(2011/12) Dec 2011

Haha joannekoh, I can't swallow pills bigger than those too, so for my multi vits pills I actually bite it, sounds gross but I'm used to it... Like panadols I bite it too haha


Yallo, I used to wake up in middle of might for my 1st preg cos the hunger pangs was unbearable n making me nauseous so no choice had to eat something, very siong! Currently now I can still wait till morning, I'll also eat oats before sleep.

oh.. thanks cloud942! then think i will eat it before food to play safe...

and u bite ur pills?? i will vomit them out!! last time i also cannot take big pills.. but after that used to it coz need to take it for a period of time.. what i do is i will put it near my throat and quicking flush it down with lots of water...

think i am considered lucky in comparison. i often feel nauseous and uncomfy but so far no vomit (touch wood!). I love to dip the Jacobs weetameal into milo. Kinda soothing for me. Fruits like grapes work for me too. If I'm hungry, I will just snack b4 zzz.

I wake up often at night to pee. troublesome... Me too... I dun brush my teeth at night. So its common... =)

Stardust: You are in good hands. My gal fren strongly recommend Dr Tanny Chan. Her stitches are super good and no pain after that. When she had her second child, the nurses asked her if her previous c-sect was Dr Tanny Chan going by the nice stitches. Unfortunately her charges are on the high end and no package plus I prefer Parkway East due to location. =)

Its another 3 more weeks to next visit plus the Oscar. Heard that its a very clear scan during Oscar. So looking forward to it!

cloud - ya, my 3 wks ago scan, no cyst at all...now suddenly got a 2cm cyst inside the womb (near the sac there)....

i feel fat and bloated but my weight dropped from my last gynae visit 3 wks ago.....quite surprised!...

anyone announced their pregnancy to their family members like sisters etc and close friends already?

Thanks ladies! I totally didn't expect that because I'm puking more than I eat these days. But on days when I can eat, I really eat. That's probably why my weight has been constant despite the vomiting though my tummy looks flatter as compared to 2 weeks ago. I usually try to sleep before my stomach starts to feel queasy and tries to sleep throughout the night. Otherwise I have to vomit everything out before I can sleep. Ya, I can see baby much clearer as compared to the previous small dot. Now I can see the yolk sac and baby beside it. The baby is also much bigger than a dot. Will see much more when I go back 4weeks later. Can't wait >.<

jac - yes yes, I also force myself to sleep! sleep those nauseous feelings away. i guess maybe just dun upset the tummy? cos i get nauseous from car rides too! these days after long rides, I tend to want to vomit! terrible...

kimiko - glad to hear that alls well from your gynae visit! so you can now be more relax [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Clarrisa - thanks. Do you have more info on the other charges for Dr Chan? How much was your scan alone? Is the clinic crowded and the wait long?

Joanne - Thought Oscar is to check abnormalities and Down Syndrome? It's optional but think most MTBs will check just in case?

TIE - thanks! how much did your fren spend in total? I was just rather shocked by the bill. I thought Chan Kon Hon was the most expensive amongst the 3 I shortlisted...oh well...

manunited - I only told my sis and will tell my mum soon. Guess I gotta inform boss too since Dec is my peak period...heh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

joanne koh: the oscar test is non invasive (you may wanna refer to my earlier post) so why not do it for a peace of mind. i had a peek at the nov2011 thread think everyone did it bah... fron nov2011 thread, most people spent around $300+ for the oscar test =)

manunited: my immediate family from both sides and very few friends knew it. guess my tummmy is too bloated to hide (also due to cysts). so for those who asked pointedly if pregnant, i will say but if general qns like when u wanna have kids kind, husband will reply planning... let u know in due course.

tethysea: i just visited my friend at parkway east 1-2 mths ago after her delivery. the couple was gushing with praises with the hospital and gynae. I was so wowed by the victoria suite (separate living hall with PS/ Wii and laptop etc and hotel class big ensuite toilet!) that i said i wanna stay there! keke. shortly after that, i discovered i'm preggie. compared a few hospitals - TMC ( i hate the parking and feedback from other threads not as good), Mt A (in midst of reno and currently a bit old n rundown, Mt E (my gal fren was caught in orchard traffic jam while on the way to delivery! the parking charges there are scary!) and Parkway East (near my place, very nicely renovated and good experience by my galfren with the nurses and lactation consultant).

