(2011/12) Dec 2011

clarrisa, its multi-vit during pregnancy... can actually get fr gynae, but cos i won't be gg for my appt so early, so got it fr pharmacy first... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


stardust, u havent been eating??? feeling bloated might means u have gas in ur tummy?? but since u havent been eating, not able to go toilet should be normal... my prob is i do eat but not able to go toilet... like urs consti and diarrhea alt... so i m bloated because i am eating but nothing comes out...

joanne, i have cramp and pain from the start and it's actually quite bad.. its like menses cramp... doc says its normal because womb expanding.... till now i am still having the pain and also lower right tummy... hopefully it will go off soon...

congratz evelyn!!! maybe u can try talking to your in-laws and seek their opinions?? if the food they cook is very "liang" maybe u can try telling them what u feel like eating instead?

sick during preg is lousy... fever + throat infection... and i think my headache is nausea is gettign worse also.. mood also a bit cranky liao... i ca feel it.. just last night, because of small issue, i get very worked up.. after that its very bad headache...

mamaash, welcome! I didn't know there's a multi-vitamin we can take during pregnancy. This will be so helpful as I haven't been able to eat properly with all the MS.

stardust25: Wah! You really "gung-ho" to take such a long flight, must take care! I think I have the same symptoms as you. There is this excessive stomach acid which causes me quite a bit of discomfort and a lot of gas which makes me burp till wanna vomit sometimes.

Jac: I think it could be because you took too much durian that time, durian is very heaty leh..

Joanne: I agree with littlefren, bring forward your first gynae appt if you have to, to make sure that everything is ok


I'm married to Taiwan.



We broke the news to his parents earlier, hoping that they will at least take care of my diet but the 2 days following, they cooked bamboo shoots (a soup and a dish) and like mushroom stewed with bittergourd. Basically things that we have to stay clear of. Either that or sometimes they will cook cabbage stew or radish soup. Sigh. They are vegetarians and FIL asked me if I could stay off meat during the pregnancy. =_=!

Cannot stand the food here. And they keep trying to make me drink some weird stuff (I refused to! How am I supposed to know it is not some super liang or super heaty stuff?)

Both hubby and I agree that it would be better if I were to go back to Sg to give birth. Don't see how it will be possible for them to take care of my diet. Moreover they are all very busy during Dec period.

SIL has a 6mth old boy and MIL is helping to look after him. Think she has enough on her hand.

Sigh. I'm just feeling moody... >_<

Ya...me too have cramps a few days ago..now getting much better cos the cramp seems to be lesser...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif]) s me oni 4 weeks, can oni c the water bag so EDD is 23/12/11...doc say it may change when next scan the bb development...

Hapymok, If baby really comes out on 23 dec. Just nice you can confinement on CNY! You get to enjoy all the foods and drinks!

kimiko - i feel the same! many times feel stomach so gassy till until vomit! just now I had this bolt of vomits - which come and come again and again.. sigh! feeling so misearable...

Evelyn - feel better! dun be so strict with yourself. I guess eating some of those ingredients you mentioned is OK? like bitterguard and whatsnot? I remmebered the only advise my last time gynae gave on food is that we can eat anything..JUST NO CHINESE HERBS.. so otherwise other stuff should be OK in moderate amounts bah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mamaAsh - my gynae never give multi-vits le... only gave folic and dha.

happymok: I'm confused, I thought you went for a 3rd checkup already how come only 4weeks? And I thought you mentioned you have got early pregnancy or something. But I agree with Joanne, you will have a nice confinement [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

clarrisa: Yea, it's quite terrible indeed. Was wondering if there's any remedy to this.. >.<

Evelyn: Woah, looks like your in-laws have quite different views on pregnancy. Don't feel upset or frustration, I'm sure things will work out eventually. How about trying to get or cook your own food? My MIL prepares our dinner everyday but ever since I got pregnant, I can barely eat what she cooks, its like i'm already put off the food from all the smoke that came from her cooking. I'm sure she would already have noticed I'm eating her food much lesser these days and on some days I even told her not to cook dinner for me and I got other stuffs to eat. I'm sure as mothers themselves they would understand how it felt during pregnancy.

Oh, and what is IBS? I saw this term as I was reading what everyone is posting.

