(2011/12) Dec 2011

kimiko >> Yar, heartbeat at around 7wks, then suddenly no heartbeat at 9/10wks. Dunno what happened also? I am getting quite worried as well, my spotting is getting worse and taking on a reddish tinge. But doc says the most he can do for me is take another blood test for hcg... which I think not much point.

But those of you with strong MS I think not to worry... means the hormones are strong.


my strong ms also due to duphaston i tink! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

tethysea u having spotting? i had that too when i was wk4-5. must rest alot and monitor. did doc gave u duphaston?

Hi Bunny, yup I'm on duphaston also. But duphaston is progesterone, not hcg, so I think it's not the one causing your ms [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear Cindy, just your little post.. be strong gal... take gd care of your health after that and get yourself ready for the next 1... take care my dear...

mama, where are you staying??? I am seeing Dr Heng at Bedok Int... But havent really decided which gynae do I wanna follow till the end...

take gd care bunny!!! its long weekend, take it as a gd break to rest...

kimiko, i dun think its transparent like stocking.. but of coz its not like those thick leggings that you see overseas..maybe u can try 1 1st??

i agree with tethysea.... although u r suffering because of MS, but its a sign from baby that its growing healthily...

manunited, possibly hormone...

Bunny, hang in there!! I know how it is like, i had terrible MS for my 1st, i cried a lot during that time cos it was really horrible feeling, very emotional period. But it's a good sign that baby is growing well!! Meanwhile, it's good to let ur boss/colleagues know so they are more understanding and can help u with workload if needed... Stay strong! Try to nibble on food every now n then when u can... try wholemeal crackers, oats...

tethysea, oh i also thought duphaston will kinda speed up MS too... cos of increased hormones or something like dat...

I think hcg encourages production of progesterone, but the theory is that increasing levels of hcg is what brings about the MS. I think most of us being given duphaston cos somehow communication breakdown in the body and progesterone drops even though we're pregnant, leading to release of uterus lining (ie spotting)

Jacqueline: Hmm, i did not ask how much. I was browsing the Nov2011 thread and i think most MTBs spent around $200+.

Kimiko: I'm also a 1st timer so also learning from the forum. =) Ás of today, I should be 7W6D.

My tummy is quite big due to the cysts so some friends have actually asked pointedly if I'm pregnant. Looking forward to beanie stabilising so I can go for surgery after 1st trimester and share the news officially. =)

Hi girls,

I'll be leaving the forum. Ectopic pregnancy.

Doctor wasn't able to locate the baby in the womb, had spotting today that became quite bad. Hcg levels are pretty low. Will be going back tomorrow for another hcg test to see if it's going down or up.

Doctor is hoping that my body is able to clear the ectopic pregnancy by itself so that we don't have to undergo operation.

Keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best. Massive backache today.

All the best to you girls! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Natal Care Plus (400mg): Each box of 30 capsules at $14.00 (U.P. $16.05)



All boxes with Expiry 2013.

Bought too many from Dr Adrian.


An Australian specially balanced formulation that helps fulfill DHA requirement for fetal / baby brain development, and optimizes the brain development of the fetus and infant.

The core element in NATAL CARE PLUS - Natural Fish Oil - contains DHA and EPA, which is particularly needed during pregnancy and lactation. Apart from that, NATAL CARE PLUS also contains Vitamin E, an anti-oxidant that helps to alleviate the negative impact of free radical formation, and increase normal cell function.


Cash on pick-up/delivery @ Jurong East or Raffles Place.

Kindly PM or leave SMS at 9 876 1872.

Evelyn, so sorry to hear that. Despite that, I hope everything goes well for you after that. Take care!!

