(2011/12) Dec 2011

Haha yes it makes u high but won't laugh lah haha how to laugh with all the pain? With each contraction, I'll just breathe n inhale hard then become super drowsy. Then after contraction, can relax for a while until next contraction, the frequency gets nearer n nearer. I did that for over an hour then nurse told me ok time to push me in for delivery cos 9cm dilated Liao n they took out the gas. When it's time to push it's not as pain already cos u can vent it by pushing as hard!


Haha jac, the nurse fr Kkh!! Keke!!

Kimiko, oh, I didn't know that the Amc pp will discuss w u the result... Then ok lah... My doc say see me in 6 weeks, maybe that's y! Heeeee


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Hi gals

Actually wht is blue cheeze? Any advise wht is made of blue cheeze that cant be consume? I live pizza, cheeze cake.. Can eat? Thks gals..

lolx.. i thought the gas so powerful.. lets u laugh and forgets the pain... if that is the case, why is it called laughing gas then??? *thinking*

littlefren, kkh??!! opps!! lolx.. next time if need go kkh for blood test again, avoid that nurse!!

joanne, bleu cheese is a tyoe of cheese fermented for very long.. thus alot mold on time.. and it's very strong and salty.. it's an anquired taste... u will see blue blue thingy on the cheese.. those r the mold..


Hi Jac, ya I have no idea why that nurse even bother to ask which arm I wanna try first when she just ignore my answer. But from what I recall that wasn't the first time I got poked on both arms because my veins are too fine.

Hi Littlefren, I thought the best would be to visit gynae after the Oscar test but no choice. Anyway, I can't wait for my next scan to see how my baby is doing also so just go with the flow ba.

Wow, I didn't know laughing gas was used during delivery. But to know there is something to relieve the pain even a little is good. Any mummies having backaches now? My backache is really bad at times, not sure how to relieve it.

Hi jacqueline,

Dun have. The pic didn't say anything..No wonder I still have not have ms yet...

Previous ms was so terrible tat I got to lie down, cannot walk at all!!

Hi Joanne, as long as the cheese is not from the 'molded' series and is heated up should be can eat. Best to check with gynae or Internet on the type of cheese to eat if not sure. I think pizza should be ok unless they use different range of cheese then got to check. Hard cheeses are usually ok like cheddar. The key is pasteurization. But pasteurized molded cheese may not be safe too. Confusing but this is what I read online. I think we can only consume baked cheese cake? I know there are cheese cake made from freezing the ingredients and that one is not safe to eat.

Hey ladies

When you all experience ms and nausea, what is the feeling like? Does your stomach keep churning like it's rejecting the food? I've not had ms so far, but after having tom yum for lunch, my stomach has been churning so badly. Kept retching, only managed to puke a little out. Now still feeling lousy. Wondering if this is symptom of ms, or simply a case of badly prepared food?

My Ms no churning feeling.. Just tight chest & automatically puke. W/o giddy or anything. Maybe differs in individual.


Very new member here. I just tested positive today. So excited about being pregnant after trying for 1 year.


Btw... My hubby told me the blood test he had was for thalassemia, a kind of blood disorder. His said his colleague's hubby took too. Maybe Yr hubby's turn will come. Keke! So my hubby did hear what the doc said, I was just so thrilled that he's gonna be jabbed that I didn't hear carefully! Ha!

This thread is moving very fast, I cannot keep up already! Haha, but tats gd news, we have alot of mummies now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For food to avoid, gynae will usually just advise no raw or smoked food, large fish with high mercury content (e.g. shark, mercury and tuna) and caffeine. The rest all can.

The funny thing is my mum's list is very different, haha. And yes she mentioned about the crab too, many hands and legs, haha.

Tats y I am quite selective as to who I informed. Wait more 'advice' - life will be miserable, MS already make food very unappealing haha.

Oh, sorry, I hope I'm not too crude. Any mummies passing very smelly gas here? I'm starting to do that. And while I don't really constipate. My poo is very dark in colour leh. And very pungent also. I feel quite embarrassed when I use the office toilet. Due to the vits and supplements is it? Do I need to be concerned?

