(2011/12) Dec 2011

Mommymoo and bee, thanks for sharing your experience and i will try to take it easy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Can I get the calamine lotion at waston or Guardian? Or it need doc prescription?


Littlefren: hmm... haha... originally he also say 2nd trim.. but think bb growing fast so he say can start liao. 1st scan 2 weeks ago, bb was estimate to be like 5W4Ds. 2nd scan yest, bb is now abt 8W6D lol!

littlefren - i have been taking dha since like 6 weeks plus. than my gynae just gave me multi vits at 10 weeks plus - new obimin.. i look at the size of the tablet and already felt cant swallow.. so now i am taking multi vits plus dha.

littlefren - my symptoms same as you. seem to be getting worse, though next week will b my week 11. But I suspect it's cos I've been working late and feeling stressed - so made MS worse esp at night when I'm really really tired.

I started on dha at week 8 also.

Argh...I'm actually craving for Mc's spicy nuggets now. Haha. I limit fast food to once a week but it's so difficult to ren. Second to US scan only....

Btw, do you guys dream more? I've not been sleeping well, not just cos need to pee at night but I have been dreaming about all sorts of weird things [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

stardust, i have the same feeling too.... MS at night very worse... and when i am very tired.... I suddenly whole body dun feel good.... can't pin point where went wrong... very xin ku... and lie on the bed, close eyes and slp liao

Hi Jo n clarissa, thanks for sharing w me! I am still on duphaton n folic only.... And I'm 11 weeks plus, hope my bb dun feel short changed. ;) keke! What brand of dha do u guys take huh? I heard abt obimin... But I only seeing doc in another 2 weeks, shd I buy on my own outside??? ;p

Jo, Yr bb so cute, grow so fast! ;)))

Kimiko, what abt u? Are u given other vits too?

Dawn - Yes! Tats the feeling....sighz....sometimes i lie down super drained but cant sleep. And then next morning MS sure jialat jialat and then feel faint [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi! Just had my appointment. Manage to see my fetus n hear the hb! Had changed my EDD to 15 Dec. My doc is Tho Chin Keong to b delivered at Mt. A. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi happymok

Congrat... U r at wht wk Today n fetus meassure at wht crl?

Hi joanne

Wah.. Just two wks n ur bb grow so much?? Whts crl as of yesterday n hb rate? Congrat to u..

Oh god..I am having very bad n heavy spotting since yesterday..am goin to visit my gynae again..hope everything will b fine

wendy: in the meantime today, confine yourself to bed-rest. Don't walk...if spotting is brownish, you should be fine. If it is fresh blood, do monitor, it may just be old blood trickling out. Go REST, don't move and no activity at all.

Take care, keep us posted.

Hi happymok

I see.. Thats fast hor.. The last time u checkup is at wht wk n fetus size is at? See how much he grows...;) btw, can u see ur bb shape oredi or still looks like broadbean??

Hi wendy

Oh.. Better quick go let gynea hv a checkup now to hv a piece of mine.. After checkup, do confine urself in bed ya.. Rest well n ur bb will be fine.. Btw, u still work? Or on hl to rest now? Better get more hl fr gynea n hope u can rest as much as u can till ur first trimester is over..

Almondzz...e prob is it is not brownish but dark red Tat y it is worrying...I am on my way to c my gynae nw...nothing much I can do but pray for e best..

ok ok...make sure you see your original gynae (not some others who do not know your history). Coz some gynaes (like mine) will not take an immediate scan, they will just let the uterus rest first coz it may make matters worst doing a v scan at this stage. Take care Babe !!

Joanne..thanks..am on my way to c my gynae nw..I have not been working since my embryo transfer..I really hope I will b fine since I have gone thru so much since day 1 of my ivf session n hope my bb will knw n stay strong too..just feel so stress though my gynae ask me to relax..but how too??sad

wendy: walk slowly k. when you are tense, your body and bb will also be tense. try to focus your mind on something else like later after visiting Dr Roland. Stay in bed and distract yourself with hp games or watch tv/ drama.

i am keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you. =P Smile, gal.

