(2011/12) Dec 2011

Ya joanne, our symptoms quite similar ;) yesterday, my mum packed lunch n sat in my car.... N I told her her rice stinks, and she wanna hit my head! Ahahahaha!

So u hv a 8 y.o son? Wow, have u told him abt the gd news? How many weeks are u now? ;)


@kimiko: thanks for your tips. For past two weeks, I uv been putting food into my mouthouse the moment I felt Nauseous. Tried plain meji cracker, sour plum, instant ginger tea, uncle Toby bar, hot Milo etc. But all do not helps. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif](

Even in the middle of night would wake up wanting to vomit but nothing out, at times liquid.

Today wanted to consult tcm but doc says at this stage not safe to take anything to curb vomitting. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. So now choice, pop another anti-vomit pill given by dr adrian though he claimed is safe for pregnancy.

@Joanne:not sure if I know how to read the u/c photo, it says +crl: 1.9cm. I cannot seem to find the indication on hb. Yes it does looks like a bean

Hi littlefriend

Hee... Not officially tell him yet but he already roughly know as me had been telling my mum abt bb thing.. And sometime asks him sayang my tummy n asks him u know why and he say he knows but dun want tell me too.. Think i will tell him when coming to 2nd trimester as feel now too early..... me not sure how many wk yet.. Shd be around 8wk ba.. Will go for scan and see the wk..pray hard for each scan i go..

Yes, our sympton is exactly same.. Glad to find someone with

Same symton as i thot i am different fr the rest who hv ms but i dun hv..i oso feel head heavy in the morning sometime this wk.. ;) is it ur first bb?

Kimiko: dun b envious of mummies who already gave birth coz wen that time comes, even though u are happily hugging bb, u will miss the pregnancy days with baby moving inside you. Pregnancy is the only time Only you baby share a 24 hr bond. Only u can feel the kicks and hiccups and movements. No one else can share that feeling & bond u will hv w bb. Enjoy these 10 months. In future u gotta 'share' bb w hubby and grandparents.

Hi stella

Hee.. U got a pt.. I do miss those days when my son is kicking In my tummy but that only happen at 4-6mth? I do tressure my third trimester night sleep.. ;) But Think the sister here n me dun miss first trimester as full of worries n stress.. I hope first trimester over soon...

It's the Robinson fair at expo till 22May I think. I actually wanted to only start buying nearer to delivery date but scared later too late and difficult to walk about because by then stomach will be quite big. But again I need to get bigger size sleepwear and clothings and probably can start checking out the baby stuffs too. Hmmm, still prefers to wait till 2nd trimester then buy but looks like I can't make it for this fair [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Joanne, where and when is this motherhood fair? Are the things a lot cheaper?

Hi Decmum, I can understand how you feel coz just a few weeks ago, I was like you. Sometimes at it's worst, eat also puke, don't eat also puke, cannot find any comfort food. Then even got once I puke till my nose were block and throat even pushing things out, almost cannot breathe! Really terrible. As for night time, once I lie down, I die die also try to sleep until daytime coz if I wake up I'll start vomiting due to empty stomach. Got a lot of stomach acid trying to rush up, really horrible. I'm so glad it's kinda over now *touch wood*, hope it only last a short while for you too.


OSCAR is i think 95% accurate. Usually if OSCAR result is good, most will not opt for amnio test cos amnio test if not done propely may harm the bb. I didnt take amnio test, i was 36 when i delivered my #1

Decmum2011 (decmum2011): Maybe you can try Cream Crackers? I tried and it works for me. Another suggestion is to drink peppermint tea (caffein free) or ginger tea. I forced myself to eat the cream crackers and ginger tea in the morning (both i hated) but no choice. It really works.

Wendy : take care! Hope you and bb will be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ladies : hmm how much weight have you all gained so far?? I am just wondering..I actually hope to have a steady weight increase, as towards the end of pregnancy, it can shoot up really fast!

Hi Octbride, so far my weight is more or less the same as pre-pregnancy. At the most also gained about 1kg. I did lose about 1kg during the days I had bad MS but more or less there. I just realise I eat a lot before I was pregnant so I didn't really change my diet still eating about the same.

Hi Octbride, cream crackers works for me too.. But its a bit too heaty to eat everyday lol.. It helps to curb the urge to vomit..

Lyn: true! I have sore throat now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Kimiko: oh that's a steady increase of weight..

Feel like do touchups on my top part of hair.. The color diff is obvious...

