(2011/12) Dec 2011

Missus BL..yup..tat y i intend to be abit more ks..since i have bad experience before during week 9..so plan to ask dr to schedule me for weekly scan if this wed scan is ok..

We are the same timing..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


mamaAsh..go n grab a pack too..it really works well on me..last few nights,i have got the salonpas all over me..and i really feel so much better today..but rem to paste only after you have bathe..

dawn: can prevent leg cramps? i always have my blanket covered from toes to shoulder, all in!! haha... but i use bolster liao leh... cham... dunno y so terrible this time round... feel so bad... haiz...

@clarissa, $1800 is high BUT its all worth it if shes good. anyway we at peak period dey. can find good CL good enuff le. Mine is $2K stay in but heard from hubby fren she can mess up whole kitchen -_- Prior to this i tried to get others 2.3k-2.8K but all either booked or dun want do cos CNY.

I be 11wks tmr! But i still having the MS. sigh. Stills puke at smells, long car rides, walking too fast etc. Thank god i have u gers here to go thru, all my frens/ colleagues are all quite lucky to have minimal MS and i cannot relate my MS to!

But i have new comfort food now: Apples! Apple juice, vegetarian. Apple works good to remove the bleah taste in my tongue!

Hello, mummies, waiting for hubby to come down fr work to go w me to oscar scan... ;)

Readthat many mummies having back pain. Just wanna share that nov mummies were recommending the ginger cream fr this bulk purchase thread.


I haven't try yet cos my back still bearable so far but I might buy later on.... The ginger cream is gd for backache n the shower gel is recommended by the mummies too. The scrub was not recommended for the funny smell. So some of u w backache may want to try the ginger cream

little_one, you mean gynae visit? 29 April. He asked me to visit him 4 weeks later, which is around 28 May. I just had my OSCAR scan last Saturday. The lady who did the scan mentioned 5++cm, which is approximately ard there for W12. So I shall hear the final verdict when I meet my gynae this sat. EDD can change according to the growth rate of BB.

missus_BL, BABYMOON!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I wish I got the chance to travel. I only can travel during sch holiday, which means June Gone, December also GONE [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@Wendy: i ve been having spotting for the past 2weeks, some days none, some days more...

doc gave me utrogestan to stabilize it..

but even on medication, i m still having the discharge sometimes.

oh, so really NO cold drinks, fruits...etc.

i sometimes do drinks off the fridge, though i try to pack drinks with no ice if i m outside..

so NO ice cream as well?? hubby juz bought a pack of magnum for me... i hope i can indulge..

really tough to resist the temptation esp with the hot humid weather...

melodi- hi. how r u feeling. did doc prescribe zofran for u? i realised that Duphaston intensifies the nauseous for me, will ask doc when can stop taking... are u still on Duphaston? Which gynae are u with now? =)

Glimmer- where r u? =)... do u know where Itjabi has gone to? she suggested a thread for us to go to, but i dun understand, OCD thread?

Hi all,

Talking abt piles, so scared after delivery cos mine was v bad n it was more painful than the stitches part the last time.

Btw, r u all feeling breathless? Wonder Is it lack of iron? no energy at all.. Can't wait for my Oscar n gynae visit next week after waiting for 4 weeks!

Hi all, went for my 2nd appt, my EDD now has been changed to 31 Dec 11. Gynae: Dr Douglas Ong. BB # 2. Felt really relieved to hear the heartbeat today.

I just came back from Rome. Have already booked the ticket before finding out I'm preggy. Consulted gynae and he said ok to travel but must take precautions such as keeping hydrated throughout the flight and get up every 3-4hrs to massage legs, knees. So, i'm very thankful that nothing went wrong during the trip!

Wa, so fast u all doing Oscar scan, mine have to wait till 4 wks time.

bernice, is there a possibility your bb will be the first bb in Year 2012? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jasline..in a dilemma rite??got spotting aso scared no spotting feel paranoid..Haiz..

For my case,i super control what i take..Esp cold stuff..coz since i got spotting.tink maybe my womb is not so warm..so dont drink if too cooling not gd..so i control drinking cold stuff n raw food..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

jasline..i aso never take crabs..last time i see TCM..they say preggy dont take crabs not good..actually crab very liang food..

dacylet: haha 1st Jan I don't mind coz got freebies right? but I doubt it wld be coz usually earlier than edd [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jas, occasionally having some cold stuffs (like ice cream [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]) is nice.. but make sure your body is warm after than I ate ice cream last night :p

bernice, well depends [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my friend is 1 week late. If can born in 1st Jan, it may feels like the whole world celebrating for you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@wendy: yup yup, constantly in a state of paranoid... hopefully this spotting phase will be over soon!

i do agree that somehow, our womb is kinda 'weak' so shuld avoid eating too cold or liang food..

i got craving for crabs but my mom say NO NO so i m refraining frm it!

ha ha... @mamaAsh! we going on the same cruise!!!

