(2011/12) Dec 2011

aiyo... i wanna eat the croissant u all are taking abt!!! argh... & it's raining cats & dogs now!! how to go out to buy?!? sob sob...

tuna: ok to eat once a while or really totally muz avoid?? :p

missus: i also worry leh... like wat yr hb say! if push too much bb comes out! hahaha... cos this is my #3, so scare muscles not strong enuf liao! hahaha... so eat lots of papaya when i feel constipated!! then next day will be full of papaya smell! haha... sorry... :p


mummymoo>> that day i secretly drink 1 sip of apple soda! feel so shiok... like all the pain are gone! HAHAH.. but my hubby and mum forbids me from taking cold drinks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i think i'm gng to drown myself on cold coke, KOI, starbucks frap and freeze once this 9 mths is over! muahaha..

cloud942>> i have 3 at the same time! sometimes jus 2..

like now, i'm having cramp + wanna vomit. not forgetting, headache! wish i can be slping at hm now instead of working. T_T

mamaAsh>> hahah... mine most of the time is loose stools.

i veri scared half way pooing, i wanna puke. Ewww... imagine that happening?! yucks!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] keke..

how come u all talk about bread? Haha.. im actually sipping ice blended mocha, and sipping plain water also. My water intake reduced drastically these few days. I think I 'pu zhua' already. got pimples popping out. =p

missus_BL: haha.. actually hubbie also forbid me to take cold drinks. But he see me nv eat, then eat liao puke, nv eat also puke. He got desperate, so he bought me koi and ice cream to eat. But after that all donate to toilet bowl. Muahaha...

Gretel: you poor thing. I understand how u are feeling. maybe u can try some cream crackers / warm milk if possible. i hope it will help u. Im taking small frequent meals.. so that my stomach wont churn too much when it's empty and not eat too full that makes me wanna puke..

Haha MamaAsh, I also want the croissant haha.. Err guess tuna if want then take once in a while lor

For this time preg, I also like fried stuff, French fries.. So sinful, try to control.. Home cooked meals I can't take the soya sauce, oyster sauce taste, wanna puke. Prefer sweet sour pork kind.. Green veg also don't like, prefer French or long beans kind...

mummymoo>> im craving for ice-cream now too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my hubby let me have a sip of iced-milo last night. i oso donated to the toilet bowl, but not by vomit, it's poo poo out... =_=

gosh...u all are talking about food and puking/pooing in the same breath...i feel so disgusted...


tuna should avoid cos might contain mercury...but once in a while is fine...don't have to totally avoid...

papaya supposed to be cooling right? should not take too much i suppose?

Like many mummies here, I suddenly don't like home cooked food and totally almost cannot down any of that during week 6-9. It's only recently I start taking home cooked food again. But I still feel better eating western food. Can be burgers, or even sandwiches and now I'm thinking of the croissant from deli france *drools*.

I have not had a single drop of cold water ever since I knew I was pregnant but just a while ago I feel like drinking some cold apple soda. Are we able to drink a bit like probably at later stage of pregnancy or better not to drink?

I think those canned tuna or what I heard they called it 'white tuna' can take a bit but the red ones totally cannot eat. Not sure what is the diff probably the white ones are smaller or probably belongs to different type of sea?

I can see some mummies going through MS now. Must jia you! This stage will go by quickly! At least thats what I pray for everyone going through MS.

Any mummies able to advise apart from chicken essence, what else can we buy to 'nourish' ourselves during 2nd trimester?

AC>> hahaha.. ya, sorry for tmi :p

pls bear with us ya. ;)

Kimiko>> i'm oso craving for cold apple soda! took a sip and its like so SHIOK!

my gynae told me some mothers took 7-up or H2O to kill MS. he said a small sip once a while is fine, dun overdo. so maybe this is a good guide for us?

Missus BL, when I was vomiting quite badly that time, I also take H2O (non-cold) to hydrate myself as advised by the GP I saw that time. Weirdly, I also find the taste or smell able to ease my MS. But I stop taking once I stop vomiting already. The GP did advise non-gassy drinks at that point. Maybe I shall asked my hubby if can drink or not better than he caught me drinking it. He will nag at me non-stop and say things to make me feel guilty one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

cloud942 (cloud942), i think mayonnaise is ok bah. Trust me, the chicken mayonnaise crossaint fr Delifrance is really nice. prob i hadnt have that for quite some time tats y ..haha

hmm, i sometimes crave for canned drinks so will go down and buy. Dont dare to stock up at home worry i will keep drinking. So far i tried orangina...gassy yet with vitamins C haha.

