(2011/12) Dec 2011

jas: crab ehm, i heard is older generation say eat crab liao bb come out 多手多脚! haha... i heck care, my first 2 kids very notty lah, dunno got relation or not! haha... but some mummies r afraid of ezema, but i tot ezema is inherited lor.. bittergourd i still eat leh.. haha... not alot lah...

dawn, though my last delivery towards the end can feel the contractions, but comes stitching i dun feel a thing leh... haha... maybe all energy used up liao.. tat's y can't feel a damn thing! haha.. but mummies, pls rem, if u take epi, do not eat anything right after that... cos u sure get to vomit all out straight again! i didn't know this & my 1st delivery cos was lunch time & nurse say oh lunch is here, u wanna eat now? of cos i say yes, then after swallow, the next moment is all out again! wow... shack man... & still in delivery suite!!! Haha...



Ya lor i also tell my hubby u ask gynae they also nv say cnt.

But i tink those cooling stuff best to avoid in 1st trimester bah.

Ya lor i heard the michelle rei also she hor bu too much than say got stone so she now cnt breast feed her baby.

So i think really lor all moderate. I know hor some stuffs is those old pple ban dang de like crabs say later hand leg a lot.

mamaAsh: u r lucky... I admitted in hospital around 12mid night... irregular contractions, so give me a pill to open up around 2am... by 9am in the morning push down to the delivery suite liao... ended up gave birth at next day 4am.. zzzzzzz

and i actually tore all the way lor.. the stiching super painful... and needed alot of stitching...

talking abt lunch, i think i was not allowed to eat anything... after my delivery.. i was so tired with all the pushing and enduring the pain of stitching, i can't even sit upright... ended up was push in the bed to the ward upstairs.... not a bit of strength to move at all...

BTW when is ur EDD now?? how old is ur first 2 kids? how u cope??? me having very bad ms now ... can't take care of my toddler properly.. felt bad..

jas: yes crab later alot hands and leg...

my hubby says then prawns even more can't eat... coz so many legs!!! haha


Aiyor like tat really like many many things cnt eat leh.

I only know seafood also say cnt eat too much later baby skin allergy.

dawn, i only know the red date is quite heaty leh... can drink during preggy ah? my mum will tell me to drink barley water during 2nd trim, say bb inside our tummy very hot one... haha... tat's the only 'liang cha' i drink during my 2nd trim onwards.

dawn i went in hospital around 3am for 2 deliveries, & bb out around noon time, 1st one really no pain till delivery, only 2nd one, even w epi. my gynae cut, maybe tat's y no tear, i no feel at all.. haha...

i still dunno my actual EDD, cos haven't see gynae yet, next mon! but if calculate shd be 13 dec bah... my 1st one 6YO & 2nd one 4YO... so far ok, cos i dun have MS... only nausea after certain meals, so when they nap i also nap! haha... but i work lah, so they go full day childcare fr mon-fri... so left w wkends w me... they still stick to me like glue, lucky for me no MS lah, if not think i sure faint! only once awhile they see i wanna vomit, they ask mama u not feeling well ah? y vomit? i can't say a thing, juz nod or shake my head say u go out to play, mama ok! hahaha...

jas: ya lor if really wanna follow , alot of things can't eat... but sometimes have cravings cannot tahan de.... so eat a bit lor...

mamaAsh: yes red date heaty.. heard from a mummy in mummysg, she was told drinking red date gd, can store "blood" first coz delivery will lost alot of blood.... BUT when she delivered, she really lost a lot of blood and can't seem to stop... she guess due to over drink of red date water... so advise others dun anyhow follow, and drink and eat in moderation... she drank quite a lot i think...

yes barley, my MIL also tells me this...

wah so gd no MS... i have bad ms now... and my no.1 is 13mths now... i am working... so very tired... felt bad to my No.1

dawn, personally i feel delivery is not bloodly leh... cos my 2 babies come out all clean one.. no blood @ all... its only after delivery that i need pads for the whole month, which is also why my whole confinement month i only drink red dates & longan...

wow yr #1 only 13mth... a gal or boy? he/she muz still be sticking to u rite? poor thing... nvm lah... i guess yr gap is good... at least when they grow up, they can play together...

bloody or not? i nv actually look... was so tired pushing already... my hubby says there was blood, but they clean up fast... i think dun wan us see liao scared ba... i used pad for 1 mth also...

my #1 boy... yes sticking to me... ya lor grow up can play together.. but now very very tired due to bad ms and pregnancy... haizz so sian feel like sleeping whole day... and i dun feel like eating anything also...

