(2011/12) Dec 2011

Hi bee, I didn't bf.. No milk at all.. So I got spend money on beauty saloon ... Went to the one own by jacelyn tay at taka.

Hi, bra extension can get fr any shop selling bras, even Tom and stefanie. It's a piece of additional piece of material with both sides have hook, so that ur bra can hook one. I bought at Tom and stefanie lasrpt time.

Hi tie, happy 1yeAr anniversary.

Hi all! I'm new to here.. hope to join you gals for more chats here.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Joanne: Think i will take a look at the motherhood fair to see. totally clueless now! expo is just 5mins away from my place. =) its now super jammed with cars due to robinson sales.

Octbride_78: Thanks! Back from buffet lunch. Good that i managed to eat but ended up the food taste like stuck in throat. sorta nauseous.

Its interesting. Exactly one year ago, when 2 become one. Now, its two create one. =)

Hi wendy, just read about your spotting. Take care and rest well. Must be quite scary that day when spotting and need to be hospitalise.

TIE, I went for the mee siam at Glory. The rice also quite nice too. I even tabao mee siam again for dinner but need to drink lots of water after that if not go toilet will have problem :p Thanks for recommendation [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi gals, juz woke up from a 2hr nap. Dunno is it due to the hot weather, cant stand my neasousness.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Joanne>> my appt with dr tham is on 18 may.

It's my first time seeing him.. My current gynae at raffles is not bad but veri exp! One time charge is $250, veri Siong ah!

I think I need bra extender too. Chest feels veri tight whenever I put on my bra! Worst part is all my bras is underwired de.

Hi Evelyn, that's nice! When is your next gynae visit and who is your gynae? Is this your first baby? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi missusBL, it's not becoz of weather, it's becoz of MS [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I used to feel that way too. Hope your MS clear up within 2weeks.

My mum actually told me to get wire-less bra but I never like those bras coz will move around but will wearing wired bras affect us in terms of breast feeding in future? Any advice?

MeloDi: Glad you like it. My hubby likes the rice too. But think slightly ex there. Hope you don't tabao the mee siam for too long in case not fresh then we don't feel good.

missus BL & Kimiko: yah, the bras all seem quite tight so only wearing the few bigger ones. haha. not too well endowed so all my bras are underwired. i will also go check out the bra extenders. bought a maternity underwear but have yet to try. looks so grandma-ish!

Hi melodi..thanks 4 yr concern[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]but I an still in e hospital,my dr wan me to rest n he say he will discharge me if I stop bleeding..pro is..it comes in n off..sianz..now I can't even walk well coz of e jab on my thigh..feeling so tired but full of pain now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] ..I really dun knw when e bleeding will stop..e bleeding is nt red or brown but black..damm disgusting..haiz

Hi Wendy, hopes everything goes well for you but meanwhile try to relax and not think too much in the hospital. Please sleep if you are feeling tired, try to rest more ya!

Hi decmum,

Regarding the Ginger tea at spa, I used to make it, I cut slices of ginger n lemon grass, then boil w rock sugar for a while can Liao.

Hi Joanne,

Ya, bra extension can buy fr any bra shop, I got mine fr those small bra shops in the Neighbourhood. So tml is Yr Appt? Nice.... U must be really anxious n excited! ;) have a gd scan tml n share w us!

Hi clarissa,

U r right that I dun need a bigger bra cup now, just wondering whether to get longer bra or work w bra extension will do... So bra extension can last me another 2 mths? That will be nice! But I think will keep my eyes sourcing longer ones cos I am on the big side, rather difficult to find ;)

Hi kimiko,

Yr hubby is so funny, he thinks u only one mth? Ha, my hubby only slightly better, he knows not only one mth, but I dun think he knows how many!! Ha! My hubby already told some of his close frens! I was quite surprised ;) think he's quite happy ;) I need to find bigger shorts for home wear too, cos I big size leh, hard to find... Oh ya, I'm already wearing wireless bra, very comfortable ;)

Hi kimiko, ya my first kid! U? My next gynae visit is next sat, should be doing the screening for down syndrome. Seeing dr Tracy in a clinic at Tanglin. Ur visit is Tmr?