Kimiko: I went for two checkup last week s soon s I discover my pregnancy so last last wk was ONI 3 wks...first scan can't c anytin very worried then got 2nd scan 3 days later but too small 90% sure at rite position then last wk got the 3rd scan can c the the waterbag Liao so confirm right position.. I oso count hao lor once after bb full mth will be cny to enjoy n collect ang pao haha

Evelyn - welcome! Don't give yourself too much stress. I'm sure things will work out. My sis also conceived and delivered in Taipei as my BIL was there on posting. She was also very stressed in the beginning cos no one to take care of her and she's not familiar with her environment - she ate fast food almost every day for her 1st trimester else it's the dirty road side stall downstairs (cos the rest were just too far). But she felt better after she realised the perks of being a Taipei mummy - the bb stuffs and medical care there are quite affordable and they even have confinement centres. Like what Clarrisa said, don't be so strict with yourself and slowly work things out? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jac - I've been eating but very little. I think I am getting paranoid. My first few days in UK, I really wasn't eating and I keep feeling tired and crampy. Since yesterday, my symptoms all disappear and today I am starting to eat better - shld feel good rite but then I start to worry how come lidat. Shouldn't the symptoms be worse as I approach week 8?! Haha

Kimiko - Now tat I've taken the long flight. I abit regret and am dreading the return flight....:p But well I got to rtn to Sg.......I think we are all feeling the same - bloatedness, nausea etc...sigh....Jiayou jiayou.....we'll get past this soon!

happymok: Oh I see!! Haha.. Dearie, you are too nervous already! I thought you are at least week 10 into pregnancy already leh :p Anyway, it's good if it helps to assure you.

stardust25: Talking about coincidence, I was feeling much better today and am eating better too. Like you, my nausea suddenly seem so light that it didn't really bother me at all. Like you, instead of feeling happier or relieved, I felt odd and a little worried as I heard those symptoms will peak by week 10 then probably slowly disappear, seem too fast to subside all of a sudden. I'll be starting week 7 today, what about you? Seem like we almost conceived at the same time can look out for each other and compare to re-assure each other.

Morning ladies!

I just weighed myself last night and discovered I put on almost 2kg liao!!! And I'm barely into week 6 faintz... a little worried that I'm gaining weight too fast (i.e. simply getting FAT). Does anyone know what's the healthy weight gain range?

stardust: Wow you are really brave to take such a long flight in your first trimester! When I take bus now I'm always hit by quite bad nauseous, on bad days even the acceleration in the lift makes me feel sick! Cannot imagine going on a plane. *shudder*

Hello ladies,

I got to leave this thread coz my lil baby had stopped growing with no heat beat as of last evening check-up. WIll have the bb removed this sat by D&C

All of you jia you k [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kimiko: ya, tat's the multi-vit my gynae gave me during my last 2 pregnancy, so i guess will be the same this time round too! haha... if u're worry abt yr diet, u can get them fr Pharmacy, Guardian & Unity got them. OBIMIN...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Clarrisa: for DHA my gynae only gave me during my 2nd trimester only... maybe diff gynae diff bah... so long u feel ok & can eat then fine bah... i also have the same feeling like u, i tend to burp alot, though didn't eat much... no vomiting, but feels funny lor.. & tastebud seems like steel... dun like plain water... haha...

yallo: i guess no worry too much on the weight, tat's wat my gynae had told me b4, u juz eat when u feel like it, cos during the last trimester, u wont be gaining so much so fast liao...

Cindy Chua: sorry to hear tat... hope u have a mini confinement still, & rest well so yr body will be better prepare for the next! take care!

Hi all,

Went to gynae yday. Baby is into 5w. But got fluid beside sac so got to rest more n take dusphaston twice daily. Means can't carry my 2yo girl too.. Sigh I've got the fluid in my 1st preg too, so hope it'll clear up within next few wks. Plus found a cyst too but gynae says it's actually good for pregnancy so no need to worry abt it. Glad I went for check up, at least now I gotta be more careful.

Cindy, sorry to hear that, take good care..

Yallo, think recommended weight gain is abt 10kg to 15kg for whole preg. Also depending if u're under/over weight at the start. If under then don't hv to worry too much.

Clarissa, yep I'm also taking multi vits. My brand is prenaforte. Heard abt obimin too which mama ash takes. its actually good to pop these multi vit from start of preg.

cindy - this is gods/ way of QA. Your next baby will be much much healthier . Prepare your body for the best to come.

mamaAsh - i feel my tongue taste differnt too! its this wierd taste which I cant stand. I cant make out if its metal or whatever taste it is. And I realised that taking sweet stuff makes this taste worse! so i am keeping to also savory stuff. And I do not like plain water too! BUT still need to take la... else how?

stardust and kimiko - i too feel better these 2 days - at 8th week! and I too thought it should only get worse and peak at somewhere 7/8 week?

i better ask my gynae about these multi vits

MIA after 1st posting 2 weeks back coz dunno how the pregnancy will progress... a bit paranoid. even retested with kit coz 2 weeks back symptoms subsided and had very light spotting.