Littlefren - you mean this thalassemia test is compulsory isit? Now I'm confused. Week 12 is test what hah?

Lol I didn't know that Hubby also needs to be jabbed.. I previously went to Kkh 24 clinic and done the beta test.. Pain sia... I don't know whether I can survive or give birth via natural.. Or maybe should I just go for c-sect.. Go in op room and wake up.. Bb just lie next to u.. :D hmm.. My ms coming.. Kept feeling nausea plus giddy.. Gotta forced myself to eat.. If not I will puke out.. Don't dare to take milk anymore.. Puked fermented milk out last Sunday lol gross*

Food wise my mil said cannot eat lamb, banana, watermelon, pineapple.. Orange cannot eat too much, scared Bb lung got phlegm. Tonic cannot eat but bird nest ok. No fried food and papaya, to avoid Bb getting jaucdice..

Hi Littlefren, I come across that term in the brochures given when I 'join' KKH. I will check with my gynae to see if can get my hubby to do the test too.. Wahahaha *evil laughter*

Mummies, in order for hubby to watch us give birth, what form of delivery allows that? Able to advise?

Both c sect and natural allows except GA c sect.. If partial then can..

As for Hubby drawing blood, yes I did that for first or second pregnancy for thalasamia ..


I think eating cheese is fine. A cheese lover n I eat all sorts of cheese during my pregnancy..

Food wise should be ok I only avoid pineapple and those long long big big banana..

Birds nest I drink once weekly after first tri..

Stardust- not only passing out gas I keep burping as well. Usually I go toilet every few days but now I go everyday...week 12 should be down syndrome test..

Hi good morning,

Got a qn to ask:

just now I went toilet to ps (big biz)…then after I finished and wiped hor, I just stood up and flushed….then I saw like a pc of somethg (abit of blood and duno what col)…before I can see properly/closely, it already washed down cos I flushed immediately I stood up without looking….

But I wiped my vigina and behind hole (button), no blood leh…..if it is a clot from my vigina, then blood will also flow out right?

(pardon for some gross languages)

clarrisa: ur description really describe well!! haha

at first i dun know how to use the laughing gas too... until they told me to breathe deeply a few times with laughing gas then i feel the effect... and i am addicited to it! I refuse to take off the mask!!

when stitching I request for it again, they refuse, i scolded and scream... how they wan me to endure the pain without any epidural!!!?!?!?!?! I already endure it when giving birth (my epi finish when i was about to give birth, so pratically no pain killer when giving birth)

dawn - you are funny! you keep asking for happy gas? by the time, i master the technique of using happy gas, the epi doc is already here and gave me a jab liao! after the jab...wow! happy go lucky [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] no pain, nothing... the nurses in the delivery ward even ask me to 'practice' giving birth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

your epi finished? will they usually refill when epi finish? if no refill, means no epi?? how to give birth without epi!!!!

stardust - i keep burping on top of gas too! and these are big huge burps...

i also heard del monte bananas cannot take.

yes i scared the epi finish then i pain again, so i refuse to let go of the lauging gas mask...

they refill 3 times already... and by the time i am almost 10cm open below.... my epi finish!!!! and i felt Pain!!!!! ended up no epi gave birth... *#$&*&$()%$*& and i say no epi then give me the laughing gas lah... they dun want!! they snatch and keep away from me....

So no lauging gas, no epi!!!! ask me to give birth like this !!! i endure... by the time stitching, can't endure already lah.... already endure the process of giving birth... no strength left... and i tore all the way... imagine how many stitches needed.... by the 3rd stitch, i scream and scold, i ask them dun stitch already so pain ful..

hello...andy here...

hee...hope u ladies don't mind...am i the only papa-to-be here? 1st time papa so hope to learn more from here...last time i was the only groom to be in SG brides for my month...

My wife's expected due date is 15 Jan by GP but some website estimate is 6 Jan. She hoping to give brith in 2011 to avoid our BB competing with Dragon babies...anyway don't have 2012 section yet...

Hihi... my EDD also around Jan, dun have 2012 section so i am here too haha...