As for gynae, mine is Dr Roland Chieng. His clinic is at Parkway East. I dun have to wait for hours like some of the popular gynaes. Charges are reasonable and he will explain medical procedures in a clear and easy to understand manner e.g. my cysts issue. He not the kind to earn money. Told me no need to start on any supplements except folic acid coz scientifically not proven to be useful during 1st trimester. Think he is more reknowned for fertility treatment.

stardust25: eh. my fren did not remember how much she spent in all but that no package so each time $100+ to $200+ or so depending on whether got do further tests/ special scans. considering that we will be going for very regular checkups every alternate weeks in 3rd trimester, the amount will run up a fair bit bah with no package.

TIE >> I agree with your assessment of the few hosp. Have not been to Eastshore since it was renovated few yrs ago, but online reviews all not bad. I stay in East too, and I have straight bus there! What are the charges like?

Hi all

Parkway east is it eastshore? Any gd gynea to recommend there? I agree abt tmc carpark issue so thinking shd change or not?

But the idea of having to draw blood for Oscar turns me off [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

clarrisa, i think me and u almost same.. initially i thought i am getting car sick because i am also playing games on hp, using hp and reading some stuff.. but recently i realised i get car sick also when I am not doing anything!!! Haha!! Maybe car needs some modifications to make ourselves better??

manunited, I also only told my 2 families... and hint hint some friends, 1 colleague and my supervisor.. decides to inform my supervisor coz i duwan additional roles which may cause more discomfort! maybe not annoucing but hint hint... but i think some friends very naturally will say it out when in conversation...

hmm... seems like east shore is pretty gd recently.... tethysea, what do u mean by charges?? the amt we all need to pay when deliverying?? if it's that, i also wanna know.. hehez.... think hubby prefer east shore coz nearer to home...

joanne003, i am currently seeing dr heng.. recommended by friends and also by 2boysmummy...

draw blood for oscar??? how much blood????

Hello all!

I just went for my Appt n all's well!!! Heard the loud hb n baby has grown a lot! Very happy to see that! ;)) now shopping n eating dessert w hubby!!! Today's a happy day for me!!!

Hey kimiko, great to know that all's well for u too!!! Heng u never listen to Yr ex doc, otherwise sure depress all the way! Glad that u like dr han, my sil kept telling me he's very gd!!!

Hi stardust, ya, Yr doc's kinda ex! Ok... Very ex for me actually but I'm sure she has good reasons to be so. If u can afford it n u are comfortable w her.... Y not?

My damage today is abt $160. $120 for consult n scan as first Appt, and $40 for med. Kimiko, I not given vitamin pills leh, my doc says only folic n daphaston. But he gave me free fish oil samples (18 days) to try but said to take only at start of second tri. N I think fish oil tablets are bigger than folic....

Hope to hear more gd reports fr rest of mommas! Have a gd day!

TIE: Do you know how much the hospital charges for delivery packages there? My MIL heard that Parkway East is very expensive. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Did your girlfriend comment on how are the nurses there? Are they pro-breast feeding and helpful? It's a tempting option for me, because I also stay in the East and it's so much nearer than Mount Alvernia. By the way I didn't even notice that Mount Alvernia is undergoing renovation!

manunited: I told my in-laws and somehow within a day their ENTIRE extended family knew of it *sweat drop* sigh... Luckily my parents are more tight lipped, so better damage control on my side of the family. At work, only my immediate supervisor plus another colleague (who's due in Oct [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]) knows.

Littlefren, good to hear that from you too! Dr. Han prescribed that vitamin to help me with the nauseousness. The pharmacist told me that it will calm down the nausea feeling for some people. So I guess if your vomiting all that ain't that bad, you don't have to take that. Dr. Han also told me that I don't have to continue with Utrogestan as well so the medication I got today are all for nausea and vomiting. Woah, did you scan at AMC there or the Doc scan for you? I only managed to see a blinking dot during the scan at AMC but didn't hear the hb.

Just finished my appt.

