(2011/12) Dec 2011

thats day Dr Wong was rushing to go for c-sec...so we talked everything in a rush. nevermind, another few more days will see her again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yallo: Thanks for sharing! Least I know its for stabilising the womb. I didn't have a pleasant first gynae visit as the gynae couldn't be too bothered to explain too much, thats why I switched gynae. Let's pray hard that our babies will be on the first scenario.

Tethysea: Welcome to the thread [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Will see you here more often soon..

yap yap!! kimiko, KK has all the equipment required... and complicated cases will be transferred to KK if the hospital u r in do not have the necessary resources...

anyone heard of irene chua from KKH before?? anyone has friends seeing her or used to visit her??

yallo, ur doc gives u Utrogestan?? i think some of us including me is taking duphatson... also same.... increase hormones and stabized...

mine same as yours, accordingly EDD is different according to LMP and after the scan... same as u.. that time was 6 weeks becomes 5 weeks 4 days... i think coz now everything is not stablized yet thats y will have changes.. once everything is stablized, we will know the exact "age" of our baby!!

hi tethysea!!! dun worry so much... monitor and see how.. doc gave u any med??? is ur spotting very bad??? gambatte!!! all will be fine!!

just, another colleague asked if I am preg.. zzz... i think my tummy is really obvious liao... duno if its gd or bad.. =(

i went to see Dr Wong then cos i have a bit of spotting and she gave me duphaston. But i took 3 days and stopped as spotting no more. Shld i continue to take the medicine?

manunited, i think duphaston can be taken on a regular basis... I am taking it twice daily... or if u feel uneasy, u can call up gynae and ask??

Hi Jacqueline, I'm due for my follow-up next week. Went for 1st gynae visit on Monday because I was panicking, doc did blood test and gave duphatson also. Cramps seem to be gone but I'm still spotting dark brown.

I don't have any symptoms?! Other than slightly sore boobs and slightly increased appetite. But I'm only at 4 wks and 3 days lar.

Do you girls happen to know what are normal hcg levels for 4+ weeks?

I heard from the doctor that is no normal hcg levels, only thing is ur hcg must double up every 1-2 days. For me, my first blood test in 4+ is about 3500. Two days later, it went to 7200. So the doctor told me I'm fine.

i went to see Dr Wong then cos i have a bit of spotting and she gave me duphaston. But i took 3 days and stopped as spotting no more. Shld i continue to take the medicine?

sorry to disturb...

any mommy here keen to buy over my dhaxtra fish oil? expiry 02-2013..

selling it at $40 inclusive of postage. pm me if keen!

hcg is in thousands???? the 1st time i was detected preg when i was in KK (did a blood test and found out preg coz the preg kit only shows a faint line), they said mine only hundred plus!!! now i am scared also le...

Tangerine, we all just need assurance, to know that we are preg, it's healthy, etc... =)

i am worried actually... when will we know if the baby if in right place and not etopic preg?? how is it possible that the fetus can just died inside the tummy?? and how will we know??

Manunited, I guess no harm taking duphaston since it helps to stabilize.

Jac, ur gynae has scanned u right, if u saw sac n doc didn't say anything then it shldnt be etopic. Heartbeat is the next thing we shld look out for. Of heartbeat is good then shld be ok. Don't worry.. We shld focus on the positive!

jac- Dr wong told me if the sac is inside your womb, then it is not etopic preg...and 1 sac means 1 bb only...something like this....

as to your oher qn, no1 wil know until we go to our next scan i think....or your MS sudden stop or disappear...

Jacqueline, how many weeks along are you? If go for scan should be able to check that it's not etopic. As for foetus dying... I think sometimes just "suay", the egg not viable lor. My sis's 1st one was blighted ovum, almost 3 mnths liao suddenly no heartbeat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

thank you cloud942, manunited and tethysea!! now i feel more assured after what u all telling me... coz doc did scan and showed us the dot.. but didnt say anything else.. only say during next scan, will know if it's alive or not.. so i thought it might be related...

manunited, ms suddenly stopped?? but as if now, our symptoms should still be considered mild right?? mine is on and off de leh.. like today, i am feeling ok except for tiredness..

tethysea, i should be in my 6th weeks already i think.. LOL...

what is blighted ovum?? means no heartbeat?? but usually by 2nd mth no heartbeat, doc will ask to do something abt it already right? y wait till 3rd mths??

yeah!! 6pm!!!! =)

Tangerine: Hahaha I TOTALLY understand how you feel!!! Especially when I have no morning sickness at all. That's why I couldn't tahan the long wait and brought forward my appt with Dr. Lee.

babypom: No leh I didn't do a blood test. Just took weight, blood pressure and then the tummy scan.

tethysea: Hey your name looks familiar... do you happen to be on the RL thread in sgbrides forum too?

