(2011/12) Dec 2011

AWBB: Welcome to the thread! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Littlefren & Joanne, such a coincidence. My 2nd gynae visit is tomorrow as well! It's been a very bad past 3 days, I either vomit myself to sleep or wake up feeling like I'm gonna puke anytime soon. It's even harder to get food in and seem almost impossible to find the ultimate comfort food. I just feel so sick these few days. I know its bad to rely on anti-vomit pills but it seems like those don't work so well for me too.


Hello all...

Just back from check up to see my BB HB.

I am only 6wd now. (i always thought i am ard 8-9wk now) tmr i be 7wd. my edd mid dec. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

That means i have another 6 wks of nausea/lethargic to go....

Doc gave me anti-nausea pills but i think i will tahan and not eat them.

Hang in there all!

Hi mommies and mtb,

Im a first time MTB. Very excited but totally clueless of what to expected.

Overloaded with lots of do and dont from close friends. Abit lost what to follow hahahaa.

Going for my first gynae this fri. Hopefully all is well.

Bunny, that's great! Must be a load off your mind now that can hear the heartbeat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Take care and drink lotsa water to rehydrate!

Welcome Joanne [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm 1st time too. How far along are you now?

Wow we have two Joannes now in the forum! Congrats, Joanne (cluelessmtb) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm a first time MTB too, so equally kanjiong haha.

Joanne03: Hey are you refering to Dr. Paul Tseng? My sister's first child was delivered by him. Generally good comments, he's apparently very pro-natural (which my sis likes). Just that appts with him are always very chop-chop and he's the more "serious" type. My sis says sometimes after doing the ultrasound scan, even before she got off the bed Dr. Paul will already be saying "okay I'll see you in 4 wks time" haha. He only delivers at TMC though.

actually I've been thinking about this - when websites say what to expect at 5 weeks, do they mean 5wks X days? or 4 weeks X days (ie what to expect by the end of your 5th week)?

Thk u yallo for ur comment abt doc paul.. Maybe will try him out.. Any other feedback abt doc paul? Also, Anyone seeing doc benjamin? Heard he is also quite good...

Hi joanne

By this friday, u r at what wk of ur pregnancy?

Hi all! I just found out today I'm expecting!This is unplanned and my 3rd child.My daughter is 23mths and my son is 13mths. We are pretty nervous but at the same time excited because God has decided to bless us yet again! I actually had suffered a miscarriage in Nov and told my husband I didnt want to actively try again because i still felt very upset by what happened.

Anyway, my gynae is Dr Adrian Woodworth.He delivered my previous 2 babies.His package is as follows -

- Starts anytime from the day you are pregnant.

- Includes ultrasound 2 every visit.

- Includes prenatal vitamins + folic acid

- You will have to pay extra if you want to buy fish oil from his clinic.He doesnt force you to buy and tells you that you are welcome to buy from outside but always advises any kind of fish oil is better than no fish oil.

- Package amount is $550 + GST.This was the package amount in 2009 and 2010.Might have increased this year but only slightly.

- You can see him @ his clinic in Sengkang, CCK and also at TMC.

- He does evening clinics and Sat clinics as well.

- He was very prompt in answering my texts and calls.

We absolutely loved him and have no problems selecting him as our gynae again. He also is very generous with MCs as he understands being pregnant can be difficult.He himself has 3 kids with his SAHM wife.He only delivers at either TMC or Mount A because he lives nearby and can rush there ASAP in case of any emergency.

Anyway, enough boring talk about my gynae.I'm super glad to meet everyone here!Conception was definitely on 13th April. We know because with 2 kids, its not like we have time for sex very often.LOL!