TIE, looks like our LMP is just 2days apart. Haha! I realised I may have confused you with mamaash. Let's support each other [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ladies, I was so happy when I thought MS decided to give me a break for good when suddenly I'm eating and sleeping better for a few days. Yesterday was the worst hit! I practically threw up everything I ate since morning. Dunno puke how many times and rather uncontrollable like have to clear everything I eat before the nausea stops. Really terrible >.<

hi ladies

i hope i can join this thread soon. it was bfn when i tested a day 1 after i missed AF but it became bfp when i tested at day 6... i m happy and worried at the same time. other than hb, i can't share this gd news with anyone yet. worried becos i hv MC 3 yrs ago. it is my 2nd pregnancy, i hv a 1.5 yo son...! i hope everything will be ok till i see my gynae next wed!


how many weeks are you? sounded really bad! hope u will get better soon... the only advice i cd give is eat small n frequent meal. i m one of the lucky ones who does not hv MS


hcg in hundreds is normal for singleton... if in thousands, it means high chance of twins [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ooo.... we are seeing the same gynae. when are seeing Dr Wong again? I am seeing her next Wed. btw duphaston helps to support preg.. i took till week 12 during my first preg.

Evelyn - Oh mine. So sad for you. Stay strong and rest well!

Kimiko - Oops...sounds real bad....but means bb is healthy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm gagging more now but I generally feel better and less tired too. But not sure if it's cos I've finally got past the jet lag and weather is warming up. I'm starting to at least feel hungry , although I still can't eat much.

Bee - HCG in hundreds at which week? Mine was already 50,000 at week 5 leh...don't scare me.....haha

I'm having mini cramps these 2 nites, it feels exactly like those cramps that I have when my menses gonna come....No spotting though.....oh, and my white discharge has reduced, thought they should increase as HCG level increase.....I'm rather worried...what if the bb flushes out like my menses...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]....any non first-timers experience this before? Is this normal?

Hi Mummies and Mummies-to-be,

Congrats to you all!

I'm a mummy of 1 and my son just turn 13months. I've started a blog selling DIAPER BAG ORGANISERs, TOTSEATs and Baby clothings to earn extra cash.

Please feel free to visit my blog.


Free Normal Postage for SMH Mummies!

And I hope you have a safe delivery!

Hi Bee, welcome! I'm at 7weeks 5days today. I think my main issue is environment and smell. My MIL cooks all day long and my body reacts to the smoke and humes from her cooking. Woah, you have a lot of short forms which I don't understand. What's bfn, bfp, AF?

Stardust25, I sure hope my baby is doing alright. I have not been able to get a balanced diet, simply eating whatever I can eat. Veg makes me puke, I don't like it's 'green' smell.

bfn = big fat negative

bfp = big fat positive

af = "Aunt Flo", ie menses

American forum terms. Haha!

Kimiko, I've heard that eating dry carb helps, like soda crackers. My colleague's ms was so bad that it was all she ate for 4mnths!

stardust25 >> maybe is uterus expanding? I read that it's common in 1st trimester. I had cramps too last week, but I have spotting too... how many weeks along are you?

Kimiko - Hang in there. MS though annoying, is generally a good sign that bb is growing. Agree with tethysea that soda crackers help. I've been eating small meals (e.g. high fibre crackers, apples, juice (cos I hate veg too) and savoury. And so far, no more metal taste in mouth and my appetite has improved. The only adventurous thing that I eat once in a while is laksa - I think my bb loves it! Cos I'm rewarded by a gd nite sleep thereafter. And strangely no IBS....

Tethysea - I really hope so. Cos it's not really painful...but it's very typical of the kind of cramps I get when my menses are near....u feel like the blood is rushing to ur V kind....haha, sorrie weird description. I'm 7/8 weeks along.

I'm so looking forward to my first visit to the gynae next week! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tethysea, thanks for explaining! What's IBS? Unfortunately I never like soda crackers even now but I find some biscuits help. And my symptoms come on and off too! After complaining this morning, I felt so much better today after eating my crave of the day, a neighbourhood jap bento. Like stardust25 said, I also find smaller meals help. Does anyone knows if we can take mayonnaise and sushi that doesn't have raw food in it? I'm so craving for sushi >.<

I can't wait for my next gynae appt on next week too!!