But i hope to have a dragon baby,... already have 1 tiger already..... hehe... but i think hard... CNY end Jan...

hi dawn, no wonder EDD 2012 u got 3k+ posts already...2nd bb...

mi 1st one! hahaha...so excited...

my wife say bb tu not so stressed as bb dragon so prefer to give birth in 2011...to me bb healthy most impt... CNY unlikely to be early Jan so I guess mine is BB tu for sure...

anyway she's 32 already so better hurry...i'm only child and i don't want the same to happen for my bb so got to have time for 1 more...

hello ladies, wondering if u gals do have some brown/pink discharge coupled with some mucus-like?

i'm so worried as my abdominal pain is pretty bad.. i did went to the gynae last sat, the gynae can only see a yolk/sac as it is only 6weeks.. he did mention that the abdominal pain is due to e enlargement of uterus...etc.

but somehow, i juz feel so scared, as my preg frenz ard me dun really feel that..

im juz so afraid that it might be ectopic preg! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

keeping my fingers crossed that everything will be alright.

Jas: If your gynae already saw the sac then it shouldn't be ectopic, because the position of the sac would already be correct in the middle of your womb. Did your gynae prescribe any "an tai" medicine for you? Mine gave me some hormone pills, supposedly help to stabilise the womb. Maybe you want to call your gynae and seek advise?

hi Jasline, if gynae managed to see the yolk n sac then it's not ectopic... But is ur brown discharge a lot? if still dont feel well n bad cramps, maybe go to gynae again. Did he give u duphaston pills to take?

thx yallo for ur advise!

no special medication, except folic acid and iron pills..

just praying that the pain will go off soon...

it's juz making me so worried.


I also got this pink and brown discharge when i just found out i am pregnant so when i c gynae he also give me duphaston suppose to be an tai yao and ask give me mc ask me bed rest at hm for 3 days.

If you are worry maybe can call and check with your gynae maybe make urself an xin.

dawn - how come no epi cant take anymore laughing gas? your gynae did not try to cut? I think most gynae will cut so as to prevent tearing.

jas - yes you should call your gynae and inform him about your condition. he might give this so called an-tai pills which I think from most mummies here is effective

Octbride_78, i think u r still early thats y no ms.. some wil experience from week 4 onwards.. some later.. and some no ms at all... so i think maybe u monitor a while more to see... but anyway, week 6 or later, u will hear the heartbeat.. dun worry, all will be fine..

yallo, ms is diff for everyone.. for me, my gastric will also feel unwell, something stuck in throat whether i eat or not, vomiting, headache and giddiness... i am also rejecting food now... even if i am very hungry, once the food is in front of me, i will be disgusted by it..

stardust, leting gas out is normal since we have a lot gas inside us now.. me also, always letting out gas.. and this is very unlike me..

i thnk alot things that older ppl says cannot eat coz of grandmothers' tales?? coz not scientifically proven mahz...

Valerie, u mentioned that there seems to have blood clot but when u clean urself, there is no blood right?? so maybe its not blood?? maybe ur stools that looks very dark and soft??

clarrisa, yaya!! my MIL also says the del monte bananas cannot eat... only can eat the normal ones.. y ar??

hello andy!! how nice u come in and understand more!! how i wish my hubby will but he will only go car forums.. i also duwan dragon babies! haha!! usually our delivery date will be earlier than EDD but if u duwan take the risk, i think the only way is c-section le...

jas, the cramp is ok as long as no spotting or bleeding.. if ur spotting very bad or just a bit only and no more le?? maybe u might wanna go back to ur gynae and ask?? anyway, if gynae can see the sac, den shouldnt be etopic preg le...

