(2011/12) Dec 2011

Hi Goh,

Yup, been under him since trying to ttc, but this preg is natural, was lucky that it happened cos almost give up Liao since hubby not keen on ivf. I started fr pte suite but dunno y aft 2 Appt, dr Loh trsf me to Cln D n has been there since except once or twice saw him at pte suite. So u all the while at pte suite? What kind of days n timing do u usu see him. I usu see him on sat mornings, wonder if that's y I went to Cln D ;) ya, I like his direct n to the point style, that's y stick w him. I ok to swallow the big dha pills, I call them bullets, ha! I do feel nauseous after meals but manageable so far, I think some other mummies suffered more...



think u better stay positive else u will suffer depression. r u stay alone at home now? can u find someone like your mom or close friend to accompany you so that you wont 胡思乱想。。

jass..yup..i am alone @ home everyday..hb got to work...better to be alone..with my mum ard,she will b more kan cheong than me..stress me more..everyday she will call me..haha..1st question she ask is..you still have spotting??so imagine if she accompany me..haiz..worse..i am ok..just worried..thanks babe for your care n concern..

Hi Wendy, dun worry too much, it shd be ok since Yr doc is not alarmed by it. One mummy I read fr another thread had spotting all the way n now in her 5 mth n the cause is low lying placenta, only cfm in her 3mth But her pregnancy everything ok. Think positive n look forward to tml ok? Bb also want to see u ;)

Clb, yes lor, i tell dr loh u plan so far ahead for me..i hope can cross every hurdle now 1st..haha..U can tour the hospital facilities now all wards shld be renovated..the service is gd & the confinement meals very delicious esp the soup..Just dat we don't like the valet parking quite troublesome..yr gynae clinic is at the 1st level rite? double confirm close shop, never in my dreams gg to hv 3 kids so it's bonus at least go thru one pregnancy..but if you got contraction, can try natural birth as csec take longer to heal, my cervix din dilate so no choice hv to csec. Gd luck to u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow the thread moves sooo fast i'm lost;p

my ms is better but strangely, no appetite still. when can we start to 'pu'? as in take in birds nest in particular?

also, i jus called up a reference on CL. she says now the rate is $2200?? true? 4 yrs ago i hired at only $1.8k [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] inflation?!

Mt A - My #1 was born there in 2009. I found the service good! the food was nice too! yummy! The nurses are very helpful to teach you and help you with breastfeeding. I enjoyed my stay there. Even my hub gave thumbs up for the service and everything there! So for this #2, i would go to Mt A again.

gretel - Erm, i actually ate one bowl of bird nest last weekend. My mum brewed for me so i just take lo, dunno when can actually start. But chinese herbs are no-no.

IVF - very curious, for those who went through IVF, before the procedure, is it confirmed that you would be expecting twins?

Hi Littlefren, thanks for telling otherwise I would really guai guai wait till detailed scan then ask for gender. Both of us are not gan cheong but funnily every week I visit my parents my dad would ask 'so you know baby's gender yet?' since I was week 6 -.- I would see my gynae tomorrow and see if he can tell me my baby's gender first before OSCAR on Thursday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi kwlim, so sorry to hear about your loss [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Do take care to recover your body.

Hi dacylet, reading your notes on the shape of tummy, I was wondering what about if sometimes my tummy shows and sometimes it don't, what does it tell of the gender? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi wendy, you are thinking too much again. Go for your scheduled scan tomorrow for an ease of mind. Don't worry so much!

Last but not least, really nice to hear twins from ivf mummies. It must have felt really amazing to have twins. These few days I have also felt some nausea though it supposedly went away since week 9. Just a few days ago, I woke up too late and hungry and got this really bad giddiness. It felt like there is a pressure pushing me down when I was sitting up and had to drag myself to the toilet to puke. It felt really terrible as I broke out in cold sweat also.

did my Oscar yest and it was ok but waiting for blood test result to further confirm. cant put my heart down yet.

bb was very co-operative, lying upright where measurement can be taken. one of bb's hands was posing on the forehead and bb's legs was cross. but i din get to see bb move which make me worried. the radiologist said bb is sleeping. shd hv asked her to wake bb up .. too bad no video is allow. was told cant tell gender too. after blood test yest, got headache on 1 side of my head, vomitted and feel so uncomfortable. feel so tired but cant fall asleep. luckily get better today.