Heard bb hb and can see more this time. Ultrasound show 5W6D 21Dec 11

Continue on Vit B and Duphaston

Finally Big load off my mind knowing bb is growing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So encouraging to read all the post with good news today

tethysea, joanne, jacqueline, yallo: Yup, Eastshore is the former name. Think they changed name after reno. Hmm. i have not checked out the exact charges. My gal fren who just delivered told me its in fact one of the cheapest, possibly cheaper than TMC and MAH. So i thought its a much better deal. newer reno, cheap and good service plus under parkway should be fine. my gal fren saids the lactation consultant will check on her periodically to see hows everything. Not sure if it means pro breastfeeding. I read that TMC have to make appointment with the LC and nurse not so helpful.

joanne koh: its probably a quick prick bah. very fast. keke. small issue compared to labour pain!

past few weeks i have problems with car rides which is bad for me as i am in real estate! hubby had to wind down the windows for me. think this week (8th week) is better for me so far. if possible, i try to walk a bit after meals b4 travelling else nauseous...

littlefren & babypom >> that's great! ooooh if 5w6d can hear hb liao then maybe I'll be able to hear this week also :p

TIE >> ok, will definitely check it out then! thanks!

manunited >> I told my sis and boss (who told the whole dept -_-), and my parents kinda accidentally found out today. Haha!

congratz babypom!!! wah!! 5w6d can hear hb already??? when i scan at 5w4d, doc says still early... so hopping tml can hear something.. i should be in my 7th week already..

Thanks TIE.. Maybe I should make a trip down to Parkway East AKA East Shore to take a look soon... they have the tour for ppl to view the place?? all hospital has it right??

Is the price fixed by hospital or might also vary according to the differnet gynae?? I heard TMC is quite ex.. thats what my friend says.. but can't remember how much they paid in total le.. some says KKH although gov hospital, but their pricing is also very ex if u r not subsidized...

Hi gals,

I can only choose between mt a and tmc as my gynae only help deliver there.

He yesterday already pass me the brochure showing pricing tis sat I going get from him tmc. He tell me mt a cheaper say now tmc quite ex but so far my fren and sil deliver at tmc quite good feedback . I will compare to c if the price diff a lot.

i think TMC nurses n midwives are good. One of them actually encouraged me to go without epidural since i was already halfway there, if not with her encouragement, i wld have opt for epi!

But yes agree parking is so troublesome!

If i rem correctly, i think oscar need to draw 3 small tubes of blood...

wah babypom, 5w6d can hear hb, that's good! I didnt hear at 5w2d...

I think i've got slight gastric, lots of wind in stomach...

stardust - i dunno the breakdown wor and also did not ask about the rest of the month's charges. Since you say you took alot of meds, maybe this round, its the meds thats costly? I am seeing him in about 2 weeks time. I will ask about the rest of the rates and let you know if you are still keen. I think its best to stay with a gynae that you are comfortable with. Since you are comfortable with current, why not stay with her?

Hah! so I am not the only pax who suffers from motion sickness [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I realised this cos usually after car rides, I wanna vomit. so before and after car rides, cannot eat too full. cannot go hungry too!

i hope tri 1 passes by fast!

cloud - i think its not gastric. Its normal to feel gassy during the preg.

ladies, r ur tummies showing??? my tummy is obvious leh!!! i look inside the mirror.. almost fainted... it shouldnt be SO obvious de right??? it seems like its gonna be as big as my breast!!

clarrisa, i hope so.. cos it's more wind today than usual.. and i had semi watery stools twice today..

jac, mine also showing but gynae says it's mainly due to wind at this stage...

Hi jac

Thks for ur recommendation..

Shall consider..

Hi gals

I dun hv naueous but already start to feel sick of food especially totally no appetite on wht to eat for dinner.. But yet hungry... Arrggg.. Is this one of the symptons? Do u all hv headache wht to eat too? I just find all hawker food er xin..;( am i normal??

Tethysea,Jacqueline - I always thought I am in my week 7 seems like my O is very very late hehe. I saw hb on monitor so I ask if I can hear it too ;) HB ard 90+ and doc said is doing fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] do update after yr gynae visit and share the good news ya

joanne >> Me too! I think maybe it's heightened sense of smell... like my husband cooked salted veg soup for me and all I could smell was the bloody smell of the pork ribs and it made me feel very turned off. But forced myself cos he took the trouble to cook, and when eat already ok leh?