Joanne: I agree 1st tri always more stressful but always think positive. Too much stress will affect the baby as well. 1st tri will end very soon. Rest as much as possi, eat properly and look forward to shopping once you know the gender of baby! The rest leave it in god's hands. Happy, healthy mummy = happy, healthy baby! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HI Joanne,

Yr son is so cute, telling u he knows n dun wanna let u know ;) so when is Yr first Appt? Ya, this is my first bb ;)

Hi octbride,

I put on abt 3 kgs, how much is steady increase? ;)

Hi kimiko,

I will skip the Robinson fair n wait for GSS bah... Ya but like u, I'm sourcing for big comfortable clothings for sleeping too. Just bought one of those big tshirt/ dress at those temp store in the mall. I need bigger bras, current ones already using bra extension, dunno when will outgrow them....sigh.... So scary, just becoming bigger n bigger..... ah...!!!!

Oh ya, cos most of time I at home or just casual wear to students place, I no need working style clothes, u too right?i need to get casual pants to wear, thinking of ordering those capris 3/4 pants online, u buy before? Dunno material good or not. Will go buy measuring tape n see if order online ones can fit....,

Hi littlefrien,

Actually depends on your weight ba..but I guess final weight shod increase by 9 to 12kg. Prev pregnancy gain 18 kg!! Then right after discharge fr hospital, I lose 4kg left 14kg to go..hard time haha

Thanks octbride, m eating lemon cracker now.

Does anyone knows where to buy the Gingertea which is usually served at spa? I like those as is very strong taste and spicy. I bought instant kind from goldkili but it taste weird. Last night my hb tried to use Ginger slices with brown sugar and boiled to water but taste not the same as those I get during spa treatment.

stella - eeee...i don't miss pregnancy at all lo! i remembered from my 1st pregnancy, everyday is full of worries... worries and more worries.. esp so when we cannot see baby inside our tummy. 1st tri is feeling sick and miserable over morning sickness and worry about baby growth, 2nd tri relax abit but still worrying about growth, 3rd tri worry about baby kicking counts and delivery..

bee - from what I understand for mummies who are above 35 and opt for amnio, than you wont need to go through the oscar or the triple 3 tests. And I think most gynaes will suggest amnio for above 35. Reason being the eggs have been around in the body for more than 35 yrs, and there are higher chances of chromosomes disorders compared to younger eggs. This said, I have a friend who is delivering soon, above 35 and never take amnio. I guess dependent on gynae bah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

littlefren - i think the the cup wont be growing that fast...its just the length that will grow considerably fast. Maybe extension can work till at least 5 months before you need to increase a cup size [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

octbride - for tri 1 i read we should just put on like at most 1kg. cos the baby is just 1/4 of an ounce! my gynae says keep to 10kgs. BUT i think its near impossible [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I put on 14kgs in my 1st preg..and already, I am not like a big eater [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the weights just naturally shoot up esp at tri 3...

decmum - my family runs a spa place and we DO NOT serve ginger tea for pre natel and post natel massages lo..i think its supposed to be too heaty for our body.

Not sure if can drink but if you must, very simple, just cut a few slices of ginger, boil it and add in brown sugar. If dun have brown sugar, add rock sugar also can [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thats ginger tea already lo. I suspect your hubby din put in alot of ginger. You need to boil a lot of ginger for the flavour to come out. At spa places, the ginger gets boiled and boiled...thus its very fragrant...

Hi littlefriend

My next apptment will be tomorow.. Not first apptment ler..;) anxious n nervous again...

Hi stella

U got a point too.. But i oso agree wht clarrisa say.. Really hv to worry for whole pregnancy journey.. Only miss the kicking n sleep part.. Will always remeber happy mummy = happy bb..;)

Hi kimiko

Motherhood fair is on 1st june to 4th june at expo hall.. Yes, their pamper n many other bb stuffs r cheaper than outside

but maybe too early to buy now...;)

Hi octbride

I hope dun increase too much weight too.. But i wun purposely control.. For my boy.. I increase 10kg n after give birth, i lose almost all my weight...;) hopefully same for my current pregnancy...

Hi gals

Sorry for being abit mountain tortoise.. When u gals always mention bra size bigger mean the wrist of the chest area increase huh? How does bra extender work on out current bra? Thk u for ur advise...;)

Hi bee n others

Thks for ur info on amnio test..;)

Posted on Sunday, May 15, 2011 - 9:27 am:       


I'm from the June 2010 thread.