LawShe - Oscar + blood test + detailed scan (@ Week 20) at TMC cost ard $460.

kwlim - take good care

litttlefren - yr next appt is a week later. so fast?

wendy - enjoy the sacn tmr. u will love it. i will get worried + excited before scan too and alway have to remind myself to relax.

gretel - my gynae said 2nd trimester, i.e. Week 13 onwards can start to pu. but i will wait for a few weeks later. strictly no ren sheng as too pu.

Mummies, can anyone enlighten me what is a playpen for and if its necessary and how long can the baby use it for? I have space constraints hence thinking if I need to get a playpen since a cot is compulsory? Please also advise what are the things to look out for when buying a baby cot. Thanks so much in advance.

@wendy: dun worry too much ok.. i m also spotting, and currently at my 9+ weeks...

i cant wait for my next visit next tues to c bb!

i m sure with ur ample rest, everything gonna b alrite!! jiayou!!

@gretel: indeed CL r so ex now! i called up a few last Fri, basically they range frm 2.1 - 2.6!

there r 2 who are charging me 2.6 cz near to CNY! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@littledaring: the rate ($460) that u quote is the same regardless of which gynae we r under rite since we will go to the common u/s area for the tests.... ?

wendy, only pte can develop yr embryo into blastosyst shows yr embryo very strong, it will stick thru out 9 mths..gd dat u hv frozen embbies, no worries for a fresh cycle anymore for yr next child. My fresh cycle failed only strike on FET. Trsf 3 & got 2, risky move at least now the ruling change can only trsf 2. gd luck to u pray for your smooth progession.

Hi littledarling,

Ya, my next Appt is next tue. Suppose to be 2 weeks later, i backside itchy go change it, cos I thot do can prescribe fish oil for me since I starting 2nd tri, I scared bb lose out in dha..... N I realized.... The pills that doc give me as samples were fish oil n supposed to last me these two weeks before seeing him!!! Now wanna change back also can't, his Appt so full, so gotta stick to it!

Hi kimiko, I ok boy or gal but am anxious to know ;) so I was shocked when this nov mummy edd 2 days earlier than me just went for Oscar at Kkh n was told she's hvg a gal! So exciting!!!

Fr what I know.... Playpen can be used for zzzz up to 3 mths only cos its not meant as cot, so cannot tahan weight for sleeping as bb grows but cot can n have different level to adjust. Playpen only 2 level I think, not too sure. Usu pp put playpen in living room n cot in room. So that can monitor bb during day time in living room while do other things. I'm sure other mummies can sure more


luckily your bb is co-operative [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

when is your next appt for the detailed scan? the earliest i got is in July. Looks like gonna have a long wait...

kimiko, if it shows sometime, and sometime don't, usually it is due to water retention. but maybe for your case, it might be boy boy... hehe... it is only just a guide. sometime it also depends how much did the mummy eat. hehe.

i see if my gynae is able to determine the gender in this sat appointment. if he can't, 70% will be female. Got this feeling might be little princess. hehe

Thanks all mummies to be for your support..realli stress out and thank god that I have got every mummies here with me supporting n encouraging me..

Little Fren..i realli hope the spotting got nothing to do with the development of my bb..just due to the after effect of my previous Ivf cycle.My Dr is always full of smile n happy..so make me more worried..he just ask me to bed rest and he seems to not be very concern abt brown spotting too..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Bernice..i have got progestrone jab when i was hospitalised a week+ ago..then i was given utrogestan 2capsules 3 times ago..Everyday,resting n sleeping coz cannot walk other than toilet break..once walk too much the brown spotting will come again..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Kimiko..i am still pondering over it..i knw my hb will drag me there tomorrow..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Little daring..i find myself crazy..previously i still ask my dr if i can have an earlier scan..but now when it is my turn to scan..i dont want to go..I am real coward..I think i am getting more and more worried as i see more n more mummies leaving the thread..It will be my 8weeks too..so i am getting stress up abt it too.

