(2011/12) Dec 2011

Adeline, thanks alot for your quick reply! I love magnolia fresh milk, hopefully it can provide the sufficient amount of calcium needed..

Joanne, saw that you were looking for an iphone app for pregnancy, I just downloaded an app called "What to expect pregnancy" and it is pretty informative, you can try it out! It's free too!


Hi Adeline, same as me. The doc didnt see anything except the lining was thick.

Hence asked me to come on coming tues, to have a detailed scan again.

Wow this is your third??! amazing.. guess i will just stop at 2!

Hihi mummies,

I'm having very bad flu. Whole body have no energy.

Need advise whether can take panadol during pregnancy??

Think when u read back the thread, there are quite a few 3rd time mummy like tinybb! Wanna give birth to 3rd before I reach 30 in few years time.. Haha so now is a good time!

Cocoabunny - yup! No prob just drink but try not to take it too cold.. I'm more careful during first stage so strictly no cold, caffeine.. N I'm missing my coffee alot!! But usually after first tri I'll drink back my coffee.. Hehh...

Octbride- for me I want 3 kids.. Let us know ur scan updates!!

cocoabunny - Fresh milk no problem [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BabyShan - It is ok to take Panadol, the normal Panadol. But don't take the flu extra ones etc.

BTW, is it ok to travel during 1st trim? I actually booked my ticket before i tested positive to go rome with hubby next week. Now, duno whether should go, gonna consult gynae on this.

adeline - wow 3rd kid! is no joke! i wonder how you handle 3times of ms!

babyshan - paracetomol belongs to the tape b kind of meds. type a - totally safe for preg woman, type b = safe, type c - not safe , type d - cannot be taken at all. I think many GPs still give paracetomol when preg woman are sick -no choice cos they needed it. But like kumiko says, its best to check with GP, rather than self medicate. self medicationg is not at good idea since you are preg.

Hi Dec Mums

This is my 1st post. i am now in 6 weeks plus..i am seeing dr adrian in CCK. He said my baby unstablised so i have to see him the 2nd time in 3 weeks time. I hope everything ok by then.

My EDD is 17 Dec.

Nice to meet all the mums here.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ya mild cramp is normal I've been having it on and off.

Clarrisa - thankfully I don't have ms for my pregnancies! And for this at the moment not yet.. Just huge appetite..

adeline - lucky you! you wouldn't wanna experience MS! The feeling is just horrible. Imagine feeling sick for 3mths!

I have to keep myself full so that i dont feel nausea... can only take MRT.. even if sit car must sit in front to avoid the nausea.. thats just it..

i hope it wont start for this time!

MamaAsh>> thks for the update. maybe can align in term of edd so it's easier to refer? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Adeline>> I having on-off cramp too. So far quite mild.. I try to walk slower if I feel the cramp. Paranoid me, I reckon.. But my appetite is veri small since. Usually I'm hungry by 9ish if I dun take brekkie but not now. I can't finished my food even its meal time. I googled & ppl said it's normal on lack of appetite. I'm juz worried no nutrients for the bb, though they said u will improve & start to crave after first trim. Guess everyone is diff bah.

Clarissa>> I dun hv much MS.. Only feel like vomitting when I brushed my teeth. The feeling of wanna gag out but nothing is horrible too.

Welcome all new MTBs!

Babyshan - I think better you ask your GP or gynae. My GP told me cant take panadol flu max but the little yellow pill and cough syrup is fine. Better check to be on safe side. But personally, I always feel flu etc just rest, so can dont take med, i wont take.

On milk, I just started on Ensure. I feel very warm after drinking. And today I'm starting to develop ulcer. Any mummies have same experience? Saw someone drinking Ensure strawberry? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bernice - act, travelling is a personal choice if bb stable. Altho first and last trimester more dangerous. My GP said ok. So I flew to UK and bb was fine. Though I felt horrible on the plane and most of my vac with nausea, poor appetite and cramps. When one feels ill, guess there's no place like home. My gynae though is more old sch, say cannot travel, so I've cancelled another of my trip this mth. Sob sob! I tink no refund.....

Btw, have you guys started to inform extended family and colleagues of the news? I abit regret after informing my mum cos she now will tell me all the superstitions I have to avoid. Makes me very paranoid. Although work wise, colleagues are very nice and have been helping me with some chores etc, so that I dont need to squat or walk too far.

Abt CL, I tried calling one popular one. She already booked till Nov and may not be able to do mine if the person earlier than me deliver later. She offered to recommend. But I'm quite skeptical. What do u guys think?

mamaAsh - thanks for doing up the table.

my details:-

EDD: 03 Dec 2011

Gynae: Jocelyn Wong

Hosp: TMC

BB #: 1

Adeline: You are a young mummy ya. there is alot to learn from you and the rest for 1st time mummy like us.

stardust25: get the CL's contact first and consider. at the same time can ask friend for recommendations.