Huh??? So many things cannot eat?? I am still eating wor.. ESP seafood.. I m not a very meat person and now even worse.. I take seafood most of the time.. I even had seafood aglio oglio last weekend.. Hubby was planning to bring me for crab also...

Wow!! Almost all opting for epi??? I am afraid of pain and needles..

Dawn, u mentioned epi no pain?? But when needle Poking into spine??

Jacqueline: its not painful for me, only have this cold cold liquid feeling ..... coz when ask whether u wan epi... its around 4cm cervix open at that time we already having contraction pain, who still think of epi pain??? and they will talk to u, divert ur attention too...

u will be bz trying to sit very straight than to notice the pain too...

dawn, have u try to take juz those plain crackers, like skyflakes or the meiji ones? i find eating those helps & u won't feel so bad after eating... i also scare of taking full meal, cos will feel bad after tat... & i only eat like 50-60% full... i sometimes have the urge to vomit, but nothing comes out lor... also feel terrible... but compare to many here, i'm really the lucky ones liao... ya ya.. i also sleepy... but lucky is i work for my dad, so like the past 2 weeks, i juz close my eyes on my desk to nap awhile, esp after lunch... can't make it, esp w no coffee!! hope our 1st trim pass faster... cham...

Thanks clarrisa for ur advise.. But I dun like almond.., I dun like nuts in general.. ESP the feeling of nuts stuck in between teeth... Haha!!

Mummies, can I ask if u all experience this... Waking up feeling giddy and very bad headache... Like hangover.. But y haven fully woken up yet; still lying on bed... And once u finally climb out of bed, the nausea comes even before u eat anything?? Den slowly u get hungry, feels like eating but when u see the food in front of u, u totally lose ur appetite but still feeling hungry??

Also, what happens if u forget to take the duphaston?? I just realized I forgot to take it last night!!! Can I take it today instead? So meaning I took 1 ytd, and 3 today...

mamaAsh: yes going to buy some crackers today... i can't even eat finish a meal...

yesterday was so hungry at 10pm.. got my hubby to cook some porridge for me... eat a few mouth can't eat already.. but i was still very hungry...

the feeling so terrible... wanted to sit there and cry, but no tears came out... this feeling also very very uncomfortable haha.

1st pregnancy, i always cried, to relive my stress and terrible feeling and actually feels better after crying... but now... can't seem to squeeze tears out...

and i am unlucky, some will have MS only around 2-3mths onwards, i think i am having it since 1st mth!! haizzz

Jacqueline: its MS, very very common... i have this everyday... dun even feel like climbing out of bed

Dawn, the contraction pain is worse than epi needle poking? Haha.., okok...

Yes!! Mamaash, I agree with u!! I hope 1st tri ends fast!!!

For not 1st time mum, do u all also have fake contractions?? Can someone describe the real and fake ones to me?? Ppl says contraction pain is 100x worse than menses cramp... But my menses cramp is horrible and it last for almost whole 1 week!! And it's the type of pain I will get cold sweat, lower body suan tong and cramp and pain.. Cants seem to lie down well etc.. will get stuck on toilet bowl of the the time... If contraction pain is 100x, I think I will die...

Jacqueline: yes worse... u would wish the needle poke faster... haha...

i think everyone have fake contractions... erm very hard to describe... i was daze throughout my pregnancy and delivery... seems to be walking my pregnancy in a sleep mode... haha

the contractions comes and go... u have to time urself... when it comes, its very painful... but if u take deep breath and breathe properly, its helps lessen its pain...

Jac, i same as u.. sometimes feel really hungry, but with the food in front of me, i juz dun feel like eating!! feels so bad... last wk i tried to eat crackers instead... feels so much better... so now i have crackers w me instead of other nice food!! haha... muz have a little salty type, sweet ones can't make it also...

agree w dawn!! the pain is so unbearable & i juz feel no energy to do anything!!! but my epi was painful lor... & i was really shivering thruout when the doc insert the needle in my spine! but after tat was good... cos can go to sleep w contractions! haha... now say liao can feel the cold liquid up my spine!! OMG.. hahaa....

dawn, when the contractions come, i can't breath properly... haha... juz LOST!! & keep saying so pain!! haha...

jac, i think yr cramps is juz like wat my sis is having, she can't do anything besides sleep during her period!! but when she go deliver, she say it's so damn pain! hahaa.... so u sure can tell the diff if comes real contractions.

I would advise 1st time mum to go for those pre-natal class... cos it at least prepare u for the real thing & wat to expect lor...