Much more assured after 2nd visit yesterday. Finally saw heartbeat at week 7! small dot that goes blinking. Gynae managed to hear the heartbeat but i can't (Sounds like water movement n noise interference =P)

My gynae is more pragmatic. Told me to keep low profile during our 1st consultation as 75% of pregnancy goes through but now with heartbeat, its 90%. =)

I finally realised the reason why I am so bloated. I looked like 5 months preggie instead of only 7 weeks! I asked my hubby if i am carrying sextuplets! Ran out of clothes to wear. Reassuring to know from gynae that its actually due to my huge cyst that pushes my womb forward. I will probably have to undergo surgery at week 14 when baby is more stabilised to remove the cysts coz might be dangerous to baby if the cysts later rupture. Sounds scary initially to me but now taking it in my stride.

Everyone kambatte! I am in real estate line but recently feeling veri nauseous each time in the car after meals but no choice gotta be on the road often.

Me too... favors savory food and sweet things like chocolate holds no appeal. My meals each day is based on craving. Shake head. Haha. I have started to stop brushing teeth & tongue at night coz makes me feel nauseous. LOL.

My gynae double confirmed with me that at this moment only take folic acid. The other supplements have no scientific proof that they are beneficial to baby at this point in time. Well...

Cindy: Jiayou... Rest well and take a break to restore your health and recharge ya.

Stardust25: You are amazing! keke. even car ride is uncomfy for me.

Evelyn: Well, actually i only avoid pineapple, chinese herbs, raw food and liang beverages. not sure what kind of food is too liang. dun be stressed out ok... if the home cooked food is not to your liking then just find excuses to eat out eg gotta OT etc.

Cindy: So sorry to hear about it, do take care and see you around this forum soon! Jia you!

Clarrisa: Great to hear that from you! Coz I'm on my way to week 8 already, hope it really subsides after that!! :D

TIE: Great to hear that 90% of the baby with heartbeat will go through.. Though it's not 100% but 90% seem assuring enough [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Welcome back to the thread

kimiko - somehow... in my 1st preg, i vomited till like 12 weeks.. than it begins to subside with occasional vomits still..and till 16 weeks, completely no vomits.. So, I was wondering, aint 8 weeks supposed to be the peak? instead of already subsiding?

TIE - thanks for the assuring news on the 90%! Stay positive on the cyst. I hope its nothing too major.

yallo - my gynae ask me to put on 10kgs wor. I was like...10? possible mah?

Hi gals

May i know the date for next year cny? Thk u..

Hv u all start drinking the maternity milk ie ammum? Frisomum?

joanne: next CNY 初一 is on 23 Jan 2012!!

clarrisa: i dare not drink too much plain water, canned drinks appeal to me, but i try not to take too much, wait diabeties! go for fruit juices instead... or take fruits... wow yr gynae ask u to control 10kg only? very tough lor... my past 2 pregnancies were around 15-18kgs... haha...

ya, i also avoid those food TIE mentioned + coconut drinks! only take it during my last trimester...

i have yet to see my gynae....only seeing her next week....kinda worried and scared cos' i dun hv much MS..i shld be around 7w plus this week...

Cindy - So sorry to hear about your loss. Stay strong!

Clarrisa & Kimiko - Thanks. That's really re-assuring. I went online to check at various pregnancy websites and got myself really frightened. But after checking on some forum, I realised some MTBs' symptoms subsided by week 8.....so keeping fingers crossed! I'm at week 7/8 cos probably hit jackpot on hubby's b-day...hehehe

yallo & TIE - well, I guess the lure of an overseas vacation was too hard to resist. But yah, I wonder how I had the courage to do it, thinking back - so dreadful! But my nausea is generally food induced....so maybe not so bad. I'm quite ok with travelling/ commuting...considering that hubby drives like a nutcase.

I'm so looking forward to my 1st scan when I return to sg. Hope I'll get to hear the important heartbeat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies

I have the following items for sale, do PM or SMS me if you're interested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Brand New Pigeon Silent Electric Breast Pump


Safety 1st Deluxe Bath Cradle


Used Medela PISA Faceplate


Went for my 1st gynae appt yesterday.

He did a scan both inside and outside and only managed to see sac and a small white dot. According to him, I am in my week 5-6 instead of week 7 based on my LMP.

