(2011/12) Dec 2011

He is going to be 40 and a father of 1. He wanted a 2nd child but his wife doesn't want.

I also dunno how to endure him for the next few months!


I feel for you Joanne Koh, some bosses out there are just jack asses. I myself got quite a fair bit of those before they made me so sick I had to quit my job to rest.

Do we have to be TMC customers (as in see their doctors/use their services) to be able to buy products from their pharmacy? Was thinking of getting the "Elancyl stretchmark cream - selling at $47.30 for 2 at TMC" as advised by littledarling.

Littlefren: Wow! KFC *Yum* Seriously I hope all the junk food does not cause any harm to baby apart from its lack of nutrition. My hubby has been nagging at me non-stop about junk food and I told him I wished he can take over my MS to experience how its like not being able to eat and only want to eat certain food. I had banana since yesterday it seem to calm my stomach but is it ok to eat banana since its sweet? I heard banana contain a lot of sugar compared to some other fruits.

I have been having backaches since Monday, its really bad sometimes but its better at times too then it seem like its always there. Any mummies has got remedy to this?

hi mummies,

any mummies EDD end Dec & looking for CL? my CL aldy fully booked till then so I'm helping her to look for 1 by end Dec, she din ask me do so but I think I wanna help her coz she is real good, to me at least!

joanne, yr boss so bad... is there any young mummies in yr team? gang up with them against him!! next time u tell him, every preggie is different, can't compare!! as if u like to have MS... really feel like giving him a few punches!! u have some biscuits with u, so u eat when u hungry... dun go hungry.. try to let him see u eating, so he knows he's late for lunch!! & if u ask u if bb or not ok, u say bb ok, it's MUMMY not ok!! Not feeling well still need to work!


my EDD is end dec, and i am looking for 1 CL...

i m staying at CCK area... can PM me the details, and pricing? thankx!

clarrisa, milk fermented become tofu? i dun understand wor...

joanne koh, ur boss is really 1 stupid man!!! duno so much dun compare lah!!! joanne, if he asked u go back and u didn't, what will happened??? and does any of ur colleagues know u r preg?? mayeb if they know can ask them help u hint boss to go lunch?? or just munch whatever u have in front of him?

cloud942, i have the biscuits in my bag as recommended by u gals.. but stand until cmi le and by the road so didnt wana take my biscuits out..

kimiko, my doc says u can eat any fruits but dun overeat it.. should be ok de...

really cmi... just now like almost fainted so i went to rest at void deck.. but not getting better and started sneezing and coughing.. end up went to see doc coz i think i fainting anything.. den doc says got throat infection and low blood pressure... and better dun stand too long...

came back but dun feel like eating... ate a bit, went to rest but still now still nausea.. and i think hungry for too long this morning makes it worse...

i feel useless le...

Jac, don't think like that. You just need more rest. It is true that as we advances into our pregnancy, our tolerance towards standing becomes lower and lower. Sometimes even after food, I feel giddy just standing for a while. The reason you are feeling so lousy now is because you are not feeling well too. Must take care and throw out all the negative thoughts!

I think clarrisa meant that the milk fermented into our stomach and we throw it out as 'tofu'.. Eeee >.<

jac, pls take care & rest well... dun think too much lah... after 1st trim everything will be ok... 2nd trim is our honeymoon!! cos u can feel bb kicking inside... dun feel bad, juz rest, everything will be over soon ok... & eat when u feel like...

He sits just beside me and I'm always trying to find things to eat. He just don't care and keep telling others that at this rate I'm going, sure become very fat.

This company I am in doesn't not have any mummies or MTB. I'm the first 1.

mamaAsh, wanna ask you which maternity package you took up for your 1st and 2nd child in KKH last time. I'm so confused over their premier and classic package. Not sure what is the difference apart from the price.

Joanne Koh, your boss seems a bit perverted leh.. How to say leh, its like his wife doesn't want to give birth anymore his imbalance built up in his heart and he kinda vent it on you. I'm sure if his wife is also pregnant as per he wishes, he wouldn't have been so mean unless he is mean by nature. Just ignore him and do what you have to do.

Wah Joanne, that's getting too mean! He doesn't sound like good husband or father! Maybe u can do some test question on him instead asking how often n what food did ur wife ate during preg, how much weight did she put on, how do u ensure that bonding between him n his child is good, how much time does he spend w his child daily etc etc? See what his reply is... Don't let him suan you, u shld make it difficult for

him also if he can't answer any questions! Just act blur n innocent when asking the questions hehe

Joanne Koh,

Really terrible boss.