Wah.. The giving birth processes sound scary leh! This was what put me off pregnancy for a long time before I decided to just do it. Now that you ladies are speaking from experience it just make it seem more real and scary >.<

I heard that we can still take seafood like small fishes, prawns and crabs but in moderation. The reason being that the big fish contains a lot of mercury from eating the small fishes making them unsafe to eat during pregnancy.

But for me, I avoid more things because my body is allergy based. Basically, gynae/GP would advise not to take raw food, coconut and pineapple (not sure is juice or fruit or everything that contains those but I avoid totally), soft cheeses esp. those that contains bacteria like blue cheeses, etc.

hi mummies,

can help to add me to the table?

EDD: 15th Dec

Gynae: Dr Tho Chin Keong

Hosp: Mt A

BB#: 3

i am in a lost coz my no2 is only 5.5 mth now.. how can i handle with such a close gap bb soon...

mamaAsh: i juz follow blindly what the nurse ask me do... contraction comes take deeeeeeeepppp breath and PUSH!! after that scold hubby... then start again liao... haha... i remember that time my hubby wanan go toilet ask me for permission, i scolded him... haha...

yes i feel abit salty type de crackers not bad... i juz kope some from my mum... and finish all... haha

Hi all,

Thread moving so fast!

I Delivered without Epi last time, fortunate in a way labour was fast so nurse encouraged me not to take since I was already 4cm dilated when warded n she told me I

Shld deliver fast. 4cm is already v painful, had to squat n

bend body when contraction came. After that I had laughing

gas, quite effective, made me drowsy n I just toss n turn

when contraction came in drowsy state. But upon pushing it's

not that painful already cos just need to push n push, totally

numbed by then.

Fake contractions u feel ur tummy hardening in irregular intervals. For me when the actual contractions starts, it started off with slight cramps feeling n it got more n more painful after a while..

hi all

went to see the doc for 1st scan. The next scan will be 14 days later.

The scan result this time was ok. Previous scan no scan.. now there is yolk and sac.

Just curious. I still dun know hw many weeks preg i am!! Any clues?

Have dilemma

- Jan BB also good.. cos head start.. but clash with CNY

- dec Bb also good.. cos will not clash with CNY..but lack behind..

HAIZ!! ~headache

hello all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ms is bad BAD for me - only 1 word to describe how i'm feeling - SIAN. so difficult to stay positive and lift spirits up.

every morn brush teeth sure puke. whole day nauseus and nite if can puke - good, cannot - feel worse. zero appetite at all.

FTWM with an active boy - feel so guilty towards ds when i'm always so listless: 'sorry darling, mummy is v tired no energy to play w u'.

am in my 9th week now. wish the ms will be over for us all!

Hi Littlefren, I think the blood test is part of the oscar test. But I'm not sure how much blood will be draw from us and this is making me a little nervous. I remember feeling faint just merely being drawn half a tube of blood before pregnant, I cannot imagine having to give more. There should be another date set for the scanning for the oscar test as well right? When is yours?

dawn, the feeling so horrible!!! yes, i also wished i can lie down whole day... end up took last min leave this morning to lie longer.. i realised i also cannot walk too long or under the sun for more than 10mins.. just the walk from bus stop to ofc just now is horrible... like gonna faint anytime!! i wished i am not working.. wished i could just quit... but need $$ for docs visit and prepare for baby stuff!!! sigh...

haha!! wished needle poke faster.. dawn, u r so funny!!

now delivery really seems scary!!!

mamaash, i tried crackers.. (but i dun find it salty leh..) i also have some in my bag... initially eat is ok.. but after that will still feel nausea... i have tried eating alot things.. even those preserved stuff like preserved mangoes... those sour sour de.. also no use... eat sour sweets also no use...

oh no.. even ur sis will still say pain.. so the pain is really worse than my menses cramp.... *sweats*

kimiko. thats what i read too... the can eat normal seafood except big fish because of high mercury level in them which is bad for the baby... and esp soft cheese... bleu cheese my fav.. cannto take also.. but those cheddar cheese that we use to put in bread with ham is ok right??

cloud942, u r very brave to deliver without epi!!

joanne koh, sama sama.. i rest most of the time during the long weekend but still not enough.. esp when my fri is on mc some more.. i wish i can lie in bed all day...

octbride, the photo that the gynae gives u should have the "age" of baby and also EDD... dun have?? btw, when is ur LMP??

u gals so early taking blood test le??

gretel, i totally understand how u r feeling... the feeling is miserable!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and my emo starts to sway easily nowadays too... not my usual self...