Was given a jab and Duphaston + Vit B6 for 1 week.

Hopefully heartbeat can be detected when I go back next week again.

I'm also in my 5th WK, also hoping to detect heartbeat in next visit in 2 wks time. So anxious during this period for all of us.. But we need to remind ourselves to be cheerful n positive!

Manunited, how abt bring forward ur appt to this WK? So have a peace of mind..

Joanne - was told jab as a booster to enable Duphaston to work faster as liquid absorbs better in our body. And Duphaston is to relax the uterus and act as a "fertilizer" for fetus growth

Hi Manunited, I'm ard 5-6 weeks and have zero ms. No nausea or queasiness whatsoever. Looking forward to this sat when I see the gynae for the first time. I don't feel pregnant at all!

Good Morning all!

cloud - Dr Joycelyn Wong very busy schedule....very hard to squeeze in this week. anyway i m seeing her on monday....so a few more days..

i saw her on my 5th week, can see waterbag but no HB yet..she said 5th week can only see waterbag...

Shall see how next week.....

Good Morning all!

cloud - Dr Joycelyn Wong very busy schedule....very hard to squeeze in this week. anyway i m seeing her on monday....so a few more days..

i saw her on my 5th week, can see waterbag but no HB yet..she said 5th week can only see waterbag...

Shall see how next week.....


Natal Care Plus (400mg): Each box of 30 capsules at $14.00 (U.P. $16.05)



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All boxes with Expiry 2013.

Bought too many from Dr Adrian.


An Australian specially balanced formulation that helps fulfill DHA requirement for fetal / baby brain development, and optimizes the brain development of the fetus and infant.

The core element in NATAL CARE PLUS - Natural Fish Oil - contains DHA and EPA, which is particularly needed during pregnancy and lactation. Apart from that, NATAL CARE PLUS also contains Vitamin E, an anti-oxidant that helps to alleviate the negative impact of free radical formation, and increase normal cell function.


Cash on pick-up/delivery @ Jurong East or Raffles Place.

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Thanks all and have a safe pregnancy!

Clarrisa: No idea, the 'peak by week 10' was told to me by the first gynae I visited. But personally, the stomach acid in me seem to be a lot 'quieter' these 2 days and I was able to eat and sleep better. Still will feel nauseous to certain food and smell but really felt much better these 2 days. Hope it's like you said that it's going away by week 8.

Hi mamaash

Thks for ur advise. May i know is it anybody can take obinim? Whts the brand of obinim that we shd eat now and can buy at gurdian? Btw, r u drinking ammum

Or frisomum now?

Thk u so much...

Hi gals

Is doc Jocelyn real good? Shes fr tmc right? Thk u all..

i am back!! haha!! was on course yesterday and the feeling is HORRIBLE!!! i am so tired, u cannot sit properly; need to move ard.. and i think sit too long ytd.. now having some back ache...

received my maternity leggings today!!! shall try them out and let u all know..but the seller is so cute and nice.. got a free pair of baby socks in it.. looking at the socks, it's so cute!!! i can imagine me going crazy over shopping for my kids next time!! haha!!

actually we r not supposed to put on weight on the 1st 3 mths... coz nothing is for the baby yet... whatever weight we put on now, it's all ours!!! haha!! now trying to control my weight a little now.. already put on like 3-4kg.. hopefully can lose a bit or maintain... after that we are supposed to put on like 0.4kg to 0.7kg each mth... but forget from which mth onwards.. i read it form the brochers that gynae gave...

next appt is next wed.. hopefully can see more or maybe hear heartbeat coz it should be in my 7th weeks already...

btw, when will we get the full blast of MS??

Hello ladies!

I just came back from my 1st gynae appointment, supposed to be next Sat but the paranoid & kanjiong me couldn't wait so pushed forward LOL. In the end could only see a small sac ~1.6cm. But at least now I know it's in the correct position in the womb (and I can tell my MIL that yes i am REALLY pregnant! She still seems to doubt it because I only tested DIY and it's not "officially" confirmed by a doctor diaoz...) Hopefully when I go back next week can see something inside + heartbeat!

Tangerine: Dr. Kenneth Lee is quite good! Nice and chatty and reassuring [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] He didn't do a vaginal scan for me (phew!) just a normal scan from outside tummy. Before scanning he said smth funny, like don't expect to see baby waving at you ah, to try & manage my expectations :p

Any of you ladies got prescribed Utrogestan? I'm supposed to take 200mg daily for 2 weeks hmm.

