(2011/12) Dec 2011

Hi Jas, my LMP was 1 March, when I measure at 6weeks 1day, though got heartbeat my baby only 4mm leh. My last gynae visit was on 26 Apr at 8weeks 1day, CRL is 16.1mm. Your measurement is for the sac or baby? Coz by your LMP, you are probably at about week5 right? Some mummies can't see anything at that week let alone hear heartbeat, so don't worry too much. You probably want to wait a longer time like 2-3weeks for your next visit to see more.


Jac, you are right.. Though we all are women but I found female bosses during menopause or not married ones all imbalance inside one. I very unlucky, had my fair share of all of them during my early career stage.

As for vomiting and nausea. Usually I feel a bit nausea about 10-15min after eating but if I rest and no offending ordour near me most likely I will not vomit. But if got those smell or ordour I can't take, I will vomit all out very fast.

Yes, I also have heard of people aborting their babies once found positive of down syndrome. In a way I wouldn't judge them because it's not like they ask for it and that taking care of a down syndrome child is a life long commitment so not everyone can take it. But when it comes to ourselves, I believe it would be a difficult struggle.


Guess is the sac?

Today he tell me those things I totally no mood everything nv ask. I already make appt to c another gynae hope will be a better choice.

Hi Jas, I also changed gynae after first visit coz the first one shows me an article on miscarriage right after he told me my baby's measurement is too small right after the scan. Like you, I totally no mood to ask more questions too. Don't worry too much, I think it's probably just too early in your case. Rest well and be positive!


Ya think they dun mean it but make us really scare lor.

I now waiting for nx appt with another gynae at 10/5 lor. Think gynae really important as go thru those mths together with us we must feel comfortable with them.

Jacqueline: I don't know personally of anyone who aborted their baby because of that. But I think that's the likely reason they arrange for us to take the test at such an early stage of 12 wks, so parents have an option? Oh and I usually start feeling nauseas about 10-15min after finish eating, not immediately after.


No ms yet but realize appetite become smaller tat day eat too full I like cnt digest like feel got things stuck at chest after vomit out den feel better.

jas, that sounds a bit like MS leh.. Must take care! Most of the mummies here say that the stronger the MS the stronger the baby. Personally I think I'm one of the mummies here with one of the worst MS, but as time goes, I seem to be able to adapt to it and not let myself vomit uncontrollably.

wow... this thread moves so fast suddenly...

i went for my 1st appt last wed... based on my last menses, i shd be 5.5 weeks preg, but my gynae said the sac is small and looks more like 4.5 week only :S i didnt opt for the BT to find out if bb is growing well, i thought i shd just take it easy and go back in 2 weeks time to confirm... thus i will update my EDD and other stuff then ba

re milk

i found ensure strawberry ok, but i prefer anmum original.

my gynae said ms usually kicks in ard 7 week, but some ppl may get it earlier


I took oscar test during my first preg but that was becos i was >test 35 then.. for early 30s mtb, not necessary though the trend now is to take since the procedure is very simple.

Hi babyshan, ur boss really quite bad!!

Unreasonable too.

Hi jas, dun worry.. U will see the hb soon.


Aiyor must be terrible for u but on de other hand at least know baby growing well.



I make appt with another gynae on 10/5, hope by than can c the hb.

jas >> *hugs* Don't worry too much! Now only 5wks+ still early. Like most of the mtb here said, supposed to be able to hear more reliably from 6-7wks. Plus sounds like you're starting MS, that's a good sign! Switch to a gynae with better equipment :)P), do a blood test if you're worried about HCG levels, and get ready to hear the heartbeat next week, ok? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jas >> I'm doing great [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] In super mood today after I went for 2nd opinion w my usual doc and he confirmed it's a straightforward mc and not to worry cos everything else is healthy. Just waiting till Wed to see how it goes, if not d&c and clear it out. See, gynae really makes a difference! Get one that you feel comfortable with!