Jac, cheddar cheese is ok and thats what I'm still eating now. I'm a big cheese fan too :x I'm not sure why we have to take blood test so early also but just hope to get it done over with asap.

kimiko, i should be at week 7 +/-7days... vit B6?? what is this? it will help?? can it be purchased over the pharmacy at watsons or guardian??

hmmz... so fast blood teat.. gynae didnt say anything abt it when i saw her last week lehz.. only say will explain package...

yes yes!! i love bleu cheese!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] coz i thought of going ntuc tonight to buy ham and cheese and bread.. everyday pack 1 set inside my bag in case hungry...

2boysmummy, not sure if u replied or i overlooked.. for dr heng, do we need to confirm with them the package when they explained to us and pay on the spot?? or??

Jac: Oh ya! I also read online that it is better we avoid deli meat unless we heat them up 100%. As for cheese, remember to check out whether it is pasteurised or not as we are supposed to only take those pasteurised cheese. If it is not written on the packaging, I guess just have to go with gut feeling. I noticed not all will state pasteurised or not, a bit troublesome.

As for the vitB6, the pharmacist told me it supposed to help to 'prevent' nausea but it may not help everyone. So far, I feel better after taking. In fact I'm not even sure if my MS have sort of subsided or its because of vitB6. I'm not sure if it can be purchased from outside but I got it through prescription at KKH. Maybe call up your gynae to check if can buy from outside?

Poor thing, looks like you are like me, I didn't managed to find any comfort food when I was having bad MS that time. But somehow I find hot soup or just warm water helps to calm down the nausea feeling. Jia you!

thanks everyone for ur advice!!

btw, i m into my 6+ wks, and i m only taking folic acid and iron tablets...

do u gals recommend drinking milk powder for pregnant ladies??

Hi kimiko,

Ya, do u really want to know how much blood? My fren told me shd be 3 tubes... Keke! And my doc gave me one more form to give to nurse on that day to perform one more tests on my blood.... Not sure if they will draw more fr me!!! Ha! I ok lah... Just that hubby worried I can't drive myself home cos wait I feel faint... So he trying to take hrs off to go w me... Otherwise I may rest until can or ask someone come pick me!

I not scare jab, I only scare they can't find my vein n poke many times! Which happened once!

Oh ya, my scan on 23 may.... I did ask the nurse y schedule so early, she says fr week 9 or 10 can test liao

huh?? deli meat also cannot unless heated up 100%?? cheese also have to check?? so ma fan!!! sianz.. den think cannot pack my ham and cheese le.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] all my happy food is staying away from me... i think i will have to go without food liao..

thanks! maybe later i go watson ask ask... coz if they sell over the counter can save a bit.. buying from docs r very ex usually!

i think we both 2 ke lian cong.. warm water doesnt help.. i will still feel like vomiting.. but still drinking it coz dehydrating.. initially i though hot soup helps too.. but awhile later, the feelings come again... i hope after 1st tri will be better.. but i do heard of some ppl, MS "accompanied" them till 6th mth!

Hi Littlefren,

Oh gosh! 3 tubes!! I think about 2-3years ago, everytime I need to do blood test I will freak out because like yourself they cannot find my vein then end up poke both arms!! Ya, you should get someone to pick you up or probably just cab there and cab home. I remember you mentioned your hubby had to do some blood test as well right? What is that for? My hubby wasn't asked to do any blood test which I thought perhaps he should too. Ever since we decided to have a baby, only I was subjected to all the tests, etc he never do any lor >.<

Looks like we don't have the same scanning date, mine is on 26 May and I have to visit gynae on 25 May. Have to go KKH 2 days in a row..

littlefren, i think it might be better if someone accompany u... coz ur body might not be able to take it and u might faint..

maybe get the nurse to find the most obvious vein before poking?? usually nurse will keep finding and will not just poke bah..

hubby needs to do blood test too???

Hi Jac, I paid $3.60 for 30 tabs of vit B6 at KKH. Its full name is Prridoxine HCL 50MG Tablet (Vit B6). Ya, the reason why our food has to be heated up 100% is because of this bacteria starting with 'L'. This bacteria is harmful to our baby so no choice lor, have to give up a lot of food. My favourite is Salmon Sashimi and I had to watch my husband savour it slowly in front of me yesterday during dinner >.<

You got try adding a bit of lemon juice into your drinking water? I remember smelling fresh lemon soothe my nausea feeling. I wasn't able to get freshly cut lemons inside my room due to the previous cockroach episode so my hubby bought glade air freshener and put inside the room. I quite like the smell and found it rather soothing.

