(2011/12) Dec 2011

Dear all,

I am leaving the thread, just went for checkup today at week 9, and could not detect baby's heartbeat anymore.


Kwlim..u have spotting prior to this??dr can't detect heartbeat..u take gd care..feel sad to hear about it too..my previous mc was also @ week 9 with no heartbeat[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I have no spotting, it just happened, even the growth of the baby was correct at week 9.

I'm very sad too, will try to take things easy at work for the next pregnancy.

Hi kwlim,

Sorry to hear abt u. But I think u shd go for a second opinion, just to be sure, I hope Yr first doc is wrong.... Pls take care!

Hi dacylet, no $315 is for blood test n scan for Oscar, doesn't incl detail scan.

Hi kimiko, I know difficult to ask u not to be nervous, cos I was too. Just stay positive!

Kwlim, sorry to hear the sad news. Maybe u shld go for 2nd opinion. Stay strong.

Melodi- Kk Appt so far away. I recalled u wan to ask dr loh something, tat s y seeing him one last time? Once the brain structure is formed we can eat fish oil, for developm of bb brain, also if not enuff of dha, bb starts taking fr our brain, tat's y we become forgetful etc. So good to start soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes we gota remain in contact. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope the 3 of us will smoothly sail thru these remaining mths to hold our darlings in our arms. Count down, abt 3 weeks to first trim n ms ending. Jy!


Can I check if by wk 12 when u do the scanning, is it still vaginal scan or can scan via the tummy?

kwlim> if growth is right, maybe u could really go seek second opinion first? cos read in the forum, then there were cases where thought no heartbest etc but after seeking other opinions the first doc was wrong. not to get ur hopes up but at least to make sure it's accurate.

Hi dacylet, did u ask abt the gender of Yr bb???? I forgot!!!! *bang head* though I think it's a bit early but I shd hv tried cos one mummy in nov whose edd only 2 days fr me n examined at Kkh knew Liao! *bang head one more time!* kimiko! Rem to ask!!! My next Appt on 31 may.... But dunno if my gynae scanner in room can see! Cos not the 3D/4D type!

Morning mummies....

My ms had been avg and my own method of knowing bb is fine is via the hunger at 1st tri... But I lost that feeling since last evening... I really hope bb is fine and well... How I wish I can do a scan now to take a look at the little one to make sure he/she is ok.. Let me feel that hunger soon, pls....

Littlefren, Oscar might hv a scan of knowing the bb gender if the person is experience, If not they win common n ask u to wait till wk20 detail scan... For my #1, the lady at tmc was not able to tell but my gynae manage to tell me during the wk14 or wk16 (can't rem which wk), n the gender was further confirmed during the detail scan..

Btw, is there any mums who had delivered at Mt A, can u share ur overall birth experience there, in terms of the health care team, the nursery care for bb, comfort level, medical bill n etc, thx

Clb, melodi

great to hear yr updates! clb, I stop eating the tuna oil, dunno y is not fish oil?? email Dr loh whether to continue or change cos it's impt for me to eat for bb brain devt too..anyway i hv no side effects fr duphaston, tink can stop after 1st trimester rite? now most impt is the vitamins. mine slightly bigger maybe it's FET cos my embroys has more cells then. Will u be trying natural? cos dr loh say mine confirm csec no need to think further since my 1st already csec somemore now twins lagi impossible. he tell me get ready by 1 Dec. if natural yr bbies cannot be too big yah. Happy for u give birth once can close shop liow..hope it's a combination [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Melodi, tot u hv seen dr loh for yr 2nd scan now..tink u shld stick to yr pte gynae straight no pt wasting $$..know u very grateful to dr loh so u still wan to see him last time rite? I m sticking with dr loh becos of overall cost & feel comfortable as he expert on multiples. My 1st bb at TMC now try KKH..my twins scan for Oscar is $404. who is yr pte gynae & which hospital?