AC (tupapa) , i dont tink papayas are cooling but ppl avoid taking it too much incase of jaundice for the baby.

my wife been going on about burger...she never liked fast food but last week suggest we have carl's junior...1st time ever...i guess it's the same thing as what you all feel.

AC: sorry abt it.. haha..

Kimiko: bird nest? I think is really good and nourish for both mummy and baby. =) like i've mentioned earlier, i had that for both my #1 and #2 pregnancies. My dad brewed it for me once a week, he said those bottled one too high in sugar. Self brewed one better, and he make sure i eat those bird nest.. LOL..

mummymoo...i got my wife the no sugar or less sugar versions from yu ren shen...i guess can always mix with those with more sugar to reduce the overall amount...

too lazy to boil :p

Mommymoo, I'm feeling better n rashes has faded off somehow after applying the physiogel and powder. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks thanks!!

haha..i also feel like eating sandwich lel..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw, can i check with mommies here can we tak honey during pregnancy?

Haha AC, now I find it funny too..

Kimiko, for 2nd tri I'll take chicken essence, herbal chicken soup. Birds nest prob wait till 3rd tri..

Seaangel, yeah deli one nice.. Slurps!

Btw, for 2nd n 3rd time mummies, did ur hair drop alot after delivery ard 5month? Mine did scary. And I was reading this urban newspaper that day n jacelyn Tay said that must bu more so that hair won't drop after delivery.. True meh?

i heard bird nest, can start consume from 4th month to 8th month. Nearing to labor, better stop else baby will have phelgms...

as for cold drinks, preferably Sprite/7-Up compared to Coke/Pepsi as no coloring...

AC: sorry lah... but at least u would like wat yr wife MAY be gg thru... :p yes... burgers or sandwiches are better choice...

aiyo... no sandwich now, so am eating butter cookies! hahaha... :p

mummymoo: yr dad very nice leh... make bird nest for u every week!!! envy...

seaangle: so far for me, am not worry abt jaundice cos the prenatal course i went for did say all babies will have jaundice esp asian babies, not so much due to the food. & both my kids have mild jaundice only... lucky...

jass: am not sure abt honey intake, but my sis & a lady fr GNC told me not to... juz in case bb can't take the honey... so better to refrain bah...

cloud942: i think not true to bu now... cos our hormones during our pregnancy period is such tat our hair drop during pregnancy is very minimal, tat's y the hair drop after delivery.. but of cos u won't go bald lah... yes, i did experience drop lots of hair after delivery, but no issue lor...

my mil said watever we are craving, must eat and satisfied it.. if not the bb will grow up veri "tan chi". dunno hwo true lah. haha

Jass, also read not to take honey now.. Yeah also something like causing allergy..

MamaAsh, yeah lor also think it's not the bu that will make hair drop lesser.. That time I was so scared I'll be drop till botak haha

Jaundice supposed to b cause of immature liver n not so much due to food we take I read..


actually i also heard that better dun take honey, something like allergy issue. jialat, b4 pregnancy, i just bought a big tub raw honey.

missus BL,

yeah..i also agree that must eat and satisfied when we are craving. i feel like eating chili crab...wohooo..

missus: tat's wat my mil told me too... not true lor.. cos for both my 2 pregnancies, i eat watever i want, my #1 give everything also want, #2 give anything also dun wan! hahaha... :p

cloud942: haha... won't go botak lah... go beijing101! haha.. joking... pple say during pregnancy we become hairer... tat's y after delivery we tend to drop more...

AC: i also lazy to brew.. lucky got my dad! =)

Hammy: good to hear that!! =)

mamaash: ya loh.. lucky me to have my dad. Hopefully this time round will still have bird nest... =p

cloud942: my hair dropped much more after #2. Lucky for me is, my hair grew back, and alot of baby hair can been seen. Haha.. looks like i got electrocuted. I din really 'bu' or what. Just eat as per normal, and use hair falling shampoo.

jass: not sure about honey... honey milk tea can? =p hee... all i can think of is milk tea.. haha..