Just reached hm not too long agon reading thru the post.... I think I'm confused, we have 3 Joannes in this thread right? Joanne clueless mum, Joanne 03 n Joanne Koh, right? Anyway, welcome welcome all Joannes n new mommas to be!!! ;)

Hi kimiko, ya, so coincidental! All our Appt is tml! Me n u in kkh! I'm going in the morning! I'm very eggcited n a little worried at same time.... Worry abt what? I also can't tell, just hope we all hv gd reports to post tml!!!! ;)

Kimiko, do let the doc know abt Yr appeitte n ms and see what he suggest. At least he can give u assurance whether it's normal or need some other med to help. Take care! ;)

Can I join in the crowd? My appt is tomorrow too @ TMC hehe

Let's stay positive [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi tethysea,

When's Yr next Appt? Dun worry too much n bed rest more... Bedrest do help in spotting. To ans Yr qn, what to expect app, u mean the weekly Thimbu right? Week 5 meant week 4 x days ;) they did explain somewhere, but I can't rem where I read it fr ;))

anyone have the feeling of food stuck in throat feeling? I sometimes have it on and off esp after vomits. Usually its just like a grain of rice stuck. But somehow yest evening after a major round of vomits, i feel theres this huge chunk of rice stuck inside. Is this normal? How can I ease this???? Drinking water doesn't seem to help. pls advise

Hi mummies,

Wish to join u gals in this forum.

I test positive yesterday but due to I got pink and brown discharge I also went to see a gynae yesterday.

Saw de small beanie now taking mc resting at Hm and need c gynae again tis sat.

Thanks mummies for the welcome.

Good morning!! How's everyone feeling today? As usual I puke after brushing my teeth urghh!!

Realized a few of you are with kkh as well? Who is your gynae? Mine Dr John Tee.

Jas: congrats!!!! Do rest well k! Don't carry heavy stuff, dun walk too much, dun take liang food.

Thanks awbb.

I now try bedrest. Also store food at Hm so dun need go out lor now feel myself like being quarantine like tat.

Jas: are u working? Bedrest really helps. My sil bed rest for at least 2 mths before she gave birth. I know, feel restricted but tahan abit k? Watch yr fav DVD while resting la!


I am working but now gynae give me 3 days mc to rest at home.

Ya lor really can only watch tv to kill time

Jas: wah so long weekend for u then?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] take it as holiday. 1st child??

Littlefren: You're right! 3 Joannes! Wow haha

tinybubu: Congrats! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Regarding fish oil, apparently there's this thing to look out for: the ratio between EPA and DHA present in each pill. According to my gynae, EPA will cause thinning of the blood, which is good in most cases but too much of it may be dangerous for pregnant ladies. The recommended ratio is between 1:5 to 1:10 I think i.e. more of DHA than EPA. The brand I bought had almost a 1:1 ratio, so the gynae advised me not to take it.

Tonight is my appt and I'm going to try to take MC from him !!!

But I can't help but worry a little. I hope the little one inside is growing well!

Jas: this is my 2nd. Advice is: pls slp n rest as much as possible...dun think I slept much for the last 2 yrs plus since I got preggy with #1 lol!!

Joanne : all shall be fine !!!

Morning all....went for my checkup yday...saw my lil beanie! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] EDD - 1 Dec 11 but think will be Nov bb cos my #1 oso came out 3 wks earlier and from Dec became Nov boy!

My gynae oso noticed a cyst inside my womb (i think someone mentioned previously too?) its abt 2cm but she said will go off itself...hopefully by next 2 visits..

lets jia you Everyone! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi jas! *waves* [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ooh should I stock up on other vits and supplements or consult with gynae first? I'm only on folic now.


Ya my fren who have kid also tell me they keep not enough sleep.


Mine is fibroid think 2 or 3 cm bigger than my beanie lor.


Hi to u.

My gynae give me folic acid n vit b than de an tai med lor.

jas, then what did your gynae say abt the cyst/fibroid? will it go off by itself later? my 5th wk checkup she dint see any cyst leh.....

Hi MTBs,

What a coincidence, my apptmt is also tdy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I finally saw my bb for the first time and when I heard the heartbeat, I burst out laughing...didnt have to do internal examination since it was quite clear from ultra sound. Got scolded though, and now barred from travelling! :p

My EDD is 4 Dec - err...same bday as my dog, haha. I'm 8 wks 2 days. Date of conception is hubby's bday. So hubby veri happy.

I'm given alot of things to take and gynae say I got to gain alot more weight! At least another 15kg! Argh.....

Just to check - my total damage for today came close to $500 ($200 for consultation, $200 for scan and the rest for 4-week supply of meds etc). Is this on the high side?