We all must strive hard to complete the journey, pray hard we will see our bbies in DEC. now just cherish every little moments..

little fren,

congrats on yr gd result! now u can relieve & enjoy the rest of the journey...next will be the gender, know yrs already? mine will also be in KKH. thks for sharing! so looking fwd to it in june..

kwlim, take care of yourself. Sometime doc might not be able to hear heartbeat could be due to wrong positioning of the baby or placenta maybe in the front position that cushion away the heartbeat.

LawShe, I paid around $400++ for Oscar Scan, Blood Test and Detailed Scan.

littlefren, i did asked, but she say still too young to detect. Need to wait until 16 weeks. I heard from my friend's past experience, if BB is male, usually within 4th month will confirmed, but if BB is female, usually they will confirmed around 5th month.


We have the same doc! Congrats on Yr twins. U guys so fast eat fish oil, I was told to start only in tri 2, so I just started!

Hi dacylet,

Ha! I thot she would say that but just thot I shd hv at least asked. Hope I will know on my next Appt, keke! I know most cfm will be 5th mth, but some nov mummies know Liao, so I also becoming anxious!

AC: it's cabin lah... ya, can use on drinks... dun be surprised, $300 very fast finish liao! hahaha... the first time we got it, we finish in 1 meal! haha... i only rem my hb ordered kangaroo meat! haha... those meals u need to pay ones are ex lor... so very fast $300 all gone! somemore ours is 5 nights cruise, i guess u will get pretty bored with the FREE food very soon...!!

i heard from my friend that Dr Adrian could tell her baby gender at week 11/12 and both is accurate. ADrian's scanner is very old and unclear kind. everytime he tell us heartbeat there we cant see anything cause too blurish and compared to my prvious gynae machine, his is worse! but he is able to tell gender and both time it is correct.

hi all

I am new here but has been a silent reader. i am going to be week 12. glad to join everyone.

hi littlefren and goh,

i am also under the same dr. my first child also ivf under him but this time is natural after few failed cycles.

As for fish oil, it may worsen the MS condition. Hence, my gynae asked me to start fish oil if I don't have bad MS.

Hmm... my next scan is at week 14. I wonder if I would be able to see the gender. Really does not matter as long as healthy. Went to visit a friend who just delivered yesterday. Her baby gal is soooo pretty with big round eyes.

Yesterday, we went to check out Baby Hypermart and Baby Kingdom at Kakit Bukit. After some exploring, we have more or less decided on stroller brand and model. Hopefully there's good offers during the Motherhood Fair. So tiring testing out the different models. End up I sat down while hubby tried pushing, opening and keeping the stroller.


i thot the gender development more or less completed by W15 to be able to see? W11/12 can see? Unless it is via Amino test? that one confirmed can test out the gender immediately. My colleague did that when she is in high risk for down syndrome. Immediately after she get the test result, she also know the gender at the same time.


another clue to predict the gender can be via the tummy. For those having male will have a "sharper" belly and slower in showing in first tri. For female, the belly will be rounder and more obvious during first tri. These are based on those mummies' experiences, who got both boy and girl. Just a gauge. May not be 100% accurate.

TIE...you are really fast next scan will be 14weeks already..I think you will be able to see th gender during your next scan coz i find dr roland machine quite high tech.. i am having my scan tomorrow..very scared n paranoid now..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Welcome Rabbit, when is your EDD? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TIE, Have to find a good stroller, it is worth testing every single model. You also want the best for your bb right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dacylet: haha. if thats the case, then mine is a gal. Tummy too obvious and very round now! Initially dilemna coz lighter is more convenient but the heavier one is more sturdier/ stable and closing mechanism is good. End up getting the sturdy one coz thinking if we are out, talking on the phone (very common for my line), push pram and buy things, then the pram must be stable enough for me to hang stuff on it.

wendy: Supposed to be 4 weeks to next appointment but I KS, asked for 3 weeks coz to be doubly sure of the cysts. Its 2 more weeks b4 I can see Dr Roland. No scare no scare about tmr. I'm sure bb is doing very well. Just be amazed with its growth! =)


my OSCAR will be scheduled on 10/06. u still having sore throat? better rest well since u are on mc..


re gender: for my 1st, my gynae can detect it's a boy during 12 weeks scan. heard if it's easy to detect if it's a boy..


no worries..very soon will b your turn..

dun scare & paranoid, just feel excited & happy cos you can your lil bb tomorrow...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Jass ya.. Yday Adrain gave 2 days mc but I say it's ok need one day only. But my mgr kept telling me to stay home today as well and treat today as mc. So u stayed home and rest. For some reason the sore throat don't seems to get better.