Actually I'm not sure abt bird's nest leh coz I have asthma and I read somewhere that taking bird's nest may cause baby to have asthma too.

Back from checkup and appointments. wasted... i had prevously read from nov thread to have a full bladder b4 u/s for better scan results. I had quick breakfast b4 going for checkup so didnt have a full bladder. Ended up image is blur and grainy. i can see the baby whole body moving wor! The gynae roughly pointed out the position of the hands and legs but image is too blur to see properly. Hb is 165.

super happy today. gynae can no longer spot the large cysts so i most likely don't have to go for surgery! phew. Oscar is changed to this thursday instead and gynae say unless results are out of norm, he will see me 4 weeks later.

Dr issnt convinced with supplements benefits coz dun have scientific proof and only prescribed fish oil. We were asking him how to know which ones are good or suitable. He said that he will request for the companies to send him HSA certs and test results etc. His concern is with their processsing whether done hygienically.

feeling super nauseous today as was often on the road. the roads are jammed, cars were moving slow and hubby had to brake often. now eating apple to sooth myself.

For those with bad MS, i find that apples, grapes and kiwis are good to abate the nauseous feel. not sure if this works for you. but there is once i ate 2 fragrant pears at a go and ended up with bad churning. I think the pears were too liang.

Initially i tried to avoid cold drinks but then very difficult leh. Weather is so hot and cannot imagine ordering hot drinks after meals. If cannot tahan, i usually order 100 plus, ice lemon tea and QQ. 100 plus helps me to burp so feel better, QQ has enriched vitamins while lemon also feels good (esp since i cannot take Ricola lemonmint sweets liao).

MamaAsh, haha but I did hear some mummies went to do hair treatment kind leh cos hair drop too much..

Ya Mummymoo, lucky my hair grew back but my hairdresser told me my hair ain't as thick as before Liao n texture also different..

ok...reply about honey found online...


seems like it's ok for mummies to take...but don't give to baby below 1 (some say 2)...

if worry...play safe n don't take...

my family drinks alot of honey...all supposed to be raw and wild so i guess not pasteurized... then again...wild unprocessed honey is supposed not to expire and cannot take high temp so they may not be pasteurized like milk or cheese. since won't expire i guess can keep till my wife give birth then drink lor...or rest of family drink...

oh ya...since cannot take plane...got a cruise trip for my wife...5N trip on virgo with balcony to Ho Chi Minh and Redang...2 person nearly $3k...phew...

hhmm...kiwi...my wife just told me little bunny wants to eat kiwi fruit last night so we bought some golden ones after dinner...

so i guess some cravings are quite common...

Hi all,

So much posts abt food, no wonder I feel hungry each time I refresh the posts.

Ya, since preg, I hv been a burger n fried food lover. But I try to balance w fruit juice, steam egg w mince meat, tofu dishes etc. I find chicken soup fr imperial treasure a very comforting soup, been taking that once every one or two weeks. Yeah, carls junior n delifrance too.

We can take mayo that are factory made, meaning in bottle or tube type cos they are not made fr raw eggs. I checked w delifrance, they dun make their mayo raw, so ok.

Mummies eating beef burger must check if their beef is 100% cooked. Carls junior is, but not The Handburger or some restaurant, can request if they can get it 100% done.

As for cold drinks, I do sip fr hubby cups occasionally, I hv taken coke n Fujian apple soda. I think once in a while is ok bah.

Hi kimiko, I fed my hubby fat fat so he can't say I fat! Ahahaha! Nah, I kept telling him to cut down cos worried he high blood. Never mind lah, after birth, we encourage each other to lose weight lah. I bought a treadmill just before I preg, so can't use now.... Plan to use after birth. Anyway, most pp lose weight taking care of bb, n gain weight after going back office ;)

AC: thanks for sharing the info.. =) enjoy your trip! when will that be?

kimiko: asthma is normally hereditary. I have childhood asthma, and true enuff, my #1 got it as well. Now trying to 'bu' her lungs with dong cong cai (grinded to powder). is gonna be a long term therapy. They said #1 will inherit the most from parents and i think #1 inherited 85% from me in terms of looks, health and personality. Only difference is she got nicer and slightly bigger eyes than me. Hahah...