Tie...thanks...u knw everything was fine when I just visit him yesterday n yesterday nite suddenly got heavy spotting/bleeding..I really hope I am fine..I even have to disturb dr Roland yesterday nite with my problem..feel bad Abt it too..I hope he can make everything fine for me..he even call me up personally this morning despite his tight schedule..haiz...

Hi mummies.. Went to chkup today and doc says it's 3rd Jan bb. I m in dilemma now.. Should I caesaran or natural. First one is c-section. If I do c section then it will be 2011.. Otherwise jan bb. The gynea trying to make a joke but i dun think funny. He says 2012 end of the world is coming... 

Dilemma.. Do any face the same concerns too??

Littlefren, how nice! 1st trimester will be over for you in no time! I'll be right behind you though, only at 10W5D. Hmm.. I hope you are not one of those who have extended MS, irregardless, try to rest more! No leh, doctor didn't give me extra vits to take while I saw so many mummies taking extra I feel a little short changed. Shall ask my gynae during next visit then pushed my husband to do blood test also. So far I'm only on folic acid and vit B6. I heard must take more nourishment in 2nd trimester, preparing to get chicken essence and eat more variety of food.

Any mummies going to the expo fair? If so, can share what good stuffs you all get from the fair? Still thinking if I wanna go.

Octbride, for me I would think if I want to give birth naturally or go thru c-sect. I prefer to give birth naturally much better so it's not really a choice when my baby will be born. I understand many mummies' concern over being left behind if baby born in Dec but personally, my bro is born on Xmas and is doing very well. So I don't find it an issue. Next thing is next year is year of dragon, very competitive. In a way, I prefer my child to be born in rabbit year much better as compared to dragon year.

Hi Wendy, I feel so worried for you. Hope everything is ok and that it's just a false alarm. Hope to hear good news from you later. Pray hard for you.

Dear mummies,just visited my gynae..he was so relax when he see me n keep smiling when my heart is already in my mouth..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]he didn't wan to do a vscan perhaps bcos I am bleeding..surprised tat he is able to detect my bb heartbeat thru adominal scan[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]he mention Tat heartbeat thru visual flicking is strong n he try to get the frequency wave I tink thru e scan with much effort..n he just mention is 122..I aso nt sure if it is e hb he is referring..anyway, bb is ok but he just wan me to admit into the hospital for safe...

Tie,I mention to dr Roland Abt my gd frenx..u..n all e support I get here in r forum..n I told him Hw cum u can managed to hear e bb hb thru scan but I dun..so I ask him to on e sound mode louder..he mention there is only 1 standard volume..haha..so I still never get to hear yet..

Dear mummies,thanks for all yr well wishes n blessings..I hope I will b well soon n get discharge soon..

Hi Wendy, glad to hear that things are ok. Wishing you speedy recovery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all I am new here. Have been following this forum when I found out I am preggie but have yet the chance to say hi to all of you.

Was down with terrible ms for past two weeks. Frequent Vomit sensation and when vomit, mostly are liquid. Any help?

In my 8w3d now according to scan.

@mama_ash, can u update for me. Edd 18 dec 11. Dr adrian woodworth. Stay at Cck. Bb#1

@Wendy, so glad to hear that all looks safe now. Do rest well in the hospital.

wendy: that's great! so happy to know that you can see the heartbeat today! LOL... so now we know there is only one standard volume. =P maybe i should tease him about the volume when i see him on monday.

pls remember strict strict bedrest. last time i remembered my staff is not even allowed to go toilet wor when she is hospitalised. so guai guai glue yourself to the bed ya.

Hi Decmum, my gynae prescribed me with vitB6 which helps to prevent nausea and it seems to help me even though it does not work for everyone. Other than that, I remember eating to prevent myself from getting hungry to prevent puking as well. Even though it's hard to eat with all the nausea, but I still feel hungry and make it a point to eat something to feel better. Probably eating every 2-3hrs would be a good idea because it seems like we do get hungry every 2-3hrs.