Hi Wendy, don worry, everything will be fine. It may be painful now, but for the sake of your child, it's all worth it. Jia you!

Hi Littlefren, I also quite big size that's why my hubby always look at me and asked me when I'm going to lose weight, luckily now I'm pregnant so he don't nag so much. He have not told any of his friends yet even the really close ones coz he also pantang scared later he tell liao then something happen to me. But I really didn't expect him to not know how many weeks I'm at when I will update him on and off. Then again he's not good at remembering numbers, sometimes even forgets my real age then I realised he also forgets his real age at times -.-

Hi Evelyn, nope my next appt is on 25 May for routine check but will be doing oscar screening on 26 May. Like you, this is also my first child [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

AC - thanks, I'll get frens to buy for me next time when they travel then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tie>> I oso not well-endowed so need underwired & padded bras. :p

Now they are making me laki stiff chest.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so my hubby suggested wearing nu bra. But I scared it will drop cos no longer that sticky liao le, keke..

Hi tie, hws the food.? Good? Where is it?

Hi Wendy, hope younger feeling better now! Take care! Hope can discharge before Vesak day.

Hi decmum, my hubby bought mdm Kim Ginger tea. I find it better than goldkil. The taste stronger and spicier. Need to add more water as I dun like it to be sweet. It's green in packaging. See can get at ntuc

missus BL: haha. at home then luxury of going braless, most comfy. =P

Octbride_78: went Regent's Basilico. The spread is most sumptious on Sunday. a bit wasted that i'm not much of a foie gras and rare seafood person. Funny hubby thought suprise for me but the restaurant called to confirm reservation when i was in the car with him a few days ago. He forgot he dropped me to dine there with my gal frens a yr odd ago. Put on so much weight that the necklace he gave me is so short! Attached pic with my big tummy... feeling that my skin is overstretched. Quite uncomfy.

Ginger tea sounds good to me. Probably will make a cup later. I can't remember what brand i tried previously but can't find anymore. Now only left with Gold Kili.

wendy: my appointment with Dr Roland is 10am. See if we get to bump into each other. =)

Oct bride...I dun tink can discharge so fast coz he wana make sure I really have no more spotting before he discharge me..if nt he say I will sure cum back e next day[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] haha..then I aso dun need to call him on his hp whenever I got spotting..haha

Mama ash,u r rite got to rest as much as possible but so difficult u knw..staying in e hospital..haiz..can't walk well due to e jab on e thigh...haiz..

Tie..try to ask more from dr Roland Abt e cyst..haha..he seems to know who u r..but dun worri u r really in safe hands..I just feel Tat we r so lucky to have him ard..u knw I have been with him for 4mths already..so I knw he is very attentive towards all his patients[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]..he is there to solve yr doubts[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]gd luck for u tomorrow..I hope I can go home soon..I miss my dogs[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi mamash, nt sure abt heatiness but my gynea ask me to drink to curb ms.

Hi tie, wow nice! Maybe I will go there after my appetite gets better

Hi Wendy, u still bleed?? Or is now under observation.

Oct bride...I am still bleeding[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but now not fresh blood..but black n dark colour..v disgusting...haiz.my mum have been cooking alot of tonics n I really feel bad Abt it as she so old Liao..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]...just hope everything will b fine as my medical bills r aso piling up..so stress too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]..u knw I hope e bleeding will stop soon..nw my ovary n womb r enlarging n perhaps alot of friction inside too..just hope bb is strong minded..

Though I feel like goin home,I dare nt request from my dr..since he really know my condition.if really can discharge,he sure let me go home 1..I envy all e mummies to b to have craving for food n putting on weight..I dun have any craving n my dr say my face aso thin down too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]..