But hor seriously i koe there are means boss around, i have 1 fren the boss also like tat keep find fault everyday aslo find things scold her she some sort like got depression like cnt sleep than keep cry until end up she cnt tahan and quit lor.

bobian. unless experienced before esle seldom will have empathy. my boss single woman no married etc also no empathy. but my colleagues better cos all either MTB (a few here peggie too!) or moms le.

But after im preggie im always in my own lala land.

Hi All,

Went for my first appt this morning. Yay. manage to see the sac with the scan. unfortunately, i didnt know must go with a full bladder so cant hear the heartbeat. Will be prepared for the next appointment. hahaa.

The gynae never put any ban from food. yay! but he put ban on traveling [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Can't wait for the next appointment to see bb again.

EDD : 21 Dec

Gynae : Dr Chen

Hospital : TBC

Next Appt : 13 May

BB# 1

isit need full bladder? i dint hear mine. i only saw the blinking think which my gynae points and say thats the heartbeat. My colleague blames on the not up to date scanning machine my gynae uses, which is rather true la, cos my gynae is just in a small clinic below my block..

I think he knows nut about his wife's pregnancy at all. Ask him wife is natural or c-sect he say he dunno leh, only remember can go in together with wife.

Ask him your wife's check up you never go? He says his wife independent, not like me who allows husband to tag along.

Seriously, I think he never enjoy the process of fatherhood, only know how to work. My husband has so much fun talking about our baby with me everyday.

Hi Joanne (cluelessmtb)

Huh.. how come ur gynea ban from travelling?

You are how many weeks? I am just curious.. cos i will be travelling soon as well.. and he says Should be Ok

jac - yes kumiko nailed it. Kumiko you must have experienced the same? Milk (liquid) when you drink and goes into your stomach will stay there and ferment. which is why milk makes us full. Than after sometime if you vomit it out, it comes out in chunks...like toufu like that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hahahah its funny when I 1st see this during my 1st preg. I was shocked BUT it taught me about fermentation process! hhahahaha

jac - you rest well. I went hkg about 3 weeks back and experience the same.. i feel like the background slowlyg becoming black and feel like i was gg to faint anytime lo! i quickly drop from the immigration queue and went sit and eat sweets! bring some sweets with you whereever you go!

joanne koh - its strange! hes got a kid he should be able to understand preg women! tsk tsk...

Clarrisa: Haha.. I think I roughly know how the food changes form into our stomach since I have had lots of "experience" in vomiting. So far the milk either stays inside or gets puke out right after consumption so I haven't get to see those yet (which I hope not).

Bunny, so far I also didnt get to hear the heartbeat of my baby except able to see blinking lights from the scanning machine. But during my last scan, the person told me to have a full bladder next time to scan better. She use quite a bit of force to roll the scanner on my tummy. Quite painful >.<

but kumiko - usually before see gynae need do urine test. how to have full bladder when bladder already emptied out?

Kimiko, wow... testing my memory leh! haha... we didn't sign up for the prenatal check package, cos we not sure if we would use all the # of checks in the package or if we need more, so prefer to pay as & when we go for check ups. But if u go under The Private Suite (TPS), if i rem correctly, u must take the premier package when u sign up for the delivery package, then decide if u wan a 1-bedded or 4-bedded ward. Cos we had been w my gynae under the TPS since #1, as we hate to wait, TPS cut lots of waiting time & there's free beverage! Haha... but the main reason for gg to TPS is cos it's the gynae doing the scan for me, compare to the Specialist Clinics where u go for the scan rooms & there's a nurse or specialist doing the scan for u, they print & u bring over to the gynae to see only.

Oh ya, premier delivery package is also more ex as the nurses & the doc administering the epidural for us are the seniors one, so no students in the delivery suite trying to learn when u'r pusing! Haha...

As for the stay, either 1-bedded or 4-bedded difference, the rest no diff bah... HTHs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tethysea: I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Have a good rest b4 going back to work ok. You are a strong woman!

Joanne Koh: Boy, your boss is -ve EQ leh. Totally hopeless! Hang on there for your 1st trimester. Hopefully we will be feeling better soon.