Wor, good to hear all the positive news today! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Clarrisa - thanks. Grateful if you can let me know the breakdown if you are comfy.

Agree with all the ladies that first and foremost, must be comfy with the gynae which I am. Just hope to be sustainable as well cos gonna see gynae very often [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

As for scan, for those who hv yet to scan, maybe can get gynae to show u more. I was lucky, gynae was v thorough, told me this is sac, tat is fetus, blink is heartbeat and then on the vol for me to hear...told me no cysts...even show me my bladder...hahahha...else I also wont know what to ask. Also encouraged me to jot down qns as and when and then can ask during next visit.

Anyway, for those interested in the hosp charges, I found the following:-



Hope it's useful.

Btw, is it true we should start using stretch mark cream alrdy? :p

babypom: Yeah very curious to know when's your LMP? Congrats on hearing your bb heartbeat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jac: I think my tummy is getting bigger too!!! Keep wondering how come ppl never notice haha.

wind??? how come got wind???

yallo, no 1 notice?? maybe still not VERY obvious?? or clothes very loose cannot see???

start using stretch mark cream now?? would it be too early??

keke. as for hospital think generally all should be fine. one near your home is even better coz more convenient.

babypom: did you manage to hear the hb? i can't differentiate when gynae turned on the sound. sounds like lotsa noise (maybe digestive system at work) but since gynae can hear, thats good.

think can start applying stretch mark cream liao but dunno what to get. can the experienced mums recommend? =)

Hi tethysea

YES YES!! Thats the feeling.. When eat is ok , am surprise i am ok but when havent eat, headache wht to eat and totally feel turn off on foods..

Tethysea - no leh. My cycle is regular between 28-30 days usually. Doc suspect is late ovulation

TIE - yes but I could be to excited that time too so I asked if my hubby heard and he did! Doc even joked that he didn't know his machine can hear hb haha

joanne >> yar I keep expecting that I would have some sort of craving for something, but nothing leh? Just hungry but no interest in food.

babypom >> wah. really late ovulation!

Yes tethsea.. Thats exactly how i feel too.. Keep thinking wht to eat but just no craving..;( so this is normal.. Now feel relief.. Thk u...;)

babybom - ei, why cant hear heartbeat le? you are too anxious is it? I can hear the heartbeat very clearly. like horse racing, galloping [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stardust - you are right. It needs to be sustainable. Taking into consideration we may need to see gynae on ad hoc basis also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Dr Chan showed the sac, the fetus, whether theres fabroids etc also. He also showed me the uterus and explain which is the uterus doing the work and explain thats why we may feel some discomforts on that side of the uterus. He also give advise on what to expect in the coming months, the tests etc. So, i find him very proactive and value for money! I like it as I am someone will alot of questions. Jottng down the questions is a good idea! I realised i missed out some questions the last round!

ANyone here started exercising yet?

Jac - my tummy also abit bigger than usual. esp so in the evening time!

babypom - whats CRL? i also saw in my scan. mine read 1.08cm..

joanneo3 - now i see the time to eat also feel like vomiting! its like no craving and YET MUST eat...YUCKS!

Clarrisa - Crown-rump length (CRL) is the measurement of the length of human embryos and fetuses from the top of the head (crown) to the bottom of the buttocks (rump). It is typically determined from ultrasound imagery and can be used to estimate gestational age.

Wah! so many mtb... congrats!

My gynae appt is tmr morning. Getting excited cos based on the website calculation, my EDD is christmas eve... same as HB!!! what a co-incident! I hope bb is growing well... and can see beanie tmr

Jac, where is ur appt?

Stardust, Gleneagle is generally more expensive. if u r comfortable with the gynae and finances are ok, then just stick to her lor. I remembered my fees at TMC was usually close to $180-$250 with med. The package deal really save us a lot $$. I remembered I paid $750 from week 20 onwards till delivery for consultation exclude med and delivery charges. Very worth it as my first boy is delivered at full term


re travelling, it is better not to travel during first and 3rd trimester. 1st tri because bcos preg is considered "stable" only after crossing the 12 weeks mark... also if there is any emergency, it is very difficult to see a doc overseas. at 3rd tri, even if u want to travel, the air services will not want to take u fearing u will pop anytime