Jacqueline: I asked my gynae about weight gain, his answer was just go with the flow, eat when hungry and stop when full haha. No need to especially watch the weight. So I will try to stop worrying about it. Actually I still haven't experienced any MS yet, hopefully it stays that way!

hi all,

manunited, same clinic! but mine is the other lady doc. Hey dont worry, i understand the feeling, i'm also anxious abt next scan to hear bb HB in 2 wks time.

Joanne, i havent taken anmum yet, will be doing so soon.

Jac, full blast MS think from wk8 onwards.

For me at the moment is feeling hungry very fast. It's those hunger that will make me wanna faint kind sometimes. Can be v hungry in middle of night too. Hate it, cos i dont usually snack and i find eating such a chore!

Hi yallo

How many wks r u at now? Ur gynea is fr which hospital? So nice can do tummy scan as i hate v scan too...;)

Hi cloub

Thk u for ur advise.. How many wks u r at now? U see gynea already? Wht other supplement r u eating beside folic and ammun? Thk u..

Joanne, I'm at ~6wks now and my gynae is from Mt Alvernia (although he also has a clinic in Woodlands). I think I looked a little disappointed at seeing only a little sac on the screen, so he offered to do a v scan for me too, say can see more that way. But I chickened out haha!

joanne, i'm at 5th wk, yep saw gynae on Mon. Am taking multi vit and dusphaston pills.

Keep ur bladder full before scan, so it's clearer to see from normal scan. I did normal scan, saw the sac, tiny dot baby n yolk...

gratz yallo!! so which which r u in already??? i think week 6 or 7 can hear heartbeat le right??

lolx.. ur gynae so friendly.. i heard of some gynae will warn u if u put on too too much weight.. i think its because of your own health and also might be diff to shed it off after that.

cloud942, thanks!! i hope it wont be too bad! haha!!

u gals planning to buy any insurance for preg and baby???

Yallo: I was prescribed Utrogestan 100mg to take orally daily for about 15days. Did your gynae tell you why you were prescribed those? Mine didn't and the nurse outside calls it 'an tai yao' which I'm not sure about.. Anyway I'm switching gynae and will be seeing Dr. Han from KKH next week. Will ask him about it.

Jac: Should be can see heartbeat at week 7, my baby's heartbeat was detected when I was at week 6 day 1 then again everyone could be different. That seller sure is cute! Do let us know how the leggings are like? I definitely need new leggings :x Oh! I wasn't aware that there's insurance for pregnancy. What does it cover?

Maternity Bermuda and pants at $5 & $8

I have a lot of Maternity Bermuda and pants. Some is brand new, some only only worn a few times.. Can SMS me for photos at 96922155. Can view in Bukit Batok too..


kimiko, i think it covers for both mum and baby... when preg, covers mum more... den after giving birth will be transferred to baby... can only buy from week 18 onwards... i think it covers miscarriage, pre-mature bah and death for mum before giving birth... den after giving birth, it will cover baby for hand foot mouth, etc (cant remember what others le) for the 1st 3 years... it's like life insurance with pay out after a number of years... so far only predential has such policies that covers the mum and baby during preg.. just got to know abt it when i met up with my fren aka agent ytd...

kimiko, y did u decided to change to KK??

Jac, thanks for the explanation! I didn't know insurance is so extensive these days even to cover m/c.. Guess I will try to read about it and let my hubby decide.

Oh! Actually I was thinking that since KKH has the most extensive medical equipment and stuffs and I read how other hospital usually transfer complicated cases to KKH then might as well go to KKH from the start. Dr. Han used to treat my mother for some woman's problem and I was rather impressed with him as my mother suffered that problem for years only to be treated by him on just 1 visit to undergo surgery and she has been fine since. I also read about him from some pregnant mums and think that he would be a good choice.

Kimiko: My gynae said the Utrogestan is a type of female hormone and it will help to "stabilise" the womb, but didn't go into further details. He told me 3 things can happen when I go back to see him the next time. 1) is sac gets bigger, we see the baby inside the sac + heartbeat, then everything ok. 2) is sac stays the same size or 3) is sac grows bigger but in some wierd erratic shape, then that's both baaaaad news. So apparently still quite uncertain now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] The hope is the hormone will help push things towards scenario 1!

Jac, manunited: My gynae said I'm 6wks according to LMP, but when I did the scan and he measured the sac size for me, bottom of the screen said 5wks + few days. So I'm not too sure.

hi! I hope I can stay with this forum... tested positive last weekend but started cramping and spotting. Doc has advised me to take it easy, so my fingers and toes are all crossed for bb to pull through!