Kimiko: Anyone can pop into TMC pharmacy to buy. I just bought today when I was in the area. Not sure if other pharmacies have the same offer. Was persuaded by the salesgal to take the 400ml with pump at $59.90. It works out cheaper than the 2 x 150ml at $47.30. She was telling me that on average, most women used up 150ml per month and since pump is more convenient than with a cap, i took the pump.

Clarrisa: Hmm... actually i never did urine test at my 1st 2 gynae checkups except when I first went GP to confirm pregnancy. So not too sure if its common practice for every visit.

Sad...CL recommended by friend already fully booked! Hmm. This means i gotta ask other gal frens for recommendations but also meaning they would then know i'm pregnant.

mamaAsh, whats the prenatal check package? Is it the one which you pay a deposit of $488 then you can just leave after seeing doctor and medication? The bill will be send to you thereafter and deduct from that amount till you need to top up? Right now I have not decided whether I want to take up premier or classic maternity package but consultation wise, I'm shuffling between Clinic B and TPS depending on where the doctor wants me at. Hmmm.. I remember reading that both packages does not students standing around one leh, maybe I need to check again. Thanks for sharing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TIE & babypom, thanks for sharing! I probably pop by TMC pharmacy after my appt at KKH next friday.

Clarrisa, thats a good question. I probably ask my gynae the next time I see him if I face that problem again.

so far, my last visit, urine test is taken after i see doc... that 1 is to test sugar level i heard...

usually, docs willr ecommend to have a full bladder when u go for ultrasound at pelvis or to see baby...

kimiko, i think i know what u feel by pain coz last time when i go regularly for pelvis scan, they need to press quite hard.. they need to press hard to see if not cannot see..

TIE - oooh.. i did unrine test for 1st gynae visit already and I remembered from previous preg that everytime i visit the gynae, the 1st thing you do is urine on the litmus stick...

this anti stretch buy from TMC? is it really good? I wanna buy too! i stay very near TMC!

Octbride_78: my gynae is a old guy. he more conservative. his recommendation is better not in case anything happened. ahhaa. he say want to go travel dont tell him lol!

On milk, my gynae told me to take Ensure cos I am too skinny. I'm 40kg......but I'm worried it'll be awful. For now, I'm taking Meiji Choco milk, haha. Oh, for those with bad MS, heard from my gynae we should take our folic acid etc 2 hrs after milk consumption else MS will be worse. Not sure for you guys. I forgot yday and my MS was v bad, my face turned green! :p

Clarrissa - I know what you mean abt the fermented tofu - really yucky, haha

Joanne Koh - your boss is so mean. Hope he's not doing this on purpose cos he's imbalanced. Don't let this get to you.

Jac - thanks for asking about the white discharge. Guess I can worry less now.

On having a full bladder, what I understood was that the scan will be clearer (push out intestine or something so they wont block) but hearing the heartbeat is not dependent on that. My last visit, gynae asked me to take 2 cups of water before the scan. My bladder was half full (as shown on scan) so could not see my ovary. But can see bb and sac etc. And gynae up the vol for me to hear heartbeat.

I also share the same prob - feel faint easily. So far, I only told 2 of my close colleagues cos I lunch and sometimes have dinner with them. Hard to hide. They have been taking very good care of me since. So I'm very blessed to have such nice colleagues. Think I cant hide for very long. Cos alot of pple ask me why every morning my face green green...and I'm always eating. :p

Dear Mummies,

I'm also December mummy.

This is my 1st time to join the forum. But this is my 2nd child. The 1st baby i didn't join cause i didn't know got such forum can sharing. Actally i wanted to join since January but end up i didn't cause i misscarrige on February. Lucky that is not my 1st pregnancy. If not i will be very very and very sad.

And also quite lucky, now i pregnant again. At first when i know i pregnant, i very sad, very worried too. Cauase scare will happend same as last time. The next day, i go and find my gynae and do the check up. Now only 6mths, but my gynae say this time my baby is strong, so have no worried. At last, i can rest assured [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and very happy too.

I still didn't let my ladies boss know that i pregnant cause i very scared. If she know, what she will do to me i really dunno. Even i very unwell, also dun dare take MC. Cause i heard my colleague say last time have one colleague also pregnant, my ladies boss always told her dun think that u pregnant than i will give you the pay without do anything. Somemore last time the maternity leave is only 2mth, now already change to 4mths...dun dare to think what will happen to me.