Evelyn..thanks for yr support too..hope to pull thru soon..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi wendy

Dun worry.. U will start put on weight fr 2nd trimester onwards..;) r u staying at 4bedded or 2bedded rm now? Got tv infront to entertain u? Else will really be very bored.. Be guai k... Bb healthy is more impt to all of us now..

Joanne..I am in 2bedded room..no1ard n I dun enjoy watching tv..only thing is to surf net n chat with u gals..I will put in my very best effort for my bb[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wendy, rest rest n dun feel too stress lah. Yr hb not in sin ah?? Or have books or magazines to read? Can fall asleep faster. Dun think too much lah, very soon u realized u r ok Liao. Be strong n think on the positive lah. We r all here to support u!!!

wendy, my experience was quite similar to yours. strange, I thought > 20 follicles than got chance of ohss. i had 12 follicles, 9 with eggs, 6 fertilised, 5 managed to reach blastocyst. i was at TFC then, Dr Cheng. i was told the chances for the embryo to survive after D5 is very slim thus, i didn't store the remaining 3. i bled ard 10 days after bfp. had a bad cramp in ofc suddenly so went back to rest. before i reached home, felt wet under already... i bled for 2 days, each time i think wet 2/3 of my panty liner... the chief embryologist told me to bedrest and there is nothing they could do as they hv already given me all the med support that i could hv. I was very upset and disappointed with her. Luckily, I called again and the nurse was kind enough to arrange me to see doc the next day... anyway, after the saga, the chief embryologist has left.

This time, I conceive naturally, but gynae said fetus is growing too slow. haiz! i will know if bb is healthy or not by next Wed. i hope my lil one survives...

for those who given birth before.... does ur bra size increase again??? i was 34B, increase till 36B in my 1st pregnancy.... now bra tight... aiyo... have to waste $$ again

for those given birth more than once, does ur bra size increase again this pregnancy????

my bra already increase once in my 1st pregnancy... now its tight again... T_T

dawn - my cup size increased from a B to a C during pregnancy. But after pregnancy went back to normal, when stop breastfeeding, shrink lagi more...

wendy - i hope you are feeling better today. Hang on there... the 9mths will pass...FAST [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hohoho...same like to you, after stop breasfeeding, shrink till A cup nia..dunno this time will b same or not. but of course still will insits breastfeeding again..


clarissa & jass... same here lor...!! haha... my 2nd one i bf till 2yrs+, and really shrink till A!! was like B before... pregnancy & breastfeeding time was bet B-C... after tat poor thing... haha...

Dawn, use bra extension... cheaper...

Hi all mummies, good morning.. =)

Mamaash: u super pro.. BF till 2 yrs plus. I have to stop due to preggy.. else would have continued. And yea, mine also 'kiu zhui'.. became smaller. Haha.. BTW, my gynae is Dr Chen, and i will be delivering at Mount Alvernia.

Clarissa / Jass: me too.. boob shrunked after stop bfding. =( but nv regretted bfding. Though mine was expressed out exclusively. But still managed to feed both girls till recently.

wendy: u rest well, and keep positive thinking okie? If u stress, bb will stress also. =) we will all be here supporting u.

Hammy: sorry for late reply. The calamine lotion u can get from guardian or the NTUC utility heathcare pharmcy. No need prescription de. How's ur rashes?

All: my MS + nausea this time round is super power.. cant eat at all, and the bloated feeling is horrible. whatever I eat, sure puke out 50% or all later. I practically can hug the toilet bowl and sleep. So hungry, but cant stomach the food. Sob.. =( i hope this will be over soon.. cant wait to enjoy food..

dawn, use bra extension. i have been using it, else it is too tight and waste of money buying new bra which later may change again.

mamaAsh> update my next appointment on 28 May. BB#1. Residence: TPY


mummymoo - I also 100% express out. somehow, I dunno how to latch on..oooo, I hope your MS gets better soon. My ms - i dun even feel hungry lo. but if I dun eat, will puke. eat also puke..so i force myself to eat, than puke.. cos if dun eat, will puke gastric juice which is yellowish and bitter! yucks...