I have a 8 month old peg perego infant car seat with seat belt base for sale. The car seat can be fixed on the peg pliko p3 pram so the baby faces you. The seat belt base is to allow easy removal from car to pram, and fixes back in the car with just 1 click. I loved using it but my big baby cannot fit in anymore. Condition of the seat and base is 8/10. No pee or poo accidents before and my maid frequently wash the seat cover.

The color is orange/beige/army green.


Pls PM me if interested. Pick up location is pinnacle@duxton, tanjong pagar. Price is $250 for seat and base. Not selling separately.

Bee...yes I did a blastocyst transfer[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]..u did ivf before??my dr is gd n pro...whenever he do scan,he will tell ne what is this n tat..n he explain to me aso why it will bleed ESP for ivf patient..tat y whenever I got prob,I will just call him on his hp..he will just explain n calm me down..

Littlefrenz n octbride,thanks for yr well wishes too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]my dr just make his round just now n do a scan..but e scanning machine is not as hi tech as his clinic 1 just able to see the bb flicking with many pixels around the screen just like those 60s tv[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]so my dr arrange for me to visit him in his clinic for e scan instead[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]his machine is just like our led tv..so u c e difference??haha.. Just hope bb is fine n heartbeat is gd

Wendy>> glad that u are ok now. Hv a good rest.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Our edd are the same now - 4 Jan 2012. Bb is doing well too.. Let's jiayou to our 2nd trim! 6 more weeks to go!!

Joanne>> paisei, my crl at 6w2d shld be 0.41cm..

Typed too fast previously.. 4.1cm too big for my GA.. :p as for sac size, I hv no idea abt it.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My MS kicks in liao.. Veri xin ku cos vomit nothing out but always feeling giddy.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hubby will talk to the bb and say be good, dun let mummy so xin ku..

Missus bl,I am staying in e hospital nw..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]since my bleeding is still there.haiz.since there are many bruises around my backside,2day they r goin to inject my thigh...actually I can't c much on e screen in e hospital,but since my dr say he can see it,I feel more @ ease..haha..@ least yr bb will listen to yr hubby..my bb will only feel better when I c my dr..haha..so u imagine my cost here..haiz

Missus bl,I dun knw e size yet since I can't do a v scan nw..all adominal scan..so small yet my dr can c it thru abdominal scan..Tat y I say hi tech...but still he can't measure e size but just see the flicking n measuring e heartbeat thru e wave frequency..Our edd is e same..cool rite??

Wendy>> I managed to see flickering on screen, can't really hear the hb. Veri soft but like u said since gynae said it's good then I dun wanna worry too much unnecessarily.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ya, it's veri costly to keep gng back to the doc to scan & check.. But for the sake of a healthy bb, it's worth it!

wendy: wow, that means Dr Roland works 7 days? Think not easy being gynae coz always recall back for emergencies or deliveries then next day still got the prebooked appointments to attend.

joanne: is motherhood fair prices better than those warehouse? i remembered my colleague saying the warehouse quite good prices coz buying direct instead of going through retailers.

today is first year anniversary... hopefully later can enjoy the food since hubby went to book italian buffet.

curious at how bb is growing now. looking forward to tmr's appointment. i now look 6 months preggie. Don't dare to measure my weight. My tummy is now a whopping 40inch!

Wendy>> mine is abdominal scan too.

I was still asking if need me to remove my pants. Keke...

Tie>> I'm also like 6 mths preggie instd of 6 weeks.. I gained 2kg and this is only the 6wks! Can't imagine how heavy will I be moving fwd. Anyway, enjoy your dinner later! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tie..yup..he works 7days week..I was surprised he cum so early to visit me..haha..I tell him he shld sleep longer since it is such a beautiful Sunday..haha..he say he used to it Liao..he is really responsible..he is everyday happy whether early or late..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]u visiting him tomorrow rite??he seems to have a packed schedule..he also scheduling me back to his clinic for e scan since e hospital 1 not so gd[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]...

kailing06: wow... 1.6cm is pretty 'long' for week 5. Is that the CRL or sac length? One of the MTBs shared this website. http://www.baby2see.com/development/ultrasound_sonogram/first_trimester_scans.html#week4.

At week 6, the CRL averages 0.4-0.7cm. My last scan at week 7 shows CRL at 1.17cm

missus BL: keke... so has most of your friends/ colleagues start asking? lucky my friend just passed me her maternity clothes. Gonna start exploring the stuff. Each time when i need to go out, i quite sian coz nothing fits anymore. Struggling with 3-4 empire cut/ doll dresses.