Tats good. Rest well build up ur body and hope u can faster continue ttc.

Ya I think gynae really important, I hope this new 1 will be better. I think after talking to de mummies here and also my fren and sil I feel much better .

jas - in my understanding, at least 6 weeks than can hear heartbeat le. This explains why some gynaes dun even wanna see preg women prior to 6 weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I called my gynae when I tested positive - so thats about so called 4 weeks. He asked me to go see him only 7 weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I support you in seeing another gynae. Find someone who is assuring!

jac - my MS can come anytime one! but for sure - if hungry no food, sure vomit. At such times, bobian must quickly take food. And at such times, whatever goes in sure come out in about 15mins time. Other times mostly its just about feeling nauseous.. like wanna puke but nothing comes out. I suffer mainly from evening sickness le. I loath 5pm everyday. comes 5pm, i will begin to feel unwell, wanna vomit... dunno whether to sit or stand or sleep.. So i usually quickly eat dinner, eat fruits and force myself to sleep!!!!

joanne - somehow in this pregnancy, i HATED the smell of breansprouts. the mention of the name alone makes me wanna puke! eeeee..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] sorry cant help on this

Hi jas, I checked using Yr LMP, u are only 5 week plus, n u could have ovulated late, thus bb maybe just 5 week. A bit early to detect hb.... Thanks what the doc told me when I went A n E at Kkh due to spotting last time. Do u spot? Ya, I agree u shd change gynae...... Stay positive.... ;) ganbatte ne!

for those who didn't make it this round, pls grieve (dun hide) but thereafter, put it behind and try again when ready... i know the feeling cos i experienced it 4 yrs back!

my gynae said, there is really nothing we can do to stop mc from happening at early stage. she said it simply means the fetus is not healthy... and the symptoms include cramp (lik menses cramp), bleeding, red spotting (brown is ok).

i am waiting for next appt to hear bb heartbeat and i hv to remind myself to stay positive everyday!

Hi bee

Cramp?? I thot cramp is common during early pregnancy? Dun scare us as many incl me hv been having cramp almost daily though not the whole day but at least on n off..;( touchwood...

Clarrisa & little fren,

Ya I use the apps in iPhone also show about 5 weeks ley.

Now I just wan keep myself happy dun wan think so much le.

Hi tethysea, what do u mean mc?? U go ti which hospital gene for chkup.? Btw did u do blood test or peg test kit when miss ur period.?

Hi jas, Hmm menses cramp is common. I had it during my first preg. No worries

Hi gals, I'm new to this thread.. Tested 3 bfn before I got my bfp 2 days ago via a blood test. And i got it when i was 21 days late. Probably I ovulated late, my lmp was 7 mar, by right I shld be 7 weeks + preg but gynae said I'm 4 weeks +.

Shld we calculate our edd based on lmp or the weeks of pregnancy? If basd on lmp, my edd shld be mid dec, but if based on 4 weeks plus, it shld be early Jan.

My hcg is ard 300++.. I dunno if it's considered low or normal. Gynae asked me to go scan and check hcg again next week. Pray that this will be a sticky beanie... ^^

Jas>> I having mild cramp once a while too.. As long as not too severe or bleeding, all will be ok. Dun worry too much..

Hi Ladies!

I think my EDD should be end of December! base on now i should be 5 weeks preggy.. and have seen gynae.. but cant see anything yet..

My gynae is Adrian woodworth first time going to him and this is my 3rd!

clarrisa - same. i hv evening sickness too. just feel naueous and wanna puke but nothing come out. there was a week where i just nid to vomit and i feel better after that. i force myself sleep t feel better too haha ..

jas - i noe how u feel. b4 my visit to hear hb, i feel uneasy everyday too. stay positive, you will be able to hear hb at your next appt.

milk - only got fats arr? im drinking Anmum original. I cant take Friso as its too sweet.


I install babymed.u go try.


Thanks for the encouragement.

I also hope my next appt will be able to see de hb.