Thanks almondzz,Joanne,tie,Jass,kimiko,Dec mum,thanks for yr blessing n well wishes...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]though my path is rough n full of ups n downs..I am happy to have you mummies to be by Myside encouraging me n blessing me...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tie,he was still asking me who u r...haha n I tell him yr nick n he laugh..he just make wild assumption n I tell him

I really dun knw who..haha..I tell him we always gossip Abt him in e forum..keke..I told him u r havin an apptment with him on mon..Mayb he will start to ask every patient who is goin to visit him on mon who is tie..haha...

Wendy: glad that all is fine... very similar situation as me... so now you can have peace of mind and just rest. Take care !!

Glad to hear that wendy.. Did gynea mention why bleed? Did he gives u any injection? Take care n be guai k..;)

Hi decmum

Welcome.. Care to share ur bb crl n hb rate for ur scan on wk8d3? Does ur fetus looks like bb shape now or broadbean shape? As my scan is coming next wk so abit kancheong...;) thk u..

Hi happymok

Wah.. Last checkup is 4wks ago.. Thats long and admire u can keep the suspense so long..;) for me i will prefer scan every 2wks till first trimester over else will be worried n stress on how my bb are growing...;) thats gd to know that by 9th wk will be able to grow so much fr a broadbean shape to a bb shape..;)

wendy, glad that you n bb are fine... i went thru the same experience 2 over years back. btw, are u preg with singleton? some ivf mummies said the bleeding could be the other embryo that didn't make it. the nurse told me my body is trying to tell me i hv overworked and need to rest. i was given one week MC to rest at home. pls rest well ya...

Joanne: ya, 4 weeks a long wait...but I tink tats the norm? I hav to wait for another 3 wks for Oscar scan which will b my 2nd trimester plus 1 more wk for the normal doc consultant.

Almondzz..u r rite..we r almost e same..perhaps on e same roller coaster...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]u do tAke care yA..

Almondzz & Joanne..my dr is calm n smart looking...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]perhaps Tat y my bb want to c him almost everyday[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]...he mention tAt bleeding is norm for ivf mummies but I told him e bleeding is too scary n honestly,I tot I had lost my bb last nite.e blood flow is just Tat heavy.. Even

before my previous mc it is never like tat before.I was on progestrone jab since I bled as I can't go for crinone insert

anymore..sad to say,I am so prone to bruises n now my backside r all bruise..even e nurse was surprise..anyway, now got 3 bruises..plus today 1..haha..look like a Asia map nw.

As for y bleed,tink it is common but nevertheless,I do nt wan to take things for granted...dr aso find small blood clot,n due to ohss previously,my ovary r still v big n now he mention e womb bcum bigger than 3days back..which might lead to all this bleeding of the ovary from oocytee retrieval as well as embryo transfer since alot of poking is involve..my dr is v detailed n pro..as he scan.. He will take his time to xplain to us though he still have patients wAiting for him outside

Bee..I got Tt 2 embryo on day 5 but only 1 managed to implant...so sad..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]my dr say dun b greedy n b contented since I still store my balance,I can still have more kids...haha..I always find twins to b cute as they kinda look alike..my dr never mentioned Abt e bleeding cumin from e embryo though I aso felt so but since my dr very pan tang type..haha..I also dun knw to ask too much too.. I dun ask for anything but just e safety of my bb..

I hope my bb will b contented n happy now Tat he or she can c e smart looking dr everyday since I am admitted already.haha..my dr look @ my records aso find my visit too regular too..haha

Hi Wendy

Maybe ur bb is a daughter.. Thats why like handsome doc.. Hee.. We will wait till 4mths to confirm ur bb gender... Now just relax k.. Ur bb will be strong bb so oways think positive..;) all of us here will carry our bundle of joy end of this yr.. Btw, u r at wk wht as of today? At least manage to see bb hb so u can relax more now..;)

Hi gals

Too early to asks now but just for general knowledge first.. Any advise?