Thanks for mummies advise. But yesterday nite I already taken the panadol cause I can't take it of the bad flu. Until now still very bad. I will stop to take the panadol.

Pregnant feeling is very bad. I wish If can straight away give birth than no need pregnant for 9 mth will be veryyyyy good.

Hi all! Thread is moving fast! Lazed my long weekend just lying at my sofa. My ms has become better, not as bad as last 2 weeks. Still as lethargic but at least I can eat now! Dread the thought of gg to work tmr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Babyshan - I had that feeling too, but once you hear the heartbeat and see baby grow, you'll know it's all worth it! And things shld ease off after a while or maybe we somehow find ways to make ourselves feel better. Jiayou! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lyn - I had my 1st appt wif Dr Jocelyn Wong. Yes .. She is patient & clear, no rush. She answered the queries both my husband & I hv before we hv the chance to ask, like the do & don't, wat to eat, wat nt to eat etc. she will asked if there are any further doubts .. but there are charges for the extension of consultation.

You are deciding to see her? If so, call to book fast. her appt are very packed.

halo mummies.. am expecting my #2, and edd on 06 Dec

babyshan, i am also down w a very bad flu. doc say can take panadol but e normal one. am taking the yellow pill for flu.. took when i had #1 tpp as then i had some rashes during preg

I was wondering when we opt to have epi during labour, a think tube is insert into our back, would it be painful and when we are lying on our back with the tube inside, would it causes pain as well during labour when we are moving in action?

this preg also making me unwell easily.. esp flu and throat infection.. seen doc a couple times already.. usually even doc gives med, i dare not eat... so i end up just resting... i think thats the reason y i am not getting better...

the last doc tells me, actually there is no confirmed safe med for preg women coz there is no specific test yet.. no preg women wanna take the risk of trying the med ( i am sure we wouldnt wanna be guinea pigs too right??) so basically the med they gave should eb safe but dun take too much and take only when necessary...

i get giddy spells very easily... for no reasons, even when sitting down.. today was resting in the car whil hubby was DIY his car and talking to friends, end up suddenly very giddy and need to go lie down at back seat.. and nausea is worse.. everytime after eating, sure nausea... nothing is gd yet.. and there are times when i feel so much, i went to dig myself.. zzz.. and my nose and throat!!! never ending...

joanne koh, i have seen shows on tv before during labour, the thing is painful when poking into ur spine but after that i think it's ok le... its only the inserting is painful i think... u planning to go for epi??

i heard epi will cause alot side effects when we r old lehz.. coz it is through ur spine...

Hi Fion

Thanks for your advise. Mean I also can take the yellow pill for flu?? N normal panadol too.. Cause my next app will only on 08 May. So just eat panadol first. I can't go n see doc than take MC, if not my boss sure will not happy.

i took the normal yellow pill for flu cause that time still didnt know i preggy.. and worse still i took zyrtec D cause in the morning i have bad sinus.. gynae warned me against zyrtec and said i cant take any so need to be more careful..

As for epi, yea heard that the insert is painful but after that feel nothing and might affect you pushing so in the end might need assisted delivery instead.. my previous gynae always support epi cause he ask 'why make yourself suffer when there is advance technology now?' hah!

Hi babyshan, actually you can always see a GP and even if the doctor give you MC, you can still go back to work. I feel that it is still much better to see a GP because everyone is different, what some mummies can take may not be applicable to you. Better to be careful than be sorry. And you can always see a doctor after work so it wouldn't affect your work schedule at all.

Stardust25, I was a bit too excited and informed my parents and my MIL right after a GP confirm my pregnancy. I did share with a few close friends thereafter because I was supposed to go on a short trip to BKK with one of my close friends and decided not to go upon learning my pregnancy. Though it's a short flight from here to BKK but I prefer to play safe since my body is not very strong. But so far my parents and siblings are rather excited and supportive towards my pregnancy. My mum would make me whatever I want to eat which is also safe to eat and made me feel really blessed. As for my MIL, I was hoping she would cater a bit more to what I can eat, etc but she is not really doing anything. Just tell me 'must eat a bit of anything, last time I also eat why you cannot eat'. -.- But luckily my husband is very supportive towards me, he will help me watch out and eat if his mother say those stuffs again.