Jasline..are you still spotting now @ week 9?brown discharge??Really irritating rite??why the spotting never stop.

GOH..I tot i have strong embryos too but if really strong 2 will stick rather than 1..but i am happy with 1..My dr did mentioned that sometime it works better when we transfer frozen embro instead..dont knw why..how much did you pay for your FET transfer??also used medisave?? I hope i will have twin but i didnt..but it ok..i will try next round again since i only stored for 2yrs..KKH is the same??storage period 2 yrs??

little fren, i seen him once at clinic D but waited 3 hrs so opt to see him at pte suite as waiting time shorter & got evening appts too. Maybe due to yr requested slot on sat, he can only be stationed at clinic D. u r very lucky to strike natural, shows dr loh really specialise in creating miracles. sometimes i also try to suai him back cos he can be very direct but funny though..hehe. u can start to bu yr little one liow..enjoy yr birdnest!

Bernice, kimiko

thks alot for sharing our IVF journey..before procedure we hv a choice to put in up to 3 embryos so we just take our chances how many will be implanted. so we don't know if we may end up twins/triplets. we only pray for a BFP sign [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Twins no doubt is a amazing experience but worry for 2 bbies at the same time can be a challenge. the best we can hope they can grow steadily. With MS u cannot predict yr day, like yest was bad for me but today seems ok...hang on it will soon be over.

Hi Littlefren, yes so exciting! Really cannot wait for my turn ESP it's been 4 weeks since I last saw my gynae!! So anxious to know what's going on inside. Ohh.. I didn't know playpen can act like a sleeping place for baby too. Hmm.. Oh ya, that reminds me that I can put cot in room and playpen in living room. But if buy now will block the way of my relatives staying with us. Have to think hard.

Hi dacylet, really? I didn't know could be due to water retention, thought my tummy was being ultra 'stretchy'.. Haha.. Imagine looking pre-pregnancy to 4mths pregnant at times. I think I eat quite a bit, eat every about 2-4hours. Luckily never gain a lot of weight, so far gain about 1-2kg. My dad has a strange habit of staring at me and smile whenever he saw me looking for food from dining table whenever I go home for a short stay. Haha..

@wendy: yes, its rily a mental torture at times whenever i see the spotting!

no choice.. i m at work, so i will try to refrain frm walking as much as possible!

i m hoping it will stop soon too!!

wendy, i pay abt $2.1K & other $900 ins for 3 embryos (heartpain..jump fr 2-3 embryos is $700) no medisave. Yes, yr next round will have higher chance of twins no worries, since this will be my 2nd child, i din hope for twins just hope can hv 1 then close shop, but end up 2 so it's very hard to predict once we put in our embryos. take a deep breather when u hv yr scan, i know it's nervewrecking..esp this stage we cannot feel bb movements so can only rely on mother instinct dat bb will be fine.

Jasline..Yup mental stress..just hope everything will be fine..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

GOH..previously i aso pay insurance for the 2 embryo transfer..insurance company sure earn $$$...2.1k is just the dethawing and tranferring back??yr 1st bb also ivf??

bernice, littledarling - tks, tink will start eating birds nest when i got appetite lar. i'm in my 12 week but as i read up, 1st tri actually ends only from 13 week.another week to go [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jasline - so 2.2 consider 'market rate' lar? then i better book early. she says need to 'xia ding qian' next mth when she comes out sg... last time i also nv give any deposit or wat..time really change.

wendy - understnad when u say get more n more worried seeing mummies leaving the thread.it is disturbing but when i tell hubby, he says dun worry so much wat's yours yours...maybe we shd jus relax n let nature tk its course?

dawn: pls take care there... u staying in hospital now?

gretel: yes CL had increased their charges... the last time i engaged was in 2007 only $1.8 now the lowest is $2.1k liao... lucky the one i got is only charging me $2.1k n intro by my friend...

kimiko: personally i feel playpen dun last, cos i always find it very shaky... got one but sell off after a few mths, cos i always worry bb on it will fall off! haha.. & i really find it very filmsy... still prefer a cot.. if u wan then get those fisherprice rocker or juz a foldable mattress cos bb won't turn over till they're 5-6mths old...