12 jun 5 nights ho chi minh and redang...but i got balcony class so 2 pax almost $2800 lor...my wife never took virgo b4 so it's like a treat to her since we have to cancel our italy trip.

mine is UOB promo de...since got $600 meal voucher with balcony class so i took that one lor... i been on virgo twice but both times were inside...so to me is something new too!

Hi mummies, I would like to join in. Currently in week 7. CRL at 7.56mm dated 21 may appt at 6w5d. Saw the heart beat via vaginal scan. Edd on 9 Jan 2012, which is on my boy's birthday. This is my 2nd pregnancy. Gynae is Dr Kowa from Mt E.

Re: Maternity clothes

You can try Le BloomingChic from marina sq, somewhere near kiddy palace. The clothing there is suitable for wear even after giving birth. I bought a couple of dresses there last time. Suntec has some Maternity shops too. Spring and prefect mum is there as well. My workplace is at Harbourfront,

vivocity has spring and EGG. Mothercare flagship store at Habourfront centre.

Re: piles

I had bad piles problem after my first baby. I went for the staple surgery to remove it in 2009. I have been drinking loads of water and sometimes take fibergel to prevent constipation.

I happen to read up a post on yr 2008 regarding about IVF @ thomson medical centre..I find myself lucky though..Initally,my 1st dr to approach was a dr from thomson medical..but thru our conversation with him,i find him too expensive and $$ minded..thus..we sourced around for other dr who are well versed in IVF..

I really pity the lady who spent so much $$ ard 30k..for 2 sessions and both failed..I was upset for her n @ e the same time,felt lucky for myself since we also approached the same dr previously..the dr last advise after the lady spent 30k with only tell her this..tink yr egg quality is not gd..i would suggest you to take donors eggs..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Well,I hope ladies/Gals who are planning to have IVF will find a reliable dr before deciding to take up IVF session..It is not only a $$ issue stuff but also a mental and physical pain too..Since i had gone thru many visits with different dr from different hospitals/centre..I hope ladies/gals who are thinking of going for IVF here will also take more opinion and make sure the dr makes senses when he/she talk, and the charges are affordable coz during every IVF cycle,there could be extra expenses involved.

I felt upset by the ladies in 2008 thread..Spent so much $$ in the end dont even get back her blood test report except for her progestrone test...It is not as if the blood test report doesnt belong to her..

He even bull shitted that his track record is 90%.pls loh..Even KKH also dont have such record..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] even my dr who have quite gd success rate dont even voice out..and this is what i would say is humble..IT is prefectly alright to earn $$ from us but earn it enthically..We are going thru so much efforts just because we want a baby..and pls have some sympathy on these ladies and not bullshit or cheat their $$ in this manner..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]..

If my company is going for outward bound team bonding, who should i go to for MC? Gyane or just GP will do?

And if I want MC to rest because of MS, how should I tell the doctor?

@joanne depends. i see GP i got subsidised rates. so i get from GP. easy dey. say u preggie and say ur MS bad cfm 1-2 days MC.

they will give u MC to rest and also anti nausea pills safe for preggie depending on what u told the GP ur symptoms. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Go take ur well deserved MC!


I'm from Jan12 thread. But most prob will be Dec11 baby coz via csec at week 38.

Next gynae visit is this coming sat.

Can't wait!

I went for scan today., basically seeing my baby every 2 weeks! Crl was 1.56cm at 8w (I thought I should b 9 as 2 weeks ago I was 7w. Dint know why too but anyhow as long as it is growing well.. Edd 31 dec 2011.

joanne>> just tell the gynae str8 and he will know wat to do. anyway we are not supposed to do any extreme sports during this preiod.

adeline>> wow, your bb is growing fine.

clb, hi [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am not sure am I falling sick today because keep feeling stomach not too good and very sleepy today. I have been sleeping most of the time today. Until yesterday my nausea is quite bad, will vomit out after every meal. Today seems better but having headache whole day. Luckily I am on leave so is reasting at home until June. Last week I went to KK and my private gynae on Sat. I think I will change to my private gynae starting from now as KK waiting time really very long. I will be doing the oscar scan on the 16 of june. Very nervous actually. What about you and Goh? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi, just came back fr my Oscar scan n I got my result! I'm very happy that I'm in the low risk! So everything is well so far n bb measures 64mm. Grown a lot since the last time. But bb wasn't very cooperative during the scan, I was in n out 3 times as bb just wouldnt face the camera! It was raising it's hands n just wanna lie down ;) ha! Mummies, before Yr Oscar, try to drink more water (not too much or u ll find it very difficult to hold!) n walk around before entering the room. Some mummies go in one time can Liao, me 3 times! But it's a gd day lah, to know bb passed the test, n everything well ;) now going to celebrate by watching movie n have imperial Treasure's chk soup!

how long is the OSCAR scan?