Hey Jac, looks like your MS quite bad as well. I forget what week you are at already. Anyway for me this week has been better, not sure if MS is away for good or that the vit B6 helps but I feel much better. Tomorrow I will start week 9 and will be taking a blood test this Friday. A bit nervous because my blood veins are very fine, I wonder if it would be difficult if they need to extract more blood from me. Perhaps you can check with your gynae on Vit B6?

Hi kimiko,

My gynae clinik open till 05:00pm only n I finish work at 5:30pm. So I still can't see doc after work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi mummies,

I have missed my menses for 4 days, not sure if I m preg. B4 that, I found brown discharge n thought that menses coming...

Anyone has the same exp?

Hi babyshan, I was referring to GP as in general practitioner, not talking about your gynae. You just need to inform the GP that you are pregnant and there are a lot of clinics around. I'm sure you have a regular GP that you go to before you are pregnant? No wonder you kept saying as if you need to take time off work to see doctor. Usually the clinics outside have longer operating hours.

Hi baby_Sara, perhaps you want to confirm your pregnancy at a GP then see what is the brown discharge about?

Had my 1st via csection but awake. When inject epi really need to relax. While I was trying to relax in fact fall into sleep for a while cos w room was really cold. Then when they start moving me I realise I was awake BK. I never see e real needle but on tv thta it's supre long. E idea makes me freak out that I then myself must relax


there is also a book call what to expect when u are expecting. I find this book good cos it list down all e diff things that may happen at e diff months. It cut down in on anxiety as when I HV my 1st, use that for referncing

Hello everyone,

hope u have a good long weekend!

i went to the gynae last sat as i was having abdominal pain!

@mamaAsh (mama_ash)

Can you pls help to update my details:

EDD: 23-Dec-2011

Gynae: Dr Kee WH

Hospital: TMC

Next Apt: 21 May 2011

Baby: #1

this thread is indeed moving so fast!!

btw, can anyone give some advice on what we should avoid eating / eat more?

many thanks!

joanne koh - epi is really OK. I had epi during my 1st preg. I dun even feel the needle poking into me lo! That time I was already having contractions and believe me, the pain of needle poking into you is nowhere near contraction pains. I dun even feel the epi at the back or anything. Once you have epidural, I tell you.. WOW... its like no pain! just listen to instructions and give birth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Epi (in my definition) is the BEST invention [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jac - sorry to hear you are feeling miserable. Just 'tahan' a few more weeks and hopefully your nauseous feels will pass. In the meanwhile, do you wanna try eating some almonds? I find almonds helps fight nauseous. Buy the organic ones from cold storage and roast it. its yummy too! even if vomit, the vomits smells good..hahahah...how yucky!

stardust - i also told both sides families. But cos I have many aunties, so when they ask, I will say yes also lo. I only told 2 good friends. 1 cos she is my best friend and the other cos she is migrating and keep wanting to meet me but I was feeling too lousy with all the nauseous and whatsnot to meet her up. Felt paisei la..

Heard alot plus for epi but I won't cos I already have very bad back issues so dun wanna aggravate so endure the contraction pain..

As for food, I would think all is ok but all in moderation..

jasline: personally for me, i dare not drink too much herbal tea now, cos got once i drink juz a mouthful of lou han guo & i got cramp, so i scare... pineapples & coconut drink is no no too... oh ya, & chin chow drinks... abit too cool... & according to my mum, broad beans...

Ya, I confirm will opt for Epi. I am soneone who can't take pain at all. Even taking blood test makes me shivers. Still have to insist hubby to be ard to ensure me that the vein he pointed out to the nurses is the best vein to take the fastest blood test.

mamaAsh: i took a total of 3 refill of epi... and by the time i almost open till 10cm, my epi finish.... n they say can't refill anymore... so ended up i gave birth with whatever was left in my body...

super pain lor... stitching was so painful, that i scolded everyone there, then they gave me laughing gas, before that they refuse to give me laughing gas too..

mamaAsh & Jasline,

To add on heard those cooling stuffs like gua lei. Bittergourd, winter melon etc also cnt eat.

I heard stringray also cnt eat, some pple also say crab?


jas: I ate all those u mentioned when i had my no.1... eat in moderation ba... try to avoid but can't possible avoid so many things also ma...

some old ppl says, sotong, prawn also cannot eat... lao wang gua, cucumeber, water melon also cooling... papaya will make the baby yellow

coconut only can drink 1mth b4 giving birth... etc..

alot to list... but if u ask gynae, they will tell u its alright to eat... even pineapple.. but the key is MODERATION...

some ppl says drink red date tea/ chinese herbs when u r preggy gd... but there are some who really go follow and drink every few days... ended up when deliver that time lost alot of blood... coz drank too much of the red date tea/ chinese herbs... so instead of "bu shen ti" ended up hard their body...