And now i also entitled for the 6 days childcare Leave. Even i take the Childcare Leave, my ladies boss also not happy. She even can tell everybody say i got more leave than other ppl, but also cannot anyhow use. I told her my daughter school close for one day, no one can help me look after, so i need take childcare Leave. You know wat my ladies told me...she told me i cannot take leave, no one can look after your daughter is your problem. I can't help you think so much. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi mummies,

Today when for check up baby got grow double size but still no hb detected.

Need go back nx fri, he say tis time must c hb if not...

Jus nw my tear drop because he say I still very unstable than tell me wat tis kind of thing all fate I dun koe but de way he say like telling me prepare for de worst.

Hi Jas,

Last time i got one of my friend also same as you. than she dun belive wat the doc say, than she go and find other doc..think she got change for 3 doc. End up the 3rd doc say baby got hb already.

Last time mine is totally no grow. so ur one got grow means still got chance. Have no worry.

Will pray for you and your baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks for the encouragement.

He nv say nv c but say nx check up must c if not means not normal le.

I now really leave it to fate now wat I can do is rest more lor.

Hi Jas

How many wk r u now? Did he do a virginal scan? Or tummy scan? As if still early, hb can only see via virginal scan and not tummy scan.. Dun worry k.. At least u saw ur bb grow..;) positive thots is impt..


He do virginal scan say 20+ days.

Ya that's what my fren told me got grow got hope, I now also dun wan think le also beyond my control.

Hi Jas

Yes, is not within our control.. For now, we can only rest more and keep tok to ur embby to jiayou k.. Did he gives u a photo of ur bb after ur scan? It will state how many wks r u at as of today.. Rest well..

Hi jas,

Stay positive in the meanwhile..... Did Yr doc take blood test for u? That's another way to know.... By taking blood test every few days n see if the increase is double by day.... According to Yr estimate, how many weeks should u be? Usu we can hear hb only week 6 n beyond....

jas: Hey don't worry too much about it. 20+ days is still very early. When I went for my first gynae appt 2 weeks ago, I couldn't even see the baby, much less hear the baby's heartbeat. It was only today, at 7 weeks, that I finally heard the baby's heartbeat. And I agree with BabyShan that you should seek 2nd opinion if next Fri your gynae still cannot detect the heartbeat. I've heard of stories where the MTB almost decided to terminate because no heartbeat detected, but went to see a different gynae and found out everything was actually okay! It's too impt a decision to just rely on info from one doctor. Rest well and stay positive ok! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jiayou!

ivine: I was told there's two different tests for Down's Syndrome. Oscar test is almost 90% accurate and more expensive, need to go TMC to do the test (and apparently the waiting time is very long because so many ppl go there, about 3-4hrs). The other alternative is Triple Test, only 70% accurate but cheaper and can do at most clinics. I'm still considering these options, as well as the third option of simply not doing any test, because like you said it's just a probability. The chances of false positive at 10% is still quite substantial, then need to go for further tests and all the anxiety it generates... not sure whether worth it or not. Plus my husband is Catholic, so I'm quite sure no matter what happens we will keep the baby.

Joanne Koh & BabyShan: How come your bosses are so evil!!! Are you all working in private sector or public sector? I heard that public sector tends to be more understanding and pro-family.

mamaAsh: My baby's EDD is now confirmed at 13 Dec and my next appt is 20 May [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks for helping to manage the table!


My lmp is 22 mar today c the measurement is abt 13.6mm.


No blood test all along only scanning.


I think I will not see him nx fri I ask my fren n my sil all advise me change gynae le.

Ohhhh yah should consider changing. My LMP is 6 Mar, 2 weeks earlier than yours. So prob no need to be so kanjiong about heartbeat now.

jas, the photo do state i think.. at probably 1 corner.. it will also state the EDD... dun worry so much... like others also mentioned, at least there is growth!!!

btw, i think maybe urs still early thats y cannot detect hb... coz probably only 5 weeks or so...

yallo, u mean some ppl really do abort the baby if down syndrome is positive??

babyshan, ur boss is so mean!!! lady boss right?? is she married?? have kids?? i realised single lady boss got a bit unbalance de...


btw, can i ask, if u all vomit or feel nausea, is it immediately after u eat or probably a short while later like 5-10mins??