Welcome AC (tupapa) - i always find it v heartening to see papas making efforts to join forum thread [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] your wife is a v lucky lady! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cny 2012 is on 23 January. actually does it matter rabiit or dragon? seriously healthy can liao. last time i hear pple saying tis i always tink so 老土but after being a mum myself it's really true. also, last time i always imagine how pretty/ handsome my child looks but after being a mum seriously u really dun care. cos no matter how good (or not!) looking they r in your eyes they are always the best [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hubby n i often get comments on how 'different' (in a negative way) my son looks they will innocently wonder aloud 'u n your hubby r both good lookers how come your son dun look like u all at all...' then as if realise they say something 'wrong' quickly add 'but he has his 'own' look lar' WAAHAHAHAHAHH we jus laugh over! seriously u really dun care ;p - marvels of parenthood[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

went watson pharmacy and ask for vitB6 but they dun sell.. think can only get from docs..

on mc today... MS is very bad and i feels horrible... and cannot tell anyone... one of my colleagues is still nice to tell me that its gd that i take mc and rest at hm rather than feeling xinku at work...

ladies, is ur emo stable now?? my emo is very bad and i feels really weak, useless and guilty esp towards my hubby.... =(

clarrisa: I gave birth at KK subsidized... no gynae around de.. midwife.... kind of regret...

My hubby says when she was abt to cut, i tore, so i tore all the way as baby was big...

jac - i think my ms is similar to yours and kumikos.. everyday feel sick and no mood right? I also keep having the feeling that the gastric or stomach..somewhere not well, sometimes feels bloated, sometimes sour, sometimes aching.. just dunno how to describe that uncomfy feeling..stuck in throat feeling i also have. I dislike that feeling ALOT lo...sometimes i feel that its the burping and the food stuck in throat feeling that makes me wanna puke. And me too hate the thought of eating.. But bo bian, still need to force ourseleves to eat la.. sigh! i think of whats up for lunch also sian!!!! doesnt help with the metal taste in the mouth! uurrgghhsss....cant wait for tri 1 to end fast! hopefully all these MS goes together with tri 1!!!

alot of ppl say del monte cannot eat, I also dunno why. I just dun eat lo..all other bananas can eat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ya lor last time i keep ask hubby if our kid ugly how will we tao yan her? now hor got le feel hor as long as is it healthy can le.


I think i seems to start my ms le jia luk.But mine shd call ns? yesterday night suddenly tell hubby i got carving for curry he go buy eat 2 mouths i feel myself so xin ku go vomit den after tat hubby ask me wat i wan to eat i like everything dun wan like think of de food i feel like vomit again end up after 2 hrs i feel better i eat 2 pcs of jacob cream cracker and dun koe y i feel yummy and dun feel like vomit haha. My hubby blur he say tis 1 tasteless de nice meh i tell him maybe tasteless so i eat not fan wei lor.

Than not sure is it yesterday eat too little morning i super hungry so i da bao bee hoon for bf eat half way fan wei and jus go vomit out liao.

I think i very emotional a bit i also cry and is cry until very cham just cnt control like keep feel ownself very wei qu very xin ku.

clarrisa, we still have abt 1 mth or so to end 1st tri leh... i duno how to survive that... yes yes!!! usually i am a very tan chi person.. but now, food is disgusting... force also no use leh.. after that will wanna vomit also.. =(

Welcome AC(Tuppa).. congratulations to you and your wife. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Your wife just realised she is preg? Hw many weeks already? Going to which doc?

gretel : you are right. As long as the child is healthy.

jasline : dun worried. Btw, is your pain a sharp pain or like cramp? If cramp, it should be normal.

@Jac, lol...car is just 4 wheels to get me from A to B la...so i hardly read on cars...

@gretel, i planned for my wedding too...my wife joined the SG brides forum but i took over the account in the end...she's busy la...someone have to do something right? i don't mind rabbit or dragon but i understand my wife's concern about the stress of dragon babies la...

we should be going to KK but could also be TMC... my wife's sis is overseas now and will wait for her to be back to get more advice (she has 2 kids, 5 months n 3 yrs, and she's a doc). she will be recommending a female gynae as my wife is more comfy with female.

read somewhere omega-3 and -6 is good for bb brain growth so i got a multi-vit with fish oil that can be taken concurrently with folic for her...

read up from those infant milk powder sites about food also...so went supermarket check what she can eat and what she cannot...

she always feel bloated now...she can feel MS should be starting to come...and she say her mood been bad...more tired than usual also...all seems in line so i guess not much to worry...just that i have to be more understanding when she upset for no reason...

jas: i was very emottional last pregnancy, but felt better after crying... this pregnancy, wanna cry also can't cry... no tears out... and everything inside so xinku... so frustrated...