wendy: dun think too much... i guess u really think too much till u dream of yr gynae everynite! haha... relax... bb will be fine.. dun feel so tense k...

sometimes i believe the BB might not be strong enough to survive. in this case, the BB might be sickly and weak if delivered. thus after a while the growth might stop...

look at it another way, if the BB is really not healthy and strong enough, i rather try all over again...i would not want my BB to suffer after we bring him to this world...

no doubt it's still painful and sad...but think of it as another chance for us to 'pu' and have a healthy BB next time...

kimiko, you are lucky, din put on so much weight. i gain around 4kg within 2 months, and 3rd month zero gain. perhaps my MS has helped in slowing down the gain. but sometime wonder, BB got enough nutrients?

@gretel: i have made a booking for one CL - she's singaporean.. and she's charging me 2.2..

i think its rily the mkt rate nw... nw that we r paying them such an amt, juz hope that they can rily perform to their best and help us as much as possible..

haha.. yup yup, mine also required me to pay deposit... but i tink she say ard aug period...

Wendy- as long it's not bright red spotting,u shldnt worry. I'm taking progestone pills (utrogestan) currently. i think coz I dun have ms but after starting taking this, I begin to have ms. Do update after ur scan, everything wld be fine, just bed rest more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Playpen - my #1 who is 20 mths old is still sleeping in playpen. erm but getting abit small for her soon coz she's growing taller. at first we were contemplating if shld get cot or playpen, in e end decided to get playpen coz more durable n can last longer. for playpen once they know how to pull themselves up, u gotta lower the mattress to the lowest level else it is dangerous as they can topple over.

Goh - ure having twins? was hoping for twins but its a single embroyo. I thought IVF , u can tell the doc u want twins then he will arrange for 2 eggs.

the CL jus called and says she forgot she has a booking crashed w mine?!?!?! and ask if i mind she recommend her 'jie mei'??? huh...

arghhh... i nv know who her jie mei is (also dunno tis CL personally it's thru recommendation). now i tinking shd i jus get one from http://www.gplsconfinementnanny.com.sg/ it's much cheaper leh - $1950 so strange rite these are in SG can charge tis price whereas those from MY charge higher when convert to RM alot leh ;p

Mamaash yes in hospital on drip now atupid doc poke so pain end up try 2 times cant find vine until another nurse come poke oncee nia in liao

Gretel..true lo...wat yours is yous..but you knw sometime just cant dont think abt it..haiz

MamaAsh..scary rite..cant imagine..everyday dream of my dr doin scan for me..real scary..

Bernice..why are you on progestone pills too.my dosage is high.2cap 3 times a day..sometime tke till headache..

Dawn..you will be hydrated after the drip..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]take care ya

dawn: aiyo... some doc r worst then nurses! cos nurse do the poking more often then the docs! haha... dun worry lah... u rest well there & very fast will be discharge k!

gretel: alot of CLs will say they recommend their jie mei... of cos up to u to accept or not, cos u dunno how good their jie mei is!!tat CL agency looks quite good... maybe can try, at least can change if no good? :p

wendy: dun think too much... after tmr u/s u'll be happier ok!! cheer up! :D

i needed a channel to let out mummies! i'm sooo upset!! i went for job int way b4 i found out my preg. they make the offer n i decided to b honest so told them i'm preg. now they wanna retract the offer! says 'it'll be better for u to stay in your current role lar, new environment might not be tat good for you lar, your focus now shd b your bb lar' blah blah!!! i'm really furious. they make the offer verbal and i've nothin in B&W to show as proof if i were to write to MOM or whereever now i can't tink straight! trying to keep my cool. y r we preg women benig discriminated? wat makes them tink tat if they hire someone who's not preg when they start the new role they will not 1) strike w some sudden illness need to be on leave 2) natural disaster unnatural death or watever?? sorry i'm not being mean but u do get wat i mean??? the world's never fair and never will be. esp towards women.

bernice, not so lucky can strike 2 if put in 2 embryos..it's by chance, i put in 3 & strike 2 this time. is yrs also IVF cos u mentioned hoping for twins but single embryo? sorry to intrude..