Kimiko, I thought usu they will schedule the visit after the scan so that u can view the result at same time? Mine after 23 may is 7 June I think..... In btw, I got no more visits. As for the blood test for hubby... Wait I go find the form... The bill only wrote 'blood cell type prof' I can't rem what he said it's for.... Then after 7 jun, I got another date scheduled to go ANC scan one hr before I see doc.... So I got 3 dates fixed Liao. Anyone else who has their hubby jabbed????

Hi jac n kimiko,

Ya, I kana this kuku nurse whom I already told her to slap my arm harder cos I know I more difficult to find vein, I felt the needle went in n I usu dun look... Then after a while, she still haven't pull it out, then I asked her whether it's done, then she said:'er.... No blood' *faint*, all these while the needle still in my arm! then she went to get another nurse who's younger but seems more exp, she one time ok Liao!!!

Hi Littlefren,

Exactly, I told the nurse the same thing to visit the gynae after the test so can review the test as well mah but the nurse told me doctor state that want to see me 4 weeks after so no choice lor. The nurse mentioned that the people at the ADC or AMC will review the result with us also.

Haha, for me is this nurse asked me which arm I want the blood to be drew from so I told her left arm then she told me that it also depends whether can draw blood from that arm or not. End up she poke my right arm no blood come out and have to poke my left arm for blood. I was quite pissed really and I think she knows coz she looked very embarrassed after that.

Hi mamaAsh,

Can add me to the table:

EDD: 17th Dec

Gynae: Dr Phua Soo Mear

Hosp: Mt A

BB#: 2

My No. 1 is 15 months old now. Wondering how i can cope with two kids? Mummies with 2 kids any tips?

Any one with Dr Phua? My #1 is delievered by Dr Adrian woodsworth. I find him a man wif super few words n my hb not comfortable wif him becoz he is too confident liao. keke so decided to change. Generally he is still not bad thou.

Btw all mummies taking multi-vitamins? My gynae did not say anything abt multi-vitamins leh.

Abt Epi, I had epi for my #1. Not painful at all maybe i think the contraction pain cover the epi pain totally. I know of a few pple who can deliver with only laughing gas but I cannot. I vomitted after taking laughing gas.

dawn - i agree with you! at the point of contraction, you just want them to give you epidural! i am someone who advocate that contraction pain is like at least 99times mense period pain lo! i remembered when I had contractions, the pain comes and goes.. when it comes, its so painful that you just gotta bear with it since you know its gg away soon you feel abit happy. When its gone, its not pain but the fear is that it will come again soooon enough! I remembered when theres no pain, I keep screaming in the ward 'the pain is coming, the pain is coming'. Than when the pain is here, no strength to scream! hahaha... they gave me happy gas also and I realised for happy gas, you need to know how to breath into it. need to take a loong hard breath.. otherwise, useless. At 1st when they gave me, I keep gasping and think tot its useless but once I got the hang of it, it seems a lil helpful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i think delivery process can be quite funny and experiencing. Everyone will experience different stuff and its all worth it. You will remmeber your delivery process for many many years to come [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kimiko, i think maybe KKH cheaper.. nvm, thanks for the name.. will go ask later..

yaya!! salmon sashimi!!! yummy!! luckily recently hubby nv say go eat jap food.. jap food is our all time fav!

lemon doesnt help for me.. hubby's car air freshener is lemon smell de. and i choose de.. but no use... basically i am rejecting alot car air freshener...

pengz.. littlefren, that nurse really kuku leh!! from where de?? next time must avoid! lolx!!!

kimiko. y that nurse like that de?? u already told her which arm and she still wanna go try the other??!!! faint...

haha!! i am very fastinated with this laughing gas... meaning with laughing gas, will not feel pain???


to me with laughing gas i still feel the pain. I guess the reaction varies from people to people [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Haha jac, for me, the laughing gas made me very drowsy.. Even though still pain but managable in a way cos super drowsy Liao, it's like half sleeping mode.. But there r ppl who find it ineffective.. so really depends on individual..

haha!!! so i guess that the effects for laughing gas varies bewteen diff ppl... is the laugh gas a kind of drug that makes u high?? y is it called laughing gas?? so it makes u high and laugh??


hi, me too..for laughing gas still feel the pain. Tat time the nurse told me i nvr breath properly with the gas tat's y still can feel the pain. And than my hubby beside me keep asking me breath and breath. Tat time my stomach so pain and until i very angry ask my hubby use the gas and breath himself. Cause actually i dun like the gas smelly. lols

End up i take the epi, is much more better, i still remember, after take epi, i can laugh and sleep.