Jacqueline: MS may not end 1st tri.... some continue all the way till the end...

my 1st pregnancy, i have on off MS through out...

hello octbride...

hahaha...we know the exact day we made our bb...cos my in-laws staying with us at the moment so we have limited opportunities only...production date is 10 Apr...lol...seems like doc don't count from production date but the last day of the last period so is about 1 Apr...so officially is 5th week now...

she started feeling bloated then ask me to get preg kit from pharm...tested positive then she say wanna go see GP on sunday (1st may) to confirm...so we only knew for 3 days...

doc not decided yet cos waiting for her sis to be back...

jas, welcome to the ms club!! haha!!! but at least u r ok with jacobs.. i feel that its equally er xin!!! while eating still acceptable. after that comes again... no comfort food yet. liek kimiko.. and i understand how u feel abt being emo... =(

andy, u r such a sweet hubby and understanding!

dawn, i heard of it also... but i just hope i m not 1 of them to suffer ms all the way.. i think i will break down...

thnk i m going to lie down again... head spinnign liao...


Ya true i got 1 fren hor she told me she is 2 weeks before wan give birth suddenly vomit and very very jia luk de lor.

Ya sometime cry out really feel better lor, u try watch those sad sad show? hehe. tat day i watching Ai lor than got some part so touching i keep cry and cry.

jac - a few weeks will pass. just bear with it. Many times when I am feeling sooo miserable, I will look at my son -he is 4 yrs old now and i will begin to think that this will be all worth it. They are sooo cute sooo adorable one lo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

no matter whether it gets vomited out or not, still need to eat la. just eat la... remember you were talking about durians just a few weeks back??? hahaha

dawn - oh i guess its the timing bah..they not in time to cut so resulted in tearing. So, this time you more experience already. can tell your gynae to cut to prevent tearing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Dawn, Jac on MC...

i wanna see experience from other ladies so I know what to expect from my wife and how I can handle it.

read somewhere it's good to eat some biscuit before getting up in the morning...have frequent small meals so that tummy always have food...less likely to have big effect from MS...same thing which my SIL says...so maybe try to have small snacks like biscuit and musli bars and so on in office?

i cannot totally say i understand how u all feel and go thru in this period...but i hope to learn as much as i can to make it easier for my wife...

morning ladies!!! ehm.. this thread is fast moving... haha...

welcome andy!! u're really sweet... if all our hb can be like u then we will be really lucky!! at least hb can do his part to understand wat we gg thru!! & not say ah? eat this? ah? y vomit? wow... ehm, correction, # of weeks is calculated based on the first day of yr wife's period! so u may need to add 1 more week! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] actually, my fengshui master told me the zodiac sign of yr child shd not be based on the CNY date, cos it's fixed, everyday from Feb 4 onwards it's the next animal liao.. so even if yr bb is delivered on 1st day of CNY, still consider rabbit... & also for fish oil, u need to make sure the fish oil u getting is suitable for preggie... cos not all fish oil can be taken during pregnancy...

Jacqueline, ya MS may not end after 1st trim for some, my friend had her MS fr day 1 till she deliver!! & she's really swearing not to have another bb, but 5 years later, she had another & the 2nd one her MS only lasted for 1st trim! so very different...

gretel, agree!! so long bb is healthy, the rest does not matter & u will only realised this when u're a parent!! it's really so amazing lor... cos no matter how the bb look, u will forever love them!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


@mamaAsh, 1st day of period? i tot is last day of previous period...anyway either way should be 5th week now la...BB is the size of a sesame now...

the fish oil is meant for preg de...stated can take with folic also...cos now she's only taking folic from GP and nothing else. so i make her drink more soy and milk (confirmed pastuerised) and also take this fish oil...

anything else wait till her sis is back and advice her lor...

hope u all don't mind my presence and continue to discuss anything... it's he** alot to learn esp when it's not happening to me...