My gynae has no pkg. Her consultation is ard $200 and her delivery charges for normal birth is 7K (exc epidural). The clinic assistant told me next visit will do scan and blood test for Down Syndrome and will come to $900. Wah, looks like gonna save up! :p

Oh, as for crackers, I second that! I've been feeding on those and strangely, I quite like chicken in a biscuit too - it has successfully removed the metal taste in my mouth...use it to lace stomach before I eat - seems to work. Wanna try? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jiayou all!

Congrats, stardust! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Happy that you got to hear your bb heartbeat! Keeping my fingers crossed for my next appt on Sat. Your gynae managed to calculate the date of conception? That's possible? I'm very curious whether mine is made locally or made overseas hee :p Oh and how come you kena scolded?

My first consultation was slightly below $300. $180 for consultation and ultra sound scan (not the internal type), then another close to $100 for one bottle of fish oil and 2wks worth of Utrogestran (some hormone pills). Forgot to ask how much is his delivery charges though.

Ehhh I have a question. Keep seeing you gals say savoury food is good. What exactly does savoury mean? Salty? Sweet? Sour?

Hi yallo, I'm also not sure how it's calculated but think it's done by counting backwards after ultrasound scan? Haha. Savoury means salty and/ or sour.

Got 'scolded' cos I flew to UK during first trimester. I just returned to Sg yday. She went "I hope you are no longer travelling yah?", but in a motherly tone. Got her to write me a letter in case Im asked to travel for work etc too. :p

My gynae starts work at 7am and hubby likes that, cos no need to search for parking at Glen E. She's also very gentle and thorough. But really very ex. So now in a dilemma....

Stardust: we got the same EDD!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wow urs very ex!! Consultation $200 ?!?!

stardust >> wah $500 sounds ex! Plus no package so every visit this amount ah? Mine was $300 ($100 consultation, the rest was ultrasound, bloodtest, meds).

But travelling by right is ok mah... only last trimester cannot, I thought.

stardust - congrats! 500 plus is abit ex. my 1st consultation costs me about 350 (thats scan + folic + dha) and i already thought its abit ex. She must be a real experience and popular gynae i suppose.

I also thought travelling is OK? I was back from HKG and BKK weeks back and am expecting to go SHG in about 2 weeks. Can't travel mah? I better check with my gynae when next see him

Hello all mummies,

I'm new to this thread. I think i'm around 7 weeks + now and EDD is 7 Dec. This is my 2nd kid. 1st one is turning 2 in July this year. Had an mc in 2008 too.

Had been experiencing quite bad MS these days and had lost 2 kgs so far. I'm wif Dr Fong Yang now.

Nice to know you guys. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

manunited: The cysts could be either pre-existing or developed during pregnancy (corpus lytum). Usually corpus lytum cyst will go off on its own in a while. hmm. my gynae says anything small like 2 or 3 cm usually can leave it be. But i have a 6cm and a 3cm cyst. Quite likely I will choose to remove it surgically during week 14 when foetus is most stable to prevent risk of cysts rupturing and the fluids being dangerous to baby. Hope this helps... =)

stardust - congrats! wow, your gyane's consultation quite expensive...i asked my gynae got discount anot cos she every yr up $10....

how big is your bb now?

wow!!! so many mummies-to-be suddenly!!! congratz everyone...!!!!! =)

I can feel my MS gettign worse.. whole weekend nausea very bad and i keep enduring.. I didnt wanna vomit... but still vomit... even drinking of water also very er xin...

clarrisa, i know how u feel... after vomiting but still feel something trapped inside throat and not coming out?? unleaa try continue vomiting and see if anything comes out?? i think prob theres nothing there le.. but a feel that something is stuck... coz i couldnt vomit anyone out anymore other than acid juice.. YUCKS!!

this morning also.. i realised after waking up not long, also nausea.. and worse after brushing teeth.. why?? took a long time before i can get myself to work... no appetite now.. i tried some milo just now.. butno use.. still nausea..

ladies, what are dry crackers???

btw, earlier this year when i went for my usual checkup, also found a 1.7cm thingy inside.. but usually sometimes, the things will be flushed out or go off somehow.. maybe get gynae to see thoroughly when u go for next ultrascan?? coz mine went missing already...

finally my next appt is tml.. although my previous appt was 2 weeks ago only, these 2 weeks seems so long!!! hopefully can hear heartbeat...

awbb- really! how nice! Haha. We shall see if we pop on same day then!