IBS = Irritable Bowel Syndrome (I think)

kimiko >> I suppose if sushi not raw should be ok? mayo I'm not sure... cos I thought it's supposed to be raw eggs, but they would have killed the bacteria in the commercial bottling process.

stardust >> I know exactly what you mean! Haha! I dunno... but you're not having spotting right? Should be fine, but better bring up to your gynae or go earlier for your checkup if you're worried.


during my first preg, i nvr hv to take bt to check hcg level. sorry, i shd clarify tt on the day tested bfp (1-2 days after missed AF), it shd be abt 500 for singleton and thousands for multiple.. then it shd cont to at least double every day. btw, at week 5, u still need to take BT? if hcg is low, usually doc will prescribe med to suppport the preg. ur hcg is good/healthy at week 5...


okay to take cooked sushi, but better to ask for fresh one instead of eating those plates on the belt. i personally think mayo is okay, just not very healthy... avoid raw food, esp for those who either hv MC or complications before. better to be safe then to regret later....


u may want to rest in bed if possible. avoid massive movement, walking. best is to see ur gynae asap. well, my first child was conceived thru ivf... ard 10 days after bfp, i had bad cramps like yours very suddenly and within 2-3 hrs, blood flowed out. a panty liner was soaked each day and it lasted for 2-3 days. obviously, i was very scare and called my doc immediately. i got an appt to see my doc next day and was given 1 week mc to rest. although my fetus is ok, nurse told me my body is sending me signal to rest well.

kumiko - same like you, some days are good and some are really bad for me too! and I TOTALLY can understand what you mean by uncontrollable vomits.. its like having fits right? the stomach just churn and you vomit and churn and vomit...till tears roll uncontrollably... terrible feeling. Indeed, very small meals helps and eat frequent. Also, never allow your stomach to go into hunger stage. By this stage, you will vomit acid juicce and whatever you eat afterwhich will all come out...Also, i feel that walking around after each meal helps too. It kind of force the gas to come out and you will feel much better when the gas is out.

stardust - i realised that savoury food taste better too! i dunno why and I really dislike this 'metal' (i cant even describe the taste) taste in the mouth. Makes everything that i eat tasteless and blend. Even plain water makes me wanna puke. but i just force myself to drink.

Hang on gals... when you see the cute lil baby lying beside you in 7 or so mths' time, you will know its all worth it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

clarrisa: Yes! It's like there's a force that made you keep vomiting non-stop at a point. I vomited for 2hours last night before I sleep, it's like it won't stop till you vomit out something bitter-ish which I suspect came from the guts or something which is quite awful. I woke up feeling the soreness from my adomen as if I was punched there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Bee: Thanks for the advice! I think it's gonna to be hard to get anything cooked and hot for sushi. Even though it's cooked, I realised that those toppings were prepared first and refrigerated. I don't think it's that safe and like you said it's better to play safe than sorry. Guess I'll just stick to bento for the time being.

Just to share my experience, recently got MS throughout the day. I realise that MS got more serious when I feel hungry.. MS does not surface if I have some warm soup.. Warm food tends to warm up the stomach and sort of reduce MS.

So now when i feel like vomiting, i try to eat/drink something warm to smooth our the effect..

Does anyone have recommendation for gynae in the Jurong area?

Thanks girls. :p

I'm left hopping mad today. The gynae said that I merely miscarried, simple as that.

Yesterday I started bleeding and was at the clinic in less than an hour. He diagnosed it as ectopic pregnancy. Today, he said that it should be a miscarriage as you wouldn't get that much blood with ectopic pregnancy.

It is all really crappy. I swear Taiwan has really bad healthcare for pregnancy, no doubt it is cheap but they are really not professional.

Evelyn, do take care. Did he do a check to make sure all the fetal material was flushed out by the body completely? If the miscarriage is not complete it can cause infection, so do make sure it's been completely removed. Maybe you want to get second opinion at a private clinic?

Hi Evelyn,

So sorry to know what u have gone thru. I second what tethysea said.... U may want to get a second opinion. ETopic pregnancy can be dangerous, maybe better to confirm; if u had miscarried, it's impt to chk that all fetal material had flushed out, otherwise there is the risk of infection. Importantly is to take care of Yr self, have a mini confinement..... Think of Yr love ones n get well soon ;)

Hi ladies!

Recently saw my gynae n confirmed my EDD. It will be 4 Dec.

How's MS for everyone? Feeling ESP tired, low energy, nauseous and have been puking for the last few days. Today I feel alot better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] still not able to find my comfort food yet ....

hi Joanne,

I understand y u are asking cos I hv same worry..... True that it is possible.... But let's keep our spirit up, dun over worry. If i didn't rem wrongly, Yr Appt is tomorrow, same as mine. Dun worry too much, everything will be fine! ;) jia you!