Jacqueline >> Can see that means ok bah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Blighted ovum means there's an egg sac but it's empty. My sis blames KKH for bad advice, they asked her to wait and "see how"!

yallo >> Yes! I thought your nick looked familiar too! :D

I do agree that the wait for next gynae visit is sooooo agonising... so wanting to check out baby to know everything's fine. Its another 4 weeks to my next visit which would also include the Oscar test. =(

Hmm. my gynae did not take my weight nor blood test leh for 1st 2 visits.

Think MS comes and goes leh. One week I was having reflux and burping, the next week totally without symptoms and now often nauseous feeling. I tend to eat more appetitsing food, kai wei. Before every meal, I will nail down my craving and tell hubby! Arghs. My mee siam lunch is still lingering at my throat. My friend also preggie now does not seem to have much symptoms at all. It really differs bah...

Lets not worry too much ya... stay positive and happy! =)

tethysea: haha ok I think I actually have you on FB [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cool!

Haiyo so much tins to worry...first is etopic now hav to worry whether the bb hav to worry whether got heartbeat or nt..omg

yallo >> Haha yeah we probably are on each other's fb. Just that I cannot remember and link the forum nick for most of the ppl liao :p


I’ve 2 x pre loved Bamboo Belly Bandit to let go.

Condition: 9.5/10. Washed twice only.

Kiddy Palace selling at SGD $129.90 each.

Am letting go at $50 each or both for $90.

Size: XS – 28 to 32 inches.

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Our best selling eco-friendly Bamboo Belly Bandit® has been the most popular Belly Bandit to date. Maybe its because it is inherently antibacterial*; moisture wicking*, and three times more durable than cotton.

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This is definitely a perfect balance of outstanding comfort and compression.

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Can refer to:


Deal at Seng Kang / Punggol MRT or mutually agreed location…

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tethysea, who was ur sis seeing in KKH??

wah!! the band is kinda ex!!

TIE, what is oscar test??

MIL bought durian for me again.. was too full last night so didnt eat any... I know she meant well coz that time i told her i only have cravings for it... but end up it seems like she will buy often.. even hb went to tell her not to buy anymore coz afraid that put on too much weight for myself and baby...

(i forgot MIL got the habit of buying food.. and not finishing it and will ask me to eat say its for everyone to share... think i cannot tell her what else i wanna eat.. i will really put on unnecessary weight because she will want you to eat... even if u say u r full or dun feel like eating it or dun eat those stuff, she will say its ok but after that seems unhappy or try other ways to make you eat....)

it's long weekend soon!!!

jacqualine: if u wanna go KKH, can consider KT Tan, she's a snr there... but be prepared, cos she will not ask u to control yr food, juz eat wat u like & can eat... weight control after birth.. she's a chop chop gynae, unless u ask her qns, else she got nothing much to comment... :p am w her since 7 yrs back.. will cont w her for my #3 now also.. but yet to call for appt... haha...

joanne: yes, it's NEW OBIMIN, can start now lah, since it's juz a multi-vit, no harm... am taking folic acid & Obimin now...

manunited: ya, some will have pimples, some won't, depends on the hormones.. but is fine de... after delivery will be ok liao...

ok... got the phamplet gynae gave me...

OSCAR test is to screeen for abnormalities, in particular Down's Syndrome. The risk assessment is done by a combination of your (a) maternal age, (b) fetal length, (c) fetal NT (fluid collection beneath the fetal skin in the region of the fetal neck that is measured by means of an ultrsound) and (d) serum biochemistry (sample of blood analysed for levels of 2 hormones - hCG and PAPP-A)at 11-13 weeks into your pregnancy.

Don't worry, your gynae will explain more during your 2nd visit. =)

Hmm... off n on one or two pimples pop out bah. but mainly neck n chest area got some dunno is it heat rash or something. little red spots.

hi all, i have this brand new longchamp LM tote bag(mocha)Reference : 1886493 for sale. selling at S$430. pls pm me if interested.

Manunited, what kind of breakouts are u referring to and which part of face?? my complexion got worse.. and dry... its like i need to do mask every night... and pimples here and there.... i thought its due to bad weather!!