Jac - crackers are soda biscuits e.g Jacobs. Try it! Shld make you feel better.

manunited - how big as in how long? Haha. it's 8W2D old.

Tethysea & clarrisa - IMHO and according to GP, travelling is ok so long as it's a stable and normal pregnancy, altho travelling in 1st and 3rd trimester is generally not encouraged. But my frens have travelled and no harm done. For me, it was more of the discomfort, no damage to bb as far as I can see from tdy's scan.

I think my gynae is just very careful. Even asked me to distant myself from animals etc. Told her I cant. I have 2 dogs...so she said just dont pick up their poo. So I gave hubby wicked grin, hehe.

Anyway, my gynae is Dr Tanny Chan at Glen E. Was deciding between her, Mary Yang or Chan Kong Hon. Chose her really cos she opens very early and heard the wait is still ok. Her stitching I heard is gd too cos I am prone to keloids and scarring - in case I need C sec..... The assistant assured me that my mthly consultation shld be between $100-$300. But still ex rite?

Anyone with the other 2 gynae and can advise the charges?

Jac - YOU NAIL IT! this feel is sooo uncomfortable and makes me feel like vomiting more! any remedies to recommend?

And yes, this tooth brushing, some ppl will experience. For me, after vomits, i will feel stomach empty also and try to drink milo and I think milo doesn't help at all! i feel makes the stomach worse. SUggest you try some hot porridge. I find it helps to calm the tummy.

Dry crackers = biscuits lo...those like so-ta pia kind [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jacobs have alot of variety

stardust - i am see chan kong hon. I paid about 350 on 1st visit for scan plus folic plus dha. I guess relatively cheap compared to yours [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dr Chan is really good and very experienced. Very confident and proactive with information

thanks stardust & clarrisa!! think i go hunt for it tonight... and maybe pack inside bag also..

clarrisa, no wor, i went force myself to slp lor... maybe can try some sour stuff?? but after vomitting, gastric should be quite empty so eat sour stuff also a bit not right.. think force to rest will be best bah..

yes, milo dun help!! i happened to find the instant mushroom soup.. just tried but i think not helpful also.. still feeling nausea.. i think we can only endure... so far, over the weekend, i think the best is lie down and rest.. ytd i was on leave so practically was lying down on bed resting most of the time.. not that bad.. feels a lot better.. but once start to move ard or eat or drink, the feeling comes..

i am thinking of tom yum soup will help???

Woah, so many new mums [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Welcome all of you!

I just finish my 2nd gynae visit with Dr. Han at KKH. He sure is a whole lot better than my first gynae and I'll be sticking with him. Did scan, some routine urine test, etc plus consultation is about $130. He prescribed me some Vit B6, anti-nausea pills and pills for stomach acid which cost another $15. In all is $145 which I thought was rather reasonable because Dr. Han is a Senior consultant and a A. Prof!

My baby is doing ok, in fact much better than I expected. At 8W1D, my baby measures at 16mm from 4mm 2weeks ago. Everything is fine and I'm so relieved. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

congratz kimiko... so the scan can see more of the baby already???

just came back from toilet again.. my milo and mushroom soup gone again...

ytd hubby asked me 1 qn... coz the duphaston is taken after food... but if we vomit also, meaning the med will be vomited out also???

gong xi gong xi kimiko [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yah your previous gynae shouldn't have scared you with all the MC pamphlets nonsense!

Nowadays I always drink a cup of milo before going to sleep, hoping it'll help calm my stomach. But when I wake up in the morning I'm like SUPER DUPER hungry. Do you gals get up in the middle of the night to snack ah?

yallo, i force myself to slp de.. haha!!

joanne, as far as I know, the duphaston and also pill for nausea and vomitting is almost same size as folic acid...

Hi all,

Manunited, I've got a 2cm cyst too, last dec when I went for check don't hv, so doc says most likely pregnancy cyst which will go off hopefully...

On top of that I've got 2.4cm fibroid too which won't disappear , had that before I had my first child.

Jac, duphaston pills can take before or after food leh according to my clinic.


kimiko >> that's great!

yallo >> I just force myself to go to sleep :p BB doesn't need that much food right?! Only 300 calories. That's like half cup of orange juice!