Fr my understanding last time.. When we exceed the age of 35 or 36, we will hv to go thru amnio test..but now with oscar, is it still a must to take amnio test?

Haha...I suspect so too..haha..will ask my dr when he visit me again..Mayb he put gal embryo for me..actually I like gal more but whether is boy or gal,I am ok..as long as it is healthy..i am @ week 6 d 2..joanne...u knw.. Time passes so slow..I really those mummies who is reaching their 2nd trimester..

Ya lor wendy.. Time passes soo slow hor.. But mu mum say very fast... Btw, u r right.. To me.. Healthy most impt than any sex of bb..;)

Joanne - oscar not as accurate as amnio.. still required but it depends on the preggy women themselves if they want to take..

Wendy - rest well!!

my husband have been saying didi.. cause we have 2 girls.. but i strongly feel 3rd one also girl.. whatever to me is fine.. after calculating the conception date and LMP, chances are girl.. hahaha..


i have been craving for fried stuff so i ate long john, KFC.. mac.. what to do!! and i dislike seafood now except chilli crab.

Hi Wendy, don't say that, we were once at your stage too. I have to agree the time at week 6 does feels slower. However in comparison, I envy those mummies whom have already given birth to healthy babies and hugging their newborn now.. Still have another 6-7months to go, SOOO long

Hi Wendy,

Glad to hear that everything is well for u now, u must hv had a bad scare. Rest well now n recover soon!

Hi Joanne,

It is recommended by doc to go for Oscar first. Oscar consists of 2 tests: blood test n detail scan. Of which, the result fr both will give an estimate of what is the probability that bb may hv down syndrome. If the ratio is high, depending on the hosp, I think for Kkh is 1:300. So if result is for eg 1: 200, they will recommend u to go for amino test, which has carries 3% risk of miscarriage. For amino test, it will be confirmed whether the bb has down syndromes. FYI, both Oscar n amino are optional but recommended for mummies above 35. As for when to go for the test, Yr doc will tell u or u can check w them, usu btw week 11 to 14. But Kkh can do earlier. Hope I hv answered Yr qn ;))

Hi kimiko,

Ha, actually I haven't really had ms, as in I hv not vomited n can eat normally since preg, just more pickly abt food n can't take soup stuffs. Just that recently seems more nauseous in the evening n giddy in the morning. Hope like what u said, its not extended ms....or real ms just set in! Ha! Looking forward to 2nd tri. Hai, at least u can see dr han on 26 may, n can ask for vit! I only see my doc on 7 June.... He did give me some free sample vit pills to start in tri 2. Keke.... Contemplating whether to bring forward my Appt ;p u are only 4 days behind me! U r reaching 2nd tri soon too!!! So exciting!!

Bb fair,

When is it? I dun think so.... I need to clear stuffs out of hse then can buy new things leh.... Ahahahaha, no space Liao!!! What r u thinking of buying huh?

I think I will get breast pump n cot. Thinking of buying second hand pram n car seat fr frens if any....Save $ n envt. But hor, I think I might end up buying new one cos my car boot very small, not sure if frens one too big. What else to buy leh? Can discuss discuss! ;)

thk u littlefriend for ur detail explanation.. Lucky now we r not enforce to go thru amnio test.. Sound scary.. Lets pray hard our oscar test result come back good n no need go for further other test.. ;)

Hi kimiko

Now got wht fair? Me will wait for the motherhood fair as i never miss this fair ever since my son is born 8yrs ago.. He is oso a dec bb..;) but i may not get much thing for bb since still early.. Just walk walk n update myself as i like to goto this fair every year..;)

Btw littlefriend, my sympton almost same as u.. No ms.. Just more choosy with food n hate cooking smell.. See food or smell food n i feel erxin... Especially dinner..


Hi bee, thanks for the info. Just came back and I bought physiogel cream.. Ask the phamarcist and she say ok to try this. So shall see how it's goes.

Anyone try physiogel cream before?