TIE: happy for you that you can hear BB heartbeat! =) do take care and ask ur hubby dun drive too fast. :p now my hubby dun dare to go beyond 70. Normally he chiong like mad one. Haha.. i guess he's worried i may puke in his car.

cloud492: yea mine too. Mine is not as tamed as last time. but lucky grow back ar.. after my MIL give birth to my hubby, she lost her eyebrows, ended up she went to tattoo. *scary*

AC: wow.... you are sweet! i think the golden ones taste nicer, sweeter, not so sour.

wendy: thanks! yup, today seems like very packed for Dr Roland. First time so crowded and i had to wait 30mins. He was very patient, not rushing me off. Asked me to empty my bladder & come back scan just to double check the scan to make sure its the bladder and not the cysts. how are you doing today?

AC: 2 pax $3k? i tot i saw an email saying UOB got disc? we actually tot of gg, but i scare dunno will get seasick! haha... had gone for Star Virgo after our ROM tat was like 8yrs back, but was ok! & we went for the Royal Carribean in 2008, tat was terrible! i had bad seasick on board & 1 week after we landed!!! it was so damn shaky!!

TIE: glad to hear abt yr cysts are gone! tat's good, so bb have more space to grow! eat well & take care... all will be well! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummymoo: tat's scary!! how come lost her eyebrow? she went to shave off izit? first time hear leh...

littlefren: no worry abt yr weight, u'll lost more weight when u breastfeed!! tat's wat happened to me & after confinement i oredi went back to my pre-pregnancy weight! i guess the malay massage does help too!! :p & breastfeeding will make u lost more weight!! my slimest period is when bb is abt 5-6mths old!! haha...

Tie..yup..he told me he will b v busy today..Mayb it is holiday tomorrow[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]..e nurse just call me up n ask me to b wheel chaired to his clinic nw..stress..hope everything will b fine

yeah i got the UOB promo de...but I got the one with balcony so was about $1257 per person, then add $150 each fuel charges and port taxes...came up to slightly over $1400 each...

i got an email today from world card...if get inside rooms (no view lar) or with window de is cheaper than the UOB promo...in fact more than $200 cheaper...so for those who have world card go book directly with star cruise will be cheaper than getting the UOB promo...world card promo don't include balcony class, so lucky i don't have to be sad...

my wife never took star cruise before so it's something different for her...

this trip might be abit rough cos it's along south china sea...if worry sea sick go for penang/phuket trips where the sea is not as rough.

bring along MS pills or travel sickness pills just in case also...

i'm sure all your hubbies are sweet to you in their own ways as well.

Littlefren: I always have grapes in my fridge. Ran out of it liao. Gonna go stock up!

mamaAsh: Thanks! But my tummy felt so stretched and cannot imagine it being stretched further more! =)

wendy: keep your calm k. My staff previously had bad bad bleeding and even amniotic fluid also flowed out at 3rd month (the kind like in show,dripped to legs kind). She still managed to deliver a healthy baby but just that she was on bed rest throughout to pregnancy. Yours will be fine since Dr Roland says its common for IVF mums to have some bleeding. Hope you can hear the heartbeat today. With HB and baby growing healthier, all will be fine. =) Opps. the washing machines sound i heard previously at his clinic is indeed the HB. Today the same sound and he said thats the HB! =P

Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt. I am selling away my tummy wrap to any interested mothers-to-be. Good for tightening tummy post-delivery!

The Cinch Signature tummy wrap is a favourite among new mums, especially Caucasian celebrity mums.

Selling my pre-loved tummy wrap bought originally at S$129 (due to higher exchange rate of US dollar half a year ago).

Size: XS-M (fits 26" to 34" waistline)

My Price to you: $60

Condition: 8/10 (used less than 10 times cos I was lazy)

To read more about this product:


Please private message me if interested because I do not check the forum regularly. Thank you!

Hi TIE, so happy to hear good news from you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Now you can feel more relax already.