Jas, dont worry. Initially wont be able to see .. for both my pregnancies and including this, i had to visit gynae few times before i see HB.. all will be well...


I see it should be call fertility & pregnancy calculator .

1 more is pregnancy tracker.

I just type pregnancy in the search will come out de list.


Thanks to u and all de mummies, after advice from u gals I really feel more better le.

Octbride_78 >> mc = miscarriage. I'm now back with my gynae at MtE, but before that I went to Raffles because it was the nearest for me and it was a bit of an emergency.

bee >> Thank you *hugs* Yup, it's just natural selection. Better now than later! I was really lucky in that sense, because it was so early that I don't feel much pain/discomfort.

jas >> Stay positive! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Good luck with the next gynae visit, hope you get to hear the hb soon to put your mind at ease.

Jas no worries.. im also looking forward to my next scan on 9 May.. Hopefully able to see Sac and HB as well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Every pregnancy is special and even though this is my 3rd, i still feel nervous, worried and ignorant..

Thk u Jas...

Take care tethysea... Glad that u r so positive now.. Jiayou and tiao urself well for ur next pregnancy..

Hi Mummies,

I am from April forum.

My friend brought me a PHILIPS ELECTRICAL SINGLE BREAST PUMP. I already brought my own pump thus would like to sell the new pump off.

The above was purchased on 07/03/2011 and is under 2 years warranty.

Pls PM @ [email protected] if keen.

Thank you.

Tinybb Great! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It's my first time going to Adrian.. my previous gynae is too old so my husband dont felt comfortable.. though i really like the previous gynae.. too bad..

You are seeing Adrian in Sengkang clinic?

Seems like dr Adrian is veri popular. Even MTBs from other threads are using him. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yup.he delivered my 2 babies and he also oversaw my miscarriage in Nov last year.

i went to see him last week but he said its too early to do the scan so he just gave me duphaston, his pink multivits and folic and asked me to come back 2 weeks later.

when was your date of conception?mine was 13th April.

we didnt really plan for this pregnancy but obviously, we are very happy that there will be an addition to our family.hubby was joking that i need to get my tubes tied after this!

i dont remember when was my date of conception..

But my mens started between 20th - 25th March.. i saw him on Thursday .. he told me to go back 2 weeks too.. cause we cant see anything.. exccept he said that the lining is starting to form.. and explain the DOs and DONTs..

So i have the folic acid and pink multivits..

WAs thinking when should i take his package?

This pregnancy i eat alot.. till alot people say i put on weight.. cant help.. but keep feeling hungry...

Eh my hubby say he is going to tie his!!!.. i say cannot.. haha

Tiny bubu & Adeline,

I also change to adrain, but I seeing him In cck he really super popular I get my appt on 10/5 but morning so need take leave.

My sil also use him for her 3 pregnancies my fren and cousin also. Think he shd be ok but some pole feedback he dun talk much. I shall c hw on 10/5

ya he dun talk much and speaks very fast. when my friend went with me on thursday, she commented that she will never visit Adrian.. but since this is my 3rd.. i quite chin cai cause i know quite standard.. scan to ensure baby ok.. take vitamins.. thats it as long as no major problem and quite a few of my friend uses him as well.. i think because his package is cheap..


Ya I also try 1st to me is c if comfortable with the gynae but true I think my sil did compare and say his package is cheap.

Hi all!

I'm new here! Just tested positive last week and went to gp but the lines were quite faint, gp told me to visit him again in 2 weeks time.. Still not sure if my EDD will be end Dec or early Jan..

Just would like to ask, anyone can advise if we can take fresh milk as a source of calcium instead of milk powder?

Jas, yea.. just try if comfortable then stick to him.. but one good thing i think he give MC generously!! haha..

YL Tan - i take fresh milk as usual.. i cant take milk powder..


with me, he used to give me MC wheneveri asked him.no need to even bluff him that i was having a headache / constipation / sore back etc etc.hahahah.