Hi Joanne, thanks for the info, shall visit the fair with my hubby, already marked it in our calendar.

Hi Littlefren, ya that time I bought a pair of maternity pants at $59.90 but seem to be wearing out soon becoz of my fat inner thighs. I will need to have another pair to standby also. As for home, so far my those elastic or stretchable Capri still works but I think need to order for 2nd trimester already since tummy getting bigger ESP at night. I really cannot believe my hubby, that night he saw my tummy and asked me 'wah dear, I think you eat too much, why only 1mth+, your tummy so big'. I pinched his ears and told him I'm almost finishing first 3mths then he went like 'Oh! So fast ar? Means I can almost tell my friends already?'.. Really zzz, he accompanied me to all my gynae visits so far, always blur blur one. Cannot see what is what in the scan 'where is the baby?' 'Huh? This is the baby meh?'.. Really headache!

Hi Kailing, my baby's CRL is 1.6cm at 8 weeks, I think your measurement is for sac ba. Usually at 5weeks can't really see baby yet.

clarrisa, what is triple 3 test?

wendy, hee, my #1 was conceived thru blastocyst too... no frozen embryo left. i knew quite a no of ivf mummies from the other thread. i also envy those with twins and one has triplets :D

wendy, btw, where did u did ur ivf?

octbride, did u bf? i put on 17kg at last preg. after delivery left with 5kg. i bf for abt 8-9 months, weight went further down to 2kg below pre-preg weight. when i started working after my boy turn 1yo, weight shot up, almost 1kg every 2 months :D

Wendy>> he said I can do abdominal scan liao. I oso dunno y but prefer this cos less painful. :p Let's see wat dr Tham from tmc will do..

Tie>> think some esp ladies are suspecting cos I hv gained weigh & having breakout... Not forgetting the neasous feeling! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Kailing>> agreed with kimiko that it's your sac size. Not crl cos can only see bb at 6w min..


Hmm...i dun know is it cheaper than factory as not sure which factory u refer abt? I like go to the fair as many things to see n compare.. Factory does not show a wide variety of things compare to exhibition..

Hi kailing

It shd be the sac size u mean.. As 5th wk, u cant see ur bb hb yet right? Only the yolk so cant meassure crl yet.. Hv to see bb hb then can meassure crl...;)

Hi Wendy

Glad u r doing well.. Ur gynea sound like a good gynea.. U r in gd hand..;)

Hi missus

Nice size for ur bb too..;)

Hi gals,

Any advise?

Sorry for being abit mountain tortoise.. When u gals always mention bra size bigger mean the wrist of the chest area increase huh? How does bra extender work on out current bra? Thk u for ur advise...;)

Hi Joanne, I think is the circumference of the chest increase so need to use bra extender. If is cup size increase then need to get new bra.

Lucky for me I just need to take out the sponge and I'm feeling much comfortable like that. Don't have to get new bra or bra extender yet. But mummies, is it better to wear wireless bra?

Bee..I have 5embryo @ blastocyst stage..put 2 balance 3store..but 2 embryo only 1 managed to make it..dr did mentioned before Tat since I got ohss Mayb implantation nt so gd..but lucky 1 managed to implant..anyway hope everything is fine n I will ask him to Tt e balance before e storage expiry..

I am with dr Roland Chieng..nice,cool n smart looking dr[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]who r u with previously??r u on ivf now aso or normal conceive??do u previously have bleeding problem aso??

Joanne..I am in gd hands Tat 4 sure[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] he is more like a frenx to me than a dr though[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]coz he is so caring n cool n my baby really like him too..when he cum n visit me..I have no bleeding..but after a while e bleeding cum again when he go off..haiz..Mayb this bb is his creation thru ivf..haha..anyway,he is dr Roland Chieng from parkway east

Bee..to correct myself..I got 15follicles but only 7 mature n 5 reach to blastocyst stage[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thk u kimiko

I feel my bra tight at chest area too.. Wonder how the bra extension works? Hee.. This is the first time i enquire abt bra extender though is my 2nd bb..

Hi wendy

Good n happy for u that u r in gd hands..;)


Hi Joanne, though I'm not using bra extension but it's actually an additional piece of 'hooks' for you to 'extend' the hooks at the back of the bra which in a way 'loosen' the bra. I think one of the forumner is selling that, on and off, she will advertise here. Her nickname is sag I think.