Hi Mummymoo, actually in my whole family including maternal and paternal grandparents, I think only my maternal grandfather has got asthma leh. So I didnt get it from my parents. I'm so concerned about bird's nest because my mum mentioned she had the luxury of eating more bird's nest when pregnant with me. Indeed I have got nice complexion (not skin condition, I still have pimples), fair fair pinkish but I got asthma lor. I also heard from doctor that such conditions may be passed down to baby. I hear already feel kinda sad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Littlefren, my hubby is those 'siao gym' type. He has been hitting the gym since he was a teenager and never stop since. He is also very vain one, to the extend that if he thinks he is fat, he will go on special diet to cut the fats on the particular area. I gained like 15kg ever since I got married to him 6years ago so I also cannot blame him for complaining that I'm fat lah.. But I always told him, 'Ya, I may not be that slim but I still got curves ok'. It's also becoz of my genes mah, drink water also fat that kind. My father side all big big size one. >.>

AC, wah I rather spent 3k on a proper vacation. I think 2 to go Taiwan trip + expenses maybe also less than 3k leh.. I'm in dilemma, wants to travel but don't know when. Go during 2nd trimester also scared, after give birth where got time.. Haiz..

hhmm...if inside stateroom will be about $1100 per person without view lor...but balcony class got $300 dining credit so i figured the price come up to be the same.

my wife can only travel during school holidays so if she don't go in June, Dec will be too close to go anywhere already.

1st tri should not take plane...long car/bus or ferry journey scared she get sick...so only choice left is cruise...i don't want to go those 2/3 days one cos like too short for her since she gave up a 16 days trip to italy for our BB... we haven't cancel our emirates air tic to italy though...hopefully they will give a full refund or just minus an admin charge...

Kimiko: dun feel sad cos this is something that cannot be prevented. After BB is born, just watch out if he/she happened to developed cold. Dun let BB cough too long. My #1 is on Seretide puff when she developed cold and her cough became so tight. But now ok liao. Then letting her take Dong Cong Cao to nourish her lungs. Dun worry ok? =)

mamaash: cos for her, her hair din drop that much, but her brows dropped! i almost fainted cos im a very thin browed person. If my brow dropped i think i can go bang wall liao.

Ha kimiko,

So Yr hubby is muscleman type, no wonder a bit stress ;) but I like what u say 'still got curves'!!! Yeah!!!!

Me hubby also vain... As in he not like usu guys like to wear big tshirts n plain colours. He like to wear just nice size if possible n go for younger colours. But somehow he can live w his fats. We put on abt 15 to 20 kg since married n always asked each other 'what happened???' Ahahaha! That day he said he also want to use stretch mark cream for his tummy! I really laughed my head off ;) but he joking lah...

Can lah, like mamaash says, we can lose weight by breastfeeding! Ha!


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Hi mummymoo, thanks so much for your encouragement. Sometimes its really hard not to feel sad coz so happens that I'm not working now also because of my ultra sensitive body, I just keep falling sick. If not sick also feel sick. So in a way, I feel sorry for my baby, just hope he or she will fare much better than me otherwise I will feel more sad. But this also the first time I hear brows dropped instead of hair dropped. Could it be that she anyhow come up with story to cover why she tattoo her brows?

Hi Littlefren, your husband also very funny, want to use stretch mark cream somemore. Talking about that, its really such a coincidence! Just last night, I was teasing my vain husband asked him whether he wants to try out my stretch mark cream for his stretch marks. He really looked at the cream and asked 'got use meh?'.. I told him that his case too late already then he knew I was disturbing him.. Hahaha! My husband always go for just nice or a bit tight tops also, sometimes to show off his muscles -.- But what I can't stand most is when we go on the streets, those men look at him more than they look at me.. zzz..

I really hope we can lose weight by breastfeeding but I'm worried later I got no more breast liao :x Though my breast not very big but I cannot imagine a smaller breast than now.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I'm wondering if its alright to take manuka honey now. I have been taking that for my sinus and dry throat but stopped ever since I knew I was pregnant. Now on and off I will feel like taking because my sinus is hitting back ever since I stop. Sometimes I get blocked or runny nose at night or in the morning then keep sneezing.


Tie..yup..he told me he will b v busy today..Mayb it is holiday tomorrow[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]..e nurse just call me up n ask me to b wheel chaired to his clinic nw..stress..hope everything will b fine