TIE..u knw eversince my last scan..my spotting coming on and off..that why worried..on top of that..i stress till everyday sleep,dream of dr roland doing scan for me..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]even yesterday nite..

Jass..i have been forcing myself to sleep so much so that time will pass faster..and tomorrow will be the U/s..i just have the intention to postpone the U/S..haiz..

This morning woke up feeling ok but after I took my Milo, the ms feeling came back shortly! Feel pukey & nauseous again.. So I called ofc to report sick. Now I'm thinking of taking long week mc cos the nauseous feeling is making me weak & losing my focus at work. Sigh..

Feeling bad but really can't helped it.

jass, guess so. If the "Line" appears, more or less confirm is boy. for girl, they will just wait until really cannot find the "line"

Dear all,

Thanks for your concern, this morning, started to bleed...so in a way confirmed the findings. Have done the procedure and will move on.

Hope to get back in health soon then try again.

Do take care, all mummies, remember dun stress out yourself at work....dun be like me.

glimmer- 1 dec, abt 3 weeks earlier than ur EDD. Dr Loh so steady, already can predict the C section date =P... i'm kinda afraid of labour pain de, so prob will choose c section too, esp now with twins, worry complications, c section shld be more "efficient"? haha, u and I can close shop liao, unless our dh wants a dozen or more. i come from a small family, so 2 is good enuff for me =). how abt urself?.can you share your delivery experience at TMC for your first child? was the service alright?

TIE- besides fish oil, any other vitamins will aggravate MS?

Hi wendy,

yes, did mine FET under dr loh, trsf 3 day embryo..u also did IVF under who? Congrats to u..read on yr spotting issue, maybe it's just residual flow, some ladies hv it thru out & still deliver..but of cos do request for more scanning sessions until spotting disappear. IVF tough journey hope we can graduate smoothly..Jia you!

Hi littlfren,

u also Dr loh patient, he is very humourous but can be direct to the pt..r u seeing him at pte suite too? i like the place very cozy & the nurses very friendly too..satisfied to pay abit premium [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] altot i started fish oil but i puke everytime so maybe i only start in 2nd trimester when my MS mellowed down. R u having MS, if not u will be able to swallow it well..hehe

Dacy- ya I was also surprised cos for both my pregnancy, I only know during 5th month scan.. But my friend say Adrain scan at w11/12 can c it's boy. I was also thinking how can he c cos his screen is not clear at all.


so u better rest at home since your both gals also in childcare, right?


why want to postpone ur u/s? everyone cant wait for their lel...

dear, dun stress yourself, ok? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] why not ask ur hb buy or borrow from library some prenatal book so that u can read at home rather than u just bedrest?


is that due to your vomit so that doc admit u?

do take care..


last time my previos gynae also can detect gender during 12 weeks u/c. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Goh..i did it @ parkway east with dr roland..last time wanted to go to KK but find the waiting time too long plus when i hd my 1st visit to my current dr,i find him a very humble n patient dr thus we decided to go with him though we got to pay more since pte..why are you doing a FET not fresh 1??you had twin right??

I had 2 blastocyst transfer but only 1 attached perhaps due to OHSS..My dr is not very worried about my spotting and always smile when he see my kan cheong face..he tell me it is relatively normal for IVF patient to get spotting more than normal conceive since we have retreival and transfer which might have some abrasion here and there..

I hope everything will work well n my bb will grow well tomorrow..I still have 3 frozen blastocyst kept.


Jass..i find myself crazy too..have been waiting for a week already but so scared that my U/S not gd tomorrow..have been dreaming abt my dr doing U/S for me everynite when i sleep..I think i will suffer a depression soon if my spotting dont stop..it comes and goes..dun knw why too..lucky is not fresh blood just brownish discharge..but still dun feel good..haiz..