Wendy, yes my 1st is also fr FET. No bb luck for fresh cycle. $2.1 inclusive of thawing and trsf and i also did assisted hatching another $500 more..wanted to do until blastocyst but KKH not so onz to do till that stage..My 1st did at TMC & they were very pro everything settle for me, i know pte & KK got big difference..but since already spend a bomb so 2nd time hv to go for grant lor..

goh...which dr were you under @ TMC?? i feel tat day 3 n blastocyst embryo also not much of a difference le..u never stored extra @ tms previously??

Hi mummies,

Wah, so many posts.....haha

On gender - actually as early as Oscar can see alrdy, my gynae wanted to tell me when she did my scan. Then she went "er...maybe dont want, in case wrong, you buy wrong colour for clothes" So the suspense continues.... but by week 16 should be quite conclusive. So we'll see who gets to know first [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

On playpen - was asking my sis the same thing. She told me cot last longer but must get good mattress. For playpen, flimsy so wont last once bb grows but more airy for Sg weather. Also abit heng suay, some bb doesnt like to be confined, so playpen becomes redundant for awhile. Realised though tat cot cheaper. But I'm sure experienced mummies have more tips.....

Wendy - dont think too much. Not gd for u and bb. Maybe sharing my fren's story may help. His wife has lupus and likely won't live beyond 40. Always ill. Both of them have Thalassmia genes, so by right cannot hv bb. But they went ahead and try. Pregnancy was difficult, many close calls but mng to eventually give birth to a heathly bb gal with no Thalassmia. He told me sheer determination and positiveness were what made them conquered all these challenges. Till today, he cannot be sure his wife can live to see their daughter grow up but they are blissfully happy. I'm always very moved by their story...and believe that staying positive can really help us pull thru anything. So be brave and stay positive. You and bb will be fine.

Stella all my babies deliver at kkh. the senior nurses are great they fully support bf. they have machine to rent out incase we need it. 1st&2nd son deliver by dr judy wong. Now she at Tmc have own clinic. 3rd drkelly loi, she also recently went private. Now i choose Dr Suzana.


Thk for the info, cos for my past 2 live pregnancies, I only saw gynae fr 13 wks onwards, so never done vaginal scan. Only experience vaginal scan during previous pregnancy which I m/c, n now at 9 wks plus. At least I can dress appropriate for the scan:p


I only used playpen for my last 2 kids. Personally I find it quite ok n biggest advantage is space saving. They r able to sleep to almost 3 yrs old in it, n afterwhich I simply switch them to a normal bed. Besides playpen is very mobile, n u can shift to anypart of the house, so your bb is aways in your full view, whether u r doing housework or watching TV. N if child outgrown it, simply fold n keep in storeroom. But it depend on each liking, for me I can always put the playpen right beside my bed, so I can breastfeed my bb easily.


Gretel - i was like u 2. It seemed 99% employers behave tat way. The law cannot help us. Read up MOM policy heart more pain. Some nasty employer once u declare u pregnant they treat u like shit till make u give up.

Gretel>> chill... maybe it's a blessing in disguise..

Cos during our preg period, we need to take leave etc to checkup & your new job might not be able to accommodate this. Like me, I'm sick of my current job but hanging on cos of $$ & leave benefits.

I'm gng to c a gynae later to take mc & rest at Hm. The nauseous feeling is driving me nut & I hv donated all my dinner to the toilet last night! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

dacylet: detailed scan will be on 20 Jun. seem so long from now.

wendy: enjoy your scan today.

Jasline: the price should be fixed .. shouldn't defer between different gynae.

mummies: I was prescribed the fish oil + multi vit. They are so big. suspect the multi vit increases my ms. feel gaseous and burp more often. did u all experience this?

littledarling - yes my gynae informed that some ppl have this reaction to multi vits. this is the reason why gynaes usually prescribe multi vits near to the end of tri 1 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


heard Dr Irene Chua from KKH is going pte soon...so those under her can choose to move with her or transfer to other KKH Drs...