OIC, thanks babypom!!

thanks mamaAsh!! actually i was seeing irene chua at times for woman prob at kkh.. actually till now, i still dun really know which hospital i want... lolx!!

thanks for the detailed info, TIE... How much is the test usually???

tethysea, i think because KKH got too many docs, really need to be careful who are you.. think subsidized ones are not that safe bah...

wore one of my maternity leggings today.. i would have to say, there r quite comfy.. wore the adjustable one.. there is a rubber that you can pull.. it works like your booster case... can fit ppl of bigger size also!! for mine, i need to pull until quite tight coz its too big for me at the moment.. the only prob is the rubber that you pull out to make it tight, duno where to keep them.. haha!

Hi all,

Manunited, I had pimples breakout at chin area for my 1st preg. U can ask dr Wong, I bought some cream n toner from them last time n it works well for me. Yep it's due to hormone changes. Some will hv better complexion etc..

For me, my eczema rash on elbow kinda got worse think maybe skin is drier now..

At times I'll compare my 1st preg to current n feel this time MS seems mild at the moment.. Sometimes worried if everything's ok or not...

Jac, keke thanks for leggings update, maybe will get one from them...

Think for kkh, it's better to ask for senior consultants to be safe?

tethysea: Did your Sis go to the subsidised or private doctors in KKH? And what's a Bella band?

TIE, how many weeks are you at already? Thanks for sharing all those information, really help first-timer like myself.

Jac, the leggings sound good. I remembered you mentioned you bought them from market right? Which vendor huh?

I think my skin is drier these days probably due to air-condition more often too. Just feel hot all the times if not I'll start sweating.

ezcema will also worsen?? i have eczema mainly on my legs.. and they get really itchy nowadays.. so it's also linked to preg??

Kimiko, i feel hot and cold... when i feel hot, hubby feels cold.. when i feels cold, hb feels hot.. but hb did commented last night that my body temp is high.. he can feel the heat coming out from my body when he tries to get close to me..


this is the page i got from... i might be buy some more since have prob wearing my pants and cannot wear my skirts or dresses also...

just wondering, did anyone of u bought a pregnancy journal???

Hi all... been week since i last post here.

Terrible MS. no energy, cant eat, appetite fluctuates like anything.

am just praying the MS goes away soon...

any one having real bad MS? how u gers cope? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Dear Mummies,

I am from jan 11 thread. Bought too much similac mum and I have stopped breastfeeding. I have 3 tins of unopened similac mum to let go at $14 expiry is 2013. Pls kindly call or msg me at 94550525 if u are interested.


cloud - my pimples only a few dots (quite big) on my forehead....but now abit subsided already cos a few days liao...then oso considered due to hormones changed?

bunny, how many weeks are u at now?? ur MS sounds terrible.. so u not eating much??? r u working?? i think u prob need ro rest more.. have u seen a doc??

Bunny, i think u can only rest as much as possible.. and eat when u can, even abit is better then nothing, or juz eat anything u feel like eating, cos my gynae did say even if vomit also u dun vomit everything, so eat abit better then dun eat @ all... hope u feel better after this 1st trimester...

Yup. i am working but taking MCs to rest. i took from my GP some anti-nausea pills too (safe for pregnancy), but i dun dare eat them yet. i having duphaston & folic daily.

my next gynae visit be this Sat... havent hear the heartbeat yet.. will want to ensure everything ok in this coming Sat...

im abt 8wd now...

but the MS often gets better at night for me. day time i can eat as little as 1 mouthful only.

***Dear Cindy, i hope u stay strong. Tears rolling in my eyes when i saw ur post as i am as equally worried. PLEASE TAKE CARE ALRIGHT!


tethysea, I see.. So your Sis's was a blighted ovum with hb at first then suddenly no more hb? Like Jac was saying, its really beyond us how such things would happen. I wish we are able to feel more so as to know how our baby is doing without relying on scans at this stage.

Jac, Im definitely getting something from the link. The leggings look good and price seem really reasonable. But is it thick enough as in will it become so translucent when you stretch it upon wearing then can see butt that kind? Coz I'm not so small size >.<

Pregnancy journal? You mean a journal mainly for pregnancy or just a book you start for pregnancy?

Hi Bunny, I was feeling that bad till about a few days ago. I have to agree it's truly a terrible feeling. I hope that yours will go away soon as it kinda clear up for me these few days. Lucky for me, I kinda 'hook' up on h2o when I was vomiting away from food poisoning and stomach flu. I find drinking it helps to hydrate me and ease that nausea feeling a bit. But doctor advised that we can only go for non-carbonated ones. Perhaps you can try to find out which sort of smell ease you, like I find fresh oranges and lemon refreshes me. The original h2o has this grapefruit smell which I find refreshing as well, perhaps that's why I feel better drinking it.