Joanne : I was having menstrual like cramps as well in the beginning and went for a scan at 6 weeks . Can't see much, too small and can't even determine my EDD. Was scheduled for scan 2 weeks later and finally saw HB!! I know how it feels, the waiting and worries. But be optimistic! I believe all shall be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] do keep us update abt yr appt tmr. Praying for u!!

tethysea - thats very good advise you gave on the dry crackers. I bought some on reading what you wrote and indeed, its comfort food. It just feels good to bite into these [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i guess its cos its a tat salty and is carbs? I should bring them everywhere i go!!!!!

kimiko -wow 2 hours straight of vomits is no joke! you take care...

this is what i hear from my gynae - "a miscarriage is gods' way of quality control". So do not treat a miscarriage as a bad omen and be thankful that god only wants you to have the best. A baby is a lifelong commitment, certainly we want the best [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Be hopeful that the best is on the way. Prior to my 1st preg, I had 2 times whereby I see a faint line of positive but after awhile, my hcg level do not go up and somehow 'menses' came. I do not understand how I can see a faint positive and yet after couple of days, become a negative. My then gynae told me its a chemical reaction and somehow the pregnancy is not able to materialise. Going through two times of this makes me dejected. However, when I was tested a strong positive for my 1st preg, I know god is good. Looking at my 4 yr old boy now, I know god had saved the best for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]) so, for all here who encountered some kind of pregnancy hiccups, do not be disheartened. God is waiting for the best to present to you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

joanne >> Dun worry too much... all the best for your gynae visit!

clarrisa >> I'm glad the crackers made you feel better! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yup I think it's the salt plus carbs. My sis was crazy for fries for her both pregnancies - maybe can try that too.

All my preg symptoms seem to have disappeared! Don't even have sore boobs - in fact I feel like they are deflating :S Having less and less hope, although I also agree with Clarrisa that m/c is the body's way of quality control and if it's not healthy there's no point forcing also.

tethysea - i had Macs for lunch last Sat and had fries...no, it doesnt makes me feel good. I guess cos its oily? i dunno.... i just need to continue hunting for comfort fooood. Somehow I feel that warm soup base food with a tinge of chilli makes me feel good too....

hi all,

agree it's anxious period for all of us... am also kan cheong abt next wk's checkup..

Btw, do u all wake up in middle of night cos of hunger pangs? was so hungry but i try to control and try to sleep, really lazy n sian to wake up eat. But guess have to, otherwise scared develop gastric rite?

Yep, agree have to eat before the real hunger comes, otherwise nauseous. And crackers helps me too. Am into wk6 only but already have nauseous symptons esp if hungry, hope MS wont be as bad as my 1st preg in the coming wks...

Hi gals

May i know is there anyone here seeing doc Paul fr tmc or doc Benjamin fr Tmc? Now i am in a delimma on who to see? Is doc Paul good?Thk u all..


I'm from July 2010 thread.

Previously i have signed up a photoshot package with Sean Lau in Baby fair at $198 for classic Baby package (UP: $258).

But i'm not able to make it after 9th May (all the slots are fully booked till 9th May)

By the time i'm free to take leave, i think my baby is too old to take classic baby photoshot.

So for those mommy who keen to take over the package, pls kindly pm me.


AWBB> Congrets to you just happen to see your post here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Natal Care Plus (400mg): Each box of 30 capsules at $14.00 (U.P. $16.05)



All boxes with Expiry 2013.

Bought too many from Dr Adrian.


An Australian specially balanced formulation that helps fulfill DHA requirement for fetal / baby brain development, and optimizes the brain development of the fetus and infant.

The core element in NATAL CARE PLUS - Natural Fish Oil - contains DHA and EPA, which is particularly needed during pregnancy and lactation. Apart from that, NATAL CARE PLUS also contains Vitamin E, an anti-oxidant that helps to alleviate the negative impact of free radical formation, and increase normal cell function.


Cash on pick-up/delivery @ Jurong East or Raffles Place.

Kindly PM or leave SMS at 9 876 1872.

