and you will be fine..

Hi Wendy, thanks for the suggestion but unfortunately my appt is fixed in the afternoon after I got a very bad headache for waking up very early for my previous gynae visit. I also tend to feel giddy in the morning if I don't eat. In short, I have a weak constitution, it's amazing how I managed to conceive in such a short time probably because I have been resting at home.

@Kimiko...if 1st day of last period is about 27 Mar. My wife's cycle is pretty regular 28 days one...so today would be W5D5 if I count from 27 Mar?

TIE..you are rite..he even have customers from america who also just dropped by with the baby to greet him..i believe everyone of us out here who is with dr roland before will have thumbs up for him..IN fact,i have been to a at least 3 gynae but i find them too busy and they dun spent much time explaining esp when i am goin thru IVF and going to spend so much $$..you know for some of the gynae they have a range of fee for consultation,meaning if you spent a longer time talking and asking questions,the fees will escalate..but as for dr roland..the fees is flat..and i told him about it..he jokingly tell me that why he is a poor dr..haha..

I think he is looking @ people affordability and well being more than anything..when i was back from hospital,he will call me almost everyday or msg me..i was pondering @ times..is he my dr or my frenx..??haha..too nice and caring.

TIE, i heard if you crave for sweet things, more likely is boy! and sour stuff - girl.

So far, for me, my cousin and a fren (who is expecting boy now) crave for sweet stuff when expecting.....

YAKULT/ Vitagen

better dun drink too much, drink maybe 1-2 times a week ok....

MIL says will cause asthma... my hubby young that time drink yauklt then asthma liao...

My granny also says cough that time can't drink...

so i think drink in moderation ba...

Manunited: Keke. Thats something interesting... I only know about the oval, sharp vs round tummy. Anyone else other than manunited also craving for sweet things? I have a friend who refuse to know the gender throughout pregnancy. Haha. I can't do it. The suspense will have suffocated me.

AC: No need stress. I realised no matter how we calculate, like not very accurate leh. Mine is like 2 weeks difference probably due to late ovulation. Its more accurate when take measurement of bb around 6-7 weeks onwards. =)

@Dawn, if you don't mind waiting till next week my Sis-in-law back next week then recommend gynae to my wife for KKH. Can ask her recommend for you also? She's a doc from SGH and both her kids are born at KKH.

u prefer male or female gynae? prefer normal gynae or those super specialist one?

thx everyone for ur reply on yakult & chicken essence... tink i will start chicken essence in the 2nd tri then...

@BFLY: in fact, i went for my gynae visit last sat, and from the EDD apps, it states 6+weeks, but gynae says its only abt 5+weeks...

he saw the sac and black dot...

but he nv mention abt heartbeat!!

and he scheduled my next visit in 3wks time!!

so ur next visit is next wk ah?! wonder y my gynae nv mention anything abt heartbeat!!

so worried....

all is well liao. So we be seeing him on next fri evening.. But he did tell us some of the possible things like sac not growing, heartbeat gone after hearing it etc... In short, mc! though he is trying to be frank, I'm oso veri scared..

TIE - i mean for my #1, i think i like to take sweet stuff more (my hubby said so)....

for this #2, hmm...i eat sweet, sour, hot etc...so i duno whats my craving...but i think i like to eat carbo more and meat...but i hope i crave for sour stuff more..hahahhaa

@manunited: tink i m the same as u! prefer more rice and meat!! and sometimes tom yam !!

does this imply any gender prediction?

Hi AC, by initial manual calculation, your wife should be at 5W5D. When is the first gynae visit?

Hi Dawn, I would recommend my gynae A.Prof Han How Chuan. He was quoted in news article as a compassionate doctor and he have 7 children himself. My mum saw him first for other issues and I found him really experienced and professional. All the other doctors told my mum to wait except him who asked her to do surgery immediately.

Now my mum is so much better thanks to him. But because he is a senior consultant and head of some department and unit, his consultation fee is higher than other doctors. Personally I find him very down-to-earth and patient to answer and ask questions.

Wendy>> yes! Our edd is juz 1 day diff! Keke.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yup, can't helped to worry even though we know it's pointless and not good for mother & bb.. Let's pray for each other! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


@Kimiko, we have yet to decide on the gynae. i only know my wife prefer female. Waiting for my sis-in-law to be back next week to recommend.

eh...how come i'm not in mamaAsh's table? lol...