Clarrisa: thanks.. =) i din latch on cos full time working. thinking that expressing out will be a better option. i also force myself to eat. Just hate the feeling of vomitting it out. Like waste $$ leh.. LOL. Then when im super hungry, i will feel very bloated then i cant eat. So pek chek... Grrr... ya the gastric juice is yikes.. bitter and sour... Hope all our MS will go away soon!!

Hi wendy, it's sounds really bad.. Be strong for you and bb. Are you at kk?? Can drink tonic now? I think best is to monitor and get more rest in hospital as there ate experience doctors and nurses to help..

mummymoo: i lazy mah... so prefer to latch on.. which saves me time to warm the milk, sterilise the pump, express out the milk! haha.. so whenever we are out, i juz need my sling & nursing shawl, & when boy cry for milk, i put on my shawl or sling & bring him under & feed! haha.. i cont to do my things, be it eating or shopping!! haha... but actually no need to stop bf when u preggie leh... if i were u i would cont, so after delivery, easier, cos milk supply oredi there, no need to start over again! i find it so painful to open up the pores leh!! hope yr MS goes off soon!! poor thing... can u try those plain crackers w some salty taste type??

clarrisa, yr ms sound scary also leh... i get hungry like every 2-3hrs... & if dun eat, feel so terrible... eat liao better.. i always only puke out my saliva! :p only once last week, can feel all the gastric juice coming out & feels so damn terrible!!

I have no milk thus nv breast feed... dun intend to breast feed this round too...

maybe my 2nd pregnancy is too near apart my boy is now 13mths... i feel very different for this pregnancy... feel very weak... hubby not really understanding abt it... haizzzz he say i keep thinking i am weak so i feel weak...

but he bought birdnest and pao sheng for me bu sheng ti....

what tonics do u all take??

mamaash: gynae advised me to stop bfding cos i have miscarriage once before my #1. And he said bfding will cause uterus to contract, so ask me to stop. lol, cos i chiong my supply during maternity leave, so when im back to work, only need to express 4 times/day, then slowly reduce to 3x/day. Ya agree that go out need to bring alot of barang barang but bo bian. Haha.. lucky hubbie is understanding enuff, though sometimes he din grumble how come always go express milk. :p so i told him i help u save $$$ ma... then he LL loh. haha...

Dawn: for both my pregnancy, i take bird nest once a week until i deliver. The bird nest is those type you need to brew it yourself with rock sugar. Other than that din take anything else. Every pregnancy is different. i got preggy with #2 when #1 is only 10 months. I do feel more tired initially but started to feel much better in 2nd trimester. So you hang in there yea? =) if u really feel very tired, when ur boy is napping, u nap with him too. These little power naps do wonders! =)

Haha mine was A cup pre preg then after bf shrink to A-!! Haha pathetic. During preg increase to B then when bf increase to D.. Right now it's still within A cup. but realized my hip bone n chest bone grew bigger although I went back to pre preg, in fact v underweight when I bf so I stopped bf after 15mths. Mine is also total express, had problems latching too, nearly gave up bf during confinement but so glad I didn't. Hopefully this time round hv got energy to bf this long too cos with another toddler to handle dunno got time n strength or not.. Hmm..

mummymoo: my nap i can totally knock out for hours... haha... its totally knock out... can't hear phone ring etc... trying to tahan and endure... and hubby not really understanding abt it ...

mamaAsh &dacylet,

but hor bra extension only can use for a while nia because the cup not in correct size...


I also bf my son till 2 yrs++, but think of those days when having sore breast, block dust really make me scared of it.

i also get hungry every 2-3hrs and must eat on time if not very jialat. I can eat a lot for breakfast & lunch but dinner hardly eat expecially homecooked food.



me too..yesterday after lunch at outside i feel so tired and knock out immediately after reach home. ask hb to entertain my son. at the end he just gave him iphone too play game. man hor...