How much is it?

I'm wondering if it's neccessary. For my #1, i only did the triple blood test. Did not do OSCAR. Seems like OSCAR is the norm now.

@joanne: think normal GP can issue u MC and some medications according to ur condition..

i'm skipping my co overseas get-together this weekend too!


happy for u! glad that everything si great for u!

thx for the tips!


me too. went to scan last friday. Edd changed from 19 dec to 22 dec. but for me is fine, as long as bb growing well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

littlefren, immediate result? got paper? the person say everything looks fine, all the results (including blood test) will be sent to my gynae directly. my bb quite cooperative that day. Ask bb to turn for the camera, indeed turn. It looks like if you drink some sweet stuffs before the scan, the baby will be more active and responsive. I left TCM after 45 mins. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

(X) (ttcx),

For my #1, i didnt do OSCAR nor triple blood test cos my gyane said he will do detailed scan for me during the visit.

but for this #2, we decide to proceed with OSCAR scan due to my age.


so happy for u. i cant wait for my OSCAR scan on 10/06.


can update my Edd to 22/12 and i'm staying at tampines. tq...


I did mine at Kkh, cost $315, ya immediate result after scan, blood test done 3 weeks ago. I get a report w all my risk stated inside n my ratio is quite low so can an Xin now. I went at 2pm n out at 4pm cos in-between go walk walk 2 times since bb not cooperative n walk come back must wait my turn again. Dacylet, Yr bb so guai, one time ok ;) but I dun mind lah, can see it a few more times. Ha! Mummies going for Oscar, ask hubby along n hv fun ;)

Hi mamaAsh, can help me update my gynae is confirmed to be Chen Lin Han, I stay at yishun

another 30mins to pang kang liao! yippeee....

littlefren, $315 inclusive of detail scan also? my MIL also join us for the show during the scan. Taking my blood seemed hard for the nurse... they took a lot time trying to find my vein... somemore I have to guide them where to find my vein, cuz there is only one small little vein available (based on past experience of blood test)

just noticed I type TCM instead of TMC =.="

mamaash, oops forgot to mention hospital is TMC and next appt is 1 jun. Thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi CLB, Melodi

my MS getting worse..hv u guys taken vitamins? Dr Loh prescript me the tuna oil, B6 & i been throwing non-stop after taking them. I suspect it's the tuna oil..it stinks terribly now i dread taking them. My bbies are fine after my scan last fri.

Clb, my EDD is earlier at 21 Dec, wat size of yr twins? mine is 2.7 & 2.4cm.

Melodi, my Oscar scan on 13 june which is my next appt to see the bbies. Dr loh appt stretch very long..hope we crossed this safely net. Take care...let's strive hard to overcome MS.

melodi- oh dear, take care, headache whole day is terrible feeling. did u take ur temp today, have fever? could be tummy upset or losta gas? my oscar date is also 16 jun. i think my bb developing more at ur rate than glimmer's =). ur scan was 1.9cm last wed too? i also worry so long till next scan, so made another appt next sat for assurance, as starting working on the monday after tat...

glimmer, my scan last wed was 1.9cm and 2.1 cm. they grow 1mm each day, that explains why urs is a few days earlier...wow, fast growers, ur scan was last thu?

yup prescibed fish oil (not tuna oil), calcium, vit b6 and obimin for me..my fish oil no smell de... maybe u consider change to other brand for the fish oil? no use eating then puke it out...

jus to share, my brand is natal care triplus 30's

Girls, are u still taking duphston?i suspect it causes the nausea coz i missed taking once and sudden din feel so nauseous.

Clb n Goh, dr loh appt for me is on the 29th June, very very long. Since I am switching to private Gynae, I intend to go for one more scan before Oscar scan. If not same like clb, I would be very worried not knowing what is happening inside. Btw do I need to buy fish oil to eat too? Dr loh did not give me any vitamins or med during last visit. Hope my bb is ok today too cos having some funny pain today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Really wish we can all shun shun li li all the way till our babies are born. Must keep in contact n updates, hor buddies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Littlefren, so happy to hear good news from you. I can't wait for my turn on 26 May but will see gynae first on 25 May. It's been 4 weeks since I last had a scan, so nervous!!

